christieparnell · 1 year
What happened to Lucy being in Love is in the Air episode? I don’t see her listed in the guest cast list. 
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christieparnell · 1 year
Was Ryan wearing an Italy themed shirt in that shot of him and Oliver in front of the trailers back in September and now we are getting talk of Italy?!? Maybe the poker scene is from them actually visiting Italy together?!? The first time I saw the shirt it reminded me of the colors of the Italian flag.
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christieparnell · 1 year
I don’t know why but I seriously keep feeling like Pay It Forward may be Eddie/Ryan’s last episode. Think about this: He sacrifices his life so someone else can live?!? please prove me wrong because I love Ryan and Oliver’s friendship both on and off screen.
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christieparnell · 1 year
Why are they not showing Eddie in Buck’s hospital room? Is he there when Buck wakes up?
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christieparnell · 3 years
Was Miranda Rae Mayo included in the 200th episode cast video they put out? It just occurred to me that we didn’t get to see her talking about Jesse. 
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christieparnell · 3 years
More thoughts...
I don’t know why Jesse’s exit is hitting me hard, but deep down, although I would love for him to return permanently after a break, I know he won’t. Even guest appearances will be hard to watch. I can no longer watch or support Chicago Fire. I know that it is wrong, but I have been burned with cast exits in the past two years. Lucas Black on NCIS:NO and Alex O’Loughlin in H50.  It took me a long time to get over those exits. I just can’t deal with Jesse’s exit right now. One day I may return to this fandom, but for now, I am stepping away and spending time with family, friends, my dog, and work. 
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christieparnell · 3 years
My thoughts...
So, this is my first Chicago Fire post. I discovered the show through a friend. Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) quickly became my favorite character on CF. I didn’t mind the Dawsey relationship, as long as I was able to see my favorite character. I loved the Sevasey relationshp as well. The bromance between Kelly and Matt was what kept me tuning in. 
Now to the crux of why I decided to write this post. Like many of you, I am feeling heartbroken and angry by the outcome of the episode last night. I needed to express my feelings and seek support/comfort from fans who are feeling the same way as me. I feel that Jesse/Matt’s exit could have been handled better by the writing staff and Derek Haas. I read the pre-season interviews and there was no indication that Jesse was planning to leave. Derek kept saying there would be external obstacles, but none of us expected the external obstacle would be Matt moving to Oregon/Jesse leaving the show. To me, him leaving is more of an internal obstacle because it takes a strong person to make a long distance relationship work. Usually people will need to be together to overcome an external obstacle. Unless Jesse comes back full-time next season or even later this season, I see this as being the thing that ultimately breaks them up. As much as I hate it because I do love Brettsey with all my heart, I don’t see them being able to overcome this with only sporadic appearances from Jesse. I am also angry that they only gave us those few episodes of Brettsey after the long slow burn. I’ll be honest, I loved the idea of Brettsey, but the slow burn killed my desire of watching the show because Haas kept putting it off. Haas also should never have said that there would be a big suprise in store for the couple. Usually surprises are good. Knowing that Jesse was leaving, that statement feels wrong and devastating. Jesse and Kara deserved better from him and the writing staff. Writers and showrunners should always have cast exit episodes planned ahead of time instead of waiting to write the episode after an actor/actress expresses their desire to leave the show. Jesse should have had a better exit episode, especially if he doesn’t come back permanently. 
Due to the fact that Jesse is one of the main leads, along with Taylor, him leaving will forever change the show and there will be a large void in the show. Matt’s friendship with Kelly kept Kelly from spiraling out of control during the Shay, Anna, and Stella situations that he faced over the course of the show. Matt said several times during the show that he needed to stay by Kelly’s side and look out for him. I know he has grown as a character and has Stella with him now, but he doesn’t have the type of friendship with the other guys as he did/does with Matt. I wonder who will help keep Severide out of trouble. 
Matt Casey was central to many storylines, including Brettsey, Sevasey, and with Gallo. Earlier this season, Severide peaked Gallo’s interest in Squad with a personal invitation, but Gallo declined on the account of wanting to learn as much as he can from Casey. Without Matt Casey there for the next 3 years, who is Gallo going to learn from? Severide? Matt was the one who initially recommended Gallo becoming part of FireHouse 51. It will be interesting to hear who takes Gallo under their wing now that Matt technically is no longer in the picture. 
I think Matt/Jesse’s exit could have been handled better instead of just two episodes, since there was no indication in episodes 1-3 that his exit was coming. I felt that the exit was rushed and didn’t do it justice. 
As far as Jesse returning, I parallel his exit with Luke Perry’s in Beverly Hills 90210. Luke left for 3ish seasons and returned to the show in Season 9 in a full-time role after pursuing other opportunities. I have a feeling that after stepping away that Jesse will return to the show in a full-time role again at the end of this season or next season. From what I’ve read, he loves the show with all his heart and I don’t see him walking away from it for good, especially considering he was one of the leads. If he doesn’t return in a full-time role, then I hope that they will wrap up his storylines in a way that does the character and actor justice. There are just too many storylines of his left unfinished: Brettsey, Sevasey, stellaride wedding, the watch, his career as a firefighter. 
I love Taylor Kinney, but I honestly don’t see the show lasting beyond this season, especially if Jesse doesn’t come back in a full-time role. With all other cast exits in CF, none of them were leads, so the show continued on because Taylor and Jesse carried the show. With Jesse leaving, I just don’t see how the show will continue without one of its key components. The other characters are good, but not really central to the show. I have a feeling that the show will lose of a lot of viewers with his exit. Not long after Lucas Black left the NCIS: NO, the viewership declined and the show ended up being cancelled.
Due to the fact that Matt Casey/Jesse was my favorite character, I have decided to end my viewership of the show, for now. If or when Jesse returns to the show, I will resume my viewership. His absence will be too glaring and too painful to continue watching. I plan to keep up through here for any news about Jesse and will feed my Matt Casey love through rewatching old episodes and fanfiction.
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