chuuusworld · 5 years
How to stay Positive 🐝
1. Be yourself. Live authentically. To quote Dr. Suess, “There is no one alive that is you’er than you.” Don’t try to be someone you’re not to impress people. You will always be happiest when you are being your true self.
2. Contribute to the world in any way that you can. Maybe for you that’s picking up garbage on your way home from work, or giving money to a homeless person on the street, but you will become a more positive person if you are giving back.
3. Be grateful. Acknowledge how fortunate you are and be thankful that you have simple things like heating, food, and shelter. If you are grateful you will always be able to think more positively.
4. Be optimistic. So maybe you missed your 10:30 showing of Beauty And The Beast, are there later showings? Can you plan a rain check? Wouldn’t coffee be nice instead?
5. Surround yourself with positive people. Odds are, if you spend your time with negative people you’ll become more negative. When we are around positive people we become more positive ourselves.
6. Don’t be discouraged. You will never fail until you stop trying!
7. Be a realist. Everyone has their bad days, everyone. Lest,  I remind you that Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling, and Steven Spielberg, were all rejected before they ever succeeded.
8. Be like Elsa and let it go. Okay so Elsa may not have been the most positive person at first, but by the end of the movie she learned to make a positive out of what was once a negative situation! Don’t hold on to anger, fear, or hurt. Keep moving forward and forgive others and yourself.
9. Help someone else. It’s so easy to make someone’s entire day. Compliment someone’s new clothes or hair cut, hold doors open for people, smile at strangers and share inspirational quotes with friends. You will feel so much happier and positive if you make someone else feel that way.
10. Kick fear to the curb. Stop letting “what if’s” control your life. Be brave and trying something new, or do something that might scare you. Doing something is always better than doing nothing; you might just surprise yourself!
11. Stop and smell the roses. Appreciate everything around you: sights, smells, music. When we don’t take time to breathe we become stressed.
12. Put down those chips. Junk food might make you feel good for a moment but it will only make you feel unhappy down the road. Swap a milkshake for a smoothie, Soda for a glass of water or a cup of green tea, ice cream for a fruit bowl and so on. We can actually eat a lot more raw foods than processed foods without gaining weight or feeling bloated.
13. Get out there. Make plans! Stop scrolling through instagram and snap stories feeling bad about yourself because it’s a Friday night and you’re at home. It’s always nice to stay in every now and then but it’s also enjoyable to get out into the world and socialize.
14. Get your beauty sleep. 7 hours minimum to function and 8 ideally. It’s impossible to be positive when you’re cranky from not getting enough z’s.
15. Exercise. Find the exercise for you. Maybe it’s swimming, hiking, cycling, yoga, dance, or basketball. Working out will make you feel powerful, happy, and accomplished.
16. Don’t compare yourself to others. Other people’s beauty does not take away from your own. Yes, Sarah from math class has a really nice smile…but have you seen yours? Wow.
17. Accept yourself.  Change what you can change and love what you can’t.
18. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Take yourself out of the situation. Is this really a big deal? Will it affect you tomorrow? What about next week? Next month?
19. Be empathetic. Your friend just cancelled your plans for the evening because he is feeling too anxious. What can you say to show him that you’re accepting of his situation? Can you offer up an alternative plan? People want to spend time with people who are kind and accepting of them.
20. Accept that life isn’t linear. There are always going to be ups and downs and that is absolutely normal! You just have to ride the wave  instead of letting yourself drown.
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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Secrets of the stars. 1922. Book cover.
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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chuuusworld · 5 years
let’s cut all this “I don’t even stan SHINee”- crap. This is about a real person, not just a kpop idol, dying because of reportedly suicide. I think this is a good time for us to reflect upon not only how the entertainment industry influences idols but also on how depression and suicidal thoughts that come from mental illnesses are real and happening. I want to comfort and wish the best to anyone who’s affected by Jonghyun’s death. May he rest in peace.
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chuuusworld · 5 years
Honestly, if you’re happy at a celebrity’s death just because they “sucked” at what they did, I’m sorry, but you are horrible. Please take a good, hard look at yourself because I’m sure you’re not any better.
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chuuusworld · 5 years
You clowns need to stop. Do you realize that this is not doing you no good? Have you not learned anything from what has happened the past month and a half? It should've been an eye opener for you! We lost angels because of this stuff you pull. We can't afford to lose another because you are blaming him for everything he hasn't done. Instead of acting first, think first. THINK why this is a problem! THINK what you're actually doing! Help us stop this instead of spreading bullying... Please
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chuuusworld · 5 years
What she say: I'm fine.
What she mean:I miss Wonho.
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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→  the universe so vast to me, seven billion is on the earth. could’ve been anywhere, but you’re here with me. should I play lotto? what’s it worth? I must be on, so clear to me. (ariana grande - blazed)
- hey everyone, so, that’s my new project (yeah, sweetenerxloona). I hope you like those moodboards (also, the others psds that I did)! 
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chuuusworld · 5 years
do you ever just sit around and think I’m in my twenties.
