chrischenyan · 5 years
Rachel shook her head at him quickly, raising a hand up slightly in the air, “No, no. Honestly, it’s okay. Every mistake is undoable.” Well, maybe not every mistake, but she hopped he wasn’t about to point that out to her. “Thank you but I’m not finished it yet. It would be silly to clean them yet.” Turning back to her painting, Rachel tilted her head to the side to look at it from another angle now that there was a large smudge down the centre. “Do you think it looks like a boat or are my eyes going funny?”
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Luckily, she seemed a little too naive to be angry with him. Once again her attitude had a strong relaxing effect on him. “Oh, um, a little bit. Maybe if you added a sail on the top there? That sort of looks like a, um, the thing sales are on.”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
He’d been murmuring to himself all day. Now that Tingting had returned to China for her training, Chris was the only one in America promoting the Jade Palace. It was a little sad to see her go, and it also made him wonder why her training seemed to take priority over his own, but he liked to think being here made him special. He was a bit better than her at speaking to people after all. Then again, it could just be more urgent she returns due to her importance. It would be deluded not to see that she was the front runner to take over one day. Any hope the other five had of such a thing was small in comparison.
Astra had set up a magazine interview with Chris for a local fitness journal, nothing fancy, but it was enough. He went and bought a few of the previous magazines to see if he could figure out some sort of template for the questions he’d be asked. Walking in to the lobby of the compound with his nose in the magazine, Chris squinted at an unknown word. He wasn’t sure how exactly it might be pronounced although he’d probably heard it before.
“Excuse me…uh, sorry. Do you know what this word is? I would like to sound firm in my response.” Chris asked the nearest person, not even thinking to try and give them context first.
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chrischenyan · 5 years
Rachel hadn’t even noticed him approaching her little work station, which turned out to be a problem for her when suddenly her supplies where falling and her hand knocking across the page from the surprise. A slash of yellow now cutting through her painting. “Oh no,” she breathed out quietly, eyes darting up to the boy and back down to the page before shaking her head, eyes closed and looking back up at him. “It’s okay. I - thank you.” She frowned, looking back down at it again with her lips pursed. “I guess this will make for an interesting video. How to fix a messed up painting. I might have to work on the title.”
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“Ah, right. I...I’m just clumsy. I shouldn’t have surprised you. Sorry, miss.” Chris placed the items back on the table in a pile, making sure no extra pieces fell to the ground again. “If I can help in any way? I can clean them maybe?” So much for relaxing, know he was stressed over his mistake, and for ruining the lovely painting.
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chrischenyan · 5 years
💬 [TEXT TO: Chris!!]
Nikolai: I am glad! 😁
Nikolai: and here is my theory:
Nikolai: first, he stood on television stand
Nikolai: then, the cat LEAPED over to the cat stand by window
Nikolai: CAREFULLY tip-toed on windowsill
Nikolai: and finally JUMPED all the way up to top of bookcase
Nikolai: he barely makes it and almost slips
Nikolai: ALMOST
Nikolai: but is successful nonetheless
Nikolai: what do you think???
Chris: I think that reminds me of my whole life
Chris: Carefully trying half-thought plans and then just barely succeeding
Chris: good theory
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chrischenyan · 5 years
Dick hadn’t even noticed his hand getting covered in the brown liquid, let alone the temperature of it, he had long ago become accustomed to holding burning things. Which he supposed wasn’t exactly a good thing. Shaking his head as he started wiping up the table Dick said, “Nah, it’s not that hot. It was actually the perfect temperature to start drinking.” It was a little ironic he supposed. “Thanks,” he nodded at the table the other man was helping him clean, “Lucky you were nearby.”
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Chris raised his brows, despite his own tolerance training, he would still jump up if freshly brewed coffee was spilt on him. The only person he knew who wouldn’t might be Tingting; but that was only because her fists were tough as rocks due to years literally punching one. He wondered what might have built up this man’s tolerance.
