chubinecco · 5 years
Not much to say about the end of my day, sadly. Spent a good, long while lazing about on my bed, watching speedruns and rubbing my belly. It was full enough to round out- not quite in the way or watching my computer screen, but it was a nice, gentle curve in between me and my desk. :3
Later, I had “Dinner” with my family. Just a cup of soup my father made. Nice tomato and mixed seafood thing he’s made a few times. Clam and fish and squid. It’s a fun one to eat ^.^
Fair bit after that, I had my own Dinner. Fixed myself about a quart of mac and cheese, added some chopped spinach and chopped sausage to the mix, made sure it was extra creamy to accommodate all the added ingredients. Wasn’t sure I’d be in the mood to finish it off, but I managed it, with just a few minutes left until midnight XD A good, heavy way to end off the day, I think.
Stomach is... unremarkably full, but if I press a bit, I can feel a bit of soreness. I’ll be feeling tomorrow, and maybe even the next day, just how much of a workout I’ve given it XP Until next month.
Final food: 25 dumplings 14 Butterfingers 14 Reeses cups 1 can of pringles 1 sleeve of crackers 3-4 servings of cheese (Brie and Gouda) 2 sprigs of grapes 6 mini-bagel dogs 20 Totino’s pizza bites 32 fl oz sports drinks 1 cup of tomato fish soup 1 Large slice hearth bread 1 quart “fancy” mac n cheese
6.5 pints of water
Good Morning everyone! It is cheat day, and I am Starving! I didn’t have a small dinner last night, but I feel like I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. All the more room to fill I guess :3 Got a plate here of about 25 dumplings I’m working my way through. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll be hitting the store. Last chance to get in those recommendations/requests.
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chubinecco · 5 years
Oof... so I wasn’t really in the mood for food again yet, but I wanted to keep going. I grabbed myself a couple bottles of gatorade and my usual pint water glass I keep by my desk and got to work. I thought I was taking my time with them, got into a chat online with a friend, texting back and forth and watching more speedruns... but apparently I was going fast enough..
Starting to feel ever so slightly short of breath... my tummy kinda hurts... not unpleasantly so, but I am SO uncomfortable in my chair... may lie down for a bit after this... Had a few hiccups here and there. Thankfully, haven’t had a full-blown case of the hiccups. I just can’t stop squirming, trying to get properly comfortable... My tummy Huuurrrrts u.u
When I put my hands on my belly, I can feel it right there below the surface. It feels tight and kinda sloshy, like an over-full water balloon. It feels good, even if it is really unhappy with me right now XP I’ve had my shirt tucked up under my armpits the last half-hour. The shirt’s loose enough that doesn’t actually make any kind of difference, but the cool breeze from outside feels good on my sore tum.
Current food: 25 dumplings 12 Butterfingers 14 Reeses cups 1 can of pringles 1 sleeve of crackers 3-4 servings of cheese (Brie and Gouda) 2 sprigs of grapes 6 mini-bagel dogs 20 Totino’s pizza bites 32 fl oz sports drinks
4.5 pints of water
Good Morning everyone! It is cheat day, and I am Starving! I didn’t have a small dinner last night, but I feel like I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. All the more room to fill I guess :3 Got a plate here of about 25 dumplings I’m working my way through. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll be hitting the store. Last chance to get in those recommendations/requests.
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chubinecco · 5 years
After a short break, I decided to fix my next course. I’m to a point where i could probably just stop eating for the day and wouldn’t really feel hungry again until tomorrow, but that’s not the point of cheat day XD so I turned on the oven to prep some pigs in a blanket and totinos :3
Sadly, the Pigs in a Blanket weren’t actually pigs in a blanket. they were bagel dogs, which... really aren’t the texture or flavor I was looking for. I kinda munched my way through half of them, because they’re small and easy and didn’t really notice them, but wasn’t really into it. I stuck the other half in the fridge and by now the totinos were about ready.
