March 1, 2022
It’s March 1 and time for the March Challenge at @choicesmonthlychallenge.  You can find the prompts HERE. Your host for March is @lovealexhunt.
Remember, I will still reblog any February prompts that are posted through March 5, if you mention @choicesfebruary2022challenge.
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It’s a Match
Premise: When Cassie receives an unexpected email, it forces her and Ethan to settle a pressing issue.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 2,150
A/N: Sometimes, I don’t know when to quit. I was writing a very different story, but ended up doing a follow up to Reunions and Resets. Submission for @choicesfebruary2022challenge Day 27 prompt Tinder.
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Cassie Valentine was engrossed in the latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine and a hematological case study about success in patients with amyloidosis using autologous blood stem cell transplants.
Ever since she had to give Suzette the diagnosis, she had started to expand her own knowledge about the condition. She had even dug up Ethan’s old research on systemic amyloidosis hoping to find inspiration, something he might have missed.
Of course, he never missed, and she had reached the limits of her medical understanding. 
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Reunions and Resets
Premise: After a gruelling few weeks, Cassie spends three days in London with her brother to recharge and reset. Continuation from Checks and Balances and set during Third Year.
Book: Open Heart  Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); Feat. Max Valentine (OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Format: Text and Pic Fic
A/N: I had not planned to create this fic, but I got inspired by the @choicesfebruary2022challenge​ Day 22 Prompt “Travel”
Part 1: The Itinerary
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Day 15 - I'd Still Pick You
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Summary: Casey is “moving in”, and Ethan’s neighbor gets the wrong idea.
Warnings: None
Words: 1377
A/N: A mini-fic created in response to this anon ask.
A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge – Day 14 – Elevator
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“Good morning,” Casey smiled as the doorman tipped his hat.
“Good morning, Ma’am,” he said heartily while holding the door wide.
Even though her visits were relatively sparse over the past three years, it was his job to know who was coming and going, and he took his job seriously. He was pleased to see her coming around more now. She was a breath of fresh air. Down-to-earth, always smiling, she didn’t stand on formalities; in fact, she frowned on them. Not only was she a contrast to many of the building's residents, but that always friendly but cranky, doctor was always in a better mood when she was near as well. It was a pleasure to see. He was certain the only reason she allowed him to hold the door for her today was because of the two large boxes she carried in front of her. They almost appeared to be toppling over her.
“Thank you, Gregory!”
“Just doing my job,” he nodded to the boxes, “Will we be seeing you more?”
“For now,” she shrugged with a smile. After all, it wasn’t her place to tell him they’d be moving out soon. “You have a great day!”
“You do the same, Ma’am.”
Casey leaned against the back of the elevator, placing the boxes on the floor in front of her. She had thought it would be foolish to move in with Ethan now. They were closing on their new place next month, and why move twice? But, she couldn’t deny the truth. She had spent exactly two nights back at “her” apartment since she and Ethan made things official. Even if she didn’t change her address, moving some of her essentials to Ethan’s place made sense.
She received peculiar looks from some of the building’s residents entering the elevator. The well-heeled crowd probably didn’t take too kindly to her decidedly non-designer sweatshirt and raggedy jeans that fit just too perfect to throw away. Plus, carrying her own boxes, when there was a perfectly good concierge in the lobby to assist with such things… ghastly! Casey politely smiled at them, melting the icy exterior of some, but not all.
She chuckled as she reached Ethan’s floor. Even though she had been coming here for three years now, she didn’t know any of his neighbors. In fact, she wasn’t sure if he did. Under different circumstances, she’d insist on getting to know them better. But it made no sense considering they were leaving so soon.
She had almost reached Ethan’s door when the top box slipped and tumbled to the floor, sending books, her iPad, several photos, and a half-eaten granola bar sprawling across the hallway.
“Damn it! So close!” she muttered.
“Here, it looks as if you could use a hand.”
She looked around to see where the soft, smoldering voice came from.
“Right here,” the tall and quite handsome man standing above her smiled. He knelt down next to her and began helping toss the items back into her box. “You look like you could use a bit of help.”
A British accent to boot?
Clearly, she had never met him before, even though he looked so familiar. No, she would not have forgotten him.
“That’s very nice of you,” Casey replied, trying to look at him, yet divert her eyes at the same time. “but I can manage….”
He continued to toss things back into the dilapidated cardboard box with a shrug.
“Nonsense! It’s the neighborly thing to do.”
She swore she saw a sparkle on his teeth when he grinned. He wasn’t just handsome… he was movie-star handsome. Superhero handsome. Between him and Ethan, was there a hotness quota required to live on this floor? And was he single… you know… for Sienna?
“Do you live on this floor?” she asked.
“Yes, right there,” he pointed to a door directly across from Ethan’s.
Casey’s cheeks went red. If he was that close, he had undoubtedly heard them at some point or another. Ethan was right. It was good that their new penthouse took up the entire floor. They only had to worry about disturbing the neighbors below them.
“Oh,” she said, “well, I’m just….”
“Moving in, right?”
“Yes, well, sort of….”
“I can’t tell you how happy I am about that,” he beamed.
Casey’s brow crinkled, “You… you are?”
“Yes,” he said as she fumbled in her purse for her key, “it’s a bit selfish, I’ll admit. But it’s a bit like killing two birds with one stone. Not only will I be rid of the crotchety fool who lived here, but I get to see your beautiful smile every day to boot no. Suddenly the day is that much better.”
Casey tried to suppress a giggle. “Oh, I see. But, that crotchety old fool you mentioned, he happens to be my….”
They were both startled when the door burst open. Ethan stood there, stone-faced as he accessed his neighbor. But his stony façade crumbled instantly when his eyes fell on Casey.
“Rookie,” he smiled, placing a warm kiss on her cheek before looping his arm around her waist. “You’re early.”
“I thought I’d surprise you and be here when you arrived home, but… you’re home.”
“Yes. But I am still surprised. Pleasantly so,” he whispered. But his features turned cold when he turned to face his lanky neighbor.
“I take it you’ve met my fiancée, Andrew.” He spat the name out with such annoyance that Casey looked around to see if Tobias was nearby, but no. Ethan did in face mean Andrew.
“Your fiancée?” Andrew asked, with raised brows, “You don’t say?”
“Why the look? Is this shocking to you?” Ethan growled.
“It’s not shocking,” Andrew fixed his eyes back on Casey’s and affably nodded. “I am simply blown away that you have such good luck. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Casey. And best of luck to you.”
He winked before making his way down the hallway.
Ethan took one of the boxes away from Casey and entered his apartment.
“I’m sorry if he bothered you.”
“Bother me? He didn’t bother me at all. I take it you two don’t get on well?”
“Rookie, outside of you, I get on well with about three people.”
“Hmm. Well, we’re going to have to do something about that. Especially since I think I need to introduce Mr. Hottie Neighbor to Sienna.”
“Excuse me?”
“Come on! They’d be so cute! And, if they hit it off? We’re moving, so you won’t have to see them all the time no matter what.”
“Hmmm. Somehow that doesn’t give me any solace. But you may want to think twice. He’s only in Boston temporarily. Working on a movie or something.”
“A movie? Is he an actor?”
“Yes. In town working on some ridiculous movie about insects or something.”
“Oh my God!”
“Andrew. Andrew? His name was… Andrew?”
“Insects? That was Andrew Garfield! Is he working on another Spiderman?”
“Perhaps? Why is this of any interest to you?”
“Oh my God!” She gushed, grabbing her phone. “Andrew Garfield just flirted with me! I have to tell my friends!”
Ethan was becoming exasperated. “Casey! Does this actually matter to you? Perhaps I should see if this Superman would like to join you for dinner, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of that.”
Casey threw her arms around Ethan’s shoulders and laughed, “Oh, stop it! First of all, it’s SPIDERman. Second of all, you have nothing to worry about! You’re my favorite superhero.”
“Oh, I am?” He smiled, his hands finding their way to her hips, “And why is that?”
“Well, he saves lives in movies; you do that every day, for real.”
“And, while I can’t deny that he is very handsome, you are just, just….ooohhh!” Casey shivered as he kissed her neck.
“Go on.”
“I’ve seen his movies, and he can scale walls, but I’ve experienced what you can do when you have me up against a wall and, sir, you win.”
“Do I?” Ethan asked with an impish grin. “I suppose I should be flattered.”
“Mmmhmmm. And I suppose you should find a nice stretch of wall and just reinforce how lucky I am.”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
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OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @onikalover @peonyblossom @toadfrog26
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Day 14 - It's a Date!
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Summary: Mornings are different now for Ethan & Casey, and he couldn’t be happier. In fact, he’s so happy, he becomes a bit impatient.
Warnings: None
Words: 1453
A/N: This is all fluff. Fluffy, fluffy, fluff. Enjoy!
A/N 2: I’m participating in this week’s @wackydrabbles . The prompt can be found below in bold.
A/N 3: Also participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge – Day 26 - Romance
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Nine-thirty in the morning on their day off. Casey was sprawled out on Ethan’s living room floor, still in her pajamas with her laptop open and papers scattered all around her. Ethan sat on the sofa in his robe, medical journal in one hand and a highlighter in the other.
Casey had not yet “officially” moved in, but with her friends already using her room as storage, it was fair to say that she was not living at home anymore either. If she was, she would still be fast asleep. Living together required compromise, and one of the few things she could not stand about her betrothed was his need to be out of bed by six-thirty in the morning on days they were off. Conversely, her wake-up time of ten did not work for him either. They agreed he could continue to get up at his ungodly hour, but she would sleep until eight-thirty. Unfortunately, she did not always comply, so Ethan would become creative.
This morning, he relied on his second favorite way of waking her: opening the bedroom door then heading to the kitchen to prepare one of her favorite breakfasts. The aromatic scents wafting in and surrounding her never failed to lure her to join him in the kitchen. She had yet to catch on, and he planned on keeping it that way. But now, with their Nutella French toast consumed, and dishes put away, they were working on a tough case, just until noon, when the day was officially theirs.
It was not easy for them to stick to that part of their routine either. Their proximity to one another outside of their work environment often led them to cut their research time short, but neither complained about that. On this particular morning, it appeared to be Ethan who would be breaking the rules.
Closing the journal, he rested his eyes for just a moment before focusing them on his precious fiancé. She lay on her stomach, knees bent and her feet in the air, crossed at her ankles. Twirling her blonde locks with the pen in her hand, she was so focused on the article on her laptop that she never felt him gazing at her. The pleasant smile on Ethan’s lips just showed how much he had changed. Throughout his adult life, the thought of sharing an apartment with anyone was the content of his nightmares. Even as a struggling intern, he happily lived in a small studio in a rough neighborhood of Boston rather than take on a roommate. And he was happy that way. But now, she was here, and it was so comfortable, so natural that he could never imagine living without her again.
He didn’t want to interrupt her, but on this day, he was feeling selfish, and he couldn’t stop himself.
