chromrs · 3 years
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they’re in love ur honor ( vaughn (right)  © @chromrs )
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chromrs · 3 years
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promo © intersetllarresources .// psd © jaynedits
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chromrs · 3 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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chromrs · 3 years
the way i am making a maelstrom oc that is so feral and batshit crazy <3
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chromrs · 3 years
> @chromrs: ‘the time i thought of you’ from johnny <3 > send ‘the time i thought of you’ for a time my muse thought of yours.
“hey, johnny.” 
it’s earlier than kerry would care for, the morning sun peeking through gray clouds. the forecast calls for rain into the next morning, and cooler temperatures than usual. he sits crossed-legged on the cool ground, staring up at a familiar name and an epitaph he had chose himself. 
robert john linder son of a bitch who never gave up. a legend among legends.
the bright blue glow of the letters seem to mock kerry. they always do.
it’s november 16th. 
“i woke up thinkin’ about you.” kerry lifts up the bottle he’d brought with him, one of johnny’s favored liquors, and takes a drink. it doesn’t matter that it isn’t yet half past 7 yet. he’d already poured a shot for johnny, and set it on the ground directly under his niche. there’s no ashes, but inside, there are few of johnny’s rings, one of his guitar picks, and a polaroid. kerry hadn’t picked its contents in the clearest of minds, though he’s never regretted his choices. “but… shit, if i’m bein’ honest, i went to sleep thinkin’ about you, too. fuckin’ sad, right? yeah. i know you’d probably make fun of me ‘cause of that shit. i can hear it now. ‘goddamn, kerry, you’re so fuckin’ sensitive!’, or somethin’.” he laughs, and it’s clipped and sad. “you wouldn’t be wrong though. i guess i am.”
quiet, again. kerry doesn’t know what to say. he usually doesn’t, not until he’s already home and he doesn’t want to go back out to add onto his thoughts.
“…i miss you.” kerry pulls the hood of his jacket further forwards. it feels like it offers more privacy, though logically he’s sure it doesn’t. “if you actually are alive out there somewhere and you’ve just been… hiding, i hope you have an awful fuckin’ day for stayin’ away and not lettin’ me know you’re still kicking, you asshole.” a pause. “eh… eugh. maybe i don’t mean that. i don’t know. hard to tell.”
five minutes pass, ten, twenty, a half hour. he says more things, rambling mindlessly on. johnny used to act like he hated it sometimes, but kerry knows he secretly enjoyed it.
eventually the rockerboy pushes himself back up to stand, but he leaves the bottle beside the shot glass. he’s sure someone will steal both and that johnny would probably approve of it if they did. he reaches out, runs his fingers lightly across johnny’s niche, and then presses his palm against it before he moves back and shoves his hands in his jacket pockets. he’s not sure if he’ll ever be rid of johnny. he’s both afraid he will and won’t be.
“happy birthday, johnny. live it up, wherever you are. i love you.”
kerry turns and leaves without looking back.
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chromrs · 3 years
INCOMING SMS from › @octaane for vaughn cohen!
[ received @1:33pm | OCTAVIO ]: what happened last night? my head is pounding!
[ sent @1:40pm | VAUGHN ]: you came over and raided my mini bar
[ sent @1:40pm | VAUGHN ]: this is why i didn’t wanna tell you where i live
[ sent @1:42pm | VAUGHN ]: you deserve everything you feel rn, you threw up all over my rug
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chromrs · 3 years
INCOMING SMS from › @axeattitude for johnny silverhand!
[ received @4:12pm | KERRY ]: so, i rewarded myself and got that thing you told me not to get
[ sent @4:13pm | JOHNNY ]: no you fucking didn’t
[ sent @4:13pm | JOHNNY ]: i better not see another bike in your driveway, you don’t need two of them
[ sent @4:17pm | JOHNNY ]: KERRY?
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chromrs · 3 years
INCOMING SMS from › @netwench for johnny silverhand!
[ received @11:45pm | ALT ]: i think you have the wrong number
[ sent @11:46pm | JOHNNY ]: ha ha that’s real funny
[ sent @11:58pm | JOHNNY ]: answer my damn calls???
[ sent @11:59pm | JOHNNY ]: alt you can’t say that in the middle of a fucking conversation????
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chromrs · 3 years
yall are so mean to this man
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chromrs · 3 years
adult  themes / language tw.customize  as  you  need / wish !
[ text ] where the hell are you ?! we were supposed to meet an hour ago !
[ text ] where did you go ? don’t you dare leave me here ! 
[ text ] on a scale of 1-10, how upset would you be if I don’t show up ?
[ text ] what happened last night ? my head is pounding !
[ text ] whose pants am I even wearing ? 
[ text ] I think I broke a bone or two…
[ text ] so, I rewarded myself and got that thing you told me not to get
[ text ] don’t be mad ! it wasn’t even my fault
[ text ] my ways are unhealthy. you do not want them
[ text ] we don’t know what _________ is capable of
[ text ] you would date me, right ? I mean, I’m a catch. right ?
[ text ] what did you say to _________ ? now (s)he is avoiding me !
[ text ] I miss seeing your face
[ text ] you’re supposed to tell me not to do stupid things. explain yourself
[ text ] what was on it ? I didn’t see what was on it and I need to know.
