I'm rarely bothered by anything online, and by what I am actually bothered, I just ignore and think about something else if I don't want to engage in something that I want to be bothered by on purpose.
A hard pass is pregnancy. I ALWAYS avoid that topic, for one exception: I was triggered once by a fanfic that had it, and had I commented on it very, very rudely and offensively on an emotionally disgust-fueled rant. I still deeply regret how I commented on that fic; I honestly should've just avoided it completely. It was really good too (which is also why and how it triggered me this badly, funnily enough).
Plz reblog for a bigger sample size
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Oh gosh darn diddly damn fucking shit damn it. Yeag. Yeag, thank you for the wakeup call, even though in my case this was literally flipped on it's head (mother being horrible and abusive and father dismissing and dissociating).
I’d rather a woman did something so hyperbolically mean and nasty and over the top that she horrifies herself down her marrow and spends the rest of her life deciding how to relate to the good hard look she got of herself in that moment than spend her life hiding and pretending to be good, the sooner you can appreciate the full scope of your own capacity for cruelty the better, if you haven’t hit bedrock yet keep digging, you’ll find it.
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I would LOVE seeing that (and maybe participating).
We could make sanguinaccio out of the blood of the pig!
I've noticed at a lot of the social stuff I go to now, I'm one of the few there who doesn't drink, and I was reminded of the smoking poll. So now I'm curious.
(See below poll for some notes)
*"regularly" meaning you drink even when there's no occasion to motivate it. Basically, not just social drinking.
**If you've had alcohol before but don't drink anymore for any reason, choose no.
This is a ZERO JUDGMENT poll! Every answer is equally valid, and you DO NOT have to explain your answer if you don't want to!
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I only drink whenever I REALLY want to, which is rare. It was less rare when I used to hang out with a group of people I knew through a mutual friend.
I've noticed at a lot of the social stuff I go to now, I'm one of the few there who doesn't drink, and I was reminded of the smoking poll. So now I'm curious.
(See below poll for some notes)
*"regularly" meaning you drink even when there's no occasion to motivate it. Basically, not just social drinking.
**If you've had alcohol before but don't drink anymore for any reason, choose no.
This is a ZERO JUDGMENT poll! Every answer is equally valid, and you DO NOT have to explain your answer if you don't want to!
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chrisasiaheartman · 2 days
Oh man.
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So a lot of political scandals just dropped in the last 24 hours
-NC Governor Candidate Mark Robinson's online posts were found, including some VERY graphic descriptions (like seriously, do not read if you're not 18) of him cheating on his wife, calling himself a black Nazi, and expressing support for reinstituting slavery. His email address was also found on Ashley Madison
-Robert F Kennedy Jr was revealed to be cheating on his wife with a reporter (and that isn't even the weirdest thing since federal law enforcement opened an investigation into him allegedly cutting off the head of a whale and taking it home with him less than 24 hours ago)
-GOP Senate candidate who is the CEO of a bank has been found accepting millions of dollars from what seem to allegedly be Mexican drug cartels.
-Finally, probably the biggest bombshell, according to multiple eyewitness testimonies within sealed sworn affadavits, Congressman Matt Gaetz allegedly invited a 17-year-old girl to a drug-fueld sex party
And we haven't even hit October, folks. Again, these are all still breaking news stories, so things are subject to change, but oh man oh man.
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chrisasiaheartman · 2 days
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chrisasiaheartman · 2 days
The owner gave me permission to share photos... but look! Look at this little French Bulldog!
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A nose! Minimal facial wrinkles! Breathes quietly! *delighted gasp*
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chrisasiaheartman · 2 days
Sounds like a cult. DON'T INTERACT!!!!
NEBULON: The Intersection of Spirit and Matter in Life
The nature of human sexuality; finally explained in lay terms. A must read for everyone.
We all are mysterious sprout of being manifested by the union of two opposite beings, congenitally submitted to natural formation and predefined by the All- Artistic strokes of life, strictly guided by set of natural codes that creates universal living signatures we call Human Beings.  We must not just see our self as Human Beings but as Artistic Beings. We are Painters. Painting as an artwork…
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chrisasiaheartman · 2 days
"Mandatory training against discrimination and harassment"
*Does discrimination and harassment at the same time.*
Not surprised. Bruh moment.
I have to do mandatory online training about discrimination and harrassment and that's super important I agree but is it really necessary for the website to print my deadname in huge letters on the first page
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chrisasiaheartman · 2 days
I think that the least that could happen is a queerromantic (aka still in the aroace spectrum, since it's not conforming to heteronormative standards of love), but I think there is already a connection between all the Forgers, not just romantic.
Is he aroace?
🧡    💛     🤍     🩵    💙
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Reasoning under the cut due to lenght, same reason as Yor's poll:
The entire premise of the show kicks off because Yor didn't realize that dating was something she was expected to do and had to get into a fake relationship to cover her ass. Many fans run along with this and act like the use of that trope means that she and the other guy must Fall In Love For Real eventually, but Loid/Twilight literally thinks that at one point and brings it up in the show, asking if she's attracted to him and wants to legit become a couple, and Yor's response is to freak out at his misinterpretation and kick him in the head. She cares deeply for the Forger family, as does Twilight, but it's never shown in a romantic/sexual light for either of them. (Funnily enough, the same goes for Anya, who doesn't understand her peers' interest in romance and/or why Damian acts the way he does around her because of his crush. Aroace family baby.)
There's so much sincerity in how their relationship is written and it feels so reductive that people are like "oh yeah, it's because they're Totally Dating :TM:" in a way that goes blatantly against the text just because they care more about shipping than the story. Yor has so many worries about the ways she doesn't fit society's idea of "normal", trying her best to live up to what she sees as her role in the family - and her family isn't normal! It isn't! They're a spy and an assassin and a psychic, who all have identities that the rest of the world can't know. But it's never considered a negative thing by the narrative, and in fact much of the theme of Spy x Family relates to how they make it work and have something precious between themselves anyway. She's a wonderful character, and I just. Have FEELINGS about this cast. Argh. We stan the silly aspecs forever.
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chrisasiaheartman · 3 days
I was like "what the fuck is a riri" but I think it's Rihanna?
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chrisasiaheartman · 3 days
The Baby.
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chrisasiaheartman · 3 days
At this point, always. The rope broke, and now I have no means to escape.
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chrisasiaheartman · 3 days
Park at day and parked car.
that fuckign poll where they say sex in a hotel room is public sex irks me so
Reblog to reach more ppl etc
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chrisasiaheartman · 3 days
To me, it doesn't apply because having started to play when very young I always waited for saving, and now it's just a habit I have. Even when I alt-f4 I fist save through menu and then I alt-f4.
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chrisasiaheartman · 5 days
I’m running a DnD campaign with my siblings and mom, who are all big MythBusters fans, so obviously I made Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage NPCs. Adam is a human and Jamie (JAM13) is a robot. Adam claims to have built JAM13, and is not satisfied with his inability to emote properly, but is very satisfied with his walrus-like facial hair. JAM13, however, claims to have grown Adam from a test tube and named him after the biblical figure, and says he is “clearly a very primitive approximation of a human being.” Insight checks on who is lying are useless because both of them fully believe they’re telling the truth.
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chrisasiaheartman · 5 days
Just got my voting document. I got it incredibly late, but late is better than never.
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commit to all fucking action for the fucking masses
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