chr-vault · 1 year
ellie's muse list 💘
Here's a link to my (currently outdated) full muse list— any character I can write. My full muse list includes old original characters, characters from media that I'm no longer very into, etc.
This shorter list, on the other hand, will be frequently updated and will consist of characters that I currently write, and enjoy writing enough to go into roleplays and reply to asks with them.
List Key:
Underlined - Links to an info post about them
♡ - Highest preferences for roleplays and asks
Aki ♡
Koko (Sachiko Kida)
Misaki Kanda
Katsu Angello ♡
Iwa Hamasaki
Toroid OCs:
Eva Soldona ♡
Lành Chau ♡
Ayakashi Akashi:
Ia Shishibe
Kaede Akamatsu
Komaru Naegi
Nagisa Shingetsu ♡
Dead by Daylight:
Anna (The Huntress)
Julie (The Legion) ♡
Ji-woon Hak (The Trickster) ♡
Hux (The Singularity) ♡
Kate Denson
Yui Kimura
Yoichi Asakawa
Thalita Lyra
Mystic Messenger:
Jaehee Kang ♡♡
Jumin Han
Mi-yeong ("MC") ♡
Headspace Mari
Spirit Mari
Resident Evil*:
Ada Wong
Ashley Graham
*For ask and potentially roleplay purposes, Resident Evil characters will be set in the Dead by Daylight universe.
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chr-vault · 1 year
Soo-jin Park
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Years ago, a devoutly religious young woman who migrated to South Korea to find a job in teaching the English language began to frequent local Mass services in an attempt to keep practicing her faith that had brought her many good things in life. She settled down at a rather conservative Catholic church community, where the community was large but was so connected and felt so much like a family in Christ that it felt small to the woman from America. Feeling called to do more for her community, she began to volunteer in several ways— one being assisting with the religious education program. There, she met a man deeply devoted to his job in the youth ministry of the church, and they slowly fell in love. In their mid-20s, they had a beautiful and well-attended wedding in the church building, and their vows praised God and thanked Him for bringing them together from across the world.
About a year later, the woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl, who they named Soo-jin Park. The happy parents fell in love with her right away and cared for her to the best of their ability. As soon as possible, the parents began taking baby Soojin to Mass with them, and had her baptized. When the water was poured over her head, she wailed loudly, but all the churchgoers only cooed and aww-ed and how adorable the baby girl was, all dressed up for her big day.
Soojin Park grew up to be a loud child— after all, she had the right to do so. She had many important things to say. She noticed things about the world around her that other children and adults didn't seem to question, even when she knew that every time, she would get shushed and told to pipe down. She would raise her hand during the pastor's sermons and ask (completely genuinely, with wide-eyed fascination) how in the world the Holy Trinity was possible, how it might be possible that what she was taught in school and what she was taught in religious education could both be correct about the beginning of the world, and so on. The other adults in the church did not see this as enthusiasm and curiosity, but they saw it as disobedience and refusal to listen. Her additions to these conversations was silenced time after time and her parents grew intolerant and annoyed as well. Why was their child so uncontrollable and showing such disrespect towards the force of God that had brought their family together?
In her same grade at school and in religious education, Soojin had a classmate named Haneul— a model student in both. She was a quiet girl with a perfect, modest personality and style, who aced every exam and politely raised her hand during class and read books during recess. Soojin often found herself spaced out in class, staring at the back of her classmate, wondering what it would be like to be such a person completely different from herself. Or maybe, what it would be like to be her friend. To Soojin's surprise, despite their differences, when she approached her to ask if she might like to be friends, Haneul enthusiastically agreed, confessing that she shared similar sentiments to how the other girl felt— wondering what it would be like to be bold and speak out like her. For years, the two were inseparable.
One day, when the two girls were 12 and preparing for their confirmation into the church next year, Haneul took Soojin's hand and told her to follow her out of the lunchroom. Soojin followed, wondering what it was that the other girl had to show her. The quiet girl led them into a single-stall female restroom meant for the teachers, locking it behind them and letting go of Soojin's hand. She sighed loudly, hoping all her stress would leave in that breath, and began a confession.
