chococookiehoshi · 2 years
Día 1 del Huevember (Reto de dibujo de Noviembre)
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Esta es una versión humana de Zim.
Mientras iba dibujando el reto, se me iba ocurriendo una idea de un Au. Hacía tiempo que no lograba imaginar ideas nuevas de otros fandoms.
Así que me dije:
"Alv, de paso que estamos con el reto, lo vamos contando"
Este personaje claramente es Zim, acompañado por su robot asistente llamado "Dad IA" pero Zim le dice computadora.
Originalmente era una cámara de seguridad, cuyo fin era seguir a Zim, contactarlo directamente con su padre como un teléfono, y hacer un registro de sus actividades y rutinas diarias, que luego revisaría su padre Eduard, quien trabaja como científico jefe en Irken Labs.
Debido a la falta de tiempo y apretado horario (por causa de sus superiores, Rojo y Morado), fue perfeccionando la cámara hasta convertirla en un robot asistente para Zim.
Este robot constantemente recibe actualizaciones, ya que Zim constantemente busca generar peores problemas que los anteriores.
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chococookiehoshi · 2 years
Un dibujo de una escena del Fanfic "A Love like a War"
Un fanfic escrito por @lestat-wesker.
Amo este fanfic, es mi favorito y la escena del final de la parte uno, en el último capítulo.
Espero que les guste y a la autora le agrade. ^^
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chococookiehoshi · 2 years
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chococookiehoshi · 2 years
¿Podrías dibujarlo? ^^
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Just rebblog with your reference and i will draw it on my stream
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chococookiehoshi · 2 years
Un gif de un futuro animatic
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chococookiehoshi · 2 years
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Un dibujo basado en la historia Soporte Tecnico de @Dana-chan-the-control-brain
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chococookiehoshi · 2 years
Madre mía, cada vez se pone mas interesante. ^^
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Zim aun no comprende los sentimientos humanos
HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA perdon por el retraso y gracias por su paciencia, me dieron un bloqueo de 6 días en facebook y dije “me wa a esperar pa subirlos juntos” pero al chile pos se esperan los de face XDDDD y asi, tambien mi otra excusa es que soy una persona que trabaja y entre mi trabajo, mis streams y el comic me pongo toda apendejadilla jdsbwhebwfewhbewbf y weño eso, si quieren apoyarme para el comic, comenten, rebloggeen, compartan y pss apoyenme en twitch! LOS QUIERO!
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
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Colaboración con Moni Lechuga
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
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So uh…WOW?!
Never thought I’d get this many people appreciating my art, so I’d love to thank you guys with an art raffle!!
To participate:
Follow me (new and old followers are welcome to join!)
Like and reblog this post! Preferably from an active blog. Note that reblogging more than once won’t increase your chances of winning. I’ll only count each person once.
Three winners will be selected at random.
First place winner will receive a fully shaded and colored art piece consisting of 1 character of their choice. I’ve got a few options for styles, so it’ll be up you what you’d like! (examples below)
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Second place winner will receive a torso up colored art piece with simple shading, including 1-2 characters of their choice!
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Third place winner will receive a colored chibi style art, including 1-2 characters of their choice!
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What I won’t draw: NSFW, Furries, real people, mech, anything I may be uncomfortable with (I’ll let you know!)
I’ve never done this before, but I’m very excited to show my appreciation for all the wonderful comments and encouragement I’ve received from this insane art journey here.
Deadline will be July 31th at midnight (MST). I’ll announce the winners in a new post August 1st. If you don’t claim your prize in two days after you’ve been chosen, I’ll choose another person.
Again THANK YOU GUYS! I love you all! So, stay safe, be well, and be kind to yourselves. I can’t wait to give you all more art! 💙
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
🎉Anniversary Art Raffle!🎉
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Hello everyone!!
It's been two years since I've been in the Hogwarts Mystery Fandom, so here's a little something special to celebrate that!
Two years since I've been in this community, and within those two years I've met some wonderful people here and I'm glad to be part of an amazing community.
I just want to say a big thank you to those who have been following since the start of my time here, and those who have joined me along the way. I greatly appreciate everyone that has enjoyed the content I made throughout these years.
🎟How To Enter🎟
● Must be following me. New followers are always welcomed!
● Like this post!
● Reblog this post!
Bonus Entries
● Multiple reblogs count as extra entries. Just don't spam 💝
● For an extra entry, tell me anything you like or find interesting about any of my characters! You can talk about my Hogwarts Mystery characters, my Magic Awakened/Post Hogwarts kids, or even the characters I mentioned for Hogwarts Legacy. Any of them and anything you like about them.
🔷️How Will This Work⁉🔷️
I'll use a random name generator to enter your names and randomly pick winners.
November 1st 
Time zone in Guam (GMT+10)
The winner will be announced two days after and have 48 hours (two days) to message me for the details of your prize.
If the winner hasn't messaged me within those two days, I will have to spin for a new winner.
For this raffle, I'll be taking one winner from both Amino and Tumblr. So there will be two winners in this raffle!
And the prize for this raffle will be a
The two winners will be getting a drawing in the style of a stained glass artwork. The characters chosen to be the muse can be their MC or any of the canon characters from the game.
They will also get to choose a theme for the drawing (i.e. flowers, stars, vines, etc)
You can find more of my old stained glass artworks below for more examples!
