Social Media Strategy
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For my brand, I’m going to choose to go with social media that focuses mostly on images and visual aids. So I probably won’t use sites like Twitter or anything that’s text based. The social media outlets I did like were Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Youtube. I feel like I would benefit most from these platforms because I plan to present artwork and services. Pinterest is great because I can post a picture and link from other social media like Instagram and link them together. Youtube is also great because I would be interested in making How To videos and showing the behind the scenes aspect. Tumblr is great for blogging and sharing pictures, and I could also share links and from other social media. I would like to focus mostly on Instagram and Pinterest and eventually create an Etsy, I feel like these three networks could work really well together.
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  Used to share ideas and interests
Easy to navigate
Used mostly by women with children
  Share artwork and network with other artists
  Used mostly by artists and college students
 Create forums and critique artwork
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What Have I Done
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This week I made large batches of the glazes Amber and White. I glazed most of my bisqueware with these two colors the other day and even combined them for a few. I started a glaze firing last night and took them out of the kiln this morning and realized that, what I thought would be white, is actually Clear! I was so dumbfounded and couldn’t pinpoint what had gone wrong until I looked back at my notes and compared the two recipes. I accidentally copied the recipe for clear instead of white and didn’t realize. I’m happy that I found out went wrong and I learned from it. Even though it’s not exactly what I wanted or expected, I’m satisfied with the results and even found another combination of colors that I like! I’ll post the results of my mistake next week and the recipe will be posted today.
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Throwing Methods
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This week I’ve been focusing of throwing and different methods I could use. I also want to experiment with different styles and forms. With the tools that I use its easy to make the forms round in shape, because the tools are round. Since the inside of the cups and bowls are round, it’s hard not to make the outside round too. When making functional ware, such as cups and bowls the outside is supposed to reflect the inside. I’m used to throwing with tools so maybe I need to try throwing with my hands so for the next few weeks I need to try throwing with just my hands or different tools to create a different shape on the inside of the vessel. The way I was taught to throw is an eastern method called the Arita Method and because of this, Western styles are hard for me to understand. The methods are almost exactly opposite, but there is one artist’s videos that I have found helpful. His name is Hsin Chuen Lin his videos are posted below.
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Mostly this week I’ve been focusing on making ceramics glazes. I had around 10 different recipes and narrowed it done to around 3 recipes that I really liked. Most of the recipes I found were from a website called glazey.org all of them were Cone 6 glazes. I had to experiment with the amount of glaze I used while glazing my bisqueware and I learned that the white need to be coated heavier and the clears need to be coated thinner. I also learned that the temperature of my kiln varies, the bottom shelves gets hotter than the top shelves. So instead of firing to Cone 6, I fired to a lower temperature of Cone 5 and let it ‘soak’ and held the amount of time it stayed at the peak temperature for 30 Mins so that the temperature could evenly distribute throughout the whole kiln without getting too hot. This worked pretty well but I’ll have to let it soak for longer the next time so it gets to the right temperature. So far I’m really happy with the results and I’m learning a lot!
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Watch out Twitter
Sounds like Twitter’s shelf life may be running out soon. I was really surprised to hear that no one is really interested in making a bid, considering how popular and relevant this social media outlet is. Many people were expecting Facebook, Apple, Google, and Disney to make a bid, but it turns out none of them are interested. The stock for Twitter has gone down %10 which is quite a blow. However, even though Twitter’s activity has slowed down, there are still many large influencers and celebrities using it. There’s still a chance people will buy stock now that the price has lowered to the teens compared to the previous price of $26 from three years ago. There’s still time for a big investor to come out of hiding and save the day, but for now no one knows exactly what Twitter’s fate will be. Hopefully it won’t become another “Myspace” and “Vine” scenario. Only time can tell.
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Hello, my name is Jessica Archibeque. I’m only starting to use social media for business and marketing, I’ve used social media before but mostly for personal reasons. The sites i have used in the past is Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Pinterest. The sites i’m looking forward to learning are Twitter and Linkedin. I’m looking forward to learning more because I believe there’s a lot of valuable information when it comes to using social media. I believe that social media is key to getting your work noticed and shared. What I want to focus on the most is to create a memorable personal brand. What I’ve learned so far is that there are many outlets and it’s hard to pick which one will benefit you the most, for the rest of this class I will try out every site to see which one I like the best and which one will work best for my personal brand.
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