As usual, they were WAY too hot out of the oven to start with, so I kinda had to carefully chomp with my mouth open and eat around the filling, because i wanted to eat them but like... physically couldn’t XD Eventually, they cooled down though, and I was able to eat them one after the other while playing my game. They went down SO quick and easy. like... I KNOW I've eaten a ton today. I can put my hand on my stomach and FEEL how full it is, but you wouldn’t know it from how easily I got these down. 20 totinos bites in like 30 minutes and I didn’t even notice... Clearly, that means I should have my next course sooner rather than later XP
My stomach is pretty full. If I push my shirt up, I can feel it rounding out more. It’s not actually “resting in my lap” but it kinda feels like it SHOULD be? When I press my hands against it, I can feel where my food is sitting, pretty high and to the left just a little. But some of it’s moved lower too. I feel a lot fuller all around. 
Current food: 25 dumplings 12 Butterfingers 12 Reeses cups 1 can of pringles 1 sleeve of crackers 3-4 servings of cheese (Brie and Gouda) 2 sprigs of grapes 6 mini-bagel dogs 20 Totino’s pizza bites
3.5 pints of water
Good Morning everyone! It is cheat day, and I am Starving! I didn’t have a small dinner last night, but I feel like I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. All the more room to fill I guess :3 Got a plate here of about 25 dumplings I’m working my way through. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll be hitting the store. Last chance to get in those recommendations/requests.
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chubinecco · 5 years
Okay, now I’m feelin’ it a little. Mostly just feel a little drowsy and fucking AMAZING. With the occasional Burp. Pleasant burps though.
Ate the rest of that can of pringles, and six each of my two different candies. Then decided I wanted to make an even dozen of each, because I was still feeling good. It’s been a LONG while since I’ve eaten that much candy in one sitting. I warmed up to it quick, but it really is a weird feeling. chocolate and peanutbutter and that crunch of sugar crystals. Delicious enough it wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t entirely easy either.
After that, I felt I should preempt my body getting grumpy about That Much processed sugar, and also give myself something else to eat, or I’d just KEEP munching candies because I was just NOT full yet XP I made myself up a plate of grapes, cheese and crackers. Two sprigs of grapes, about three servings of cheese between the Brie and Gouda, and almost a full sleeve of saltines (I like saltines. and good excuse to drink a lotta water while I eat XP)
So, I’d made it through half the plate, full sprig of grapes, half the sleeve and a little shy of half my cheese. Still not feeling much, but chewing... felt different. Just that slight soreness in my jaw, that gentle lassitude I sometimes get before I start getting messages from my stomach about how full I was, so I slowed down, really enjoyed the taste of what I was eating. Pushed my shirt up and gave my belly a nice rub. It’s feeling a little round, but I can still push my fingers in and my stomach’s there, getting fuller, but not hard yet. I’ve got plenty of room. So, I continued watchin’ my speedrun and munching my way through the plate. Pinching off a grape or a piece of cheese, shaking out a few crackers at a time.
Before I know it, the plate’s almost gone, but I’ve left almost 8 crackers with barely any cheese left. Decided I wanted to make sure my last two crackers had cheese, so I ate the rest of the crackers dry, meant I had to drink more water to get through it all.
If I push my fingers into my tummy now, it feels.. A little bit tender from the inside. oof, squeezed out a burp XP but I’m feeling good. Feeling just right for half a day’s stuffing with half a day to go. Gonna rest a bit, enjoy myself. think about what I want next. <3
Current food: 25 dumplings 12 Butterfingers 12 Reeses cups 1 can of pringles 1 sleeve of crackers 3-4 servings of cheese (Brie and Gouda) 2 sprigs of grapes
2 pints of water
Good Morning everyone! It is cheat day, and I am Starving! I didn’t have a small dinner last night, but I feel like I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. All the more room to fill I guess :3 Got a plate here of about 25 dumplings I’m working my way through. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll be hitting the store. Last chance to get in those recommendations/requests.
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chubinecco · 5 years
Back from the store, and I gotta say... walking up and down the aisles while very Pleasantly Full... So aware of myself and how I really don’t need to eat for another 4-5 hours, all the while picking out everything I’m planning to put inside me.... yeah... that felt good. Currently working my way through some Easter candy that was on sale and an impulse can of pringles. Gotta have some salt to counter all that sugar, right? XD
Eating the pringles on the drive home reminded me a bit of eating tacos. Opening the can, fishing out a few chips and closing it back up with the chips pinched between my lips... Still not feeling all THAT full, but we’ll get me there :3
Current food: 25 dumplings 1 butterfinger 2 Reeses cups 1/2 can of pringles
Good Morning everyone! It is cheat day, and I am Starving! I didn’t have a small dinner last night, but I feel like I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. All the more room to fill I guess :3 Got a plate here of about 25 dumplings I’m working my way through. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll be hitting the store. Last chance to get in those recommendations/requests.