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That is all I have to say for the raffle.
Once again, thank you, for letting me be part of an amazing community! I’m excited to continue making content for Hogwarts Mystery and for the other Harry Potter games, Magic Awakened and Hogwarts Legacy.
I do hope people will continue to support me and appreciate the art I make of my MCs and characters! 💝🥰
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
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[ Angel ], [ Angel ]
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
¿Planea seguir el fic Éxtasis en un futuro? No digo que pronto dado que esta ocupado, pero sentía curiosidad si alguna vez podría leer la continuación.
¡¡Sí!! Éxtasis va a tener más capítulos, de hecho, esa es una de las cosas en las que quiero trabajar mientras Nullified está en pausa. De hecho, ¡espero lanzar un nuevo capítulo pronto! Últimamente he estado ocupado. 😔 También estoy haciendo "arte de portada", algo así como con el otro fic. ¡Aquí está el WIP!
(Usé el traductor de Google, ¡lo siento por los errores!)
Yes!! Éxtasis is going to have more chapters, that's actually one of the things I want to work on while Nullified is on hiatus. I'm hoping to get a new chapter out soon, actually! It's just been really busy for me lately. 😔
I'm also making "cover art", kinda like with the other fic. Here's the WIP!
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
Por lo menos, me puedo desahogar aquí.
Odio la sensación de que sentir que perdí el rumbo. Deje de ser alguien especial para alguien, es un sentimiento egoísta. Pero no puedo alejarlo de mi.
Me sentía tan feliz y ahora me siento vacía. Me hubiera gustado haber seguido caminos diferentes.
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
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Art Raffle!
I’m super thankful for all the support and love my art has garnered over the last few months. As a thank you, I’m hosting an ART RAFFLE! This is my first time doing this 😌❤️Winners get a colored bust of a character, original or preexisting.
⭐️ Followers only. New followers welcome!
⭐️ Like and reblog the original post with one character. Each user gets one entry, regardless of reblogs. (But you’re still welcome to reblog a lot 😉)
⭐️You can enter all of my other art raffles (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr), but you can win only once.
⭐️ Winners will be DM’ed and should respond within 24 hours or another winner will be chosen.
The raffle ends on Friday, October 22, 2021 at 11:59pm. 
Thanks again, and good luck!
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
Only once please!
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Hi guys! Hope everyone is doing well and are safe 🥰 I wanted to make a giveaway to thank you for the 1.3k followers!! (That’s crazy to me! Thank you so much!) I would like to thank you all for being so lovely and kind and I’m so happy to be in this wonderful community! I’d like to host a giveaway to thank you all  💖🌼💌
Time and Dates 🕑
The giveaway starts today (as of 15th October 2021 UTC/GMT +8 time) and ends on the 29th October 2021 at 12AM (following the UTC/GMT +8 time zone as well)
The winners will be announced on 31st October 2021 (Sunday)
I will contact the chosen persons on their tumblr inbox! So make sure your inbox is open 💌 (and then the rest of the details will be further continued through email)
Prizes 🌟
There will be three prizes to win! 
A - B&W Full body Concept Design - (This entails a complete design for 1 Character inclusive of the outfit design and as well (if there is) a handheld prop (weapon/fan/prop/etc.) Patterns/Detailing (i.e: Brooch/Bag/Pouch/Tiny details like that) will also be designed. It will only have a front & back view, all specifics like pose/clothes/etc. will be discussed during the initial stage. (The finishing style will be a semi-sketch, so it won’t look extremely finished.)
B - Colour Portrait Tarot Illustration - A full colour portrait of your OC/any Character in Tarot style with plain solid borders/vector designs like the example above.
C - B&W Portrait Sketch  - A sketch of any character you like in black and white! 
Each prize will only consist of a one character 🙇‍♀️
I accept any characters that you’d like for me to draw, from original characters to fanart to even your friend or you! However, I don’t do sci-fi/mech/furry designs, and especially intricate designs (but if it can be compromised I will draw it!)
There is more information of a list of items that I draw and can’t draw and you can check it out here.
How to Join and Rules 🚧
To enter this giveaway, please reblog this post (only once please!)
One person = One entry 🙏 (I’d like everyone to get an equal chance) i.e One reblog + Like = One entry
Since this is a giveback to my followers, I would appreciate if there were no giveaway blogs.
I’m so sorry that I have to state this but yes, you have to be following me as this post is to give back the generosity you guys have given me but it would be nice if you could stick around after the giveaway! New followers are also very welcomed! 🌼
If the winner does not get back to me within 48 hours, I will choose another person!
The given prizes from A to C will be given accordingly to the first selected person to the last selected person by using random.org
To take note: Once I’ve contacted the winners, it will take a while to start on the prize in order that each person has won. (For example: Prize A would take roughly up to a few weeks, once completed, I will then only start on the next person for B and following to C.) The winners will be contacted asap after announced, but the prize start will be slightly delayed for B and C. If you’re alright with the wait in between, please don’t hesitate to join! I’d love to have you guys participating ☺🙏
If you’d like to see more of my art you can check it out on my tumblr page! thank you! 💟
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
He visto tus dibujos, tienes un arte muy bonito.
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If you have a hard time reading this let me know I will happily type it out to you! 💕💕
I will have this pinned until then!
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chococookiehoshi · 3 years
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Nocte y Camila
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