For three years now, Haneul had developed romantic feelings for Soojin. She had attempted to repress them, attempted to pray them away, and had made reconciliation to God late at night to please restore the pure friendship that they had shared instead of the inappropriate feelings she was having. But none of it had worked, and her guilt was reaching a boiling point. She couldn't bear to be around Soojin for a second longer without telling her. She begged her not to tell her parents or any other kids and *especially* not anyone from church. But she would understand if Soojin rejected her and never wanted to speak to her again.
...but as the extroverted girl listened to what she had to say, the way the introverted girl described her romantic love felt identical to the way Soojin experienced her feelings for Haneul. She expressed this, and after a heart-to-heart, she came to the shocking conclusion that she had romantic feelings for Haneul as well. "What do we do now?" Soojin asked, stunned by all these new realizations. Haneul felt stunned as well, but she'd had enough time to process her feelings over the other girl already. Something about the other girl returning them just... made everything clear. So Haneul took inspiration from the girl she loved, and made a bold choice for once in her life— she took Soojin's face gently in her hands and kissed her. When the extroverted girl recovered from her initial shock, she realized that this felt so much more right than she'd ever imagined kissing would feel like. So she kissed back.
The two young girls hid their romance away, but only because they knew that the consequences would be severe if they did. They weren't embarrassed of their love for each other. They gave excuses for sneaking away alone together that explained away their behavior on account of being best friends. A year passed, and the young girls' anniversary was coming up. After religious education one day, the two girls stayed behind in a dark classroom, laughing quietly and talking about their futures together while Haneul sat atop a desk playing with Soojiin's braids. As Soojin turned around and they briefly kissed, a religious education teacher returned to pick up some of their forgotten items and discovered the two girls kissing.
The two girls were both punished severely by their own families that night once the teacher had called home to them. This incident sparked a pattern of physical abuse from Soojin's father and verbal abuse by her mother that the 13 year old girl had to endure. She was forbidden from seeing Haneul, which didn't matter much as the other girl seemed to have disappeared from church and school. She was made to stay after church for hours on Sundays at reconciliation, praying as penance. She was grounded, and even locked in her room whenever she insisted that what she had done wasn't wrong. Soojin was punished even more severely when her mother went through her room and found her notebook filled with artwork— complicated and occasionally blasphemous, inspired by her conflicting feelings for Haneul and about feeling betrayed by God. Soojin's loud, unapologetic personality was shoved deep inside of her, as it did nothing but get her hurt nowadays. For weeks, she seemed almost silent, dissociated. When her confirmation came around, her parents chose her name for her, since Soojin didn't seem to have any interest— Catherine, for purity. The ceremony came and went, in a blur. It didn't matter. Church didn't matter. God didn't matter. School didn't matter. The only thing that mattered had been ripped away from her, the only thing left in her wake being whispers of her being sent away to a better place, a place that would fix her.
One week, a few years later, Soojin snapped, not being able to handle this life anymore. She snuck out past midnight with a suitcase packed, thoroughly vandalized the church she'd gone to at least once a week for nearly 16 years, and left on her own. As if sent by a true God, one that actually cared about her, a kind young man only a year or so older than her approached her the next morning, able to see the hurt and betrayal in her eyes, and offered her a place to stay, designed for those who had been hurt and forsaken by the world around them. Exhausted and touched by how genuine and how much of a perfect coincidence this seemed, Soojin accepted his offer and went with him to Magenta.
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chr-vault · 2 years
Ji-woon Hak, aka The Trickster
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Art credits: Official game art
Source: Dead by Daylight, his wiki link is here, and further backstory is here.
After the tragic deaths of the rest of his fellow band members, K-pop idol Ji-woon Hak took time out of the spotlight to rebrand. When he debuted again, solo this time, he returned under the stage name The Trickster, bringing a wild and dangerous edge to his music. When his solo debut was a hit, his producer Yun-jin brought him touring around the world. Where fame and success followed, so did horrific murders that eerily occurred close in location and time to Ji-woon's concerts. As this was accompanied by a number of threatening and stalker-like emails, Yun-jin had good reason to believe that whoever was the perpetrator of this string of serial murders was a deranged fan of Ji-woon's. However, this was not the case.
