chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
Part 3 of the exorcism of Carl Lawson, former caretaker of Bobby Mackeys Music World
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
Part 2 of the exorcism of Carl Lawson, former caretaker of Bobby Mackeys Music World
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
Exorcism of Carl Lawson, former caretaker of Bobby Mackeys Music World.
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
The Wendigo
Creatures more popularized by the 2015 PS4 release Until Dawn, Wendigos are in fact a much older legend that dates back as far back as a number of Algonquin speakers; the Ojibwe and Saulteaux, the Cree, the Naskapi, and the Innu. 
Descriptions of Wendigos vary, but one thing is always the same. It is a malevolent, cannibalistic and supernatural, being the embodiment of gluttongy, greed, and excess: never satisfied with killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims.
One description of the Wendigo depicts the creature to be gaunt to the point of emaciation, its desiccated skin pulled tightly over its bones. With its bones pushing out against its skin, its complexion the ash gray of death, and its eyes pushed back deep into their sockets, the Wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave. What lips it had were tattered and bloody. Unclean and suffering from suppuration of flesh, the Wendigo gave off a strange eerie odor of decay and decomposition, of death and corruption.
In some traditions, humans who became overpowered by greed could turn into Wendigos. This belief continues in the living creatures with humans and corporations who wreak environmental destruction. The Wendigo is sick because it’s cut off from its roots. It’s a ghost with a heart of ice. It eats everything in sight. Its hunger knows no bounds. When there is nothing left to eat, it starves to death. When it sees something, it wants to own it. No one else can have anything. This illness feeds on a spiritual void. Among the Ojibwe, Eastern Cree, Westmain Swampy Cree, Naskapi, and Innu lore, Wendigos are often described as giants, many times larger than humans. Whenever a Wendigo ate another person, it would grow in proportion to the meal it had just eaten so that it could never be full. 
It is commonly believed that those who are forced to resort to cannibalism are transformed into Wendigos. Whether it is by harsh elements where cannibalism is seen as a rash decision for survival, or actively choosing to consume the flesh of another human being. 
Do they exists? Possibly. I did a rather extensive search to find any video proof on the matter. However I only came across fakes. Perhaps it’s because the creature is a relentless hunter, that anyone who has successfully seen, much less filmed the creature has died, thus the video never made it to the public. 
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
The time of recording was 2006 but the video was not uploaded until 2013. The story is the group are videographers exploring a forested area in Spain for an upcoming documentary. Is it real? See for yourself. I was unable to find much info regarding the creature beyond it had left a large trail of feathers. Malnourished homeless man? The Rake? Fallen Angel? Tell me what you think.
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
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1. Mugshot of Albert Fish 2. X-Rays of Needles found within Fish’s Pelvis 3. Description of Grace Budd 4. Francis McDonnell 5. Fish being escorted by detectives 6. Fish being strapped to electric chair
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
Hamilton Howard “Albert” Fish 1870-1936
The Grey Man, The Werewolf of Wysteria, The Brooklyn Vampire, The Moon Maniac, or simply just The Boogey Man. Albert Fish was possibly the sickest serial killer who ever lived. What didn’t he do? Of course he is convicted of much less than he really did. Murder, Kidnapping, Grand Larceny and Theft. But that barely scratches the surface of who this man really was, a monster in every meaning of its definition. In fact, he was most famous for committing what is considered the ultimate taboo; Cannibalism.
"My dear Mrs. Budd,In 1894 a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the Steamer Tacoma, Capt. John Davis.  They sailed from San Francisco for Hong Kong China.  On arriving there he and two others went ashore and got drunk.  When they returned the boat was gone.At that time there was famine in China. Meat of any kind was from $1 to 3 Dollars a pound.  So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold for food in order to keep others from starving.  A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street.  You could go in any shop and ask for steak -- chops -- or stew meat.  Part of the naked body of a boy or girl would be brought out and just what you wanted cut from it.  A boy or girls behind which is the sweetest part of the body and sold as veal cutlet brought the highest price.John staid there so long he acquired a taste for human flesh.  On his return to N.Y. he stole two boys one 7 one 11.  Took them to his home stripped them naked tied them in a closet.  Then burned everything they had on.  Several times every day and night he spanked them -- tortured them -- to make their meat good and tender.First he killed the 11 year old boy, because he had the fattest ass and of course the most meat on it. Every part of his body was Cooked and eaten except the head -- bones and guts.  He was Roasted in the oven (all of his ass), boiled, broiled, fried and stewed.  The little boy was next, went the same way.  At that time, I was living at 409 E 100 st., near -- right side.  He told me so often how good Human flesh was I made up my mind to taste it.On Sunday June the 3 --1928 I called on you at 406 W 15 St.  Brought you pot cheese -- strawberries.  We had lunch.  Grace sat in my lap and kissed me.  I made up my mind to eat her.On the pretense of taking her to a party.  You said Yes she could go.  I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out.  When we got there, I told her to remain outside.  She picked wildflowers.  I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off.  I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them.When all was ready I went to the window and called her.  Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room.  When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down the stairs.  I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma.First I stripped her naked.  How she did kick -- bite and scratch.  I choked her to death, then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms.  Cook and eat it.  How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven.  It took me 9 days to eat her entire body.  I did not fuck her tho I could of had I wished.  She died a virgin."  
