cielie-is-hungry · 1 year
Hardcase: The chef won’t let us into the cafeteria anymore, not unattended.
Echo: What, why?
Rex: They keep stealing utensils, they were warned to stop.
Fives: *leaning over to whisper* It’s a whisk we’re willing to take.
Tup: *aggressively smacks Fives*
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cielie-is-hungry · 1 year
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cielie-is-hungry · 2 years
And now for everyone who wants to try: the recipe I made up in my head while writing that fanfiction. I don't like soups but this one's good. 👍
Potatosoup recipe
I'm so bad at finding titles for my writings, ok? So just imagine this thing here got a brilliant title, thanks. <3
Summary: Eddie falls in love with his best friend y/n and they get closer one evening when she's feeling down after an argument with her parents and needs his kitchen to calm down.
Tw: mentions of sh, unaliving thoughts, depressions, bullying (chewing gum in hair), shitty and toxic parents. But it's mostly fluff and Eddie caring for his best friend.
I'm not quite happy with it, mostly because I'm not sure if I got him right. But I'm trying, ok? I'm still learning and I promise I'll be better.
And because you wanted to be tagged in anything I'll post, @rogue-durin-16 . ;)
My Masterlist
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It's not the first time he's found her in the pouring rain. It became almost a habit that they accidentally bumped into each other soaking wet from the rain. Whereby at these meetings there is always a certain melancholy, fear, almost panic and anger that overshadows his joy at seeing her.
Because when he looked into her eyes he knew that something was wrong.
Most of the time it was her parents who made her life hell. Punishing her for something she didn't do, giving her nonsensical tasks, or just yelling at her for no reason, or ignoring her completely. There were rarely other reasons.
She was good at school, she only got A's, was every teacher's darling, took care of the younger ones and tutored them. She was involved in clubs and helped organize various events. When you first met her on the street you would only assume that she was a very dedicated and fun-loving person. But when you got to know her intimately, the way only Eddie and no one else did, you knew she was doing all of this just to escape from her reality.
He wasn't sure how she could stand it all with her head held high. He admired her self-sacrificing way of taking care of everything and everyone while completely forgetting about herself. It was just her way of running away from her problems.
Whenever there was a charity event, he always brought her band-aids for the blisters on her feet and some crackers. Because he knew that she hadn't eaten anything all day except for probably a coffee and had bloodied her feet in her Converse. With a silent nod, she accepted the kind gesture and withdrew for a moment, but only at his repeated urging. They sat in a corner away from the hustle and bustle. He took off her shoes and put band-aids on the sore spots while she nibbled on the crackers in silence.
But it wasn't only him helping her. No, she too helped her friends, especially Eddie. She helped him with his homework, tutored him, listened to the songs he had written, made some suggestions for improvement, and showed up at every gig, clapping loudly and cheering.
Although she enjoyed hanging out with the 'freaks' a lot, she had a relatively neutral status at school, many liked her but most ignored her. And when Jason or any of the other jocks started picking on Eddie and the Hellfire Club again, she would step in and calm things down.
Although that had brought her some nasty nicknames and her reputation became more and more negative over time. But she cared very little about that. Above all, it was important to her to be there for her friends and to stand up for them.
This special friendship has now lasted for several years. They first met just before the summer holidays when she was 12, he was 14. He found her under the stands outside on the sports field, crying bitterly and curled up like a ball. Some idiot had gummed her beautiful y/h/c hair together and the more she tried to pry the sticky bubble gum out of her curls, the worse it got.
He didn't know what to do or say. To say he was just a little overwhelmed by the situation would have been the understatement of the decade. He knew what it was like to be bullied, what it was like to be an outsider, but he could take care of himself and knew he was better than caring what other people said or thought. But how was he supposed to convey that sense of self-confidence to a bundle so small, fragile, and crying?
