From Ant to Eagle:  Thanks to Michelle Halket and Alex Lyttle for allowing me to read and give an honest review. What a great read! I will admit that when I read the synopsis, I was somewhat hesitant to start reading this novel. I really thought it would be a very depressing read, and although the subject matter is heart wrenching, it is so well written, the story just flows and hooks you right into this families drama. Calvin and Sammy are brothers-they are each others company but Calvin is wanting to really make some new friends, Calvin meets Aleta and wants to hang out with her instead of  Sammy, so he gives Sammy some challenges, so he can reach another level, on his way to being an”Eagle”. Aleta is trying to get over a painful situation in her own family, so her and Sammy just kind-of hang out , she writes, he reads. But then one of the brothers gets very sick, and things change drastically in this family, it begins to pull them apart, I imagine that cancer would cause problems in any family, but when it involves a child, that has got to be the worse. If you love a well written novel, with a loving family, you will love this novel-it has love, loss, friendship, family drama, forgiveness, most of all this is the story of any family in the world that tragedy takes over their everyday life, but are strong enough to survive. This novel tells us that everyone reacts to a devastating disease, illness, hospitals, and death differently. This novel will make you smile, but it will also make you cry, you will love this read!
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I See You...
Thanks to NETGALLEY and CLARE MACKINTOSH for allowing me to read and give an honest review. Imagine that you are reading the classified ads, and you see your photo, in a dating ad. This is what happens to Zoe Walker, she is freaked out, takes it home and shows her family, they think its a look alike. The next day Zoe sees another photo, and then woman begin to be murdered, in cruel bizarre ways. Zoe begins to feel that someone is following her, things begin to happen at home and at work, she suspects everyone. Her boss, her boyfriend, her daughters new boyfriend, her best friends husband. This is a page turning-edge of your seat psychological thriller, full of twist and turns, ups and downs. The author did a great job of introducing you to the characters, you become involved in her family. The story is very strong and will keep you guessing. Usually I figure out the who, when, what, where and why before the end, but OMG this ending completely knocked my socks off. I did not see the ending coming, I was shocked at the ending, it was perfect! This novel has it all, mystery, drama, fear, family drama, love, surprise.
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Review for “Always”
Thank you to NETGALLEY and SARAH JIO for allowing me to read and review. This is fourth novel written by Sarah Jio, I have enjoyed them all, especially Blackberry Winter. I like the way the author introduces the reader to her characters, you grow to care about them and what happens to them. The story goes from past to present, present to past. The story starts with the future, Kailey is engaged to marry Ryan, she has a job she loves, she feels that she has finally moved on from her painful past, that life is good for her, then she runs into a homeless man, and who that homeless man turns out to be will turn her world upside down. Remember your first love, Kailey and Cade , lighting strikes when they meet each, they fall madly in love, the attraction is strong and life changing. Cade is everything Kailey wants in a man, he is dedicated to music and to Kailey. Then one day, they argue and he disappears, ten years later, with her life in control, she realizes he is in big trouble. She feels that she has to help him, she cannot let him go. But if she helps Cade, will she lose Ryan, who is so good for her. Follow her story to see what she decides to do. This is a wonderful love story, no one ever forgets their first love, bad or good, this novel will remind you of that time. It is full of sadness, some mystery, music, much happiness, forgiveness, new beginnings, but most of all, love, and we all know love is everything. Thank you NETGALLEY!
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The Fifth Petal: Thanks to EDELWEISS and BRUNONIA BARRY for the opportunity to read and give an honest review. This novel has complex characters, an engaging story, Irish mythology, Dagda, The Morrigan, Banshee, witchcraft, goodness, evil, murder and tons of history intertwined into one great novel. The author did a great job introducing the reader to the characters, past and present. There are several stories here, several characters, the author tells the characters stories , she adds bits of history throughout the story. A twenty five year old murder of three women, all descendants of the accused Salem witches, Sheriff Rafferty is on the case, he is trying to prove the innocent of the accused. He is fighting demons of his own, as you meet the different characters, you find out they are all fighting battles, all of them are connected to each other. The question is , is the murderer from the past or the present, is the murderer real or magic! The author did a great job bringing the story together in the end.
