chriscrowing · 2 days
at some point you have to realize that you actually have to read to understand the nuance of anything. we as a society are obsessed with summarization, likely as a result of the speed demanded by capital. from headlines to social media (twitter being especially egregious with the character limit), people take in fragments of knowledge and run with them, twisting their meaning into a kaleidoscope that dilutes the message into nothing. yes, brevity is good, but sometimes the message, even when communicated with utmost brevity, requires a 300 page book. sorry.
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chriscrowing · 3 days
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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chriscrowing · 6 days
So while most rainbow capitalism is sticking rainbows on things and pretending to be an ally, Budweiser’s UK branch is giving credit to trans activists, and explaining pride flag colors.
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chriscrowing · 6 days
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chriscrowing · 6 days
Autistic people’s relationship with sex is treated so horribly in so many different ways it’s genuinely fucking frustrating. Whenever a character is depicted with autistic traits a thousand weirdos manifest into existence to say that their cute little autism blorbo “doesn’t know what sex is and must be protected” but over in real kink circles with high populations of autistic people (furry porn and shit) they suddenly become the crazy degenerate perverts. To the greater society at large autistic people expressing their sexuality aren’t allowed to be considered normal, we either have to be sterile and nonexistent or a group of freaky sexual deviants. Give me a fucking break dude.
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chriscrowing · 7 days
One frustrating thing about being a mathematician is that people who aren't into math heard that Einstein quote that's like "you haven't understood something unless you can explain it in layman's terms" and use it to mean "if it can't be explained to me in five minutes it's needlessly complicated, this person is a pretentious snob and academia is gatekeeping knowledge". And like everything in life, the matter of scientists not being able to/not caring to explain their work to people who aren't at the same level of expertise as them is a complex one that is worthy of being discussed, but here's the thing that you have to keep in mind if you haven't done math since high school:
the further you get into math, the more specialized your field becomes. You start working of puzzles that are small, but fit into a greater web of similar problems, like knitting a beautiful flower that's meant to be incorporated into a huge quilt. And all of math is build on top of each other, so you can't get to the most interesting, current math being discussed in the world without getting through the building blocks that are taught to you in elementary school, high school and the university.
You ask me to explain my thesis to you and I can tell you the title, but you won't know what the main words in it mean. And that's not because you are stupid, that's just because to learn that word you have to spend time learning a hundred others. I love math, it's my favourite thing in the universe and I always have time to talk about it, so if you want, we can sit down and I'll tell you everything you need to know to understand what I'm currently working on. You can ask me questions and I will reformulate, you can ask me to go over things again and I will oblige. With your permission, I will get a piece of paper and draw shapes and schemes to help us, but it won't take five minutes. It can't take just five minutes. That is a concession you will have to make if you truly want to learn.
(Unfortunately, I don't want to disclose the title of my thesis on tunglr dot hell, because it's super specific and I don't feel like doxxing myself. But I hope this resonates with some people. I work both in symplectic geometry and Riemannian geometry, and I have to say between the two Riemannian is a little bit easier to explain, because I can just talk about distances, but symplectic geometry or Lie groups... I'm afraid I just can't explain those in a sentence because they rely on people knowing what differentiation means, and that's not knowledge you necessarily retain if you work outside a stem field. Explaining that in a few sentences would eat up the whole five minutes).
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chriscrowing · 10 days
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For those not in the know, this is one of the Amanita mushrooms referred to as a Destroying Angel. Never, ever, ever, ever forage with an app. Especially for mushrooms.
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chriscrowing · 10 days
why are there so many posts about asexuals being immune to sirens. people. sirens don’t lure you in with sex (necessarily). they sing about whatever it is that you want most. they could sing about mothman or cinnamon toast crunch and guess what then your asexual pirate is fucking dead
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chriscrowing · 10 days
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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chriscrowing · 10 days
; this reminds me of something - ...
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chriscrowing · 10 days
This sounds amazing.
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chriscrowing · 11 days
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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chriscrowing · 11 days
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chriscrowing · 14 days
Every job I've EVER HAD I've been on absence warnings.
I now know why. Between, autism, ADHD and PDA profile - I ALWAYS don't want to and turning up at all and doing the boring, repetitive, dealing with other humans being stupid because I require tokens for sustenance and shelter takes A LOT.
Throw in depression, anxiety, PTSD and now the care of my equally neurodivergent kids and yeah, some days/weeks/months, I just can't because my body and mind collapses under the weight of it.
Never mind when I'm actually, additionally ill...
do able-bodied people not understand that if disabled people call out of work every time they don't feel good that we would call out of work every fucking day?
like honestly. what do you think being disabled means?
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chriscrowing · 14 days
Oh, you're gonna be there a while, my guy...
A supervillain known for going on tangents during a monologue has captured the hero. The hero broke free of the restraints a while ago but pretends to remain captured to see how off topic the supervillain will get.
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chriscrowing · 15 days
This is true, but I have ADHD and two autistic kids. The string quartet hired to soundtrack this thriller is so tired, soon the laundry/dishes/doom boxes will start to consume THEM.
Why are there like 5 daily chores where if you skip them for 2 days your life becomes a time based psychological thriller after
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chriscrowing · 15 days
since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"
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