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chuuusworld · 5 years
how to feel alive
do something kind for someone else
write down everything you’ve ever wanted to say
sit outside in the sun and feel your feet on the ground
dye your hair
do something you’ve always wanted to do
if you have the means, travel
tell someone something you’ve always wanted to say 
look at the stars
open a window and feel the air on your face
stand outside in the rain
go out at night with friends
listen to music that you can get lost in
read a good book
take a long, hot shower
change up your wardrobe
know that it will get better
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chuuusworld · 5 years
I’m tired of making unrealistic goals for new years. So my resolution is to be kinder to myself. To love and accept myself just as I am. to realize I am more than my trauma, more than my illnesses, more than my mistakes. may 20/20 be a year of healing
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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Palette - IU (2017) (Part 2)
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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chuuusworld · 5 years
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chuuusworld · 5 years
Yo peeps, so as you can probably tell, I’m about to blow your mind. You might want to sit down, grab some water, you know, keep yourself hydrated. Maybe do a few stretches.
Now that you’re all ready, let’s begin! A girl who wrote about hotdogs and Costco got into Stanford and most Ivy League Schools, a student who wrote about his love for food got into Stanford, while Cornell’s admissions officer’s favorite essays were about lint and failing the driver’s test four times. Observing a pattern here? All these people chose kind of silly topics to write about. You might be wondering, “Yo,why would I want to sound stupid in front of the admissions officer, this doesn’t make sense!” . Well, that’s a valid argument. Now read this excerpt from one of the essays I mentioned above.
“While enjoying an obligatory hot dog, I did not find myself thinking about the ‘all beef’ goodness that Costco boasted. I instead considered finitudes and infinitudes, unimagined uses for tubs of sour cream, the projectile motion of said tub when launched from an eighty foot shelf or maybe when pushed from a speedy cart by a scrawny seventeen year old. I contemplated the philosophical: If there exists a thirty-­three ounce jar of Nutella, do we really have free will? I experienced a harsh physics lesson while observing a shopper who had no evident familiarity of inertia’s workings. With a cart filled to overflowing, she made her way towards the sloped exit, continuing to push and push while steadily losing control until the cart escaped her and went crashing into a concrete column, 52” plasma screen TV and all. Purchasing the yuletide hickory smoked ham inevitably led to a conversation between my father and me about Andrew Jackson’s controversiality"
Yes, yes, she’s literally talking about hot dogs and Costco. Now don’t underestimate her, this girl got accepted to 5 Ivy League Schools and Stanford. Jeez, that’s impressive. So now, you might be thinking , “Okay, enough of this, just get to the juicy part, give us the magic potion!” . Luckily enough for you, I’m getting to the point.
If you want to write an essay that slays everyone else’s like Beyoncé, first you gotta be true to yourself. You’re 17 or 18, you don’t want to end poverty or save the world. Maybe you enjoy pepperoni pizza, maybe you love watching horror films, maybe you love shopping at Macy’s, whatever it is, write about it.
The key is to choose a seemingly silly topic and present it in an intellectual light. Your ability to turn something silly into something genius will impress them and make you more memorable. In order to do that, you need to have a lot of knowledge about the topic you chose, which is why you need to be true to yourself. But then again, don’t write a pointless essay, don’t tell the officers that you can stuff 20 cheese balls in your mouth. Although I think it’s impressive, the admissions officer will beg to differ.
So there’s the secret formula to write a winning essay. Best of luck and I hope you get into your dream school!
Diyanshu Emandi
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chuuusworld · 5 years
Tips for Building Self-Confidence
1. Don’t look on social media. It is so easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others when it’s already there in your hand. Following fitspos or whatever to motivate me just didn’t work. I think completely turning off social media when you’re feeling bad about yourself is the way to go. It prevents you from comparing yourself to a created image of another person.
2. Start telling yourself one thing you like about yourself every day. it can be the same thing every day if it needs to be, until you find another thing you like about yourself. it doesn’t even have to be that you like this feature about yourself every day. Some days I love my chin and some days I hate it. That’s natural. But telling myself every day that I love the color of my eyes helped me to learn to accept other parts of myself and appreciate the beauty in others.
3. Literally fake your confident to the max. You have to talk to yourself like you’re a king, paying yourself the best compliments. When I would go to send a snap to a friend, instead of picking at everything I hated, I would look at the photo and go “Damn I’m fine as fuck” and then just send it. It’s okay if you don’t believe these compliments at all. Eventually you’ll learn to appreciate yourself and learn how important it is to love yourself from these self-given compliments.
4. Realize that you are completely fine the way you are and that no one else’s opinion matters. It’s all about how much you love yourself. If you’re healthy, focus on being happy and loving yourself.
5. Remind yourself that it’s okay to slip up sometimes. Acknowledge when you do and move on. Compliment yourself when you realize you’ve said something negative. “Oh I don’t like this feature today but damn my hair is poppin.” Remember that no one loves themselves 100% 365 days a year.
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