chromaticrai · 2 years
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Miriam of Palestine inspired by the recent events in the War of Palestine and Israel. This is an artwork submitted for a competition that I partake in school and here is the Art Process on how I made the artwork.  To view the Artwork, just visit the link here!: https://www.deviantart.com/chromaticrai/art/Miriam-of-Palestine-2-931094702
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chromaticrai · 3 years
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EXERCISES IN DIGITAL DRAFTING EVERYONE!!! Life’s always easier when it’s digital. And even though that is true, that doesn’t mean that transitioning to digital makes it even perfect. Good grief, I had to make my own ruler in google slides since it’s not showing the actual measurements (I recently learned from my classmate that there’s a thing called format options in Google Slides wherein it helps you input the actual measurement you want and even show the measurement of a figure). As easy as they are, there are some areas that are quite tedious to do such as making the Isometric model of a kennel. But either way, this is a good starter for digital drafting and it actually helps as well as references for artists like me. What’s even awesome is that I don’t need to buy anything and such. You gotta make the most with what you have if you want to save money you know :”>
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chromaticrai · 3 years
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MIDTERM HIGHLIGHTS!!! The rest of the slides don’t want to be posted bc of the number of pictures that tumblr allows lMAO. But anyway, I really like this midterm!! It’s basically about figuring out what the orthographic views show as an isometric model of the figure and that was fun. My mind immediately started to think when I first saw the pieces of the puzzle and trying to fix them together. It was really fun and I enjoyed it. It’s honestly easier than the other exercises that I encountered thus far
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chromaticrai · 3 years
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When I encountered this exercise, my mind immediately thought of one thing, Geometry.  My mind was calculating like how do I get the center of the triangle and stuff. I read the instructions and asked my classmates around until I realized my mistake that I should find the center on the sides of the triangle and not the vertices. It took me a while for me to get it to the point I sent out my d3 dice as a reference (I thank DnD for the different dices that they offer).
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chromaticrai · 3 years
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This is by far the easiest exercise for me and I honestly find this fun as well. This is basically the introduction of orthographic and isometric views which sets this as our first exercise for that. I realized how fun it is to see the pieces together from the different views that will make up the whole 3D figure. Referencing figures for art became much easier for me to do bc of this exercise. You guys should try it out its fun trust me :> <3
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chromaticrai · 3 years
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Honestly at first, I thought this exercise is easy. Tracing lines in different angles and inking afterwards should do the trick. This exercise is the definition of ‘easier said than done’ for this is by far the most tedious exercise that I have encountered thus far. Every accidental smudges or extensions made me become the perfectionist that I didn’t know it existed. But then, patience is really the key and practice makes perfect (I did 6 revisions of this exercise. Six!!). But now, looking at the final revision I made, it honestly looks cleaner than the previous and I am really happy how it turned out in the end after all of my frustrations.
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chromaticrai · 3 years
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First Exercise of Technical Drawing and I want to cry AHAHFHJKSD. Penmanship was my weakness ever since I was a kid and seeing that I have to do a lettering exercise makes me want to cry on the 1st day. It was really nerve-wracking at first. But after the revision, I did not expect that I would finish the lettering exercise faster than the first trial and I’m honestly proud of myself for making good progress. My penmanship slightly improved even though it looked similar but hey that’s already good progress for me.
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Revisions of Existing Designs: I’m honestly really happy how this overall turned out. From my presentation, design of the products and even the effort I spent. I really enjoyed improving my existing products and how I can make them even better. It showed how much I progressed not only as an artist but also as a person in general. I guess I really am meant to improve things at the end to create a better product. 
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Custom Design: Three designs, One Product Things get fun when it’s three in one!
These are my product designs from the design theories I’ve chosen. At first I was kind of struggling and even saw my products as half-baked ideas. Took some advice though from my cousin who studies in a Science High School to give me even more ideas for conceptualization. After that, I got pretty hyped and even excited to create the interior mechanisms of the products. Never hurts to ask advice from people who are more knowledgeable than you no matter what age. 
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Environmental and Biomimicry Design: My products that I created for  Environmental and Biomimicry Design. I honestly love the Design Theories since they are related to nature and science. I was geeking out in terms of brainstorming and researching for the products. From a more environmental cement to discovering the physics behind the dandelion, I got excited in creating the products with the science that I’ve learned and discovered.
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Sustainable and Evolutionary Design:
My product inventions for Sustainable and Evolutionary Design. This is one of those projects that made me experience the big brain moment.  I did some thorough research on the materials that are sustainable and even the technology as well. Turning art to reality through the help of science really get’s my gears grinding. Actual theories and hypothetical inventions with possibilities that can turn into a reality really excites me a lot. But of course, there’s always room for improvement ;)
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Technological and Marketing Design:
Here are my attempts to create products for  Technological and Marketing Design. This is where I really had fun since I started to become a bit more inventive. As a person who’s really into arts and sciences, I really like creating inventions that can actually be possible. No matter how crazy the inventions are, I’m just excited on what happens when they become a reality.
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Mentor Led Design:
Here’s my attempt on making a Mentor-Led product! I got the inspiration from the old photographs taken and from a game called Doki-Doki Literature Club. I am quite surprised no one came up with this idea. A dating simulator about our country’s national heroes (Especially Jose Rizal’s). I honestly came up with this idea at 3 in the morning and I literally laughed for a good 5 minutes because of it.  
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Intuitive Design Products: Here’s my attempt to create some apps that apply intuitive designs. This plate made me realize that I’m struggling with creating app ideas and how to make it more intuitive. Although, I had fun none the less, especially creating apps that can help a lot of people. 
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Pick your favorite theory! Mine’s biomimicry since I like creating designs that are inspired from nature.
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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Design Theories: Part 1
Hello everyone~ Here are my compilations for the application of the design theories. I actually am proud on how it turned out to look like a magazine with the different variations of the layout. I just like giving everything some personality ^_^
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chromaticrai · 4 years
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My thoughts on Heraldry!! After seeing some heraldry, I’m now having plans to make my own for my Minecraft server heehee~~
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