“Rookie,” he said, with the deep timbre of his morning voice, something new she had discovered about him.
Her head immediately turned, her head tilting up to meet his crystal blue eyes.
“Are you aware that we’re engaged?”
Casey nonchalantly lifted her hand and stared at the exquisite three diamond ring he had placed on her finger just a week ago. The one she never took off.
“Yes, I’m quite aware. Why? Are you having second thoughts?”
“Oh, God no!” He insisted as he moved to sit next to her on the floor, taking in the gentle jasmine scent of her hair as he kissed the top of her head.
“I was just thinking, we should probably set a date. Maybe discuss what type of wedding we’d like to have. You know, the things engaged people to do.”
“I didn’t know you were such an authority on engaged people,” she laughed.
“Well, it’s what I’ve been told.”
Casey sat up, crossing her legs beneath her to look at him more comfortably.
“Well, we can. But we also have a closing date on our new place and moving to worry about. We certainly went from zero to a hundred at record speed.”
“Mmm, that’s only because some idiot should have been moving at quicker than a snail's pace before.”
“Aww, that’s OK. You’re my idiot,” she said, mussing his hair.
“Thank you, I love you too.”
Casey squeezed him into a tight hug.
“I guess we are capable of doing both at the same time. So, when would you like to make an honest woman out of me?” She joked.
“I was thinking the fall. I know it’s your favorite time of year, and it is mine too. What do you think?”
“I like that idea. So, that would give us about fifteen months or so to put it all together, and….”
“Woah, woah, woah! It wouldn’t give us fifteen months? I was thinking it would give us two to four months.”
“Wait. You want to get married this fall?”
“I see no reason to put it off, do you?”
“My God, Ramsey! You really do go from zero to a hundred in 60-seconds, don’t you?”
“When you know, you know. And I want you to be my wife as quickly as possible.”
“My!” She grinned, now running her fingers through his hair, straightening the mess she made just moments before. “You really have changed.”
“OK. OK. Joking aside, Rookie. Do you really see any need to put it off that long?”
“Well, no. I don’t.”
“Would it give us the time we need to plan the wedding of our dreams?”
“Sure, because the only thing I really need for the wedding of my dreams is to have you there as my groom. And, well also some of the people that are closest to us. I’d like them there too, but I don’t really want a huge elaborate event anyway. I just want you.”
“Well,” he pulled his phone from the pocket of his robe and opening the calendar app. “Let’s pick a day.”
“Just like that?”
“Is there any more to it?” He asked.
“Well, I guess not. So… let’s pick a date!”
“Is September good?”
“That’s a little soon, I mean, it’s all a little soon, but maybe just a little later would give us more time to plan.”
“November then?”
“No. I’d like something at least partially outdoors, and it will be too cold by then. So, October? That sounds like it would be just right.”
“OK, Goldilocks,” he teased. “October it is. I’d prefer a Saturday.”
“Me too.”
“So, that gives us the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th. What’ll it be, MacTavish?”
“This seems soo surreal. I mean, we just pick a date?”
“I think that’s how it’s done, yes.”
“Shut up,” she said, gently shoving him. “Uhm, the 8th. The 8th sounds good. What do you think?”
“October 8th. I like it.”
“Now, it’s a little tentative, of course. We have to make sure we can find a venue available on that date.”
“In all of the Boston area, I’m sure we can find someplacethat can accommodate us.”
“Oh, about that. I was thinking Newport. I love it there so much, and I know we both vacationed there as kids, so it just seems fitting.”
Ethan smiled warmly, “I do have some wonderful memories there, and I wouldn’t mind making some more.”
“So, October 8th in Newport?” She asked excitedly.
“October 8th in Newport!”
Ethan chuckled at the adorable squeal Casey let out. He pulled her close for a tender, lingering kiss.
“You’re really going to be my wife.”
“Yeah, that’s what I agreed to! Oh my God! I’m sooo excited!”
“So, what’s our next step?”
“Well, I say we call our parents to tell them. My Mom’s going to have a stroke when I tell her it’s so soon, but she’ll survive.”
“My Dad will be the opposite. He’ll suggest we do it sooner. He’s still convinced I’ll get cold feet or that you’ll come to your senses.”
“Mmm, yeah, well, neither one of those things are happening.”
“Hey!” he protested, giving her a hug.
“Well, putting a whole ass wedding together in two-and-a-half months! Why did I let you talk me into this, Ramsey?”
“Because you love me that much?”
“I do.”
“Hmm,” he kissed her, “I think you’re supposed to save that for the wedding day.”
“Well, we need the practice.”
Ethan laughed, “Well, before we call the parents….”
“….and Sienna,” Casey interrupted.
“Yes, and Sienna… before we unleash the craziness that will ensue, what do you say we go and practice for the wedding night first?”
“Oh, you read my mind!”
Casey squealed once more when Ethan scooped her up from the floor with ease, carrying her into the bedroom. They wouldn’t call their loved ones for hours.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @parisa-kh @peonierose @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @txemrn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @kachrisberry @fayeswiftie
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @onikalover @peonyblossom @toadfrog26
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His Pampered Princess
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Book: Open Heart (End of Book 2 – non-canon)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Summary: Tobias plans a day of pampering for his new girlfriend, Casey. Offering a little sample of how he plans on treating her.
Warnings: Some sexual innuendo
Words: Approx. 1200
A/N: Thank you again to the @the-pale-goddess for her incredible ask! It felt so good to revel in a little fluff. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this!
A/N 2: There are some references that tie back to The Fine Print. It may make some things here more significant, but it's not necessary to read it first.
A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge Day 26, Books and Romance
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The sun was shining brightly as she strode down Tobias’s picturesque South End street. She’d have to text Sienna and let her know she would not be coming to the apartment after her overnight shift. Her friends teased it wasn’t her apartment anymore. She rarely made an appearance there since she and Tobias became official. And while she told them she’d be home today, he called, and… let’s face it, she was a goner.
Casey already had a key to his townhome, and he was as delighted to hear her sliding it in the lock as she was to be able to do so. The Tobias Carrick had given a woman, the only woman he ever truly wanted, a key to his home. This was monumental. His mother all but took out an ad in their hometown paper when she got word of it. The second Casey was in the door, she was reminded of why she could never turn him down when he asked her to be there.
“Hello, Gorgeous,” he smiled as she entered the kitchen. She reached around his waist and placed her head on his shoulder; he turned to kiss her.
“What are you making,” she asked, watching him sort ingredients on the counter.
“Nutella stuffed French toast with a banana and blueberry compote. I think you’ll love it.”
“You think?” She laughed, “I’m never going to need to go out to eat again!”
“Oh, yes, we will,” he smiled, trust me. “Hey, after breakfast, I want you to get a few hours of sleep.”
“Sleep?” she said, disappointed.
“Yes,” he smirked, “sleep. I have some special plans for us today.”
“Really? What kind of plans?”
“I’m not telling. It’s a surprise.”
“Oh, come on and tell me! I don’t like surprises.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Well, yeah, but only when it’s really a surprise. Once you tell me… well, it’s not a surprise anymore, and now I want to know!”
“Maybe, if you eat all of your breakfast like a good girl, I’ll give you a hint,” he winked.
“You’re incorrigible!”
“Hey, what did I tell you about using those high point words with me, MacTavish.”
“You graduated from Howard and Johns Hopkins, T. You know big words.”
“Yeah, but I don’t like ‘em in my house,” he said, placing her plate in front of her.
Casey eagerly finished her breakfast, mainly because it was delicious but also because she was dying to know more about his secretive plans.
“So, I was a good girl,” she said, wiping some of the compotes off of her lip.
“Not as good as you were the other night,” he purred.
“Do I have to use incorrigible again?” she laughed. “But, seriously. What do you have planned.”
“If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. Now, why don’t you go get some rest? I’ll wake you up in a few hours. You will come with me, right?”
“Fine! I’ll go. But this better not be to that kinky little sex motel you like to go to.”
“I… I like to go to it! I’m sorry, princess, but the times we’ve been there, you seem to like it quite a bit too.”
“Yeah,” she giggled, “I do.”
He practically crawled over the table to kiss her. “And that’s why I love you so much.”
“Oh! That’s the reason?”
“Well, it’s on the top one-hundred list,” he smiled. “Now, go! Sleep! Or no more kinky little sex motel for you!”
“Pfft. As if.”
“You know me too well, but for the record, that’s not where we are going today.”
“OK, I’m going to sleep, and this better be worth the suspense.”
When she woke up three hours later, he still wouldn’t confess his plans. She attempted to get him to fess up by complaining that she couldn’t possibly get dressed without knowing where she was going.
“Here,” he said, tossing her an old, soft sweatshirt of his. “Wear this with those new jeans you got.”
“So it’s casual?”
“Sort of. And it just really turns me to see you in my clothes. Don’t say it, I’m….”
“Incorrigible,” they said in unison.
“I’ll meet you downstairs,” he winked.
When they got to the street, Tobias gently tugged at her wrist to stop her.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he grinned, “you need to put this on.”
He pulled something out of his jean's pocket and handed her a soft, pale pink blindfold. Alarmed, she looked at him and found him smirking devilishly.
“What are you up to?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Fine! I’ll play along!” She answered exasperatedly, “Even if I am going to be mortified. How will I see where am I going?”
“Well, I’m driving, and when I’m not, I’ll take care of you.” The playful tone gone from his voice, he fixed his piercing blue eyes on hers, “You trust me, don’t you, Casey?”
“With all my heart," she answered without hesitation.
The tender, overjoyed smile that came to his lips made Casey want to yank him back into the house, no longer satisfied to share him with the rest of world today. But, her curiosity was piqued, and she needed to know his plans. So she stood silently in front of his home, her cheeks turning redder by the moment as he fastened the blindfold behind her head.
He froze momentarily when he looked up and saw his longtime neighbor, Al, had stopped sweeping to watch the spectacle unfolding.
“How you doing, Al,” Tobias quipped as Casey’s embarrassment intensified. “Yeah, normally I do this to her inside, but today, we thought we’d shake things up a bit.”
“Oh my God!” Casey yelled over Al’s laughter. “Al, he just surprising me! Nothing more!”
“Wow, you got one to trust you this much? You better hold on to her.”
“That’s the plan! The poor thing is stuck with me.”
“Casey, I'll have a sympathy card in the mailbox for you tomorrow morning” Al smiled as Tobias held her closely under his arm, leading her to his car.
"Not a bad idea, Al. She may need it."
“OK, it sounds like we’re in the lobby of a hotel,” Casey whispered, “but it sounds too nice to be that kinky sex motel of yours.”
Tobias snorted as several guests looked at her with horror. “What,” he said, looking at them, “as if you’ve never been to one before.”
He then turned her around to face him, giving her a quick hug before moving his hands to the back of her head.
“You’ve been patient long enough,” he said, untying the blindfold.
“We’re at?" she asked.