“No problem.” Chris was almost ready to leave it at that before remembering he was at the compound in the first place to promote himself. He might as well get introductions on the way. “My name is Chris Yan, uh, by the way. Nice to meet you.”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
💬 [TEXT TO: that happy guy]
Nikolai: look at the funny picture I have sent you!!
Nikolai: isn't it the most amusing???!
Nikolai: that cat is doing the most crazy of things LOL
Chris: Yes thank u I enjoy it
Chris: How do you think he got all the way up there?
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chrischenyan · 5 years
As a form of meditation for himself, Chris often took a paintbrush and a bottle of ink to practice Chinese calligraphy. Focusing on the smooth brush strokes as he created one word after another. It helped him ground himself and be patient and focus on details. He did it at least once every few weeks for the past five years. Not too long after hew began his second character, 水, a young girl walked in. She was a bit fairy-like, he had recalled seeing her before, faces like hers were had to forget. He didn’t pay her much mind until he realized she was painting as well. Her hand moved in a carefree way, a camera set up to capture her art in the making. Chris stood from his seat slowly, not wanting to interrupt her work or the lovely tune she sang under her breath. It was like a scene from a movie. Unfortunately, he didn’t notice how close the table with her supplies was to his leg. Knocking it, he fell forwards, catching himself on the table but pushing down half her things before straightening it up again.
“Oh! I-uh, I’m so sorry! Wow. Uh, I just...it looks great. Your painting, I mean.” Chris bent down to pick up the brushes that now lay on the dirty floor.
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It had been nearly a whole year since Rachel had last touched her youtube channel, ever since her mother had found out about her secret hobby. And even though she had been away from home for almost half a year now, the blonde had put off even logging in, that old fear of mother walking in and spotting her always creeping in the back of her mind. But it was a new year and Rachel was determined to not let old fears rule her life, and while she was nowhere near ready to confront the truths that were slowly revealing themselves in the back of her mind, she was ready to get back to what she loved. Painting. So she set her camera and supplies up in one of the common areas when she had found it quietest and began to paint. It was a simple picture, sun shining through gaps in leaves onto the snow covered ground of a busy city street; an image she couldn’t get out of mind since coming back from LA. As she worked, she sang quietly to herself, forgetting that she was still in a fairly public area despite the lack of people around her right now.
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chrischenyan · 5 years
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Chen Yan’s Instagram 💙 📷
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chrischenyan · 5 years
As someone who had been rather trained to be aware of his surroundings, Chris had already noticed the spill and happened to be holding a clump of paper napkins in his hands already.
“Yeah, uh, of course. Are you okay there? Does it burn or anything?” Chris handed the majority of the napkins to the other man and caught some drip from falling down with the bits in his other hand.
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Frowning, Dick looked at the text notification on his phone again, trying to make sense of his brothers nonsense and if he should be concerned. Surely Damian hadn’t really locked Tim on the manor roof for a night and half a day. But even as he thought it the acrobat knew it was entirely possible. Rubbing at his forehead with one hand Dick tried to pick up his cup of coffee with the one still holding the phone, but he misjudged the distance and sent the cup falling, dark liquid spilling across the table. “Shit!” As quick as his reflexes were they weren’t quick enough to stop more of the coffee from spilling, glancing around he called across to the person nearest to him “Hi sorry have you got any napkins?”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
Terence grinned at him, “What? Don’t tell me you’re against kicking little kids around!” He really hoped that the joking tone on his voice came across, the last thing he wanted was for his guy to think he went around yeeting kids across the room. “Long legs means you can move across the room quickly though, that’s a good skill to have.”
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“It also means I’m used to tripping over things.” The door opened and it was time to set up before the game began. Chris beckoned his lazer partner to follow him to higher ground. Sometimes his life was action packed, but he usually stayed out of intense danger. The Jade Palace, despite their focus on fighting, were promoters of peace values. And they tried not to get involved in any real violent situations.