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chubinecco · 5 years
Good Morning everyone! It is cheat day, and I am Starving! I didn’t have a small dinner last night, but I feel like I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. All the more room to fill I guess :3 Got a plate here of about 25 dumplings I’m working my way through. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll be hitting the store. Last chance to get in those recommendations/requests.
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chubinecco · 5 years
Cheat Day, April
So, the plan was to do this monthly, then my job kinda took over my life in a really terrible way. BUT I finally finished my last day Monday last week. I’ve caught up with friends and other things I’ve been neglecting, and I thought I’d celebrate the occasion with my first proper cheat day since like… October. (Which I may or may not write up eventually.)
To make up for the absence (and also because I think it’ll be fun :3) I thought I’d liveblog the event with you guys 8D I’ll be taking recommendations through Sunday, and starting with a big, hearty breakfast Monday morning and a quick reminder post to send me any suggestions that I should be sure to eat before heading to the store.
Really looking forward to this you guys ^.^ Hope to hear from you all and hear what favorite foods you want me to eat :3
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chubinecco · 5 years
Cheat Day, April
So, the plan was to do this monthly, then my job kinda took over my life in a really terrible way. BUT I finally finished my last day Monday last week. I’ve caught up with friends and other things I’ve been neglecting, and I thought I’d celebrate the occasion with my first proper cheat day since like... October. (Which I may or may not write up eventually.)
To make up for the absence (and also because I think it’ll be fun :3) I thought I’d liveblog the event with you guys 8D I’ll be taking recommendations through Sunday, and starting with a big, hearty breakfast Monday morning and a quick reminder post to send me any suggestions that I should be sure to eat before heading to the store.
Really looking forward to this you guys ^.^ Hope to hear from you all and hear what favorite foods you want me to eat :3
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chubinecco · 6 years
Story time: today I ate three double cheese burgers and large fries from mc Donald’s then had a 16 inch pizza to myself then ate a full tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream with some caramel cookies and chocolate for desert. I’m so full and stuffed that I can barely move and my stomach is killing me but it is sooo worth it
That is… a lot of food, anon. Damn. I’m speechless.
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chubinecco · 6 years
This got longer than I intended, but... for you or whomever, tips for how to deal with ‘polite company’ asking  you questions too close to kink:
"what do you draw?" "Whatever I've been commissioned to; frequently, it's hobbyist writers want to see their characters in different situations related to the stories/worlds they've created. Sometimes that's really interesting [insert parent friendly example], sometimes it's kinda banal like they want to see their character eat a whole cake." The word 'banal' means your parents will assume 'eating a whole cake' is mundane instead of kink.
Your parent friendly example can be anything, it’s all in the vocabulary you present it: “I drew a character fending off a giant snake monster” = “I drew a character getting sensually vored by a Naga.” “I drew an established couple bonding over dinner” = “I drew a feeder and a feedee stuffing themselves so round they couldn’t move.” “I drew a.. *heh* thing with vamps? It got a bit... well, you know how ‘popular’ vampires are these days. My client was really happy with it, said it was just how they’d imagined that scene of their story.” = Yeah, this one needs no translation. Your parents, or whatever polite company audience you’re talking to, will assume the story you’re drawing for is romantic in nature and be pleased with your ‘open-mindedness’. Maybe they’ll think ‘sex scene,’ maybe they’ll think biting, doesn’t really matter. Especially since you’ve already turned the subject past the specifics of what you drew and onto how your client received it.
If parents ever ask to SEE anything you draw, “My commissions are often really personal to the person I’m drawing for, so I can’t share everything, but I’ll let you know.” Then you can cherry pick or just not show anything to them at all.
When in doubt, character design is ALWAYS safe. “A giant dragon, breathing fire, with big, purple scales” never mind that the fire breathing and the scales being so big is because said dragon is bloated on hot sauce. “The character had been through a bit of an ordeal, so their clothes were really worn, getting the denim of the jeans to look distressed but not messy was hard.” never mind the distress you were putting those jeans into was because the ‘ordeal’ was the character eating themselves out of their clothes.
