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aaah I’ve been waiting to finish this all week!– my shifts suddenly moved from 9 am to 5 am, I have to get up crazy early now  and then end up dead the rest of the day, I’m one of the working dead :,D
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Spirit Work PSA #3(?)
So a lot of spirit companion shops have been posting nonbinary spirits, which has been really great. However, not everyone is aware of how to treat a nonbinary individual, so I’m here today with a guide on nonbinary companions.
So you’re being called by a nonbinary spirit?
- Firstly, take note of their pronouns. Just because they are masculine or feminine, does not mean that they are automatically male or female, and you should not just assign pronouns to them. It’s disrespectful.
- That doesn’t mean that they use “they”, either! Don’t just slap on a pronoun. Use the pronouns used in their bio.
- Don’t ask the spirit anything about their body. It’s extremely rude.
- If you consistently misgender a spirit, they have every right to be rude to you.
- Check out the shop to make sure they’re respectful of their identity, and use the pronouns they say the spirit uses, as well as correcting people who misgender the spirit. A slip up is fine, but consistently misgendering someone is never okay if they know the spirit uses a different set of pronouns.
- Do a little bit of research on the gender they identify as. Not all nonbinary identities are the same!
Okay, so you were chosen as the spirit’s companion? Great! Here’s what you do, now.
- Talk to your new companion about what their gender means to them. To some, gender is an essential part of their identity. To others, it doesn’t matter. It all depends on the spirit.
- If you ever misgender them, don’t beat yourself up over it. The best thing to do is just apologize briefly and move on. Anything else might make the spirit uncomfortable.
- If you have any questions, ask someone who is nonbinary. After all, spirits are people.
I hope this was helpful, and that everything goes well with your nonbinary companion!
- Intern Orange 🍊
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whomst else is loving and supporting trans gay men tonight
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I would love to be friends with your brother. He seems like such a nice guy!
Things I've heard my (cis/het) brother say while he's been in college for the last year:
-(Heard over the phone) “I don’t care WHAT is in your pants or what you identify as, GET THE FUCKING PISS OFF THE TOILET SEAT” - “I don’t get why some men like to call themselves straight and then say they’d never date a Trans woman because honestly if you’re willing to exclude an entire subsection of women based on something so stupid you’re probably not worth their time anyways” -“I don’t know why some guys worry about gay men in the locker rooms because if I was a gay guy, even I wouldn’t date me. I’ve been wearing the same shirt for three days.“ -(Over spring break) “How the fuck do you make Kraft mac&cheese” -“What do you mean it’s written on the box– WAIT SHIT IT IS” -“I hit on a lesbian two weeks ago in the SU without knowing it and I still feel bad about it” -“I honestly think I’d prefer living with a (Trans) person at this point because if they’re even as half as cool as you then it’s got to be better than living with two 19 year old boys who have fucking competitions of who can piss farther on the ceiling” -“For some reason even in college guys don’t seem to get that the only reason I get so many girls’ numbers is because I treat them like I would treat anyone else” -“No seriously they think you have to act uninterested or like a dick for some reason” -“No I don’t know why they think hitting on a lesbian is anything but a lot of secondhand embarrassment for the rest of us” -“My roommate came into the room looking really dejected and when I asked why he said that he spent hours talking to this girl just to find out that she had a boyfriend the whole time and didn’t say anything” (And after me asking why it mattered) “I dunno, apparently he doesn’t understand the concept of friends” -(After me saying I don’t get heterosexuals sometimes) “Even I don’t understand straight guys little dude, and I am one”
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I cried a little. Like serious.
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This is an accurate representation of how I feel every day just saying ;)
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anyone who puts this on their blog is really really really gay
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I have an rp with this and one with aloo of hyung line!!!
My bts fantasy is being in a poly relationship with the rap line. I feel like they would be the best boyfriends ever and would treat me like a queen, and on top the sex would be fantastic. Just nothing but being tied up and choked and overstimulation. SIGN ME UP!- RapLinesBabygirl
send me your bts fantasies
- admin storm
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“Why do you wipe your ass with baby wipes???”
-My grown ass friend on why I carry baby wipes in my bag
Okay. If you got shit on your hands, you just gonna use tissue to wipe it off and go about your day? No. You’re gonna wash your hands unless you’re a nasty bastard.
Love yourself.
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Fun fact: cats don’t just wiggle their butts before they pounce out of excitement - they’re also making tiny adjustments to the position of their feet in order to more precisely aim the ensuing lunge.
Or, in other words: your cat is calibrating.
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This is the Money doll sending you all enchantments of blessings and wealth!
Like/reblog for unexpected money to come your way! Like/reblog on Wednesdays for more blessings!
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You ask, “Why stan Bang Yongguk?” We say, “How can we not?”
One of the million reasons to love this beautiful man right here: His heart for charity work.
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concept: instead of hedwig, Harry goes into the pet store and this little snake in the back of the store talks to him, obviously gets his attention more than the other animals, and harry feels sorry for it so he takes it home. Then the snake helps Harry throughout his years at hogwarts as harry carries it wrapped around his hand all like “pssssst, haaarryyy, the dark lord isss coming sss” or just petty shit like “haaaarrryy, now is the time, assskkk out cho chaaannngg”
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Reblog if you want your Tumblr friends and mutuals to spam you with questions and shit in your ask box because you have no life and you just want to talk to people.
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Someone who’s never watched Gravity Falls please explain this image. 
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