“I’ve never done this but it feels, uh, familiar. I guess we train like this. At my martial art school in China.”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
Terence nodded at him at he talked, pursing his lips a little in thought. Maybe they needed to plan out a strategy? “I mean, does Call of Duty count as practice?” He shrugged, something that was a little harder now due to the equipment on his body. “I’ve done some laser tagging in my past, but I’m no way a pro. But we’ve got the height advantage on some of these dudes.”
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He chuckled, a huff coming out of his nose. He wandered behind the wall of young people crowding the doors, waiting for the countdown. “My long legs have been advantage for me in the past, yes. I don’t know if that works here though. I’m not kicking anyone around I hope.”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
💚 for a forehead kiss
“There. Good as new?” Chris chuckled. It wasn’t normal of him to goof around in such a way but after seeing the person bump their head at the gym, he felt obliged to stop and take concern. Especially since no one else was around. “I’ve had my bad head bumps in the past too.”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
🥪 (mari)
He offered her the bag of potato chips. Sure, they weren’t the healthiest snack but no one was here to yell at him about it. Usually he wouldn’t make such a forward gesture to a practical stranger but, although they’d only spoken a few times, Chris felt comfortable with Marinette. And besides, they were just sitting on a little bench at the bus stop. He was chewing loudly enough anyways, maybe the peace offering would reduce any perception she had of him being impolite. 
“You know, these taste different than the ones in China. Even when it’s the same brand. Do you find that with food here too?”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
When he was younger Terence had gone through a phase where he had wanted to dress up as a secret service agent at every available opportunity, so this felt a bit like a childhood dream coming true. Dressed in a suit and getting to shoot at things. But he wasn’t about to tell Chris that – he wanted to at least seem semi cool tonight. 
“Just a couple of James Bonds ganging up on some kids,” he grinned at Chris as he finished fastening the vest on. “Is your aim any good? Because it would be really embarrassing if we lost.” Embarrassing, but probably deserved if the two of them didn’t win. 
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Chris thought for a moment, looking at the heavy plastic gun he furrowed his brow. He wasn’t too sure about its mechanics as wasn’t too sure how he’d move with all the gear on him. “I am athletic. I am fast and good at reacting. I have not practiced shooting things much in the past. What about you? Do you have a history with this stuff?”
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chrischenyan · 5 years
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chrischenyan · 5 years
He wasn’t quite sure what to expect as they were only given an address but Chris was fortunate that his date was just as unsure and even more fortunate that they could just have fun with an action packed activity. Chris had just worn a button up shirt over some jeans himself but the children who ran around the lobby did make him feel rather stuffy as well. Not to mention the fact he was spending the day with someone much younger than him as well. 
“I’ve never played this before but, hey, at least we can pretend we are...like action heroes or something. In nice suits?” He hadn’t ever recalled seeing Terence around before but he was relieved at his kindness. Chris had been busy worried he would end up with someone he didn’t get along with at all.
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Accepting the vests and guns from the guy behind the counter with a smile, Terence handing one set to his date for the evening as they moved out of the queue to get ready. “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little overdressed for a game of laser tag,” he said with a laugh as he shrugged the target vest on over his jacket. 
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chrischenyan · 5 years
Chris turned to see his roommate attempting to carry their groceries in to the building. He’d been waiting for her but unfortunately, it seemed like her was now only in the way. Stumbling, he leaned down to take some off her hands. 
“Sorry, Tingting. I was going to help. I just got distracted.”
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Returning from an afternoon of grocery shopping, Tingting found herself with too many bags to carry. It wasn’t that they were heavy for her, but she simply purchased more than expected and didn’t have the arm room. She had to focus on balancing them correctly so that no pieces fell out. It was her fault for waiting until they were all out of food to go shopping, and for being such a picky eater. Still, she turned her annoyance outwards when she made her way up the stairs where someone stood in front of the entrance, blissfully unaware that she was trying to get in the building. “Excuse me…I am trying to get inside. Please let your mind wander somewhere else.”
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