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Y’all seen this?
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Tumblr killed the quality a bit but
Y’all can’t tell me this isn’t how Cyrus would look at TJ 👀👀😫
Can we get @persongoingfast to see this tho 😫
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Along with my previous post about wanting more TJ/Andi interactions, I present:
Pla!Tandi Headcanons:
Ever since TJ became closer to Cyrus, Buffy, and Jonah, Andi felt a little awkward and decided to start talking to him more.
As a sign of friendship, she made him a pair of custom shoelaces for his basketball shoes to add some flare! He loved them so much and now regularly asks Andi for help with accessorizing.
TJ offered to help Andi play basketball in case she ever needs to fill in for Buffy’s team again, which Andi gladly obliged. TJ brought extra bandaids, which Andi ended up using a few of because tarmac hurts more than a gymnasium floor.
Andi accidentally caught on to TJ saying “niceberg” and Cyrus cringes just a little bit everytime.
He tried on one of her headbands one time, forgot he was wearing it all afternoon, and offered to give it back but she didn’t want it anymore because he had sweat in it all day. It had a bee stripe pattern. He now wears it with pride.
Feel free to add more if y’all want!
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I went back and checked and the Ciris kiss does in fact have the same music as TJ’s entrance
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Thinking about this masterpiece I made
Tonight’s been a wild night
With that random Gustavo video and the Tyrus b[redacted]h kiss tweet 👀
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Guys I saw this hoodie today
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And I was like?? This looks familiar 👀👀
And then I remembered
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The transition from “you’re stupid” to “do they have hash browns here?” Is flawless.
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i’ve had these in my camera roll for a while but uh take these
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Cyrus + Hugs
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This is the most hilarious and inspiring way to come out. We are proud of you Josh. Excepting your sexuality is hard. Thank you for sharing and for bringing light to other issues.
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ok but amber being in 9th grade and dating an 8th grader is still one of the weirder things that happened in the show
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As long as these two remain friends irl, Tyrus can still live on 💜
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I thought it was common knowledge that this is just how long the show has been airing for…
For example, Andi Mack: 2017 - 2019
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What does this mean??? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?????
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I Want A Kind Of Love (EJ Caswell x Reader)
Masterlist / Prompts
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I want a “just checking in” kind of love.
EJ was at home doing some of his homework, this was one of the days Miss. Jenn didn’t have practice. So he was taking this time to catch up on his homework. Suddenly EJ’s phone started to ring, he picked it up and saw his girlfriend Y/N was calling. He quickly answers, “Hey” “Hey” EJ could hear Y/N’s voice and smile. “What’s up?”EJ questions, moving to lay in his bed. “Nothing really, just checking in” Y/N confessed, making EJ laugh. “Oh yeah” EJ replied, he could already imagine Y/N’s red cheeks when she checked in on him. “Yes, nothing wrong with wanting to check in on you sometimes” Y/N spoke, making EJ laugh.”True” EJ nodded even though he knew she can’t see him.
a “you’re the first person I told” kind of love.
When EJ got into his NYU letter saying that he got in, he quickly ran to his car and drove to Y/N’s house. He is trying really hard to focus on the road. Once he got to her house. He knocks on the door really fast. He only needed to wait a couple of seconds for the door to open. “Hey what’s up?” Y/n asked confused since EJ usually would give her a heads up that he was coming over, “I got in” EJ was the only thing EJ could get out, smiling hugely. “What?” Y/n asked giving EJ a confused face.”NYU, I got in” EJ answered by giving Y/N the letter that stated he got in. Y/N read over and smile. She jumped into his arms and started to cheer. EJ spun her around and started to chat “I got in”. They did that for a while until Y/N pulled away. “Does anyone else know?” Y/N asked smiling. “You’re the first person I told,” EJ answered, holding Y/N’s hand. Y/N smile and kiss him. “I’m happy for you,” YN whispered.
an “I gotta kiss you before you leave” kind of love
EJ rarely wants to leave Y/N alone, when they don’t have drama practice, EJ would most probably have water polo practice. Today was one of those days, where Y/N would need to walk home since EJ was stuck in water polo. Y/N was in her locker getting some books she would need for her homework that night when she feels someone wrap their arms around her. She quickly turns around and EJ stands there giving her a smile. “Hey” EJ spoke softly, Y/N relaxed and smiled back. “What are you doing here, I thought that you had water polo?” Y/N asked. “ I do” EJ nods acting non-chant. “Okay, why aren’t you there, practice should be starting any time soon,” Y/N asked confused. “I gotta kiss you before you leave,” EJ said, pulling her into his arms. Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Once Y/N and EJ pulled away, EJ gave one last kiss to Y/N on the cheek before running towards the school pool.
a “baby did you eat today?” kind of love.
EJ was sitting at lunch with the drama club, Y/N was coming late since she has a doctor’s appointment in the morning. “Hey, “ Y/n said as she got close to the table, EJ quickly perked up seeing Y/N arrived. “Hey” EJ spoke as Y/N sat down next to him. “What did I miss during class?” Y/N asked looking around. “Nothing much,” Ashlyn answered. “Baby did you eat today?” EJ asked pushing his plate of food in front of her just in case she didn’t eat. “Yes, I did but thank you” Y/N smile and kiss EJ.
an, “I noticed that you need this so I got it for you” kind of love.
“I don’t get why we need to do this just to pass a single work.” Big Red was complaining as they were talking about a project for school that one of their teachers gave them. “I don’t know either” Y/N spoke. “Hey, do you mind if I steal Y/N for a little bit?” EJ walked up to them. “Sure I got to find Ashlyn.” Big Red spoke walking away. “What’s up?” Y/N asked looking at EJ. “I got you something” EJ answer smirking. “You didn’t have to,” Y/N said shocked since it was just a random day. EJ pulls out a harness from his pack up. “A harness?” Y/n questioned. “I noticed that you need this for your dog so I got it for you,” EJ said shyly. Y/N smile and kiss him.
a rub my back after work kind of love.
Y/N and EJ were supposed to hang out after water polo practice, Y/N was waiting for him at her house. When EJ walked in with the spare key that she gave him. “Hey” EJ spoke with clear tiredness in his voice. He lay down on the couch. “Hard practice?” Y/N asked walking into the living room. “Very,” EJ said. Y/N smile and goes to sit on his butt. “Here let me rub your back,” Y/N said. “You don’t have to” EJ started but Y/N shush him and started to rub his back. EJ immediately shut up.
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