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Her Every Fear:
Thanks to EDELWEISS and PETER SWANSON for allowing me to read and give an honest review. Boy, does the title describe Kate Priddy to a tee. Due to something that happened to her early on in her life, she is pretty much afraid to live her life, scared of meeting people and moving on. When the opportunity comes for her to switch places with a cousin she’s never met, she decides its a great chance for her to get over some of her fears and attend some classes. Little did she know that she was going right into a spider web of murder. I like the writers writing style, I was hooked right from the beginning, I liked Kate, and all of the secondary characters were just right for the story. This was a great psychological thriller, even though you know who the murderer’s are , you will enjoy how the author takes you there. The author did a great job introducing you to each and every character, he even took you into the killers head, he let you get to know to know them, you may not understand what made them kill, but you will understand pure evil, pure innocent. This novel has it all, its scary, it a true thriller, you will be on the edge of your seat. Believe me even though you know who the killer is or the killers are, it has some very shocking scenes, I was very happy with the ending. So if you are looking for a psychological thriller, edge of your seat read,  great characters, and a perfect ending, you will love this novel. I will defiantly be reading the other books written by Peter Swanson. Thank you EDELWEISS and PETER SWANSON….
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Two Days Gone
Thank you NETGALLEY for allowing me to read and give an honest review. This is my first novel by Randall Silvis, but it will not be my last. This is a well written mystery, a gripping story, with lots of ups and down. This is the story of a family, a happy family, then something horrible happens, the author draws you right into this drama, each main character has a story. Thomas Huston is a professor/author, Sergeant Ryan Demarco is the investigator that is trying to find Huston, why did he run, is he guilty, is he in shock, did he go after the killer. How could something like this happen in this small town. Huston is in the middle of doing research for his new novel, he is meeting people that live a completely different lifestyle, did he get himself mixed in something that caused someone to want to get even with him? Or did he lose his mind and snap? These are questions that Sergeant Demarco has to find out, Demarco has ghost of his own, and Huston is a friend, but what happened? This is a great read, and I enjoyed it very much, I liked the characters, this novel has it all, lost loves, pain, tragedy, sadness, mystery, and a great ending.
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The Secret Ingredients of Wishes
Thanks to GOODREADS , and SUSAN BISHOP CRISPELL for allowing me to read and review this novel.    This was a wonderful read, imagine you had the power to grant people's wishes, but you really don't want the gift. Every time someone has a wish around Rachel Monroe, a little piece of paper with the wish slowly falls into her lap(so to speak), the wishes are granted, some good, some bad. Imagine you could bake pies that made people keep secrets, this is the power that Catch has, what a gift! These two meet when Rachel runs away from home, runs out of gas, lands in a small town, meets Catch, moves in, starts baking, wishes happen. This is a small town called Nowhere, North Caroline, everyone knows everyone, they share joy, loves, each others business, this is a great place for Rachel.  Things begin to happen for Rachel, she has to come to terms with her gift, she has to learn to trust and accept things she cannot change.   This is full of humor, small town living, baking, friendships, dreams, and new beginnings
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Duplicity by Sibel Hodge:
Thanks to NETGALLEY for allowing me to read and give an honest review. This was a great read, I enjoyed the authors writing style. This was a very suspenseful novel, there were so many ups and downs, twist and turns, the novel kept me guessing until the end. The story begins with Max and Alissa, they have such a happy life together, then Max is brutally murdered and the story really begins. There are clues given throughout the story, all leading to the killer, however I changed my mind several times about who actually did it! The story goes into the past, telling the characters stories, giving you insight into each different persons background, giving you the clues as to what happens to Max. The characters were well developed, the authors gives you little tidbits into each person’s life, she allows you to get to know them. You like them, you don’t like them, you believe them, you don’t believe them, you feel symphony , you feel anger, even disgust, understanding. This is a fast paced, suspenseful, chilling novel. Thanks to NETGALLEY and SIBEL HODGE for allowing to read and give an honest review.
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