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Great release to express yourself. . Fill in the blank after . If they only knew:
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FEAR is often imagined and not due to a real threat. #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Minimalism is attractive and practical. Everything we purchase has a shelf life. Everything that is purchased will require, maintenance, cleaning, repair, disposal or some other kind of action. I choose less because that means more energy to focus on what really matters to me. #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Here are my credentials again. And I've been in advisory positions for 14 years and in Coaching for three years. You can visit my website in my bio for more information.
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Love this! #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Coloring is therapeutic# It's good for our health. A fellow spoonie just DM'D me and the subject came up 😊. Coincidentally, I color too and highly recommended it. #ChronicallyEmpowered #adultcoloringbook #adultcoloringbooks #adultcoloring
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Really though. 👀There is currently only a left bicep emoji . It would be nice to give the left one a rest and use a right bicep. OR decide to use both at once. 😉 #ChronicallyEmpowered
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When you live the chronic life uncertainty is a huge reality. It's truthfully a reality for everyone. But even more so for us. How do I deal with it? Well, I realize I really don't have total control. Everything is very unpredictable and I eventually just surrendered. 😑 I can plan but I do my best to not attach myself to people or outcomes recognizing that absolutely nothing is guaranteed and there are no promises.😑 #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Practicing non attachment is so healthy. Nothing matters. Is there something you are holding onto that you can work on letting go of? The state or status of an old or existing relationship? Regret of not knowing better... when you were still learning and growing? A wardrobe for a lifestyle that no longer suits your current needs? ALL things change. When you are able to let go of what no longer serves you, you will live more freely. #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Get loud. Pain Sucks and it's more complex than even some medical professionals understand. It's beyond the "On a Scale of 0 - 10, What's your pain level." #ChronicallyEmpowered
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We are never our circumstance. Don't let them defy you nor deny you of joy. It is up to you to discover your strengths and turn your threats into opportunities. Be patient and kind to yourself along this journey. #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Why do we call ourselves "Spoonies"? The SPOON Theory was created by Christine Miserandino (a Lupus Warrior) to explain to her friend what it was like to be sick. They were eating at a diner when the discussion started. The idea is that when you are sick you have a limited supply of spoons and you have to plan your day, tasks and the energy required for them... significantly more so than a healthy person would. Since then the theory has gained popularity and is used across a multitude of chronic illnesses sufferers who identify with the theory and its reality. Please join me in spreading awareness. Take a photo of yourself with a bouquet of spoons and use the hash tag #SpoonieBouquetPhoto For story see Christine Miserandino's website. http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/category/the-spoon-theory/
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Hello! Let your frustrations be your motivations. After thought... I should have created better lighting before recording. But I won't redo it. Ain't enough spoons for that! And there is often a such thing as "Good enough". One love! #ChronicallyEmpowered
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It's night time for me. I enjoyed hanging out with my husband this evening after work. It's past 11 pm EST and I'm settling down. Overall good day today. I may share a bit more about it tomorrow. For now, rest well. Hopefully little or no pain or insomnia for ya'll tonight. No ruminating thoughts either. One love ❤ Homies #ChronicallyEmpowered #chronicpain #insomnia #insomniacs #insomniac #spooniestrength
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The Battle is all to real and you don't get it til you get it.. #ChronicallyEmpowered
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Hello My Friends, Never stop laughing! "when you kinda wanna just do it but not really." Almost like Nike's "Do It" Logo Love MsAndrea. Love her page. Thanks for this! @msandrea #ChronicallyEmpowered
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