Això és una meravella!
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Fet per Eva Sánchez.
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Armando Pita and Felicidad Farag 2002/2004 Madrid, Spain Credit: Unknown.
Is Silvia...;)
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She is Julia not Felicidad ;)
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Zenon Recalde and Felicidad Farag (Julia Möller?) 2002/2004 Madrid, Spain Credit: Unknown.
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Masquerade photos from the Spanish production at the Teatro Lope de Vega in 2002. Photographs by Daniel Alonso.
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Armando Pita, Silvia Luchetti and Madrid Company 2002/2004 Madrid, Spain Credit: Unknown.
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Silvia Luchetti 2002/2004 Madrid, Spain Credit: Unknown.
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Julia Möller, Christine in Madrid 2002-04
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Set models for the 2015 Open Air production of Les Misérables in Szeged, Hungary.
See more here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1058288157520572.1073741884.627144320634960&type=1
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So this month is actually my 1 year (although it feels like way longer) anniversary being a part of the musical theatre community on Tumblr, and I can’t express how amazing it has been to find so many people who have the same interests as me. So to celebrate this I wanted to give away...
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Qué ganas de ver la gran gala de Stage! Si! El Fantasma de la Ópera! Con Juan Carlos Barona (El fantasma Alt.), Julia Möller (Christine Alt.) y Armando Pita (Raúl original) interpretarán un medley del musical! Que nervios!
Can not wait to see the big gala Stage! Yes! The Phantom of the Opera! With Juan Carlos Barona (The Phantom Alt.), Julia Möller (Christine Alt.) and Armando Pita (Original Raoul) will perform a medley of musical! I'm very excited!
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I teach Spanish in exchange for English lessons for me (FREE)
I'm a native. Please send me a private message if you are interested (I use emails and Skype).
Start on Friday April 3, 2015
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Ohhh madre mia! Todo lo que viene! Tengo que empezar a ahorrar yaaa! El regreso de los Miserables a Madrid en septiembre, la posible llegada de Mary Poppins a Madrid y La Sirenita a Barcelona y posterior gira por España. Y por supuesto lo que he estado esperando por muchísimo tiempo el futuro regreso de...El Fantasma de la Ópera a Madrid!!! (Ojalá haya una gira también, por favor!) aunque por desgracia aún no hay fecha concreta (espero la pongan pronto) :( Pero por todo lo demás estoy MUY contenta!!! Feliz 15º aniversario Stage Entertainment España! [X]
OMG! All that comes! I have to start saving now! The return of Les Miserables to Madrid in September, the possible arrival of Mary Poppins to Madrid, The Little Mermaid to Barcelona and continue a tour. And of course I've been waiting for a very long time the future return of ... The Phantom of the Opera to Madrid! (I hopefully there a tour too, please!) But unfortunately still no specific date (I hopefully soon put it) :( But everything else am VERY glad!!! Happy 15th anniversary Stage Entertainment Spain!
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Me encanta este musical y este elenco!!! Son increibles! I love this musical and this cast! They are amazing! 
Ignasi Vidal (Javert), Daniel Diges (Jean Valjean) y/and Elena Medina (Fantine).
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I love it!
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Los Miserables salen a la calle
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Es posible que no llegarán los mensajes (o que yo no sepa utilizar tumblr...que será eso). Pregunté que si el programa de lujo que venden (ponen un stand, no? como en La Bella y La Bestia, con el merchandising y eso) es del actual elenco de la gira o es el de Madrid y Barcelona??? Ayudaaaaaaaaa!!!
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