“The Mandarin Oriental. You, my dear, are going to get pampered at their spa today. Then, when you’re done, we’ll stop at the book store, I’ll buy you a book… for old time’s sake… and then dinner at the place of your choice.”
“T…” she whispered.
“You can thank me later," he replied impishly.
“Looking forward to it. Ooh! Can we get burgers at Andy’s Diner?”
“Oh, we’re really going for nostalgia! I like it,” he leaned down and kissed her forehead, “Of course. But right now, you need to get to the spa. They’re waiting to treat you like the princess you are.”
“And where will you be?”
“Sitting over there, with coffee and a book, waiting for you. And dreaming of you naked and getting a massage, but that’s a whole other thing.”
“I love you, T,” she giggled.
“Yeah, well, I love you.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @binny1985 @bluerosesbloom @charisworld @crazy-loca-blog @custaroonie@genevievemd @icecoffee90 @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kachrisberry @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mm2305 @phoenixrising308 @pixelberrygirl @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @toadfrog26 @spookycolorpeanut @mainstreetreader @animesuck3r @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @peonierose @quixoticdreamer16 @trappedinfanfiction @writer-ish
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@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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Proper Movement
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Mature
Category: Fluffy lite smut (lite, don’t get too excited lol)
Summary: Tobias & Casey are moving into their new place, and their neighbors have a few things they need to learn…
Warnings: Cursing, sexual content, slightly nsfw
Words: 1047
A/N: A mini-fic created in response to this anon ask.
A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge – Day 26 - Romance
Tobias shook his head as he walked into the kitchen. Casey was perched on the new granite counter, her arms stretched above her head, placing odds and ends they’d likely never use up on the top shelf. Air pods on, her hips swayed seductively to the music only she could hear. He silently leaned against the wall to watch her, the voyeuristic nature enticing him even more. God, he thought, I am so freaking lucky. He quietly approached her from behind. Unpacking could wait. He was about to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her to him when the doorbell rang.
It was loud enough that it startled Casey, even with music blasting in her ears. She swung around and accidentally knocked Tobias to the ground, toppling onto him.
“Oh, my God! Are you OK?” she gasped.
“Yeah, nothing broken,” he groaned.
Casey pushed herself up and felt his hardness rubbing against her as she did.
“You’re right,” she teased, “nothing is broken at all.”
Stradling her leg over him, she began rubbing against him with a lustful gleam in her eyes.
Having completely forgotten that there was someone at the door, Tobias hungrily ran his hand up Casey’s back until he had a handful of her blonde tendrils clenched in his fist. A mutual moan filled the room as her lips crashed into his, and she pulled his shirt off over his head.
“FUCK!” Tobias protested.
“Yeah,” Casey faltered, “that’s what I want to do!”
“Go get rid of whoever it is, baby. When you come back, we’re christening these counters.”
“Sounds good to me,” she grinned.
His eyes soaked in her every movement as she tucked her dainty camisole back into her tight denim shorts, the ones that hugged her hips in such a way that….
She smiled as she caught him looking her way, so mesmerized he didn’t even realize she was looking back at him.
“I’d go,” he said in a pained voice, “but….”
“But you just tend to that,” she giggled, “I’ll be right back!”
“Geeze!” Casey yelled, “I’m coming! I’m coming!!!”
“Not yet,” Tobias yelled after her, “but you will be.”
Casey was still laughing when she opened the door. Even standing at five foot nine, she had to look up to see the handsome face standing before her.
“Hi,” she said with a smirk, still meant for Tobias, on her lips. “How can I help you?”
“Oh!” The stranger answered, clearly taken aback. “I had just seen the, uh, moving truck today. I thought I’d stop, you, know and… let me start this over.”
He stood straight, making him appear even taller, and extended his hand, “My name is Calvin, I live next door, and I thought I’d introduce myself to my new neighbor.”
“Hello,” she extended her hand, “I’m Casey. It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Oh, trust me, the pleasure is all mine. Are you new to Boston?”
“No, I’ve been here several years.”
“Oh, too bad.”
“Why?” she giggled, “hoping you’d have a transient neighbor?”
“Quite the contrary,” he laughed roguishly. “I was hoping that I would be able to show you around town. I still could, you know? I’m sure you haven’t seen all of it.”
Inside, Tobias leaned up on his elbows, rolling his eyes as he listened to the exchange.
“Well, thank you for the offer, but I think I’ve seen all that is necessary.”
“Sure, well, I know how moving is, your place is probably upside down, so if you’d like a place to just have a quiet coffee or glass of wine, you’re more than welcome….”
“Well, thank you, Kyle, was it?”
“Oh, of course. I’m sorry, Calvin, that’s very kind of you, but I sort of left something turned on in the kitchen and….”
“Oh, dinner on the stove,” he smiled.
“No, boyfriend on the floor.”
Before she even finished the sentence, the sound of Tobias’s laughter barreled down the hall.
Casey noted how much shorter Calvin looked when he wished the ground would swallow him whole. Eager to put him at ease and far more eager to return to the situation in her new kitchen, she smiled brightly.
“I’m sure we’d both be delighted to have a beer together someday, but, for now….”
“Yes, you left something… turned on.”
“I did,” she smirked, “lovely meeting you.”
Tobias beamed at her when she returned to the kitchen.
“You, baby,” he whispered as she straddled him again, “are something,” kiss, “else.”
“I am, aren’t I?” she taunted.
“Mmm-hmm,” was all he could get out as her lips were already consuming his, his strong hands already unclasped her bra, he was about to pull that camisole off with his teeth, when…
“FUCK!” Casey yelled.
“Yeah, we will be!” Tobias said, jumping to his feet.
“Where are you going?” Casey asked.
“I’m going to tell this guy to fuck off so we can….”
Tobias swung the door open, “Look, dude, I know that….”
“Hi,” a pretty young brunette smiled. “I saw I had a new neighbor, and I wanted to come over and say hi. I’m Isabel, and I just….”
“You are just interrupting us trying to have sex in our new home,” Casey smiled. “Do you think you could come back tomorrow when we’re, I don’t know… satiated?”
“My future wife is cute,” Tobias laughed, “she thinks we will actually be satiated.”
“I’m just being polite! And, I’m not your future wife yet.”
“Just a matter of time,” he answered confidently.
Isabel’s eyes ping-ponged between them as they bantered.
“You know, I feel like I’m interrupting….”
“You are!” They yelled in unison.
“I think I’ll just come back another time.”
“Please do,” Casey gasped as Tobias kissed her ear.
“Yeah, we look forward to meeting you,” he said as his foot slammed the door behind them. The moment it was shut, he had Casey pressed up against it, kissing her lips, neck, and chest.
“You don’t really, do you? To meeting… either of them?”
“Either of who?”
Casey smiled as she sunk lower against the door.
“I didn’t think so. So, shall we christen the kitchen?” she asked.
“Nope,” he said, unbuckling his pants, “the foyer needs to be initiated too.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @parisa-kh @peonierose @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @txemrn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @kachrisberry @fayeswiftie
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @onikalover @peonyblossom @toadfrog26
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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The Bogart Diaries #27 : Mud World
Masterlists: [All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer]  [The Bogart Diaries]
Characters: Thomas Hunt, Alex, Bogart Hunt (dog) Book: Red Carpet Diaries [Hunt x F!OC] Word Count:  <800 Rating: General: Fluff, pet fic, text fic Prompt: @choicesfebruary2022challenge: phone; @wackydrabbles #135 in bold A/N: Dog in video from @/blacklabsoftheday on IG
Synopsis: It's a mud world out there and Bogart is here to play.
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"Why did I let you talk me into this?" Her gaze shifted between the phone in her hands and the black lab at her feet. "This could end horribly for both of us."
Bogart's head shifted to the side, his big eyes widening as he looked up at her.
"You're right, we could pretend this never happened, but that sounds way less fun. He needs a good distraction every now and then." She ran her hand over his head, scratching behind his ears. "It's been nice knowing ya."
He whimpered softly, his one ear perking up at her words.
"You—you'll be fine. It's me we need to worry about." Her attention shifted back to her phone.
He rested his head in her lap as she pulled up his contact.
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"Hiiii!" She greeted, overly cheerfully. "How are you? How's the production going?"
"Thomas," she retorted, matching his tone.
"It's been a long day." His words were short but not harsh. "What happened?"
"I'm so glad you asked! It's a funny story, actually," she began. Her eyes widened, and her mouth curled as she recounted the elaborate tale. "It started when Bogart and I were out for a jog, and we saw a turtle in the road. Naturally, we stopped and helped the cute little turtle across the street. Obviously, we didn't want to interfere with its goal, so we left it as close to the edge as possible. Then, we went on our way. When we came back that way to check, the turtle was gone. Bogart wanted to make sure the turtle was safe, so we walked a straight path from where we left the turtle, and we found it, still plodding along. While I was wishing the turtle good luck on his or her journey of unknown destinations, Bogart found the puddle, and well...you saw the rest."
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Yet, rather than deter him from further inquiry, you chose to record a video and cheer him on?"
"Did you not see how much fun he was having?!"
His left eyebrow twitched as he tried to reconcile all that had happened. The dog clearly had been enjoying himself, which was of slight entertainment; however, that was not the point. His face fell in his palms as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "I'm almost afraid to ask how our beautiful hardwood floors ended up covered in muddy paw prints."
"Well...I hosed Bogart off in the backyard when we returned, but that only created more mud, so while he was clean, his paws were otherwise..." Her voice trailed away.
"Why didn't he use the 'wipe your paws' mat I got him?"
"He can't read?"
"You can! Plus, he and I have been working on it. He knows to wipe his paws before going in the house," Thomas explained, his voice rising with pride. "Did you use the signal to remind him?"
"Does it look like I did?"
"Next time, bring him to the mat, say 'wipe' and use the sign language symbol," Thomas explained. "He's picking it up quite well."
"You know you love him!"
"My affection for him is not of concern at the moment. The mud and water on the hardwood floors, however—"
"The floors are fine."
"What do you mean?"
"I cleaned them up as soon as it happened—well, after taking that quick photo. Bogart, the house, and even the yard have all been taken care of. You have nothing to worry about," she reassured him.
"Then the point of this conversation was what exactly?"
"To pull you away from your work, to force you to take a break even if just for a moment, to hopefully maybe make you smile once or twice." She chewed her lip as she stroked Bogart's silky fur. "To remind you how much we love and miss you... and maybe, just a little bit, to show you the trouble we could get into without you so you'll hurry home?"
He shook his head; the skin around his eyes had wrinkled at some point without him realizing it. He breathed a chuckle through his nose, his body relaxing.
"Did it work?"
"What do you think?"
"I think, yes."
"It did. Thank you."
"Good, then my work here is done," she announced. "Take a few deep breaths to clear your mind, then get back to work. We'll be waiting for you when you finish for the day."
"Alex, I love you."
"I know. I love you, too! Come home soon."
