chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
note to tutors!
most of my critical thinking is on my instagram posts as i find it hard to keep up with multiple areas at once. without feeling like im repeating myself.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
tutorial notes with Nick McArthur
Materials  We spoke about how deliberate choices in material can be powerful tools to help the viewer to understand your creative journey and influences. Specifically, we discussed how found objects, wool, plasticine, and children's craft materials give the work a playful dynamic and tell a story about where the work came from (Mike Kelly). -Thomas Hershorn: talking about how using universal materials helps him make links with the viewer: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/thomas-hirschhorn-6254/thomas-hirschhorn-flamme-eternelle
Play In relation to play, we spoke about the differences between making something that has a cathartic element (heavily worked) and a more provisional, half-finished approach. (John Bock)  I also propose that we look at how other artists interested in sci-fi aesthetics have created environments, zones, and how lighting might play a role in our work (a table with wool could be used to create shadows). This exhibition at Arbyte does some interesting things with lighting, cutouts, and sculptures. 
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after we spoke, i took his advice on and decided to pull back some of the colour choices i had been using for my pieces. i had been a bit too over zealous with some of them and they were a bit too far out of my usual colour range so i pulled them back into the pink/purple/blue realm and made them more cohesive.
i really liked what he was saying about playfulness and having fun with art. i dont like to be too serious in my practice as i feel the world is serious enough as it is and it makes me feel happier and enjoy the work a lot more.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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some vr renders of what i envisioned my alien environment to look like. ideally there would be a video tour but im still getting to grips with how to export files successfully and upload them in a usable state so images will have to do for now.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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a look at all of the things ive created and documented on my instagram this year www.instagram.com/chl_0k
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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More mood board inspiration from ai generation
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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I used another site image generator to create these images. There’s are much closer to the end result I want to achieve. I’m thinking I can sculpt some of these style vines and growths with wire and layering things like expanding foam and latex. This is really exciting to me I’m really looking forward to creating something creepy and unsettling
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
I used an ai generator to create mood board images of what sort of vibe I'm going for with this brief. I want to create an alien neon landscape
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
i made this mind map to plan the direction for my brief.
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i fricking hate writing all this stuff it blocks my creativity and by the time ive gotten it all down in words my mind has jumped 5 steps down a different direction and it doesnt feel natural or me any more.
ive started writing it but its so damn difficult. i looked into booking a tutorial with someone for my dyslexia but the channel seems to be broken on the myuca website.. yay. could just be half term but still youd think we'd be able to book for when its open again? i gave up using it last time because every time id go to book on my days off for work it would be fully booked. hate being part time.
veronika says these posts are too emotional but i dont know how to separate the two? im a very emotion lead person and i cant strip that part of my mind out.
any way as i said in a previous post, im looking at creating a creepy weird alien-scape with alien like nests and growths on the walls and stuff.. it feels more of a direction than the stuff last term. i get to make things but it will have a more solid theme and the audience will be able to read it easier.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
We have recently just got a 3d printer at home and I wanted to see if I could create some structures to add my yarn to. After reading about how yayoi kusama calls her way of practice, obliterations, I want to find a similar word that describes what I am doing when I am 'yarning' my work. I started experimenting with using vr to create something with a lot of loops for me to entwine fabric onto. This is a timelapse of transferring the file into the computer and then onto the 3d printer as well as peeling away the print supports and showing how the colours of the pls change in different lighting.
I think this looks really ethereal and otherworldly. As part of my self initiated brief I want to create forms and a entire space that feels alien. I want to create alien like surfaces on the walls, up the ceiling, on the floor etc as well as what could be interpreted as eggs and nests.
I want it to feel scary and confusing and make people feel uneasy or stressed.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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So as part of my professional practice module this year I had to do some work experience with an artist! I've worked with Catriona Robertson previously for a day setting up another piece for her Ingram prize show. This time I helped her in her studio, packing her sculptures ready to move to install on site in a sculpture park.
We met at her studio space and she gave me a tour. It was really endearing hearing how modest she was of her studio space and kept apologising for the chaos.
Little did she know this is exactly how I exist and work and it was so inspiring and motivating to see. I can't imagine creating art work any other way than like she does. Everything out in the open and ready to use and just things inspiring you at every angle.
I've never worked with any of the materials she uses before so it was very enlightening to learn how she works.
She taught me how she mixes her cement for her pieces, two different 'recipes' depending on what it is used for (appearance or structure)
And then we got to packing up her pieces.
We had tonnes of trolleys and things on wheels to make it easy to transport her work. Then we drove to Bexley where her work is being exhibited in a field.
It was very exhausting having to unload lots of bags of cement, sand and her heavy sculptures out of the car and then into a wheel barrow and up a hill but we did it!
Then we started to dig some holes which would be where the sculptures would sit.
She had fabricated some metal armature to help support the forms which we mixed more cement for and then slotted it in the space. Due to time restraints and losing sunlight we were only able to do one and I wasn't able to come back the next day to help due to finance.
