Photo Manipulation Assignment
Both of the manipulations below are my own personal photographs of friends that have allowed me to photograph them. Outlined below are summaries of the changes (in Adobe Photoshop) I made to both of the images.
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Manipulation # 1:
Editing Summary:
- Adjust Brightness (+67), Adjust Contrast (+22)
- Adjusted Levels 
- Cropped slightly at bottom edge
- Multiple Lens Flares 
- Hue (-7), Saturation (+25), Lightness (+3)
- Added Noise (18.92%)
- Marque Selected neon sign and Sharpened 
- Adjusted Highlights (46%)
- Colour Balanced/Adjusted Shadows
- Channel mixer 
- Flipped Canvas Horizontal 
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  Manipulation #2
Editing Summary:
- Brightness (+45), Contrast (+6), Saturation (+11)
- Lighting Effects (from bottom right corner)
- Lens Flare (from bottom right corner)
- Sharpen 
- Desaturated Blue tones
- Marque selected to B/W 
- Marque selected to cut out eye box
- HDR toning 
- Created Rectangles (White lines)
Explain what you did and why you made the changes. Do you think your edited images could confuse or misguide the audience if they can't see the originals? Please explain.
In my Manipulation #1, I was going for an “increase/boost” effect for the overall edit. I was quite content with the original photo but I wanted to make some small changes to enhance it on a small scale. the I made slight changes like adding lens flares, playing with the brightness and contrast and adjusting the colours. However, I did not want to remove and add anything to this photo. I simply wanted to lightly enhance and make it a little more intriguing and interesting. I also flipped the image to give a new perspective and then added noise and speckle to make it seem Polaroid -like. 
In my Manipulation #2, I wanted to create a artwork-like image. One that was abstract painting-like. Which is why I cut and altered different areas of the photo to make it look like a whole new photo in itself. I made parts of it black and white and even desaturated the blue tones in the picture. I also added lighting effects and lens flares to give more interest and make the picture more dramatic than it originally was. Overall I was editing towards an abstract version of the original photo. Which is why I used cut out methods, combined with altering the colours of different parts of the photo.
In regards to the first manipulation I do not believe that my edited image could lead to confuse or misguide the audience if they didn’t see the original photograph. I believe this because the manipulation is not far off from the original, it is clear that both images are very similar, the edited one just being slightly enhance and with minor details added (i.e lens flare, contrast and saturation adjusting). If you saw one, then the other right afterwards you would definitely still know that they are the same image. You would just recognize slight edits such as the brightness or contrast.
For my #2 manipulation, I believe this edit may be one to confuse or misguide the audience if they hadn’t seen the original. I believe this because there is so clearly alterations that are quite different from the original image. Such as cutting the square around the eye and moving it downwards and make a whole selected square black and white using the marque section tool. I also added rectangles to this photo, which meant I made new additions that were not present in the original photo. In conclusion these reasons are why I think the manipulated version of this image could confuse and misguide an individual if they did not see the original image. 
Is it ethical news media to publish your edited or unedited images and to present them as press photographs? Please elaborate why your photos should or should not be used by news media?
For my #1 manipulation, I do believe a news or media publication could publish this edited photo and present it as a press photograph. I believe this because, the edit, like I explained in the previous question, has only been slightly edited to enhance the overall mood of the image. There are no parts that were taken away and no parts that were additional. And for this reason I feel it would be acceptable for a news or media publication to publish as a press photograph. 
As for my #2 manipulation, I do not think this would be acceptable to be published by a news or media publication. For the reason, that this photo has been altered quite a bit and there has been additional parts added and moved around. And also for the reason as I stated in the previous question where I explained that due to my edits, the edited photo would confuse and misguide an individual if they did not see the original photo. And for these reasons I do not believe it would be appropriate for a new or media publication to post this manipulation as a press photograph. 
What are the main differences between art and press photography? Are your edited and unedited images press or art photographs?
Art photography is more artistic. These are usually a vision created by a photographer. It’s more creative and can be altered as the photographer sees fit. Whereas, press photography is essentially photojournalism. Where photographs are used as a way to tell a story and send a message. They are evidence to record news. Which can be slightly manipulated to enhance the overall quality of the image however they cannot be manipulated in a way that changes, adds or removes elements of the original photograph.
My #1 manipulation photo, can be considered a press image and an art photograph. It can be a press photograph because it has only been edited to the point of enhancement, nothing has been removed and added. 
However on the other hand my #2 manipulation can only be considered an art photograph, because it has been altered in a way that changes the overall image. I have move and changed elements from the original photo that make it very different. For this reason this image would not be acceptable as a press image.
References Cited:
Iccevska, G. (n.d.). The World of Photographers and Photojournalists. [ebook] Gordana Iccevska. Available at: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxzaG9vdGluZ3RoZXRydXRofGd4OjRmNDAzZGZlNjZmMDhkYmE [Accessed 11 Mar. 2019].
Photo Staff (2016). A Brief History of Photojournalism | Photography Schools. [online] Photography-schools.com. Available at: http://www.photography-schools.com/photojournalismhistory.htm [Accessed 11 Mar. 2019].
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My first post! A portrait shot of one of my best friends Olivia Kirby. Looking forward to posting more through out the course!
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