He squatted beside her shaking and sobbing form and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder. After she flinched at the sudden touch and looked up at him (she hadn't seemed to notice him and was now surprised that someone was with her) he began patting her shoulder gently.
"It's ok" he started to calm her down. "I'm here, ok? Relax and we'll take care of your hair." He didn't know how, but somehow they finally managed to get the chewing gum out of her hair with a lot of effort.
But now they are older. She had confided in him, only in him. Her thoughts, fears, desires. She knew she was safe with him. She knew he would never look at her disparagingly for the thoughts that sometimes cross her mind, or for what she sometimes does to herself.
He noticed early on the cuts on her upper arm or her legs, the bruises on her knuckles or her bloody lips. And eventually she stopped trying to hide it from him.
"Sweetheart, you can't do that shit." were his words as he met her in the school parking lot one morning and drove her to a doctor for treatment of her hand, which was covered in bruises and red spots and could no longer clench to a fist properly. She knew he wasn't mad, at least not at her. Of course he was worried and she understood that and she also felt beyond nauseous at the thought of someone worrying about her, but there were moments when her mind went haywire and her body did things that weren't acceptable.
But before anything could happen this time, she found her way to school. She knew Eddie was there tonight with the rest of the Hellfire Club, continuing the campaign.
In her hand she holds a shopping bag that is now pretty soaked. She has now made it a habit to cook as soon as thoughts and emotions bubble up in her that she doesn't like. It's just hard to cook at home and try to calm down when the reason for her anger and emotional pain is constantly buzzing around her: her parents.
As the door slams behind the troupe and they stare into the relentless rain, their animated conversation suddenly stops. The older ones say their goodbyes and hurry through the rain to their cars while Nancy pulls up and lets her brother and his friends get in.
"See ya tomorrow!" Dustin calls out to Eddie. The latter, on the other hand, only waves in approval, his eyes resting on the figure leaning against his van. He presses his lips into a tight line and as Nancy drives off with the kids he takes a deep breath and makes his way through the rain.
When only a few steps separate him from the girl, he puts on a charming smile and puffs out his chest.
"M'Lady, you look like you need the help of a brave knight." After he has indicated a small bow and sees how the corners of her mouth twitch gently into a smile, he stretches out a hand to take the bag from her.
"Oh, thank you, your Lordship." she replies in a similar tone and pushes a few strands of wet hair away from her face. She hands Eddie the soaked bag, very carefully in fear of tearing it. He puts the bag in the van and looks back at his friend, who is still standing in the rain and makes no move to get into the car.
"Y'know you could've come in too." Eddie explains and waves his hand in the direction of the door of the school. "Then you wouldn't be soaking wet now." He leans his back against the driver's door, looks her up and down, and crosses his arms over his chest. After she tilted her head back at his statement and made a frustrated growling sound, he raised a hand and tried to cover his enchanted grin by picking at his rough lips.
"But I love the rain. I love it when the drops hit my head, my skin. The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground..." Dreamily, she stretches out her arms, closes her eyes and dances to a just in her mind present melody through the rain.
He watches her for a moment. He's relieved that, at least for the moment, she seems carefree and has found some kind of inner peace. But after only a short time he pushes himself away from his car and tries to grab her.
"Come on, sweetheart, you'll catch a cold. And what am I going to do at school without you?"
His gentle laughter tempts her to smile as well. He watches her impatiently as she keeps spinning and stretches her face towards the rain. To be honest he would love to watch her like this all night. She looks so relieved and truly content. But with the best will in the world he doesn't know how he's going to survive his everyday school life without her if she gets a cold now.
He probably doesn't like to admit it to himself, but he cares a lot more about her than he should as just a good friend. Every day he doesn't see her is an incredibly long and wasted day. But he just can't muster the courage to say something to her or to give her a hint. A perfect person like her would never return his feelings. And so he has to be content with what he has: her friendship, her loyalty, her pleasant presence that makes him forget all his worries, at least for a moment.