It was such an inspiring day. I learnt so much stuff that can't be learnt in classes or in books. I met lots of great people and it was such a great experience of what being a graduate artist can be like.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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I'm obsessed with the scrap bits that help support my 3d prints whilst they're printing. They look so alien and interesting. I'm thinking about attaching them like an applique to some fabric? (at University for the Creative Arts - UCA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoujvUSoQzp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
Henri Matisse
painting with scissors - i like to think i paint with yarn.
During the last decade of his life Henri Matisse deployed two simple materials—white paper and gouache—to create works of wide-ranging color and complexity. An unorthodox implement, a pair of scissors, was the tool Matisse used to transform paint and paper into a world of plants, animals, figures, and shapes.
As Matisse got older and more frail, he became less able to control a brush to create art in the style he had been known for earlier in life.
He started this movement of work called "the cut outs" where he directed his assistants to combine painted sheets of paper, with gouache and directed them to cut out shapes which he then instructed to layer on top of each other like a collage.
As someone who also lives with chronic pain and am sometimes bedridden or have limited mobility, this is really interesting to me and much like kusama, its inspiring that even when artists are at their lowest, be that physically or mentally, they're still able to inspire and create.
Also, i first thought of researching matisse because i sometimes say that the way i work is 'painting with yarn' which obviously is a nod to matisse's way of working.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
yayoi kusama
stuff i've found interesting that relates to how i work / feel about the world.
After living in Tokyo and France, Kusama left Japan at the age of 27 for the United States. She has stated that she began to consider Japanese society "too small, too servile, too feudalistic, and too scornful of women". Before leaving Japan to the United States, she destroyed many of her early works.
i have often wanted to move away, i have a negative view of society and am an advocate for equal rights for women and all genders/ sexualities
Kusama began drawing pictures of pumpkins in elementary school and created artwork she saw from hallucinations, works of which would later define her career. Her mother was not supportive of her creative endeavors; Kusama would rush to finish her art because her mother would take it away to discourage her.
ive always had an interest in art from a young age too. thankfully i have never had hallucinations but do suffer from mental health issues. my family have been supportive of my aspirations but our relationship is rocky and i understand how kusama must feel.
says that her mother would often send her to spy on her father's extramarital affairs, which instilled within her a lifelong contempt for sexuality, particularly the male's lower body and the phallus: "I don't like sex. I had an obsession with sex. When I was a child, my father had lovers and I experienced seeing him. My mother sent me to spy on him. I didn't want to have sex with anyone for years [...] The sexual obsession and fear of sex sit side by side in me."Her traumatic childhood, including her fantastic visions, can be said to be the origin of her artistic style.
this is incredibly obscene and horrific i cant imagine being forced to watch such acts at a young age let alone it being your father. i have experienced sexual assault in the past with ex boyfriends and i can relate to how it does deter and disgust you from wanting any form of contact like this.
Kusama has been open about her mental health and has resided since the 1970s in a mental health facility which she leaves daily to walk to her nearby studio to work. She says that art has become her way to express her mental problems."I fight pain, anxiety, and fear every day, and the only method I have found that relieved my illness is to keep creating art," she told an interviewer in 2012. "I followed the thread of art and somehow discovered a path that would allow me to live."
this was so eye opening to me when i first found out that she had these sorts of issues and lived in an asylum. as someone that has always battled anxiety and depression and used it to fuel my art, this was very comforting and inspiring to me. i have never found an artist that i have connected to quite like this before. the compulsive nature of how she creates is very reminiscent of how i work. i have talked about before how it is a need more than an idea or action. it just needs to be done and my hands are doing it before my head understands.
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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Forgot I made these the other day and didn't post about them.. I really like the first slide. I was thinking about possibly covering it in lino ink and using it as a print.. not sure how successful that would be and I do enjoy it like this. Different colour palette which I'm not sure I'm comfortable with despite people saying that's refreshing. I guess that's the remake or reframe part of this brief. But seeing as I've been suggested to research yayoi kusama, who has a clear colour theme of red blue and yellow, why can't my aesthetic stick as pink purple and blue? It's who I am and it's as much of me as hers is to her. The rectangular piece is offcuts from my boyfriends new 3d printer. Trying to follow my zero waste element. Seeing as I didn't really have a say in the purchase that creates a lot of waste and uses PLA, I might as well try to offset the wastage and recycle the scraps. I have now covered the piece in glue and hoping to repaint it so that the texture is better represented and is more visible. The plaited cables are from a humongous hoard of cables we've both accumulated over the years that I thought could be repurposed as 'yarn' too. I want to add these to a piece too. In my tutorial today we talked about going down to metal or wood and making some of my own frames or structures to build onto things. I'd really like to do this but going by other people in the group crit today that's a very sort after area and time gets booked with the technician very quickly. Being part time isn't ideal either as I only have Thursdays or Mondays available. Cry. (at University for the Creative Arts - UCA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5IekZonp8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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Maybe this is finished? Can't decide if I want hanging loose bits and bows and loops? (at University for the Creative Arts - UCA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoBQhD5Ikdi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chl0ks-art-world · 1 year
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String theory (at University for the Creative Arts - UCA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKwmX0o86m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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