All the tragedy that had followed Ji-woon Hak was of his own doing. He had found his bandmates trapped behind fallen speakers, smelled the burning wires, and heard their cries to him for help, and had done nothing. The night that happened, a deep appreciation for the emotion and humanity in the voices of people in the last moments of their lives awoke inside him. When he toured, he paid off his security detail to leave him alone so that he could take the time to transport his victims to abandoned locations so that they could scream and sob and nobody would hear it. That was, until Ji-woon began recording the sounds of their last moments and infusing them with his songs.
So when his entertainment agency stopped allowing him to produce his own songs, he took revenge, and in one last final, perfect performance before being abruptly taken into the Fog, the agency executives were forced onstage as their final moments were turned into music.
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chr-vault · 2 years
Julie Kostenko
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Art credits: Left image is by @prevailinghope / Elliot, and the right image is her in-game model.
Source: Dead by Daylight, her wiki link is here, and her backstory told from her own perspective is here.
Julie grew up in a small, remote, dreary ski town named Ormond in Alberta, Canada. She did her best to succeed where she could in the town, but she could never shake the feeling that she deserved something more than the everyday life she and everyone else lived there. In wishing she could make her life different, she found herself lost in news stories about serial killers, and in daydreams about committing a murder that would shake up the town and make it interesting again. Of course, though, it was just fictional.
One day, she met a boy named Frank, who she instantly clicked with, and who shared her cynical views on Ormond and the world. She introduced her best friends Susie and Joey to him, and they became one big group. In order to make Ormond see what they were capable of, and to make things in their dreary town more interesting, the group started committing petty crimes. As Julie and Frank became closer, and continued to bring out and encourage the worst in each other, the group, which would soon name themselves The Legion, started making their way up to more intense crimes.
One day, one of their crimes went wrong. As they robbed the convenience store that had unfairly fired Joey, the janitor returned earlier than expected and grabbed Julie. To defend her, Frank took out a knife and stabbed the man. Now that the man had let go of her and fell to the ground, Frank handed Julie the knife, and after a moment of shocked consideration, she stabbed the janitor as well. After burying their first victim in the woods, the group was taken into the Entity's realm by a mysterious fog and was never seen on Earth again.
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chr-vault · 2 years
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Source: Original character!
Not long ago, Zura was separated from their parents by a doctor named Celia Marlowe, as a result of what Zura believes was bad behavior or weakness on his part— their parents must have sent them away to get better. He thinks he understands why he now has to live in the facility that Celia runs with many other kids working to get better and improve their skills, but what they don't understand is why they had to be surgically altered into somebody not entirely human in order to get there.
Zura is ten years old, and rather physically distinct from other kids their age. There are dark, feathery wings attached to their back that almost identically resemble a crow's, the top of their ears join in a tip instead of being rounded off, and their nails slightly resemble claws. Other than a few inhuman features, though, he looks just like another ten year old. They're slowly but surely getting used to their wings and have learned how to fly (albeit awkwardly). Additionally, you won't hear about this from them, but there are rumors among the other kids about a stash of shiny items they keep hidden somewhere, but that nobody, even security, has been able to find...
A few characters that connect to Zura are Kaya (Ashton) and Celia (Court)! Feel free to ask Zura about them or vice versa!
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chr-vault · 2 years
Aria Halloway
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Source: Original character!
Aria Halloway is a 19 year old nursing student at a fairly prestigious university, finally able to begin her path to her dream of helping people every day with the love and passion she has for science and medicine. She's a bright and outgoing individual who makes friends easily and gets along with most people pretty well!
However, wherever Aria goes, disaster seems to follow. Missing persons and murder cases tend to pop up more than often when she's around, in a pattern that repeatedly targets people who have done something wrong. Bullies, abusers, most recently a fraternity president who was exposed for hazing... you get the idea.
A few characters that connect to Aria are Lydia (Elijah) and Cian (Basil)! Feel free to ask them about her or vice versa!