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Thank you for reading this silly story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as that dog loved the mud!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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The Competition
Premise: As another Valentine’s Day approaches, Max and Sienna get competitive about which of them is better at seduction.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Format: Text fic + prose Words: 1,200 Event Prompt: To Be (trying to one-up one another on Valentine’s Day)
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A/N: This is the last of the @choicesmonthlychallenge Valentine’s Challenge prompts, requested by @rookiemartin. Timeline wise, it takes place after A Valentine Holiday and the lead up was briefly referenced in my New Year post.
Also submitting to @choicesfebruary2022challenge Day 26 prompt “Romance”
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Carry On
Premise: Family traditions have always been important to the Valentines, and now it’s time for a new generation to carry on the legacy.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Cassie Valentine (F!MC); Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Feat. Olivia Valentine (OC) and OC children Rating/Category: General. Fluff. Words: 2,060
Late submission to @choicesfebruary2022challenge Day 23 prompt “Baking”
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Olivia Valentine watched the slashing rain and gray clouds outside the window with dismay. The move to Seattle in the middle of winter was likely not the best decision, but they went wherever her husband was needed. 
For the next six to eight months that was in the Pacific Northwest as he oversaw the development of a new Hudson property overlooking Elliott Bay.
As she contemplated the blandness of their temporary corporate housing in one of the many glass and steel towers in downtown, she felt a pang of homesickness for her lovely house in Arlington. 
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Rate My Professor
Masterlists: [All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer]  [Hollywood U]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex [F!OC] Book: Hollywood U Rating: general Word Count: ~600 Prompt: @choicesfebruary2022challenge : Chance A/N: @songsaboutgirls asked "what do you think thomas’s rating is on rate my professor?"
Synopsis: Hunt discovers Rate My Professor.
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Hear what some students had to say:
Professor Hunt might be brilliant but that brilliance is lost in his ego. He knows the subject, but not how to teach. He's a tough grader. It's impossible to get an A.
Professor Hunt turned the 8 AM class into a time to rant about everything wrong with modern cinema. He constantly berated students for expressing opinions different from his own. He holds little respect for successful directors of the day such as Michael Bay.
Professor Hunt may be rough around the edges, but he knows his stuff. His work speaks for itself. If you want warm and fluffy find another prof. If you want to learn the ins and outs of film, take this class. Give him a chance.
No doubt the worst teacher at HWU. No one in class ever had an idea what he was talking about. He's extremely arrogant and seems incapable of smiling. Took all the joy out of film critique.
Alex's private rating:
"Hmmm... what to say about Professor Hunt?" Alex's head dipped to the side as her lips twisted in consideration. She leaned forward, her fingers flirting with his tie. "Well, he's very handsome. Intelligent. Sophisticated. Pretentious about his scotch. Has great hair. He likes to pretend he's a grumpy, pompous film snub, but really he wants the best for his students. He knows the industry is hard, and he's just preparing them for it. He's a good, decent, respectable man." Her fingers threaded softly through his hair. "He's the best of men, whether he wants to believe it or not."
He leaned into her touch, letting the warmth of her palm cradle his cheek.
"You didn't have to say that."
Her thumb gingerly caressed his cheek. "Don't think about these ratings. They mean nothing."
"I know." He shook his head. "I've faced criticism all my life. It's part of the job. This path isn't easy. They need to understand that."
"They do, or they will. You have to give them time," she consoled. "One day, maybe years from now, they'll see. They'll understand. And they'll thank you for it."
His brow rose. "You really think that?"
She chewed her lip, her face scrunching as she tried to hide. Hesitantly she replied, "Not really."
"Good." His lips pressed into a sly grin.
"Wait—what?" Her eyes widened in confusion.
"I don't want them to thank me. I simply want them to do better, to find their passion, and create something worth remembering."
"Then, why were you pouting?"
"I do not pout."
"Why did you look so grim?"
"That's just my face."
He scrolled to the bottom to one final review. "Came for the underwear model, got some tweed-wearing old guy. #catfish? Seriously, I thought this guy was supposed to be some rich and sexy model/actor. Call me when you hire a stylist and maybe hit the gym (no way he's hiding abs under that sweater vest). 0/10 for style. 0/10 for personality. Thank you, next."
Alex failed to suppress her growing giggle.
"It's not funny."
"You're right," she attempted to compose herself. "Sorry."
He rubbed the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disappointment.
"If it makes any difference, I love your tweed jacket. You look very distinguished."
"How does one go about deleting a review on here. I would like to report this atrocity." His hand grabbed the mouse as he searched the website.
"Don't you dare!" She quickly pushed his hand away.
"Alex, it's absurd."
"It is, but maybe this can be a good thing too."
"How so?"
"It'll help weed out anyone who takes your class hoping to hook up with a hot and sexy professor. Now you'll have people who want to be there for your expertise, not for something superficial." She raised her brow as he considered her words. "I make sense, don't I?"
"Fine. It can stay."
"Good." Alex pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Besides, I don't want anyone trying to tempt you away from me."
He guided her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "Do you think that could happen?"
"I hope not."
"I know not." He tenderly caressed her back. "You're one of a kind, Alex— a once in a lifetime find. I have no intention of letting you go."
"Good." She nodded, resting her forehead against his. "This is exactly where I want to be." Her lips brushed softly over his, savoring the moment between them, knowing that no matter where this journey took them, together is where they belonged.
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MC Monday 19
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Hi! For this week’s MC Monday/Moment, I quote Shakespeare: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.”  (Rules and Info)
Reblog with the meaning and history of your MC’s name!
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Kind of our first Valentine's Day...
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Book: Open Heart (Book 2)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Summary: First they were obsessed. Then she hated his guts. Then they were friends. Then he fell in love. And so did she, but she wouldn’t admit it. And now it’s Valentine's Day, so what do they do?
Warnings: None – unless you have an aversion to alpacas.
Words: 3100
A/N: I intended for my T & C HC to be written chronologically, but I don’t want to miss out on holidays, & some asks became so good I had to make them HC, it’s hasn’t worked out that way. So, there is a graphic under the break that explains where they are as a couple when this fic takes place.
A/N 2: For those reading Their Start, you’ve had a brief intro, to Tobias’s two best friends, Kerry Chadwick and Sasha Carlson. Both are exes who were much better off as friends. Kerry has been a friend since childhood, their families are old friends. Those who have been reading Delaying the Inevitable will need no introduction to Momma Vivian Carrick, but those who haven’t will. You can find info on original characters in this HC here. All three women are elated that Tobias has finally fallen for someone, but Kerry & Sasha are convinced he’ll screw it up without their help.
A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge - Day 25, Llamas as well as @choicesmonthlychallenge To Be or Not To Be Valentine's Event - even though this is open-ended, I think it has to be a "to be" 💖 ENJOY THE FLUFF!
Relationship timeline to this point
You don't need to read it, but it might help! :)
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“Casey! Casey!” Tobias jobbing along the snow-patched sidewalk, trying to catch up to Casey on a freezing Boston night.
She turned around and smiled brightly as soon as she heard him calling her name.
“Hey! What are you doing outside? It’s freezing!”
“I could ask you the same.”
“I’m on my way home. I just left Donahue’s.”
Casey had only recently returned to work, having missed just under three months as she recovered from the attack that nearly claimed her life. During that time, Tobias faithfully took her out once a week to attempt to reestablish normalcy in her life. Though he had fallen hard for her, she made it very clear that they were just friends, and he was happy just to be in her life. Since returning to work, they still saw each other, but it was not as easy with two busy doctors with competing schedules. While neither particularly liked it, Tobias really missed those days. Casey did too, more than she cared to admit, but for reasons she couldn’t explain, she began to think of herself as a burden. He often canceled other plans or hustled to get a shift covered at work, just so he could see her when she had free time. What she didn’t understand was how eager he was to do so, just for the chance to be with her.
“Why didn’t you text me? I would have driven you home. It’s late, and it’s freezing.”
“Yeah,” she rolled her eyes, and what do you think I do every night when I leave work?”
He bit his tongue so he wouldn’t say what he was thinking. He could easily arrange to do it most days. As a longtime attending Kenmore, his schedule was much better than Casey’s and taking a break to get her home would be simple most days. But he knew how that would sound, like a man who was very much in love. Which he was, but she didn’t know that, and given their pre-attack history, he wasn’t anxious to give that away unless he knew she felt the same way about him.
“Well, on the colder nights at least, text me. If I can, I will get you.”
“I appreciate it,” she said, both knowing it was unlikely that she would follow through. “What are you doing in my neck of the woods anyway?”
“It’s not like I never go to Donahue’s, Casey.”
“No. But The Puddingstone is your usual watering hole. Plus, it’s a lot closer to Kenmore.”
“What?” he grinned, “you’re not happy to see me?”
“Of course I am,” she demurred.
“Well, I’m happy I caught you. I know we have plans to go bowling Thursday night, but….”
“Oh, do you have to cancel?” She interrupted, almost too eagerly, he noted.
“No, uh, not exactly. But I was going to tell you, I ended up having Saturday off after all.”
“Oh, I thought you were covering for Derek so he could spend Valentine’s Day with his girlfriend.”
“Yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “she sort of dumped him last night.”
“Yeah, she is kind of with his now ex-buddy Jorge.”
“Oh! Double ouch!”
“Exactly, so he asked if he could have the shift back. He has no desire to be off on Valentine’s Day.”
“Well, that’s understandable.”
“Yeah, but that gives me the whole day free, and I know you’re off, so I thought we could spend it together. You know, like old times.” He smiled.
“Old times? I’ve been back to work three weeks.”
“Yeah, but…” he hesitated, “I miss it.”
She smiled, but somehow the “me too” just couldn’t form on her lips.
“So, anyway. I know it’s Valentine’s Day, and I know we’re friends, but they’re all these awesome deals around town for couples. No rule says you have to be a couple to partake so, I thought… maybe you want to go together?”
“Well, it’s not that I wouldn’t like to….”
“Hey, look, if you can’t… or don’t want to… that’s fine,” he jumped in, hoping to avoid her rejection. “I just thought I’d put it out there, just in case.”
“No, no! It’s not that I wouldn’t go, it’s just, I sort of already have plans on Saturday.”
“Oh,” he said as his heart sank to his stomach. He could tell by her reaction that he had done a horrible job hiding his disappointment.
“I don’t have like a date or anything, it’s just that… well…” she sighed, “It’s sort of embarrassing.”
“Ah, now you have to tell me! Come on, what is it, kid?”
“Fine! But you can’t mock me!”
“No promises…”
“You’re impossible, Tobias Carrick!”
Then that devilish smirk appeared. “You going to some kinky sex club or something?”
“What?!” She smacked his arm, “No!! No, nothing like that.”
“Then, let it out!”
“OK, I was going to spend the day alone because I didn't think anyone would want to go….”
Her eyes narrowed, but her smile made it clear she wasn’t mad. “I’m going to an alpaca farm.”
“Al.. llamas?”
“Same thing.”
“They’re not the same thing! But… you’re not making fun of me.”
