chloe-choco · 1 year
Vending Machine
During the summer, people would like to have a refreshing drink to satisfy their thirst. And sodas are one of those drinks. It's sweet, fizzy, refreshing, and alcohol-free. Sodas also contain the right amount of sweetener, caffeine, and carbonation to make a person want more of it (Wenk, n.d., as cited in Drayer, 2019). The commercial by Pepsi is very humorous as it promotes satire against a rival brand. Gottlieb (2019) states that satire is a way to make someone or something look ridiculous. This commercial promotes that their drink is better than other brands to the point that kids would buy a can of another brand to use it as a stepping stool to reach the Pepsi button in the vending machine. Its intended audience is usually the younger generations or those who can understand the humor behind the commercial. Moreover, in terms of nutrition, the product they are advertising is not good, as it contains a large amount of sugar and caffeine. It also does not contain any essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. But it is refreshing in the hot weather. In my opinion, I do not see the use of any form of Media Manipulation. It did catch the audience's attention by making fun of their rival company. The part where the kid used the two different branded sodas as a stepping stone is an element of surprise to the audience as it was unexpected. It caused the audience to be amused by the concept of the commercial. According to PointPark (2021), laughter is suitable for people because it reduces stress and leads them to think positively. With this kind of commercial, the audience would enjoy watching it multiple times and be convinced to buy the product. Additionally, this kind of commercial gives the brand a positive vibe to its consumers.
In my opinion, I do not see the use of any form of Media Manipulation. It did catch the audience’s attention by making fun of their rival company. The part where the kid used the two different branded sodas as a stepping stone is an element of surprise to the audience as it was unexpected. It caused the audience to be amused by the concept of the commercial. According to PointPark (2021), laughter is suitable for people because it reduces stress and leads them to think positively. With this kind of commercial, the audience would enjoy watching it multiple times and be convinced to buy the product. Additionally, this kind of commercial gives the brand a positive vibe to its consumers.
Drayer, L. (2019, October 28). Why soda is so addictive -- and some good alternative beverages. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/28/health/soda-soft-drinks-addictive-drayer-food-wellness/index.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20sugar%20in%20the%20drinks
Gottlieb, E. (2019, October 10). What is satire? College of Liberal Arts. https://liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/wlf/what-satire#:~:text=Satire%20is%20the%20art%20of
PointPark. (2021, May 27). Is humor in advertising effective? | point park university online. Point Park University Online. https://online.pointpark.edu/public-relations-and-advertising/humor-in-advertising/
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chloe-choco · 1 year
Tuloy Pa Rin
The commercial is from Mcdonald's and promotes their Burger McDo. It is about someone who had a bad breakup and was in a place where she was reminded of it. But even though she went through that, it did not stop her from going to the restaurant, and the burger she ordered brought her comfort and motivated her to keep moving on, as the song in the commercial stated. At the end of the commercial, they indicated their slogan. With the plot in place, the commercial intends to showcase the comfort their burger can bring to those who are brokenhearted or are trying to move on. Moreover, the commercial's intended audience is those who are brokenhearted or hurt and wants to move on. Aside from that, its audience can also be people in their early to late 20s, as this scenario is relatable and the product they offer is appropriate for them. Furthermore, the product advertised is not healthy as it is fast food because most fast food is typically poor in terms of nutrition. But it can be good for them in terms of convenience because they can go to this restaurant when they are hungry and in a rush.
The type of media manipulation it uses is Celebrity Endorsement because two known celebrities are in the commercial: Elisse Joson and Tony Labrusca. Additionally, it also makes use of the famous Filipino song "Tuloy Pa Rin" by Neocolours, which makes it catchy for the audience. The song reached 3 million views on YouTube. The commercial also uses a type of media manipulation called Hoax because it showcases that their food or restaurant brings healing to those brokenhearted when in reality, it does not because everyone moves on from breakups differently. Lastly, the commercial brings comfort to its audience because of the mellow music and how the actor is relieved and comforted by the burger.
MedicalNewsToday. (2021, December 17). Fast food effects: Short-term, long-term, physical, mental, and more. Www.medicalnewstoday.com. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324847#:~:text=Fast%20food%20is%20typically%20poor
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