Benefits Of Hitting The Reflex Bag For Boxing:
What is boxing and how reflex bag training can help?
"Fluttering like a butterfly, sting like a bee". Even people far from boxing most likely have heard this famous phrase. The essence of boxing is briefly expressed in it: to be quick, easy, agile, but at the same time deliver an accurate and powerful blow to the opponent!  But keep in mind you have to be able to have quick reflexes in order to do this. Reflex bag training is becoming increasingly important to everybody who is out to become the next champion.
The essence of boxing is changing the technique of punches, constantly combining them, avoiding oncoming attacks and getting an advantage over the opponent.
Accordingly, the athlete works not only with the body but also with the head - constant concentration, attention, quick reactions, decision making. A split second can decide the outcome of the battle. This is where reflex bag training comes in... that split second!
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A significant plus is that boxing helps to relieve emotional stress and cope with stressful situations. It is the practice of martial arts that can be very useful in this.
Reflex boxing bags:
 If you do not have enough space or desire to hang a boxing bag, then consider water or sand filling bags. The water filling bag is a classic punching bag of various sizes, which is mounted on a standing platform, which is filled with water or covered with sand (for greater stability). They are quite easy to carry from place to place (after pouring water), while all platforms allow you to work with both hands and feet. They can also be placed on the floor, which allows you to practice striking in the stalls. However, their weight is distributed a little differently, so the design can sway with strong impacts, which some people don’t like. 
Why is the use of a reflex punching bag good for your health?
In addition to the aforementioned advantage with regard to relieving stress and tension, the use of a reflex punching bag has even more advantages. It improves health and helps with weight loss. 
Read below the benefits that boxing has for your health. You will get even more excited to start. Let's start!
You burn calories quickly: Since it is a high-intensity cardio exercise, this encourages our bodies to burn calories and fats at a high rate. Practicing boxing with the reflex bag is an excellent option if you want to lose weight or become stronger. This is a big advantage of using hitting the reflex bag.  
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Not only your arms but also your legs are trained: When hitting the reflex punching bag, it is important to maintain a good position. This translates into a balanced posture with semi-bent legs. You can also adjust the height of the reflex bag and practice accordingly. This way you can also work on your lower body half. The belief that you only train your arms with boxing is a myth. You will improve your overall mobility while practicing with the reflex punching bag. 
You get strong abs: Punching on a reflex punching bag combines exercises in which we train our abdominal muscles in addition to our condition, legs, and arms. For the best result, tighten your stomach during the entire training. Lateral exercises ensure that the lower and oblique muscles in our abdomen are also trained.
It imitates as your opponent: You can train your upper body muscles in order to get used to the feeling of rolling, bobbing, ducking, swaying, and slipping. Reflex bags are very good at simulating the movement of a real opponent.
It helps in building confidence: When you hit the reflex bag and practice you will not only feel healthy and fit you will also gain more confidence. Since it is a reflexive punching bag it gives you the same effect when you punch your opponent. So you will improve your confidence level.
It helps in improving your balance and coordination: Since the height of the reflex punching bag is adjustable and it is compact in size, you can easily improve your balance and coordination while you punch the opponent and move swiftly while playing boxing.
It improves your boxing technique: Hitting the reflex punching bag greatly helps in improving your punches, correct performance and body movement. And this, in turn, helps you in keeping your body tight and fit. You can remain relaxed but also ready to react at any time. You can learn more techniques using these reflex punching bags. 
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How to Run Intervals In the Neighborhood: Common Landmarks Make Great Training Partners
If you have run for more than two weeks, you have probably already heard about using "intervals" to improve your overall fitness, aerobic capacity and speed, this is just what I was talking about in my latest post about the best reflex bags. But if you search "running intervals," you will get a ton of links that will lead you to sites that offer very complex formulas with terms like "RPE" (Running Perceived Exertion) or heart-rate prescriptions that read like a NASA launch manual. Unless you are training to qualify for the Olympic team, or hell-bent on getting to run in the Boston Marathon, a lot of that material is overkill. You want to keep running an enjoyable experience, not something that is reminiscent of lab work in Physics 202 in college. Here are a couple of fun workouts that you can do that are easy to remember and the only thing you need are your running shoes and the usual landmarks of your neighborhood.
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Telephone Stair-Step Run
Assuming you live in a community with above ground utilities, this can be a lot of fun. If your power lines are underground, you can substitute fire plugs. As you leave your abode, warm up for about ten minutes. You always want to get the blood flowing before you add stress to your muscles. Once you are warmed up, you will start the telephone pole stair-step. Begin by running as fast as you can from one telephone pole to the next. Then jog to recover to the third pole. Repeat this process, only now run as fast as you can for two telephone pole lengths. Recover. Then run three telephone poles and so on. You can take it up to as many as you can handle. Usually, five is a pretty good number for a thorough workout. After the peak number, then decrease the number of poles you run to until you are back to one. If you are running an out and back course, that should put you back to your starting point and give you about ten minutes to slowly jog back home and cool down.
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Door Colors Matter
If you want to not only improve your running ability, but also your powers of observation, try this one on. As with the telephone pole stair-step run, warm up for ten minutes. Begin your intervals by observing the color of the door on the house/store you are next to when you finish your warm up. Kick it into gear and run as hard as you can till you see another house with the same door color. Slow down to recover for a minute or two and then repeat. Again, do this as long as your fitness level can tolerate. Because this is more random than the telephone poles, you will need to adjust your speed; pray that the first door you spy is not some exotic color like viridian! Do this workout and you will not only be improving your health, you will be learning about your neighborhood.
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Intervals are one of the tools that elite runners use to improve their performance. If you throw in one of these workouts into your weekly routine, you will find that not only will your times improve, your capacity to do more of them will increase as well.
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Useful Exercise Gadgets: The Pedometer
It is not easy to get fit, especially for those people who have been unfit for much of their lives. Infomercials on TV and those advocates of the healthy lifestyle make switching to a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise seem like the easiest thing in the world, when it truth it is very difficult, requiring a great deal of motivation and discipline. How does the lifestyle changer maintain that motivation and discipline when the old ways threaten to draw them back in? When it comes to working out one of the ways is to keep track of the progress made with exercise, to keep careful tabs on how much exercise is being done. That's where technology comes to the rescue.
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Exercise gadgets
There are all kinds of technological gimmicks and gadgets to satisfy the needs of people who want get fit. Most of these cost a lot of money and may motivate users primarily because they shelled out so much cash for them. They feel the need to recoup their losses and so they work out harder. The truth, though, is that many of the higher tech gadgets are not essential and it is perfectly okay to do without them. One highly useful, affordable and easily overlooked gadget, however, is the pedometer.
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How Pedometers are useful
A pedometer can satisfy the need for a gadget without being overly expensive. It is also extremely useful for keep track of how much exercise gets done. Keeping track of your walking or running will let a walker or runner know how far they have come, both literally, and in the sense of knowing how much further they must go in order to achieve the goal of being fit. A good pedometer can do much more than merely measure steps. Many new pedometers have features that are not so common on older versions. Some can filter out non-walking movements. This means that the walker can get a more precise measurement of how much walking they have done without having the counter go up every time the device is shaken. There are also a dual axis pedometers, this means that they can be positioned either vertically or horizontally, allowing the user to position them as he or she sees fit while still enjoying the same functionality. They can measure steps, aerobic steps, time and distance. Some devices also count the calories and fat grams burned while running or walking.
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Apart from the internal functions there are a number of other features that make for a good pedometer. A large display would be one, and the fact that some come with accessories like detachable belt holders and security clips.
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