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Workout For Daily Life
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earring backs have a special quality where you can watch them fall out of your hand, hit the floor, and then they literally vanish in front of your eyes and despite presumably being within a relatively small radius of a spot you were just looking at, will never ever be found again
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Fun fact for our international followers: If someone in Australia cuts down a tree on public land to improve the view from their house, the local government will install a sign to block that view again
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An immovable rod, but the command word to activate its effects is unfortunately "rod".
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i know it may seem miniscule, but i genuinely can't stop thinking about how students in gaza were preparing for school around this time last year. and it's not just gazan children i'm referring to. it's little kids who were about to have their first ever day of school. it's university students in their last year of college. it's grad students who've been working so hard in their field, who just had years of labor and effort torn away just like that. we all have the luxury of continuing on, of starting this new chapter in our lives, while theirs seem to be on permanent arrest. it's just not fair. it's heartbreaking
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i know it may seem miniscule, but i genuinely can't stop thinking about how students in gaza were preparing for school around this time last year. and it's not just gazan children i'm referring to. it's little kids who were about to have their first ever day of school. it's university students in their last year of college. it's grad students who've been working so hard in their field, who just had years of labor and effort torn away just like that. we all have the luxury of continuing on, of starting this new chapter in our lives, while theirs seem to be on permanent arrest. it's just not fair. it's heartbreaking
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"i dont dislike taylor swift as a person, i just think her music is not that good" well i hate her as well. why the fuck am i biking everywhere and taking trains and walking two hours if she produces two tons of co2 emissions for a 15min flight. fuck her
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friendly reminder you dont need a diagnosis to be in disability spaces, as an example im in constant pain and fatigue, have migraines every week and my joints hurts to a point I can't write, but since familiar gaslighting/medical trauma and the fact that im an indigenous, brown skin fat man a diagnosis is fucking hard (but im in my way! :)) , but i still deserve a safe space to talk about my experiences and to feel valuable and supported.
never feel like youre interrupting someone's space or that you shouldn't be here cause you dont have a diagnosis, disabilities existed before diagnosis
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Yeah you're right. It WOULD be pretty fucked up if you were a swan but you were raised by ducks and you grew up never seeing another swan or even knowing that such a thing as a swan even existed so you just thought you were a duck with something super wrong with it.
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and very, very often, self care is not plants and ice rollers and fluffy blankets of peace.
it’s standing over your kitchen sink and crying while doing the dishes because you just want to go back to bed but the dishes need done. and you don’t know why you’re crying but you're trusting you need it. and you aren’t listening to the music that pulls you into a spiral; you’re listening to some cheerful shit your friend sent you. it’s getting up and staring at your fridge and closing your eyes and then cooking yourself food even though you hate it and it’s miserable. because you know that you’d cook for your friend, and you are trying to befriend yourself. it’s dragging yourself into the shower because you know you’ll feel better afterwards. it’s doing mundane tasks with patience, cursing under your breath, trying desperately to give yourself grace. grace is the beginning of care. care is the beginning of love.
we think it’s supposed to be peace and yet the most powerful self care moments are when we hate everything but especially ourselves. and life does not feel worth the loving. to look into that pain and yet choose to care for yourself in however many pieces you are — that is care. love. grace. trust. belief. it hurts because it’s love where there was no love before. it heals because it believes there will be love, one day, soon.
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