[ text ] you need to tell me what’s going on
[ text ] I’m a freaking delight ! 
[ text ] this is all my fault ! 
[ text ] you forgot about me, didn’t you ?
[ text ] I think you have the wrong number
[ text ] send help. I have two pizzas and nobody to share them with
[ text ] one step at a time, right ? 
[ text ] to be honest, that never bothered me
[ text ] I think I’m lost
[ text ] game time means crunch time
[ text ] you gotta pick a side, man
[ text ] know that you can put your trust in me, alright ? 
[ text ] I’m always picking up after you
[ text ] I didn’t want you to be alone
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chromrs · 3 years
deadly nightshade prompts › ‘you promised. you fucking promised.’ from @axeattitude​
​      › for johnny silverhand.
      he offers kerry a blank stare because... that’s all he really has for him. he did promise, promised to make it a point to be better — and well, he’s not doing a good job so far. it’s 3am, and johnny can barely make out kerry’s silhouette standing in the door way. he’s had way too many drinks tonight, and it’s starting to catch up with him. every since he’s been back, mind thrown back into its physical host again, everything’s just been... off. he doesn’t crave cigarettes as much as he used to, and his alcohol tolerance is back to basically zero, so the amount of drinks he’s downed tonight had definitely taken it’s toll. 
      he’s wobbling a little, squinting his eyes to see kerry, “yeah, yeah, cry me a river, kerry.” he mumbles back to the smaller man, knowing full well what the venom in his words will do, knowing he’ll regret them in the morning. “it was a couple fuckin’ drinks, and like, some other... it doesn’t matter. none of your fuckin’ business anyway.”
0 notes
chromrs · 3 years
deadly nightshade prompts › ‘don’t act like you know me.’ from @maelstromr​
​      › for valerie costas.
      she can’t help but laugh, a breathy sound coming from between her lips as she leans back in her chair. valerie doesn’t know dum dum well, no, but he’s maelstrom — he’s not that hard to figure out. “don’t act like you’re any different from the rest.” she bites back, head cocked, eyeing the ganger who looks like he’s about to jump across the table at her. 
      doesn’t matter though, she’s used to it, this is night city. “you’re a chromed up idiot who thrives on violence and when you’re in line waiting to suck royce’s dick, just behind every other maelstrom, you’re using your free time to torment some poor bastard because it’s fun. not that hard to pinpoint.”
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chromrs · 3 years
as much as i say i hate johnny silverhand i actually do love him i think he’s very neat and cool and he’s kinda hot sometimes
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chromrs · 3 years
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Jinguji x Silverhand
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chromrs · 3 years
intriguing sentence starters › ‘you and me are gonna get along great.’ from @maelstromr
    › for valerie costas.
      she doesn’t respond right away, instead eyes dum dum carefully, suspiciously. val doesn’t agree, thinks that dum dum is probably just trying to get under her skin, only to stab her in the back later. or maybe this was the ganger’s attempt at a compliment, for how viciously she took down the tyger claw that was attempting to shoot dum dum in the back while he was too busy ripping apart another.
      “is that a threat? that sounds like a threat.” she replies finally, shifting her weight, shoving her smart pistol into the holster on her thigh, the smallest upwards tick in the corner of her mouth, “but maybe that’s best... seeing how you treat people who you don’t get along with.”
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chromrs · 3 years
deadly nightshade prompts › ‘we’ve missed so much.’ from @netwench​
​      › for valerie costas.
      “don’t be so dramatic, alt,” val laughs, shoving her way through the crowded waves of people, tugging alt along with her. how was she able to score tickets for a lizzy wizzy concert? she’s not sure entirely sure, feels a bit like a fever dream, but valerie doesn’t want to question it. this is something she’s been waiting years for, and not only did she score a ticket for herself, but for alt too.
      but... it’s night city. traffic can be shit, and the diner they went to took forever with their food, which caused the pair to run a little late. not that valerie minded too much, any time spent with alt was time well spent, but still — this was kind of like a once in a lifetime opportunity for her, this concert. didn’t want to miss too much, and she was trying hard to remain optimistic.
      and it seemed to have paid off when they got there, seeing as her set just started. “see, we’ve barely missed anything!” she nearly screamed at alt over the music, wide grin covering her face. valerie takes alt’s hand again, pushing more people away from them, “c’mon, think we can get even closer.”
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chromrs · 3 years
deadly nightshade prompts › ‘put the [ gun ] down.’ from @maelstromr​
​      › for vaughn cohen.
      “no.” his tone is more stable than he thought it was going to be, firm and precise, no stutters — but his physicality still betrays him. vaughn’s hand is shaking, his fingers white knuckling the handgun, left hand covering the right as it’s pushed out right in front of his chest. 
      he’s really tired of this fuckin’ malestormer. he might’ve agreed to help dum dum out because that was his only option, other than death, but god was he taking advantage of it. this is the third time he’s called him this week alone, and it’s only tuesday. did maelstormers really get hurt this much? break apart their cyberware and implants so carelessly? maybe, or maybe dum dum was just fucking with him — giving him stuff to do because he can.
      there’s a smirk on the ganger’s face, and it annoys vaughn even more — like he doesn’t think that vaughn will take the shot. “y-you can’t just fuckin’ call me at, like, 3am and demand that i come and fix your shit!”
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