Hey all,
I’m writing this because I feel like the world is missing a place for assholes to talk honestly about our faith. Because I am a Christian, but I also suck (ask me how many dicks I saw last year). 
At the end of the day, I feel like we’re bombarded with messages about what a Christian is, and most of them our MAGA-hat wearing blondes who seem to have their faith figured out a lot more than I do.
For me, Christianity is like Jonah and the whale. Jonah tried to run and hide but GOD SENT A FUCKING WHALE AFTER HIM TO BRING HIM BACK. When I run from God, I get depressed. Like I get really mopey and directionless and suicidal and my friends just kind of have to tolerate me until I feel better.
Prayer and faith are what bring me back. They remind me that I have a voice given to me by God, and that, if I”m not using it, or if I get distracted by trying to be a real adult (lol) or getting rich in the non-profit sector (lololol) or being famous and successful (ummmm this blog though) God will send the whale of depression to remind me that my happiness lies in doing His work in the world. As long as there are people in the world waiting for justice and peace and enough food/shelter/medical care/companionship to live, His work will never be done–and it is far better than anything I could do on my own (although I CAN make a mean macaroni sculpture).
So if I trust in Him, my life is whole. And it doesn’t stop me from being an assWHOLE either. :)
That’s all for now. Amen.
P.S: Also let’s all agree right now that homophobia is not the will of a God who said, “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled.”
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Hey all,
I’m writing this because I feel like the world is missing a place for assholes to talk honestly about our faith. Because I am a Christian, but I also suck (ask me how many dicks I saw last year). 
At the end of the day, I feel like we’re bombarded with messages about what a Christian is, and most of them our MAGA-hat wearing blondes who seem to have their faith figured out a lot more than I do.
For me, Christianity is like Jonah and the whale. Jonah tried to run and hide but GOD SENT A FUCKING WHALE AFTER HIM TO BRING HIM BACK. When I run from God, I get depressed. Like I get really mopey and directionless and suicidal and my friends just kind of have to tolerate me until I feel better.
Prayer and faith are what bring me back. They remind me that I have a voice given to me by God, and that, if I”m not using it, or if I get distracted by trying to be a real adult (lol) or getting rich in the non-profit sector (lololol) or being famous and successful (ummmm this blog though) God will send the whale of depression to remind me that my happiness lies in doing His work in the world. As long as there are people in the world waiting for justice and peace and enough food/shelter/medical care/companionship to live, His work will never be done--and it is far better than anything I could do on my own (although I CAN make a mean macaroni sculpture).
So if I trust in Him, my life is whole. And it doesn’t stop me from being an assWHOLE either. :)
That’s all for now. Amen.
P.S: Also let’s all agree right now that homophobia is not the will of a God who said, “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled.”
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