-A letter from Fish to Mr. and Mrs. Budd concerning their missing daughter Grace, 10 years old
As explained in the letter, Grace had been led to an abandon house by Mr. Fish where she was then killed and eaten.  And whom would you expect to be able to do such an act? Certainly not an old man such as Mr. Fish? But that’s where you’d be wrong. It’s the perfect cover, nobody expects the frail old soul, but Fish’s soul was anything but frail. Fish went on to continue acts on children such as this in every state in the U.S., though whether he was referring to rape or cannibalization is unknown. 
Life of Albert Fish
The early life of Fish was not a pleasant one. Born in Washington D.C. on May 19, 1870, Fish lived with his parents and 3 siblings. So far this seems normal. However due to a heart attack, his father died and the family soon fell apart due to their mother unable to afford to take care of them. Fish’s mother then gave Fish away to St. Johns Orphanage, where she believed he would have a better life, however this was not the case. Children from the orphanage, when punished, where forced to strip naked and were whipped and beaten in front of each other. Due to such regular punishment, Fish had developed a sense of sadomasochism and would become aroused when witnessing such punishments. Fish lived this was until age 9, until his mother returned. 
3 years later, Fish began his first homosexual relationship with a telegraph boy who was the first to witness Fish’s dark tendencies emerging. Fish would experiment with drinking urine, consuming feces, and watching other boys undress in public bathrooms, although this was only the beginning.
At age 20, Fish had moved to New York City and began working as a male prostitute. It was around this time when Fish had began sexually assaulting young boys. In 1898, Fish’s mother had arranged a marriage to a 19 year old girl, where Fish became the father of 6 children. Fish supported this family by working as a handyman, but continued assaulting boys around age 6, mentally disabled children, or African American children as he believed the police would be less likely to look into the matter. 
One afternoon, Fish had visited a wax museum where he glanced upon a penis and became immediately fascinated with castration. Soon after, Fish fell into a sadomasochistic relationship with a 19 year old Thomas Kedden. It was unknown whether or not this relationship was consensual as Kedden was mentally disabled. Fish led Kedden to an abandon farmhouse where he was tortured for 2 weeks. Instead of killing Kedden, as was his original plan, Fish took a pair of scissors and severed half of Kedden’s penis to keep as a souvenir. Fish gave Kedden $10 as compensation and abandon him in the farmhouse. It is unknown whether or not the boy survived. 
Upon returning home one day, Fish’s wife abandoned him and their children, which caused the unstable man to fall further into instability. He would punish himself by striking himself with a wooden bat fixed with several 9″ nails, press needles into his abdomen, and even stuffing a ether soaked rag into his anus and setting it ablaze. While Fish never molested his own children, it is believed that he had his kids join in on his self harm. He turned it into a game by getting on his hands and knees, gave them a paint stick or hair brush, the kids would climb on his back and Fish was to guess a number, if he was incorrect the kids would strike him said number of times. 
Fish had a fascination with children and there were reports all over the country of children found dead. One such case was with 8 year old Francis McDonnell. One day while McDonnell was playing at the park, Fish lured him away, beat the child and strangled him with his own suspenders. The boy was found due to a neighbor seeing him walking with an old man into the forest. 
Later Fish would develop a taste for raw meat, often preparing it for dinner, usually very bloody. This new taste opened the door for  a knew fascination; cannibalism. 4 year old Billy Gaffney was playing with his 3 year old friend Billy Beaton. Both boys disappeared but Beaton was found on the roof. When asked what happened to Gaffney, the boy replied, “The Boogey Man took him.” Gaffney’s body was never recovered. Later when Fish confessed to his murder, he recounted mutilating the boy beyond recognition, drinking his blood, and cut the body into several pieced to cook and eat. This only continued however when Fish found a new victim. They would be tortured, killed, cooked and eaten. 
Fish’s most famous murder was that of Grace Budd (as mentioned from the letter above). Fish had answered to an ad in the newspaper, under the name of Frank Howard, met Edward Budd to offer him work on his “farm”. Upon sharing a lunch, Grace (Edwards 10 year old sister) had returned from church. Fish was immediately drawn to her and asked if she would like to attend a birthday party of one of his sisters children. As this was a much different time, she was permitted to go. Fish then led her to the abandoned house, where he instructed her to wait outside where she picked wild flowers. Fish had entered the house and gone upstairs where he stripped naked and called the girl inside where he strangled her and cut off her head. She was later cut into smaller bits and cooked and eaten. It took Fish a total of 9 days to finish her. 7 years later, Fish had sent an anonymous letter to Grace’s parents (above) detailing what he had done to her, which in turn led the police to Fish. 
Upon being arrested, Fish plead insanity, claiming God had told him to kill those children. During examination, x-rays revealed 29 needles in his pelvis due to his self harm. His 10 day trial rendered him sane and guilty although many of the jurors believed Fish was insane but wanted him executed anyway. He was finally executed on January 16, 1936 via electric chair. He was the oldest man to be executed in this way. James Dempsey, Fish’s attorney, walked out of the prison after the execution holding many notes and letters made by Fish hours before the execution. Dempsey refused to reveal the letters as he claimed, “It was the most filthy string of obscenities I had ever read.” They still have never been released. 
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
See just a glimpse of the dark side of the world.
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chorea-machabaeorum · 8 years
Good Evening
Good evening everybody. Welcome to my Museum of Macabre. My name is Dante and I shall be your host for the night. “What might this blog hold?” You ask yourself. Well, come on in, see for yourself.
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