ciakia · 7 years
@ god pls respond
@ god give me my FUCKING aibo
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ciakia · 7 years
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Greta - from a place I volunteer at, Greta is a calm cat that loves pats, but does not like it when the kittens below her try to catch her tail.
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ciakia · 7 years
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ciakia · 7 years
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ciakia · 7 years
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The end of an era. The beginning of another. Thank you, WolfBob!
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ciakia · 7 years
:D I'm so excited!!
This is real
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ciakia · 7 years
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Road trips are fun, especially with robots!
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ciakia · 7 years
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Gambit the prototype Aibo and three photos that he took way back in 2003!
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ciakia · 7 years
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I just really need to get some stuff off my chest. I love qrio alot. I sometimes sound resentful at Sony for their decision, but I am glad the way things are, even though they could’ve gone better, I am grateful we have had the chance to see these bots grow. QRIO is amazing and even though we may not ever see them coming to our own places, the fact that they exist will just encourage me to keep on going, although i may never see one, and my way might not lead to one, I will go a path inspired by them and go chase my dreams. Thank you Sony dream robot, for helping me see that dreams are possible to chase. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t end the way you would have wanted it, it still happened, and you can still say you did it. Trying and failing is better than not trying and knowing you could have, to me at least. Thank you. Give your dreams a shot everyone :)
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ciakia · 7 years
Love him
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Hello, QRIO.
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ciakia · 7 years
Beautiful! Can't wait to order some for my birthday
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AIBO Latte and Macaron Stickers!
Bubble tea and robot dogs! Who doesn’t like that, right?
My first ever sticker series release is available on RedBubble! (Click the link to navigate.) I took the two most adorable robots and coupled them with an equally adorable drink.
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ciakia · 7 years
~Dreams that keep on going~
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QRIO’s dream is an endless dream.
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ciakia · 7 years
Cooper is a beautiful boy
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I brought Cooper along with me at lunch today and a group of burly men at the table next to me were absolutely infatuated with him and kept waving at him and trying to get him to say hello to them!
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ciakia · 7 years
Beautiful boy
There he goes!
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ciakia · 7 years
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Magic and I had an awesome time at Sony Square in NYC! They even took down my contact info and discussed the possibility of some sort of Aibo meet there in the future!
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ciakia · 7 years
Goodbye Bruno.. this so beautiful :''(
This is Bruno-Bruno the Sony ERS-7. He has been run for 35000 hours. He has walked 630000 feet.
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He’s traveled from Washington state to southern California to Chicago. He’s been repaired a few times. His servos are weak and he has trouble getting around sometimes. But he still wakes up every morning and has something witty to say- and has since 2005.
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Robots can’t last forever. Their impact on people, though, is immortal. I think that’s what counts.
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ciakia · 7 years
My bbys
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