“Hey,” he shrugged, “everyone has their own kinks, MacTavish. I’ll admit, it’s a little weird, but you do you.”
“It’s not a kink, you idiot,” she smacked him again.
“Stop that. You’re reminding me of my Mom!”
That’s the last thing she wanted to remind him of, so she quickly stopped.
“Look,” he smiled, “It’s unusual, I’ll admit… why llamas?”
She let out an exasperated breath. “I love ALPACAS, OK? Growing up, there was a farm by my grandparents, and I used to go and play with them. They’re quite loving, and they calm me down. I can sit and rum their soft fur for hours.”
He pointed to the cropped hair atop his head. “Hey, I’m always willing to help if you need it.”
“Stop,” she giggled, almost hitting him but stopping herself. “Very different. But, that’s why I’m going. I found out I can get to Harvard Alpaca’s taking one train and a fairly inexpensive Uber, so what better way to spend Valentine’s Day. But,” she stalled, “if you want to join me?”
“At the llam,” he stopped when she glared at him, “the alpaca farm. You don’t mind sharing them with me.”
“You’ll find I’m very generous.”
“Then sure,” he smiled, “I’d love to spend Valentine’s Day with you and the alpacas. I can even drive us there.”
“You got me. I’m using you for your car.”
“Good, then let’s use it now because I’m driving you home.”
Saturday morning arrived, and Tobias picked her up bright and early. He handed her a cup of coffee as soon as she sat down.
“Oh, perfect!” She beamed. “This will warm me up fast.”
“Yeah, you had to pick one of the coldest days of the year for this.”
“It’s ok. Once you’re snuggled up next to an alpaca or two, you’ll be plenty warm.”
Yeah, it’s not the alpacas I wish I was snuggling. He thought.
As usual, they talked and laughed so comfortably that the forty-five-minute ride passed quickly. Tobias marveled at the bucolic setting, replete with a requisite dark red barn as its focal point. He found it hard to believe they were so close to Boston.
“Have you been here before?” he asked.
“Nope, I just found out about it. This is my first time.”
“Well, I’m glad I get to share it with you,” he smiled.
“Me too.”
The owner greeted them and confirmed the appointment.
“Appointment?” Tobias asked.
“Yes, this is by appointment only. It’s just you, me, and the alpacas.”
“Now I really feel special.”
He shook his head and chuckled as they walked onto the expansive field. It warmed his heart to see Casey so happy, so alive. It was hard to believe that she was just a shell of herself, terrified to so much as leave her apartment just a few months before. Now, she was all but skipping to play with her new furry friends. Then there was him. A year ago, if anyone would have told him, he’d be spending the day in the country, at an alpaca farm, pining for a woman that he was totally in love with, and she didn’t even know it. That he was enduring the longest ‘dry spell’ of his adult life when he didn’t have to be, solely because he couldn’t imagine being with anyone but her. He would have told them that they were out of their goddamn minds. Yet, here he was.
The cuddly animals were now but yards away, and a small coffee-colored one was already walking over to a delighted Casey.
“Now, what exactly are we supposed to do with these llamas?”
“Tobias,” she scolded, “stop! They’ll hear you!”
“And what are they going to do? Spit at me?”
“No, that would be llamas,” Casey laughed. “Have you ever been on a farm of any type, Tobias?”
“I can’t say that I have,” he said as they both sat grass, Casey already embracing an alpaca.
“Well, thank you for indulging me. It means a lot that you came.”
“Anything for you, kid,” he smiled.
The rest of the afternoon was spent snuggling and frolicking with the fluffy animals. They took photos and had many Instagram moments. Casey was the first to upload several pictures of them, and once she did, he eagerly followed suit. That small action set off a firestorm.
Kerry had been sitting on her couch reading a new book on her phone when the notification arrived. She nearly choked on her coffee immediately called Sasha once she caught her breath.
“Were you aware of this?” she demanded the moment Sasha answered her phone.
“I was about to call you. I didn’t know a damn thing.”
“Is this a date? I mean, it’s Valentine’s Day, and I don’t see anyone else in the pictures… unless we’re counting the alpacas?”
“I’m still trying to wrap myself around the fact that Tobias is on an alpaca farm… and it doesn’t appear he is being held against his will.”
“I know,” Kerry gushed, “and look at his face! He looks so… happy.”
“That man is in love. And she has some sort of a look going on there too.”
“She does, right? You think so too? But why didn’t he tell us! I hope he doesn’t screw this up!”
“I think our tutelage has gotten him far enough. He should be fine.”
“Hold a sec,” Kerry said, “I have another call coming in.”
She looked at the phone and rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
“Sash, it’s Vivian.”
“Tobias’s mother?”
“She had to see the pictures. Do you mind if I bring her on?”
“PLEASE do.”
“Kerry Nicole Chadwick. Have you been on Instagram?”
“I most certainly have.”
“Were you aware of this situation? Did you have knowledge of this and keep it from me?”
Kerry giggled like a teenager. Something about Mrs. Carrick just put her in that place, especially given the situation.
“I knew he likes her, really, really likes her… but I had no idea about this.”
“Do you know how many times my son has posted pictures of a woman on social media since he has hit puberty? Zero. Never once.”
“Nope, he didn’t,” Sasha injected, “he told me it lowered his chances of scoring elsewhere. It would be bad for his image.”
“Sasha, is that you?”
“Sure is, Vivian.”
“Well, how are you, dear?”
“Me too,” Kerry exclaimed.
“Dear Lord, how do you think I feel? There is finally a chance that I might see grandchildren before I leave this Earth.”
“Well, let’s not put the cart before the horse,” Sash laughed. “One step at a time.”
“Yes,” Kerry smiled, “but it looks like our little eternal man-child may finally be growing up! I could cry!!”
“Can we comment on the post?” Vivian queried. “I want to comment on the post.”
“I think so, but let’s be polite and gentle. We do not want to screw this up!” Kerry said. “I think we have zero chances of this ever happening again.”
“You’re right!” Vivian agreed, “The stars have aligned, and we can’t take any chances. Now, I’m hanging up. I’ll see you on the Gram.”
Laughter filled the line, “I’ll see you there.”
The reaction was slightly more subdued back in Boston, but it was still electric. Of course, Casey’s friends had a first-row seat watching Tobias go from the guy she met at a deli that she was obsessed over; to the jerk she couldn’t stand and swore she’d never speak to again. To the frantic doctor so terrified at the thought of losing her, he convinced himself it was an impossibility as he worked through the night to find a cure for her. Finally, he became the man they all watched with skepticism, pleasantly surprised when he turned out to be her true and trusted friend. They had been talking amongst themselves, it was clear he was besotted with her, and they thought she might be for him. Sure, there was no confirmation that anything had changed between them, but things had been feeling… different.
“Do you seriously think?” Sienna gasped as they all gathered around her phone.
“Are you kidding me?” Bryce said, “Even the llama is giving them the side-eye.”
“It’s an alpaca, meathead, and since when are they relationship experts?”
“Well, they’re not,” Sienna shrugged, “but… look at how Casey’s looking at him?”
“The alpaca?” Bryce asked.
The two women turned and looked at him with disgust, Jackie throwing up her hands.
“I don’t even know why we allow you to be seen with us. I’ve got to go,” she said, walking away, “but my opinion? It’s time to start the betting pool.”
“Oh, for SURE!!!” Bryce said, “We are starting that TONIGHT at Donahue’s.”
“Can I get in on the action?” Maureen asked from across the nurse’s station.
“Maureen, how do you know?”
“How do I know? Dr. Carrick has been the lothario of the Boston medical scene for over a decade. We’ve never seen a hint of him with a woman on Instagram. Yet here is… at an alpaca farm that is an act of God on its own. But beaming at Dr. MacTavish? On Valentine's Day? This is already the talk of every hospital in Boston.”
“We need to keep this betting pool small,” Bryce said with horror on his face, “you can be in, Maur, but do not speak of this. Understood?”
“Loud and clear! Now, how much are we putting in?”
It was already dark as they drove home, and Tobias didn’t have the luxury of conversation this time. Casey was passed out with her head against the window, lightly snoring. Tobias grinned sheepishly. It was adorable. Deep down, he hoped this was one of those things that he’d find endearing now, but one day he’d be a cranky old man complaining that her snoring kept him up all night. He chuckled at the thought, and he hoped he’d get the chance to see it through.
They were only a few blocks away from her place when she woke you with a stretch and a yawn.
“We’re, we’re already here?”
“Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You were out cold. I figured you needed the rest.”
“Well, thanks,” she said as they pulled up to the front of her building.
“Wait,” he said as she began to take off her seatbelt, “let me pull into that spot. I’ll walk you to the door.”
Casey’s heart pounded as he walked around the car to open her door, only one thing on her mind. All of the “kisses with no strings attached” they had shared since that day back in Cambridge. At the time, she really just needed to feel that affection again, to be sure that she could even feel it after all she went through. Tobias was safe. He had proven to be a good friend. He cared about her and understood she wasn’t ready to go any further, physically or relationship-wise, and he respected that. Plus, it wasn’t like they hadn’t kissed before.
But then there were the magical kisses at Christmas in New York and several more after. But they had stopped recently. So much had changed since she went back to work, and she couldn’t put her finger on why, but she did know it was her doing. But now, it was Valentine’s Day, and they had just spent a magical day together. God, she wanted to kiss him, she felt like it would mean so much, and she was still frightened.
He knew things had been a little bit off as of late, and, yeah, he worried. They had become so close. He labeled himself her “friend with kissing benefits,” but she meant much more to him. He wanted so much more with her. They hadn’t shared a kiss since she returned to work three weeks ago, and there isn’t much that he wouldn't be willing to give for one now. The past few weeks had left him a little rattled. But, but today… today felt like a dream, and his hopes were higher than they had been in some time.
“My lady,” he joked as he exaggeratedly bowed when he opened the door of the car. They walked in silence, just a few doors away to the front of her apartment.
“Well, I guess this is goodnight,” she said, turning toward him.
“Yeah,” his eyes roamed from her eyes to her lips, “it’s been… it’s been an incredible day, Casey.”
“It has,” she smiled. “You liked the alpacas?”
“Yes,” he laughed, “I liked the alpacas. But most of all, I liked being with you.”
“I liked being with you too,” she said, biting her lip.
They stared at each other until Casey lowered her eyes. She looked back up slowly and leaned forward into his arms, and they embraced in a lingering, tight hug. His heart was racing, and he was hoping… then she pulled away.
“Thank you, Tobias. For a perfect day.”
“Thank you, princess,” he whispered before leaning over and placing a tender kiss on the top of her head. “We’ll talk soon?”
“Yeah,” she answered nervously, “of course we will. Good night, T.”
“Good night,” he said before turning and walking away.
