“Don’t you give me that attitude, young lady. Lombardi’s crust is better than Pizza Hut and you know it.”
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“Is that what you think? Well I hate to disappoint you, but no. Sorry hunny.”
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“Wait... since when is that a guy thing? I can sleep curled up in a sink.”
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“Do you know which talent I wish I had that seems to be a guy thing? The way they can just sit in a chair or the car and fall asleep. I want that. You know how many power naps I’d get from that?”
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Claire twirled her hand around to the bartender, signaling him to make her another as she knew any minute she’d be ready for it. The one guy she had opened herself up to in a long time had left, and the young mom felt nothing short of empty. She was thankful it was Etienne’s night to have the baby. She needed alcohol therapy. “Can you believe it? He was just like the rest of them. I should’ve known.” Her words came out slurred, to nobody in particular. As the bartender sat the new drink in front of her, she took a swig as long as holding her breath would allow her.
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Originally posted by elisebaunam
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No sooner had Claire waved her arm did Chloe intercept the bartender, doing her best to shoot him a stern look before he deliberately walked to the other side of the bar. “Wanna tell the Doc about it?” Even though they were only part time co-workers, she genuinely cared about the people around her. And right now Claire looked devastated. 
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“Finally! No more priority rehab. No more brace….though I’ll still probably wear that. No more crutches even though I haven’t used those in a month. Now all the focus can be put on that belt.” 
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“I’m so excited for you!! But... what do you mean you haven’t used your crutches in a month?”
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“Sit down. Now.” Doctor 101? Carry your med bag with you at all times. “Did you get this looked at? I’ve been on bereavement leave for the past week, so I wouldn’t have been on duty.”
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“Oh, no– I’m fine. There was just a fight in the parking lot and my face kinda got in the way. N-Not my fight. I wasn’t– There were these two guys and– yeah.”
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Over the months, Juliette had gotten used to and admired Chloe’s dramatics. “How you look as good as you do with your appetite is beyond me.” She laughed, following the brunette out the door. “You’re in the ER way more than I am, I think you can handle some of it better.”
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“Oh, that’s easy. I burn off all the calories I eat by never sitting down and working 18 hours a day.” Thank God her residency was almost over - losing feeling in your feet was never a nice feeling. “That’s because it’s my job! Thankfully it’s winter, most of my cases these days are slip and falls or bad sinus infections.”
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“If I die from starvation, I will haunt you for the rest of your days.” Matt put on his most menacing look, hoping it was convincing enough. “I didn’t know homemade Chinese food was so much work!” he shouted back, shaking his head vigorously. “We should’ve just called King Dong.” He let out an exasperated sign as he leaned against the counter, taking a bowl from Chloe and impatiently waiting to be served, almost pouting like a kid. “Hmph. This better be the best fucking chow mein I’ve ever tasted.”
Sadly, the expression of pure horror on her face was genuine. “Called King Dong? My Uncle would disown me if he found out I ordered from someone else’s restaurant. Besides, I get a 40% discount at Red Dragon. And Uncle Tony is the one who taught me this recipe anyways.” Just to shut him up, Chloe picked up some of the noodles that weren’t steaming and stuffed it into his mouth with chopsticks. “Sit. Chew.” She ordered, pointing to the bar chair at the island. “And this is pad thai, by the way.” She put some hot sauce in a little dish for him, plunking the dish and the bowl in front of him.
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“Bring it, baldie! I beat Jesse all the time.” Granted - he did let her win all the time - but a challenge was a challenge. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? You are talking to the arm wrestling champion of 2007 right here.”
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“Hey - I’ve learned my lesson after we missed Rogue One because you refused to set down the cleaver. Want me to do the dishes?” Spoiler alert - Chloe did not want to do the dishes. She had just finished a mountain’s worth of dishes of her own, but she was taught from a young age that the cook never cleans. Unless said cook lives alone.  
❝I have had the entire weekend off and yet I’ve spent the entire time in the kitchen still. I’d say try and drag me away but I”m not convinced it’s possible anymore.❞
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Text | J Man!
Jesse: First of all, chill, you're texting too loudly.
Jesse: I'm fine, Chloe. Well not fine but I'm alive.
Chloe: Where are you? What happened??
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Text | J Man!
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teenytinychloe uploaded a photo.
May not be there in person but hey Donny, everyone here knows you have a small penis. #womensmarchonwashington #notmypresident 
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“Hey hey hey,” Alex reached over to kiss Chloe firmly again “I love your drool and your sleep talk.” She reminded her softly. She glanced down. “Hey, I fed you this morning! You’re killin’ my mood here dude!” Nevertheless she bent over to pick him up, kissing his head. “Just like your mama indeed. Alright, alright, you’re easier to contain than Merlin and Rowdy, plus if you’re gonna stay here it’s time to get used to the Octagon bud.” They might’ve had him for a few weeks, but Alex had been easing Rocky into the lifestyle of the gym. Rowdy and Merlin were fine but she knew Rocky probably wouldn’t adjust that quick; she didn’t have that kind of luck. “I’m also still mildly pissed about UFC 207 and I still can’t train and I know you’d hear it if I tried punching the bag…so making you a picnic was my next best option” 
Even though they’d been together for a while, kissing Alex still felt surreal. When the taller brunette pulled away, Chloe was blushing furiously and petting under Rocky’s chin. “Well, he’s growing? Or maybe he’s just trying to grow into all those cute little fat folds on his tummy.” The small french bulldog was already squirming to get down, his curiosity getting the best of him. “Well I definitely don’t want you using the punching bag! You keep telling me you’ve gotta move your feet when you punch, and I don’t want you to tear anything.” Dating a Doctor must suck if you’re accident prone.
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“Uh yeah, pretty sure all of that was English. Basically do you want to get a drink?”
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“I don’t drink, really. But if you need someone to drive you back, I don’t mind. As long as the bar’s got food.”
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Text ✉ Devin
Devin: Hey, sorry for texting so late, but this guy has been following me for a few blocks now and I was wondering if you could give me a ride?
Chloe: Where are you? Duck into a restaurant or something please?
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“Really, Chlo? You’re going to make me wait some more?” He placed a hand over his stomach, hearing it growl loudly, an obvious sign of his growing hunger. “Why put it on a plate when we’re going to eat it anywayyyy?”
“You can’t wait one minute?” She nagged, standing on her tip toes so she could reach a couple of bowls. “Because - if we eat it out for the frying pan, the noodles will get stuck. Besides, you wanted home made Chinese food! And Wangs do not eat out of the pan.” 
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“My bad, it just smells and looks amazing.”
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“Nice try, buddy. I know it smells good, but you’ll burn yourself if you touch the noodles. Trust me - I’ve been there.”
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