choong-han · 10 years
【行無愧怍心常坦 身處艱難氣若虹】
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見了,才知錯了。 長毛……溫柔得很。親和得很。謙卑得很。浪漫得很。懂的很多,卻還像孩子。
「一個制度如果讓少數人得益,讓多數人痛苦,你能說它成功嗎?」 「一定要反抗,要反抗,不停地反抗。讓政府不安、不方便,總會迫使他們去做你要的事。」 「為甚麼假設對方不會改變?」 「你都不願意出來。你都要放棄鬥爭。那(結果)當然(不變)啊。」
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「沒有所謂醜陋足球。戰術都是藝術來的。」 從個人談到香港再到“講波”……閒聊之間、恍惚之中仿佛能看見,那對經歷歲月的眼裏有看破風雲的笑意,但不離紅塵的堅毅。
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choong-han · 10 years
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教師節前夕,原本翻箱倒櫃只想找出當年的畢業刊⋯卻意外翻出那時的玩意兒。 三歲八十吧?看來我的心思從來不在正事上,課業以外的左的右的旁的別的偏的不偏的都愛沾一些⋯來玩。是啊。我貪玩。;)
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choong-han · 10 years
Life goes on. Love last forever.
It has been years since I last wrote a blog, a real proper long blog, not those short status in Facebook. At that time, I still, could write well, nicely expressed my feelings... I still, dreamed of endless possibilities, thought I was young, imagined chances were waiting at corners, and believed life was a long way to go... Papa still there, texted me to remind about mama's birthday, called me to go home during holidays... Worries were less, except for the fact that I earned little money. Too little to provide my family a better life, but I thought things will get better as time passed by. Well. We will never understand that time and it's bff whose name "life" can never be expected, until they steal something from you. Life isn't the same anymore. Okay, it is never the same this second and the next actually...but there are minor changes and major changes. And always only after major changes we understand what actually means by "things happened", and that life never last forever. The only thing in life that is under our control, is to appreciate everyone without fail and live every second with no regrets. Thus, I am picking my blog-writing back up. A little effort to keep seconds in life last. 雖然人們常說,生命唯一的常,便是無常。但若能把每個當下 用文字或圖片或影像 銘刻凝結起來,或許未嘗不是淡淡淺淺的永恒。 “人生到處知何似,恰似飛鴻踏雪泥;泥上偶然留指爪,鴻飛那復計東西。” -- 蘇軾,宋。
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