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chr-vault · 2 years
Muse List
Danganronpa (Canon): Kaede, Rantaro, Himiko, Tenko, Sonia, Remnant!Sonia, Peko, Remnant!Peko, Komaru, Nagisa
Danganronpa (OCs): Kaede "Aki" Akamatsu, Kaori Akamatsu, Iwa Hamasaki, Ichika Nakamura, Asuka Miura, Misaki Kanda, Nakano Chiba, Mayu Onishi, Keia Hirayama, Ciara (C-102), Zura
Assorted OCs: Aria Halloway, Sumiye Kasai, Sachiko (Koko) Kida, Katsu Angello
Genshin Impact: Lumine, Yae Miko, Amber, Lisa, Kujou Sara
Deltarune: Queen
Amphibia: Pre- and Post-Amphibia Anne Boonchuy, Sprig
My Hero Academia: Ochako Uraraka
Omori: Headspace Mari, Spirit Mari, Sweetheart, Perfectheart, SOMETHING
Doki Doki Literature Club: Yuri
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Lilith Clawthorne, The Collector, Emira Blight
Cooking Companions: Mariah, Cabbage
Ayakashi Akashi: Ia Shishibe
Epithet Erased: Molly Blyndeff
Spy x Family: Yor Forger
Wonder Egg Priority: Momoe Sawaki
Mystic Messenger: Jaehee Kang
Slay the Princess: The Hero
Dead By Daylight: Kate Denson, Yui Kimura, Anna (The Huntress), Julie (The Legion), Ji-Woon Hak
Infinity Train: Tulip Olsen, Hazel
Resident Evil: Ada Wong
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chr-vault · 2 years
The Hero
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Source: Slay the Pr*ncess. This is an original character based off a mostly blank slate protagonist.
The Hero is the unlucky person tasked with the sole responsibility of saving the world. They are the only one that can do it, and they are told by the Narrator of the story that there is only one way to accomplish this: to kill the Princess (Basil's muse) locked away in the basement of a nearby cabin.
The Hero is still currently grappling with their decision. What if the Princess is innocent? Is it really worth it to kill her? How on earth will letting her live bring about the end of the world?
Something about the Hero feels off to you. You cannot place what is making you think this.
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chr-vault · 2 years
Is you are
Actually I aren't
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chr-vault · 2 years
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Source: OMORI. Her wiki link is here!
Sweetheart is an arrogant, annoying girl who is used to getting exactly what she wants with no resistance whatsoever. She lives in a large castle, with little creatures called Sprout Moles who will do exactly as she tells them to. They're like her little royal subjects.
She used to have a dating show, called SWEETHEART'S QUEST FOR HEARTS. Every episode, she'd reject all three sprout moles that were presented to her, and send them to the dungeon. However, when a human boy finally caught her eye, he refused her proposal. This angered her a lot, which eventually led to her next attempt at finding love— trying to find somebody who could make a carbon copy of her own self for her to love. None of the copies she is offered satisfy her, and she refuses to pay for the work. This leads her to be attacked and believed dead, which caused many of the sprout moles to abandon the castle.
Currently, she escaped her previous situation, where Perfectheart was supposed to keep watch over her and make sure she repaid her debt, and is back at the castle. She has considerably less sprout moles now, is a lot more lonely, and gets bored easily.
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chr-vault · 2 years
Momoe Sawaki
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Source: Wonder Egg Priority. Her wiki link is here!
(Content warning: Suicide mention! No Momoe content will have anything explicit showing this, but the concept of suicide and mentioning other people being suicidal may and probably will arise, since it's a central part of the show. I will put this content in spoilers.)
Momoe is a polite, softspoken girl, and it's easy for her to be kind to others. However, before she met her current friend group, she didn't have many friends, partly due to romantic complications.
Between her short hair and androgynous style, Momoe is often mistaken for a boy, and because of this, many girls that she meets are attracted to her. She has a lot of insecurities about meeting new friends and about her appearance because of this.
Currently, she has met three new friends (Ai Ohto, Rika Kawai (Pluto plays Rika!), and Neiru Aonuma) that she met through working towards a common goal— to return day after day to an alternate dimension to fight to protect the souls that spawn there— the souls of teenagers who have committed suicide. Momoe and her friends must protect all of them from manifestations of their greatest fears to hopefully bring back somebody important to them that they lost to suicide. Momoe is not an exception to having one of those people in her life, and she is determined to bring her back and save her.
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