If you’re still worried about coming up with phrasing on the spot for existing, NOT parent friendly drawings, speaking hypothetically is always an option. “Someone could ask me to draw, ___” an epic battle, a child playing with their dog, the damsel in a tower taming the dragon that keeps her there and riding it away into the sunset. Doesn’t matter. If you’d be willing to accept this commission, you COULD be asked to draw it. Even if you haven’t, and all of your commissions are always kink, doesn’t mean you wouldn’t take this hypothetical non-kink commission had it been offered. XP
So my parents found out I do commissions and since they have no idea how it works i had to explain it to them and I’m very glad that conversation changed topics before they asked what exactly it was that i draw for people.
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chubinecco · 6 years
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chubinecco · 6 years
OMG ME TOO!!! 8D I’m very temperature sensitive XD I frequently drink my tea half-cold or even just like... room temperature and it’s fine like... XP I don’t get the idea of HOT tea freshly brewed it’s undrinkable... XP 
But I don’t have that problem with cold drinks, so long as it’s not like... half-frozen/slushy you know... likely to give me  brainfreeze, I’m good to drink cold drinks 8D
omg, saw your tags and YES!! I LOVE drinking herbal teas like a whole pot at a time for this very reason like... warm and sloshy and comfy, and basically no calories to stress over XP
Yuss, that and also warm beverages are easier to drink in bigger quantities than cold ones, like water. I would drink tea all the time if my tongue wasn’t so easily burnable.
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chubinecco · 6 years
Omg... that warm, full happy feeling you get when you eat a whole bunch?
Imagine that further, imagine you’re in a chilly area, you’ve got semi-warm clothes on, but it’s a little nippy. Then you sit down to eat, you have a NICE big plate of warm rice, and Indian food, so a little spicy heat to go with the temperature heat, and you’re settled back after dinner and now you’re proper warm. the room’s still comfortably cool, but you’re nice and warm because the food inside you is extra warm.
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chubinecco · 6 years
This chapter is one of the plottier ones, but you do finally get to see Elliott with an obvious tummyache so I hope that makes up for it fam
I’d like to thank @chubinecco for the beta read and also several others (particularly @tiny-tum and @troubled-tums) for talking kink and characters with me over the past little bit, which has been so motivating! ^^
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chubinecco · 6 years
Cheat Day, August
Okay, so, quick preface on this one, since it’s the first time I’m doing this. About a year ago, I decided I wanted to lose some weight. (Number of health related reasons for this, but also, I wanted to better see a bigger difference when I stuffed. Big -> Real Big is all well and good, but tiny -> pretty big is like *melts*) 
Went well for a couple months, but I REALLY missed stuffing myself, started having trouble staying on the diet from day to day kinda thing. That’s when I decided I should get a cheat day.
Now, to prevent myself from deciding every day is cheat day, I pick a specific day a couple months in advance that I think I’m likely to eat a lot usually it’s some kind of holiday or event.
August’s cheat day was the 24th (with some spill over to the 25th because I was at my friend’s wedding, but this is just about the 24th).
I started the day with a BIG ol’ bowl of pasta with ham and cheese and spices stirred into it, four slices of bacon, two eggs and a NICE big glass of water. By the time I was finished, I was feeling pleasantly full, but nothing I couldn’t handle.
This is when my day went a little sideways XD Some kerfuffles with my prescription (adhd) and packing and everything else, I didn’t get on the road quite on time, and was in a bit of a hurry, I didn’t get to eat ANYTHING else u.u BUT I’d promised myself I was gonna get my tummy good and stuffed, so around about 2, I was making good time, and I asked my phone/GPS to find me a taco bell along my way :3 I ordered myself one of those twelve taco boxes, stopped in the parking lot real quick and downed two of them right away because they’re just SO tasty; but also salty, and I forgot to get myself anything to drink. whups.
I didn’t want to get behind, so I unwrapped my third taco, and got back on the road. Some stop and go traffic, I unwrapped another taco any chance I got and few more miles down the road I’m starting to feel it. Kinda full, nice tightness high in my belly, but not too heavy. Wishing I had something to drink, but it’s okay, I had a REALLY big glass at breakfast, and my car’s got AC, so I’m not dehydrated, just wish I had something to help it along.