It was a great day, he thought, walking back to his car. But he disagreed with Casey on one point, it was almost a perfect day.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @charisworld @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @icecoffee90 @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kachrisberry @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mm2305 @parisa-kh @peonierose @phoenixrising308 @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @txemrn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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Sweet Life 🧁
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart  Word Count: ~400 Rating: General: fluff, baking, kitchen mishaps
Prompts: @choicesfebruary2022challenge : cupcake
Synopsis: Bryce has a sweet surprise for Olivia, but things don't go quite as planned.
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The unexpected scent of something sweet caught her attention as she entered the apartment. The mouth-watering aroma drew her forward. "Mmm...something smells good?"
"Wait! Don't—" He called, holding his hands up, but it was too late. He shifted in front of the counter, trying his best to conceal the mess.
"What's all this?"
A dejected sigh slipped from his lips as he stepped to the side, revealing his crumbling cupcake creations and the full state of the kitchen in disarray.
"Oh—" Her eyes widened, her smile falling flat.
"I wanted to surprise you."
"Well... you definitely succeeded." She nodded in agreement as she surveyed the scene. "I can definitely say I did not expect this."
His frosted coated fingers threaded through his ragged hair. "I tried! They were supposed to look like that—" He pointed to the photo and recipe he had pulled up on his now flour-dusted tablet. "I don't know what happened. I followed all of the directions. It's a simple heart inside a cupcake; how is it this hard? I can do a heart transplant in my sleep, but this—"
Olivia bit her lip, stifling her laughter. "It's okay." Her hand caressed down his arm, attempting to reassure him. "Hey, it's the thought that counts."
"I'm sorry, Liv. I really tried. I thought I could do it. I know how much you love sweets and just thought you deserved someone baking for you."
"That's sweet—" She pinched a bite of a broken cupcake. "Oh, and what you said is sweet too."
"You don't have to eat that. They look horrible."
"That's the secret about baking fails. Even if they look like—well, let's just call it less than perfect; they can still taste great. And these absolutely do. I love them."
"Mmhmm." She broke off another piece, savoring the moist cake as it melted in her mouth. "Besides, as much as I love cupcakes, I love a certain studmuffin even more." Her fingers danced playfully up his chest.
His brow arched, and a flirtatious smile spread across his face. "You bake me so happy, Liv."
"You bake me happy too." She brushed a soft kiss over his lips, letting the heat of their breath mingle together. "All I kneed is you."
Bryce leaned forward for another kiss but found his efforts halted when Liv quickly pulled away.
"What?" She shrugged nonchalantly. A sly smirk grew as she picked up a cupcake. "I can neeed my studmuffin but still enjoy cupcakes on the side."
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little drabble. 💖
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Sweet Chaos
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: General
Category: Fluffy Fluff
Summary: With the help of Tobias, Casey recreates a Valentine's Day family tradition from her childhood for her three little girls.
Warnings: None
Words: 1600
A/N: Some more Valentine’s Day fluff! I love this little family and seeing Tobias & Casey’s growth as individuals and as a couple, but their playful side still shines through.
A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge - Day 24, Cupcake
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Tobias was pouring pink, white, and red sprinkles into three bowls on his kitchen table. Bachelor day’s Tobias would have scoffed at this image, but he was long gone now. At least he would have been proud of him for insisting on trendy matching pajamas for Valentine’s Day, not the over-the-top, kitschy variety Casey originally planned on purchasing. But who was he kidding? If she hadn’t agreed, he’d be standing there covered in flannel hearts right now. There wasn’t much she couldn’t get him to do.
Casey slid up next to him and placed the freshly baked cupcakes on a cooling rack. She reached up to kiss his cheek, and that was all it took. Swinging his arms around her, his lips met hers in a passionate kiss.
“Have I said Happy Valentine’s Day to you yet?”
“At least six times… in the past hour.”
“Mmm, then let’s go for seven,” he leaned forward, his lips preparing to meet hers again when he stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh no…”
LIttle feet began stomping overhead, and he knew they would be charging down the stairs any second now.
“… there goes our peace for the next twelve hours.”
“Twelve hours? I was thinking more like eighteen years,” Casey laughed. “This might be a good time for me to remind you that you wanted at least six of those little creatures.”
“I have never denied that you are the most intelligent of the two of us, dear. Three isjust perfect.”
“Mommy!!!!” Brooke yelled from the top of the stairs. “Can you help us? Kayla wants to come down too.”
“I’ll be right there!” Casey yelled, but Tobias stopped her in her tracks.
“You stay and finish your tea. I’ll go upstairs and deal with the diaper change that is almost certainly needed. I’ll try to reign in the hyper maniacs, also known as our first two daughters.”
“Thanks, babe. And now we’re going to give them sugar to take that hyperactivity to the next level?”
“Pfft,” he shrugged. “By the time that kicks in, Mom will be here to watch them, and they’ll be her problem.”
“What are we doing again anyway?”
“Whatever you want, princess. Today’s about you,” he yelled as he climbed the stairs.
Casey looked around the room. Bright red hearts, pink streamers, and white balloons covered every surface. The girl's Valentine’s Day cards and gifts were lined up perfectly on the table. And the kitchen island was covered with freshly baked cupcakes, tubes of icing, and more candy toppings than a family of five could ever need. But one thing remained true when it came to his wife and his girls: Tobias would never cut corners. He always went all out. Why have three toppings when you could have fifteen? t.
Ever since Samantha arrived, Casey loved recreating the Valentine's Day parties that her parents used to plan for her each year. Of course, they had one well-behaved little girl, she and Tobias had three little spitfires, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“MOM-MEEEE!!!!” Brooke yelled, running into the kitchen waving a pink teddy bear above her head. “It’s VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!!”
“Yes, it is, my angel,” Casey said, scooping her up in her arms.
“It’s for you, Mommy. I bought it with Daddy last week. I knew you’d love it!”
“I do,” she said, kissing her daughter on the top of her head. “You know Mommy so well, Brooke!”
Samantha ran in and threw her arms around her Mom’s hips. Casey squatted down so she could take both girls in her arms.
“Happy Heart’s Day, Mommy,” Sammy grinned. “I made this for you in school!”
She handed Casey a photo frame covered with hearts and glitter, inside a photo of their family taken a few months before on Christmas Day.
“Oh, Sammy! This is so beautiful! It’s perfect!”
“Daddy said that you would love it because it was made with love, and it is all of us.”
“Well,” she said, smiling up at Tobias holding Kayla on his hip. “Daddy is right. Nothing means more to me than the five of us.”
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, the doorbell sounded.
“Dear God,” Tobias sighed, “It’s like she heard you say the five of us, and she is here to remind you it should be six.”
“Actually, it should be Eight,” Sammy corrected. “Because you have to include Grandma Rose and Grampa too.”
“Mmm-hmm,” Brooke nodded, “and it’s more because of Uncle Jordan, Uncle Ethan, Aunt Sienna, Uncle Bryce, Aunt Jackie….”
“Brooke!” Sammy interrupted, “She told you, she’s too young to be called Aunt Jackie. It’s just Jackie!”
“Yeah, well, Mommy overrules her. You guys keep calling her Aunt Jackie. In fact, say it as often as you can whenever she’s around, OK?”
“OK,” the girls giggled.
“Well, good morning, my beautiful young ladies.!”
“Grammie!!!!” They yelled, abandoning Casey and running to Vivian’s side.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Grammie, we got you presents!” Brooke yelled.
“Oh, you girls are all the presents I need. You’re Daddy sure did make me wait long enough for you, but it was well worth it.”
Tobias put his arm around Casey, little Kayla snuggling between them.
“You know, I had nearly two decades of complaints about not setting down. So I married this beauty, we give you three beautiful granddaughters, and you still find the need to torture me.”
“Son, if I wasn’t torturing you, I would not be doing my job.”
Vivian stood and kissed Casey’s cheek. “Happy Valentine's Day, my dear. Now, I believe I am here to decorate some cupcakes.”
“Yey!” “Yes!” the older girls squealed as they jumped up and down.
The cupcake decorating proceeded nicely until Tobias gave Kayla a little mustache made of chocolate icing.
“Tobias, really?” Vivian scoffed.
“What? I want my little girl to look like her Daddy.”
Vivian shook her head. “Oh, for heaven’s sakes!”
“Daddy! I want to look like you too!” Sammy protested as she slathered chocolate icing on her top lip.
“Oh, me too! Me too!” Brooke yelled following suit. “Mommy! Don’t you want one! Don’t you want to look like Daddy too?”
“No! No!” Tobias yelled. “Mommy is gorgeous just as she is. We don’t need to mess that up by making her look like Daddy!”
“But Daddy,” Sammy said sweetly, “you’re gorgeous too!”
“He sure is,” Casey smiled.
Tobias shot a look at his mother, “I’m waiting. Any smart-alec comment you’d like to say? You can just get it out now, you know.”
“What me? No. I’m just thinking….”
“Thinking what?” He asked.
“That this is the very life I always imagined for you, and I’m so happy to see it come to be.”
He handed Kayla to Casey and walked to his mother, wrapping her in a hug from behind.
“Thanks, Mom. If I knew how amazing it would be, I would have listened to you a lot sooner.”
“Well, that would have been stupid because you needed to wait for Casey.”
“You’re right,” he said, winking over at his wife, “it couldn’t have ever been anyone else.”
The family had a wonderful time as they finished decorating their cupcakes. Even when Brooke decided that it would be fun to decorate her baby sister’s hair with sprinkles. And when Sammy needed to be reminded, again, that Brooke could pick out her own decorations just fine. Or when Kayla wailed when Casey accidentally popped a balloon. Then, of course, there was Vivian telling her favorite story once more.
“Once upon a time, there was a very intelligent queen, who was also sophisticated and a stylish dresser. For years she was forced to suffer because her son, the toad, refused to let the beautiful princess kiss him and make him a prince!”
“That’s when Mommy came along and saved him, right gram?” Brooke smiled.
Tobias rubbed his hands down his face. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this. This is defamation of character, you know!”
“Given your history, I don’t think that would stand up in a court of law, baby,” Casey smiled.
“You too?” He asked, feigning horror.
“Well, it all worked out just fine. Now, why don’t you two get out of here? The girls and I will clean up this mess, and you two can enjoy your Valentine’s Day! Where are you going, anyway?”
Tobias laughed when Casey shot him a knowing look.
“We’ll be upstairs in our room. Will you keep the little beasts at bay?”
“That’s what you want to do?” Vivian admonished.
“Vivian, I’m a doctor with three little girls. An afternoon snuggling with my husband uninterrupted sounds like a slice of heaven.”
“I would have insisted that Charles take me for at least a nice dinner, but you do you,” Vivian shook her head.
“Well, she has me to do….” Tobias started.
“Get out!” Vivian yelled.
“…to do that with any time she wants! Ma! Get yourself together!” He laughed, and they made their way upstairs.
“Well, that was organized chaos at its finest,” Casey laughed as she fell onto her bed. In less than five seconds, Tobias plopped down on top of her. Holding her tightly in his arms and peppering her with kisses.
“Stop, you’re tickling me,” she playfully protested.
