chunky-heels · 1 day
is this a life? i don’t know. i make another cup of coffee. stare at a tree from my balcony. write in my journal. take a hot shower. i call my sister and say nothing of value. she listens anyway. i make another coffee. read a book that gives me bad dreams. pick up my pen to write and put it back down. another flip of the calendar i carry in the center of my chest. i am learning to let my heart open up again
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chunky-heels · 2 days
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chunky-heels · 2 days
i wish romance was real and not just displaced longing for what was missing in the past
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chunky-heels · 2 days
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chunky-heels · 3 days
on all levels except physical i am sitting on top of the moon with my legs swinging back and forth
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chunky-heels · 7 days
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chunky-heels · 7 days
it was never gonna work out but i experienced all these seemingly profound unreplicable moments that were romantic and moving and made me feel alive and still none of it actually means anything in the long run. but thats okay. sometimes a beautiful moment is just that. a moment. and you have to leave it alone and just be grateful that it happened. woooow
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chunky-heels · 7 days
3 hours of crying in bed was there for me when no one else was
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chunky-heels · 7 days
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chunky-heels · 7 days
i’m so in love with you
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chunky-heels · 7 days
Do you even KNOW just how IN LOVE WE COULD BE? Fuckin idiot
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chunky-heels · 7 days
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chunky-heels · 7 days
i can't keep living like this!!! [does not change a single aspect of my life]
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chunky-heels · 7 days
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.”
— C.S. Lewis
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chunky-heels · 7 days
10/10 would recommend a walk, get out of your head and into your body
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chunky-heels · 7 days
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— Louise L. Hay
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chunky-heels · 7 days
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