I managed another taco and got my first cramp. Not a big one just sort of my tummy goin’ “Hey, Chubs, what’re you doin’ up there?” Felt so good, gave myself a bit of a rub and rest as I was driving along and wondered, “how many tacos have I had?” I managed to reach into the box next to me and get all the empty wrappers together and counted them.
Seven Tacos.
I’d had seven tacos, just over half the box. And I was feeling SO good. Full, achey, but also just... Let’s just say, even if I hadn’t been in the car, I would’ve been driving stick at this point.
But I’ve got just shy of half the box to go. The next two tacos, I took my time. Slowed down a little bit, but they were kinda cooler by now, and I was driving at speed on the highway, and holding half a taco in your hand while driving isn’t exactly easy, so few times I had to like... two bites, then kinda work the whole rest of the taco into my mouth like peeling a banana with my lips and barely getting to chew before I swallowed. Kinda a weird experience, but also kind of AMAZING to have that much food in my mouth at once, I could really feel the last swallow of each taco I ate this way as it went down my throat.
Because of this, I got a bit burpy; REALLY wished I had that water, but oh well. Rubbing my tummy gently, shifting in my seat. I could feel the wheel of the car was closer to me than it was when I started driving. I kinda almost wanted to push my seat back, but that’s silly, I’m at the perfect height for my mirrors, and my feet reach the pedals and just.. I’ll be fine.
But oh BOY I was feeling it. My stomach felt SO big. Bloaty and full and just... packed. Nine tacos so far. I glanced over at the box and was like, “I can do one more. At least one more will give me a nice, ten tacos.”
I grabbed my tenth taco, unwrapped it like a pro and chowed down. FUCK it felt good. Hurt a bit too, and I wondered if I could actually make it through the last two. I didn’t want to bother carrying the box on the train with me, and I DEFINITELY didn’t want to leave two tacos in the car. I thought about trying to give the last two away, because I was SO stuffed, but it’s two tacos, and that could go SO awkward...
I checked my phone, and I had just shy of an hour left until I got to the train station. One hour, two tacos, one SUPER full belly that was really intent on informing me just how much I had eaten. I could do this.
I drove along a while, kinda idly fiddling with the box next to me, thinking about how full I was, how much I’d waited, could I have my next taco yet? I felt pretty good... Distracting myself listening to podfic. Fic was getting to a “Good Part,” and I was feeling really Good too, and I decided, “Just one more. I can handle one more.” 
Eleven tacos down. Just one more to go. “This feels SO good. It’s been TOO LONG since I’ve had a cheat day on my own, no event or people to get weird about how much I’m eating just because I can, but DAMN I wish I could share this with someone who Gets It...”
My belly was full, I was feeling almost floaty and warm and good. I could feel my belt digging in, but only a little. More belly rubs, more driving, It’d only been maybe ten minutes since my eleventh taco, but I was SO close to the end. So close to an even dozen, and it felt SO good.
I grabbed my last taco, unwrapped it. Bite and chew, bite and chew. Every swallow felt AMAZING. By the end of it, I was kinda disappointed it was over, but also SO FULL it was a relief to know I had Done It. I ate a dozen tacos on top of an ENORMOUS breakfast, and the day was only half finished...
I made it to the train station with PERFECT timing, found I’d parked on the far side of the building from the tickets, no big deal, I could do with a bit of walking, my knees felt a bit stiff after all that driving. I got my tickets, then had to RUN across the concourse to get all the way back to track 2. Turns out I had more time than I thought I did, and running on a FULL full stomach is oof, but whatever. I got in my seat and felt SO squirmy. Tummy was Not Happy with me for that one. Not queasy or anything just like, Very Fucking Aware of just how Full I was, and also that I kinda needed to pee, but... no time, and didn’t really want to get up once I’d sat down...
One ninety-minute train ride of reading and thinking about my tummy later, I arrived in New York a bit later than intended, but none the worse for wear, and I get to walk about half a mile to get to where I’m staying for the weekend. I could have taken the metro, but it really wasn’t that bad, and I really didn’t feel like dealing with fare, so walking it was.