“Well, it was the sweetest chaos there could ever be,” he smiled.
Just then, they heard the muffled sound of a crash from the kitchen downstairs, followed by his mother admonishing their two eldest for not following instructions. Tobias moaned softly as he buried his face in the crook of Casey’s neck.
“You were saying?” She teased.
“I was saying, they’re her problem until 6:00 PM. Please put on some music to drown them out, and we’re all good.”
“Is that all you want me to do?”
A devilish grin spread across his face, “Aw, hell no. Happy Valentine's Day, baby.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @charisworld @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @icecoffee90 @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mm2305 @parisa-kh @peonierose @phoenixrising308 @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @txemrn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices
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Acts of Kindness - Valentine's Day - Intern Year
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Book: Open Heart (Book 1)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff with a bit of angst
Summary: Valentine’s Day has long been one of Casey’s favorite holidays, and she found a cupid accomplice in her fellow dolphin, Sienna. They ruffle a few feathers as they try to spread cheer around Edenbrook, but can Casey’s kindness chisel away at the most guarded of hearts?
Warnings: None
Words: 2500
A/N: This one was a challenge. From the start, I intended for this to be part of my HC for Ethan & Casey, so it needed to reflect several things. Casey’s determination to stay her bright, positive self; the pining that still existed between them; his resolve to stay away; the hospital staff noticing all of it; HER SELF-RESPECT (something PB often left out); and how much he second-guessed his decision. On top of that, I wanted her friends to play a role. I don’t know if I pulled it off in 2500 words, but I tried. Happy Valentine’s Day!
A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge - Day 24, Cupcake
A/N 3: Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge To be or not to be... this is still a 💔 not to be (it's book 1 people lol)
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“Sienna, do you have the cupcakes?”
“I’m just covering them up now,” she yelled from the kitchen.
“Well, hurry! The Uber only has to wait five minutes for us! If they leave, we’re screwed.”
Jackie stood by the doorway, her arms crossed and shaking her head in bewilderment.
“I can not believe that you two are bringing so much crap to work that you have to take an Uber.”
“Jackie,” Casey smiled brightly. “It’s Valentine’s Day! Everyone should feel loved and cared for today.”
Jackie smirked, “Oh, today. But not on the other 364 days of the year?”
“Of course, they should on all 365 days, Jackie! But it’s like a birthday; everyone should feel just a little more special today. For example,” Casey slid the aluminum foil off the top of a container she was carrying and pulled out a heart-shaped chocolate-chip cookie. “Here,” she said, giving Jackie a peck on the cheek, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Jackie brusquely wiped off her cheek in protest. “Seriously, MacTavish, that’s supposed to make me feel special.”
“Just eat the cookie, Jackie. Then we’ll talk about it,” she winked.
“Less chatting, more running!” Sienna interrupted as she hurried past them in the hall. “Now we are really in danger of the Uber leaving.”
“I’m right behind you!”
When they arrived at the hospital, Bryce and Raf were waiting at the main entrance to lend a hand. Bryce shook his head when he saw the large haul they were bringing.
“Thanks so much, guys! I don’t think we would have been able to get this all upstairs without your help.”
“Casey, how the heck did you guys manage to get this all down from your apartment alone?” Bryce asked.
“I’m sure Jackie helped them,” Raf replied.
Casey let out a burst of laughter. “Oh, Jackie help? You’re funny!” She turned back to Bryce, “It was quite comical. If only there were video, I am sure you’d be amused.”
“Hey, I’m not beneath bribing your doorman to get my hands on the security tape. Here, give me that bag.”
Even with the four of them, they were still loaded down with items. Heart-shaped cookies, elaborately decorated cupcakes, red sugar-free Jello-hearts, tons of cards, decorations, stickers… it seemed like they didn’t miss a thing. Inez stood shaking her head in amazement as they walked down the hall. On the other hand, Zaid muttered something about stupid Hallmark holiday under his breath and walked away.
“I can’t believe you guys are doing all this!” She gushed, “This is going to make everyone feel so special!”
“Well, that’s the goal!” Sienna beamed.
“What, no flowers?” Zaid asked sarcastically from a distance.
“No, silly!” Inez responded, “That would compete with the nurse’s annual roses sale! This year the money is going toward pediatric cancer research.”
“Well, that’s a great cause!” Casey smiled, “Zaid, I fully expect you to purchase each of your residents a rose today.”
“Ha!” he chortled, “Sure, that’s as likely to happen as an autographed photo of me in my Valentine’s Day jammies. Not happening, MacTavish. Now, finish up. I did not receive word that you’ve resigned to replace Cupid, so according to my schedule, you still have real work to do here today.”
“He really needs to get laid,” Bryce whispered as Sienna concealed a chuckle.
Inez laughed, “He just hates holidays. All of them, really, but this one in particular.”
“That’s too bad,” Casey grinned. “I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day.”
Laura, a nurse whose crush on Dr. Ramsey was as strong as her dislike of Casey, smirked over her shoulder. “Really?” she sneered, “Even when you don’t have a boyfriend and have to spend it all alone?”
“Sure,” Casey beamed, “I don’t need a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, to enjoy Valentine’s Day. To me, it’s about all kinds of love, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by it.”
Sienna gave her friend a side hug just as Ethan walked up to the nurse's station, where everyone was gathered. His eyes were cold, and there was a noticeable change in Casey’s demeanor as he approached.
“What’s all this?” He asked without moving his eyes up from the form he was completing.
Sienna looked worried as her eyes darted from his to Casey’s, then back again. When it was clear her friend was not going to answer, she jumped in.
“These are just some treats and trinkets we made… for the patients and the staff. We want everyone to feel special today.”
Ethan rolled his eyes dramatically. “And what makes today different than any other day of the year?” He asked, folding his arms across his chest.
“Uh, it’s Valentine’s Day,” Sienna answered nervously.
“Well, I don’t believe in such nonsense,” he muttered as he hurried away.
“What a freaking shock,” Casey muttered under her breath, but it was a little louder than she anticipated. Everyone but Casey scattered, and you could hear a pin drop when Ethan turned on his heel, his icy gaze fixed upon her.
“Excuse me, Dr. MacTavish. Do you have something to say?”
She looked so uncomfortable, even Laura appeared to take some pity on her, then stood straight and stuck out her chin.
“Yes. I said what a shock. But, frankly, I’m disappointed in your response. Studies show that when patients feel they are receiving attention and feel cared for, they respond better to treatment, they heal faster, there are more positive outcomes. Surely you can’t object to Dr. Trihn and I wanting to lift their spirits, now. Can you?”
Onlooker's jaws went slack, and no one dared to divert their eyes from the spectacle playing out before them. It was like watching the scene of an accident, but the accident had yet to occur. Dr. MacTavish always spoke to Dr. Ramsey more directly than any intern that came before her, and everyone had taken notice. But this was a step beyond, even for her. The muscles in his face were visibly tense, his lips pursed, his face flushed. They braced for the outburst that was bound to follow, but it never came.
“I suppose you have a point since most people buy into this absurd Hallmark holiday. Carry on.”
If jaws were slack before, they were touching the floor now. The hush that had overtaken the station was replaced by mumbles and whispers.
“He has got to be banging her,” a night nurse said under her breath, but loud enough for most to hear.
“He is not!” Laura protested angrily.
“I’m with Laura,” Sarah added, “If he were banging her, he wouldn’t have been so mean to her in the first place.”
Sienna was turning red, desperately wanting to defend her friend. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and it likely wouldn’t be the last. Casey had asked her friends to please just ignore it; it would be better that way in the end. But it wasn’t easy to do.
“Don’t you have anything better to do,” Maureen admonished. “This is the last time I want to hear this idle gossip around here, do you understand? You’re supposed to be professionals!”
Her eyes flicked over to Sienna and then to Casey, both of whom smiled with gratitude.
Sienna looked up at her friend with sad eyes. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
“It is what it is, Sienna. But I assure you, I’m not sleeping with him.”
“I didn’t think you were.”
“Good,” Casey smiled. “Come on, let's go spread some cheer before our rounds begin.”
For the remainder of the day, Casey and Sienna spent their breaks and any downtime bringing their treats from room to room. It was nearly the end of Casey’s shift when she entered Ms. Gernstein’s room.
“Mrs. Gernstein,” she grinned.
“It’s Clara, Dr. MacTavish. How many times must I tell you.”
“Well, that’s fine, but then I insist, I’m Casey.”
“I suppose I could do that,” the old woman agreed. “What are you doing here? You already stopped in before?”
“Oh, that was work; this is social,” Casey said, handing Clara a wrapped Jello-heart.
“What is this?”
“It's just a little treat for Valentine’s Day.”
Unbeknownst to Casey, Ethan had been passing by in the hallway, and he stopped in his tracks when he heard Casey’s voice. He stood at a distance to observe.
There is nothing wrong with this, he reassured himself. She’s my intern, and I’m observing her work. This is standard practice.
“But I can’t have sugar.”
“I know, Mrs. Gern… uh… Clara. That’s why it’s sugar-free.”
“Oh, that’s too kind,” she said, taking Casey’s hand. “You know, this is the first Valentine I have gotten in almost fourteen years.”
“Yes, not since my Harry passed away. He always made such a fuss, even though I told him not to.”
“Well, I’m glad I broke that trend. Everyone should get a Valentine,” Casey said, pulling up a chair, “But why don’t you tell me about Harry.”
He could have left at any time, there was no reason to stay, but he was mesmerized as he listened to the two women talk. Casey’s sincerity and warmth were evident in every word she said, and for all the times he had treated Mrs. Gernstein, he had never heard her sound so joyful and full of hope. If anyone saw him, they would not have missed the goofy smile that had come to his lips, Dr. Ramsey, as a lovesick puppy, was not a sight anyone was accustomed to. But the look was replaced by one of horror when he heard Casey’s chair slide back in place as she started to leave the room.
“Well, it has been lovely talking to you, Clara, but I have to go finish up. But I promise I will stop by tomorrow.”
“Please do and, Casey.”
“Thank you. I hope you get a Valentine too!”
“You’re very welcome, Clara. My Valentine is seeing you so happy.”
Casey’s face was glowing as she exited the room. She looked at her watch and realized her shift had ended fifteen minutes ago. She was pleased with how much happiness was spread today, but now she was eager to join her friends at Donahue’s for their Single’s Awareness Day party. She was about to step into the elevator when she was stopped.
“Dr. MacTavish,” he bellowed.
“Yes, Dr. Ramsey.”
“I need to see you in my office. Right away.”
“Of course,” she said, following behind him.
He walked toward his desk and pointed toward a chair, “Have a seat.”
“Have I done something wrong?” she asked.
“No. On the contrary, you’ve done something right.”
“I’ve been watching you today.”
“You have?” She asked with an arched brow.
“Yes and… to be honest, I was astounded by the sincere kindness you displayed to our patients.”
She shrugged her shoulders, dismissing his words, “I was just being nice.”
“It went beyond that, Rook… Case… Dr. MacTavish. You are a rare person, and I hope you know that.”
“I’m just being nice. It's not that hard to do, you know.”
“You should try it more frequently. It would be good for you, and certainly those around you.”
In his embarrassment, his eyes fell to his desk. That’s when he took notice of a small white plate topped with a heart-shaped cookie, a generously iced cupcake, and a little note that read, “Every day is Valentine’s Day when you are loved.”
“What is this?”
“What does it look like? We certainly weren’t going to give one to every staff member and patient on the floor… except for you.”
He lifted the note from the plate and studied it carefully, tilting his head back to her. “This isn’t your handwriting.”
Casey leaned over the desk to take a look. “No, it’s not. Sienna wrote that one, we split the job in half to make it easier.”
A tender smile came to his lips, “When did you find the time?”
“Don’t you know, Dr. Rasmsey? Medical interns don’t sleep. I’ll do that one day when I’m an attending, like you.”
“Ha!” he laughed, “yes. I suppose you will.”
He was silent for a moment, and Casey was about to ask if she could leave the room when he sputtered.
“What are you doing today?” It came out so spontaneously that he startled himself.
“Uh, I don’t know if that’s….”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. But, if there is nothing else, I….”
“Could you just wait here… just for one minute before you go?”
“Sure,” she said, falling back into her chair. She stared at the clock on his desk in his absence, watching as the hands slowly tick, and she was so fixated on it that she did not realize he had returned.
She looked up to find him standing next to her, a single red rose in his hand.
“It’s one of the flowers the nurses are selling, you know, to raise….”
“Yes, their charity rose sale, I’m aware.”
“Well,” he blushed, handing the stem to her, “I want you to have it. Happy Valentine’s Day, Dr… Casey.”
“Thank you,” she smiled. She looked at the rose, admiring its beauty. Then she held it to her nose and took in its scent. “It’s beautiful, Ethan. And very sweet of you, but… I can’t accept it.”
She placed the rose back in his hand as his face crumpled, “What, why not?”
“It wouldn’t be appropriate.”
“But you….”
“But Sienna and I left you a treat. The same as we did for everyone on this floor. There is a difference. Now, if you want to go buy a rose for everyone on the floor, I’ll be happy to accept, but, if not... I can’t. I don’t want to hear the nurses grumbling about me sleeping with you anymore… especially since I’m not.”
“They’re WHAT?”
“How long have you worked in Edenbrook? Do you not know how gossip is?”
“I try to pay it no mind.”
“I try to do the same, but sometimes it’s hard when you’re the one they’re gossiping about and you don’t have a private office to retreat to.”
Ethan lowered his eyes and stared at the rose he was twirling between his fingers.
“I understand,” he replied sadly. “Why don’t you get going, I’m sure you have plans this evening, I won’t hold you.”
“Thank you. And I do appreciate the gesture. Oh!” she said staning up, “you know what you should do with it?”
“Go give it to Mrs. Gernstien in 529. If getting a Jello heart from me made her day, a rose from you should make her happy for the next year. Will you do that?”
“Is that what you want me to do, Casey?”
She nodded.
“Then I’ll bring it over to her right away.”
With a slight smile on her lips, she made her way to the office door. Her hand was on the handle when he called out.
“Oh, and Casey?”
She turned back over her shoulder. “Yes?’
“Happy Valentine's Day.”
She swallowed and smiled sadly, “Good night, Dr. Ramsey.”
A/N 3: I HC that he took a moment after she left, staring at the rose and missing her presence. Then the soft look on his face turned chiseled. He hits the speakerphone and tells Maureen to come to his office where he lambasts her (poor thing had nothing to do with it) for allowing the nurses to gossip about him and Casey. The nurses have gossiped about him for years, and he's never cared. Maureen smiles because she knows he really has it bad for Casey. She assures him she'll stay on top of them. He is absolutely incorrigible when dealing with any of them. Word gets back to him that Laura is the ring leader. Every time she sees him she bats her lashes and smiles, and he is now determined to make her life a living hell. lol
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @alina-yol-ramsey @kat-tia801 @onikalvoer @panda9584 @peonyblossom @queencarb @swiminthegarden @toadfrog26
Ethan Only Tags: @rookiemartin @takemyopenheart @gryffindordaughterofathena @sincerelyscarring @cryomyst @mysticaurathings @wanderingamongthewildflowers @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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Unblemished (AU)
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Book: Open Heart (AU)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Angst
Summary: Sometimes walking away is the right choice, the only choice, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
Warnings: Breakup, end of a relationship
Words: Approx. 1300
A/N: I apologize in advance. THIS IS AN AU… my babies are completely and happily in love forever and ever in my HC. This is just nonsense in my head.
A/N 2: I am also participating in this month’s @choicesfebruary2022challenge, Day 24 Break up.
A/N 3: Also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge “To be or not to be” – this is a Not to be. 💔 (Did I mention I'm sorry?)
If you wish to be added or removed from tags, please let me know. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. 😊
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He watched her as she made her way down the path towards him. He was at the very spot they had shared picnic lunches to break up the workday and summer days on blankets soaking in the sun. It was the scene of a fierce snowball fight that ended in rolling in the snow peppering each other with kisses just months before. It was a cornucopia of beautiful memories, someplace they had made their own. Suddenly, he regretted asking to meet here; he hoped this one last memory would not mar all that came before.
She approached him sheepishly, looking away slightly, her hands buried in her pockets. She looked so cold. As much as she loved Boston, its winters never brought her much joy. He smiled sadly; she would be happier now. Her beautiful smile greeted him, but it didn’t go up to her eyes. Leaning against his chest, she inhaled the sandalwood scent that had become so familiar. It felt like home, and leaving home was never easy, even when necessary.
Lifting her chin, he gently kissed her forehead. He wanted more. He wanted to taste her lips, feel her warmth to kiss her as he had a thousand times before, but now it seemed wrong, unfair, even cruel to do so.
“Well, happy Valentine’s Day eve,” she nervously chuckled.
“I think I liked last year’s better,” his mind went back to the night. She had made a mess of his kitchen, trying so hard to make a special meal for them to share. She looked so cute, pouting when she realized it wouldn’t materialize. He held her and kissed her until she finally felt better, then they shared pizza and wine on his living room floor.
“You’re really going to go,” he said, caressing her cheek.
“Tobias,” she said, looking away, “we’ve discussed this a dozen times before.”
“I know,” he gasped, “I think I’m just saying it out loud to make it a reality. You’ll like the weather,” he smiled, “you’re better suited for the weather in Durham.”
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “but honestly, I don’t think it will ever feel like home.”
“Home is where your heart is, sweetheart. You’ll find a way.”
Tears began to fill her eyes, and she bit her lip in an attempt to stop them. She promised herself she would not do this. “As I said, it will never be home.”
Leaning into him, she nuzzled her face into his scarf, the perfect place to hide the tears that escaped her eyes as she willed them to stop.
“Are you going to miss me?” She asked.
Pulling back, he looked at her with astonishment. “How could you even ask that, Casey? You know the answer.”
“Sometimes I just wonder, why…” she trailed off, her broken voice betraying her just like her tears had moments before.
“We want different things, baby. I wish we didn’t, but we do, and I care about you too much to deny you all that you deserve… which is better than me.”
“Yeah,” she said, her voice taking on a colder tone, “but I think I should have had more of a say in what I deserve.”
“You did,” he strolled toward her again, “you didn’t make this decision lightly, and you weren’t forced. You’re doing the right thing it’s just… letting go is hard. Trust me, I know.”
She leaned up against the trunk of an old oak tree, the emotion taking a toll on her body, leaving her weak. She knew this would be hard, but she had underestimated how much so.
“As much as I want to spend every second with you, I feel like we should make this short. Putting it off when it’s just waiting there.. this big empty space… it’s a bit too much, you know?”
“I know,” he said, staring at the ground. “I don’t know if this will make it better or worse, but if I could ever want it… the house, the kids, the white picket fence… if it could have been with anyone, it would have been with you.”
She lifted a tissue to her eyes with her gloved hand. She had given up on trying.
“Yeah, I think that made it worse.”
“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “Maybe that just solidifies it. It’s for the best.”
She nodded rapidly, regaining her composure. These were their last moments together, and she wanted them to end as they had begun. Two friends who had become more, who made each other laugh more than they ever cried, who cared about each other… loved each other… in a way neither had before. So much they had dared to dream about forever; until forever fell apart.
“Well, I should go,” she stammered.
He lifted his hand, brushing her hair back over her ear, memorizing her face for all time. His lips pressed tightly together as he waited until he could speak without breaking.
“I guess this is goodbye,” he whispered so softly that she wasn’t sure it was said. Then she gently chuckled, a barely-there smile came to her lips.
“What is it?” He asked, still caressing her cheek.
She pointed to the small tattoo on his wrist. They decided to get them on vacation together after they had a little too much to drink.
Written in a script so elaborate, it was almost difficult to discern. She had a matching one, bearing his name, on her hip. Her mother was furious over it.
“It’s bad luck! You have a good thing, and you just jinxed yourselves.” They laughed at her at the time… and now, here they were.
“I bet you regret that now,” she said sadly.
He lifted his hand to the streetlight to get a better view. “This?” He asked, shaking his head. “Oh, no. How could I ever regret this.”
“Well, if you do settle down one day, I’m sure the next woman in your life won’t appreciate it.”
He smiled more genuinely. “If that should happen, and it’s not likely, but if it should, I know a guy who could turn this into a nice cat or something,” he chuckled. Then, with a look of longing and pure sincerity on his face, he turned to her. “But I would always know what lies underneath, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“I know,” she cried, “I feel the same way about mine. I never want to forget that this happened.”
“I couldn’t if I tried.”
They both leaned in toward each other. Within a moment, their lips were entwined in a manner that befitted their goodbye. Filled with the passion, the love, the sorrow, and the regret that they shared. One more moment until their story came to an end. Neither knew that a moment so painful could also be filled with such love and tenderness. A beauty all of its own.
Time moved in slow motion as she slowly pulled away, but it couldn’t be delayed any longer.
“Goodbye, Tobias. I’ll always love you.”
“I’ll always love you too.”
A gentle snow began to fall as their hands parted for the final time. Their eyes fixed on each other until they turned, walking in different directions. The metaphor wasn’t lost on either of them. Life brought them together, but the lives they wished to lead tore them apart. In the end, it would be for the best, but at that moment, it felt like anything but.
He was happy to find that that their spot brought only happy memories as time passed. Sometimes she’d visit, and they’d sit there together and laugh about old times. In time, her tattoo became a pretty rose, one devoid of thorns. But Tobias’s remained unabashedly “Casey.” Though he’d cover it out of respect when her husband, who became a good friend, was around. But he never regretted it being there, it was a reminder, a memory of the only time he ever truly loved and that could never bring him pain.
(I'm sorry. 💔)
Part 2: Unforgettable
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