Some travel and other things, I made it to the tail end of my friend’s rehearsal dinner. From here, because of the other people around, I was more focused on socializing than my own greedy belly, so I didn’t get to revel in how stuffed I was nearly as much, but it kinda also meant I was distracted enough I probably put more in there than I would have otherwise been able to get through.
There were a number of casseroles out, and I was promptly handed a big ol’ jug of Coconut Pitorro.
Few things to know, 1) Pitorro is basically, Peurto Rican Moonshine 2) I am EXTREMELY lightweight XP
I didn’t have much, but it does NOT take much for me, even on a VERY full stomach XD I made a point of trying a couple bites of all the different dishes (there were like five of them) and also rehydrating in addition to having this DELICIOUS nectar of the gods that was mixed so strongly it made even the hardier drinkers shake their heads a bit XD
So, in the range of about twenty minutes, I’ve met about a dozen new people, forgotten about a dozen new names, inhaled three glasses of water, another modest plate of food and a shot and a half of what’s basically straight Rum.
I felt AMAZING. I didn’t think I COULD feel better than I did when I got on the train but BOY was I wrong.
That’s when they informed me the party was moving. I was just like “lol, you want me to stand up? uhh... Good luck with that...” but I was still mostly sober yet, and between the lot of us, we all managed to get outside and into a handful of Ubers and on our way to the next destination. 
My car was the first one there, so we grabbed a table, I had another cup of water, slowly nursing it and waiting for the rest of the troupe to show up.
I was... a bit less interested in putting anything much more into my stomach at this point, but it’s a wedding, It’d be rude to just sit and drink water while everyone else drank beer. Thing is... I just... don’t like beer. This was a local place, and I could tell it was REALLY GOOD beer, but just... not my thing. I managed to nurse about half a beer and a couple cups of water (They were small cups) while we were there, chatting with new friends and old. It was a good time, even if I was feeling a little meh.
After a couple hours, we moved to the next place. I was feeling a bit less meh, had managed to pace myself pretty well, though I was still pretty giggly and tipsy. and they informed me gleefully that the next place had more Pitorro!! Mixed drinks with new varieties of Pitorro!! :3
I had one of those, tried a sip out my friend’s drink, all of them tasted SO GOOD. and I was SO gone XD tummy was still FULL, but I was just WAY too happy and bubbly to care, and I had PLENTY of people to chat with and grin with and just it was a GOOD time ^.^
After that, a few of us headed up to the bride and groom’s house. Hung out, lazed about with bride’s dog, who hadn’t seen me in about a year and a half and practically LAUNCHED herself over the back of the couch to come greet me, she was SO HAPPY to see her Uncle ‘Chubs.’ 
Around 11, the bride handed me a glass of Jungle Juice and asked my opinion. Bride has a tendency to mix things STRONG XD. But DAMNED if it wasn’t tasty XP
That was the last thing I had for that cheat day, but even the next morning I was feeling it. Didn’t get around to getting up and having breakfast until almost 10am XP (which was a philly cheese steak with all the works from the place on the corner XP) But DAMN was it a good time.
Cheat Day totals
Large bowl of pasta with cheese, sour cream, ham chunks
Four slices of bacon
two eggs
TWELVE tacos
five sampler-servings of Hispanic home cooking
1/2 a beer
~5 shots of Pitorro
~6-8 cups of water
one glass of “jungle juice”
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chubinecco · 6 years
So Excited!! 8D Haven’t figured out exactly what muse I shall be playing with, not one of my existing muses, but shall likely post some sketches/drawings once I have worked that out 8D
Weird idea #11349: a strip club where the patrons can buy the workers different food items as the night goes on and get them all stuffed. the workers have to complete their shifts and routines no matter how full to get paid$$$
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chubinecco · 6 years
I love how when I’m honest about my gender and me being trans, I get hate messages and lose followers. Thanks guys 👌🏼
Instead of posting/answering the hate, I’m going to delete them and make this post.
If you’re a feedee and transgender, I love and support you.
If you’re a feeder and transgender, I love and support you.
If you’re trans, non-binary, genderfluid, agender, whatever you identify- you being queer does not in any way mean you can’t be apart of this community.
Love, the cutest and fattest trans male you’ll ever meet.
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