His fingers wrap around her wrist as she's spinning in circles on her tiptoes and pulls her towards him with a flourish. She presses her hands against his chest and they both stagger backwards until they slam into the van. A startled laugh escapes her as her back hits the cold metal and Eddie tries not to crush her with his weight. He braces his hands against the van next to her body, breaking his fall. Her wide grin is reflected on his lips as he looks down on her.
"Come on, prima ballerina." He tries to suppress a laugh, but fails and lets out a deep, satisfied giggle.
"But only because it's you." she agrees after a moment.
"Good girl." He pulls away from her and winks at her as he walks around the car and opens the passenger door.
"After you, m'lady." He bows again and extends his arm to politely show her the obvious way to the passenger seat.
It's only when she has slumped onto the seat and buckled herself in that she feels the cold creeping over her skin, starting to numb her fingertips. Her clothes are clinging to her body and Eddie can't help but notice how it accentuates every curve of her body. The way her stomach muscles tighten at that little giggle as she looks down at her trembling fingers, the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. Her hair is stuck in strands to her neck, and if he looks closely, he can clearly see her pulse through her now porcelain-looking skin.
He quickly realizes that it's not right for a best friend to stare at her like that and long to let his fingers slide over her wet skin, to feel her laugh under his touch. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head in an attempt to banish these thoughts and images as he leans back from the driver's seat and pulls out a blanket.
"Here, so you don't get too cold until we get to my place." He carefully drapes the blanket over her shoulders. She grabs the warming fabric and wraps it around her.
"Thanks, Eddie."
"For what?" he replies with a laugh and starts the engine. He knows exactly what she wants to thank him for but can't find the words.
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see her bending her legs and wrapping her arms around her knees. It takes a few moments before he dares to break the silence.
"Did you have stress at home again?" His voice sounds cold and serious, not as playful and artificial as before. He doesn't need an answer though, her turning her head and looking away from him was enough for him. He has known her for so many years and understands her without words.
"Did you -" he can't finish the sentence he had carefully composed in his head earlier.
"No." Her voice is dry and sounds hurt in a way. Is she hurt because she thinks he doesn't trust her? Is she hurt because she thinks he's accusing her of breaking her promise? He hates himself for even thinking she could have harmed herself and making her feel that she'd disappoint him.
"Even if it's hard, I don't intend to disappoint you too." she finally explains after a short silence and looks at him again. Any life and joy she felt before in the pouring rain has vanished from her eyes.
"Y/n you could never let me down in any way." Eddie assures her and carefully puts his hand on her knee. "No matter what you do." He feels guilty for making her feel so hurt with his statement and if he could he would love to take her in his arms and hug her right now. But he has to concentrate on the road.
After a few moments, his van pulls up in front of his trailer and he gets out to open the door for her. He gives her his hand and helps her get out of the van.
"I'll get you some dry clothes, you can dry yourself in the bathroom." She obediently follows him into the trailer and disappears into the bathroom after Eddie has fetched the bag with the groceries. He puts the bag in the kitchen before hurrying to his room and pulling from his closet a t-shirt, a pair of socks and a pair of pajama bottoms, all at least one size too big for her, but at least she's dry.
She peels off her clothes, relieved to no longer have the wet fabric clinging to her skin. Standing in front of the mirror in just her underwear, she eyes her reflection sceptically. But before she can think about it any further, a loud knocking noise snaps her out of her trance.
"I um...I've got some clothes for you. And a towel! I'm sorry I don't have any underwear for you." She can hear him clear his throat and take a few steps away from the door.
"Y-you can take the things. They're in front of the door." He has turned his back to the door in the meantime and is standing a few steps away to offer her the opportunity to take the clothes and the towel without him seeing her exposed skin.
He rocks restlessly from one foot to the other and plays with the rings on his fingers while behind him the door opens a crack and a bare arm reaches out for the pile of carefully folded fabric. After the door closes again with a slight click, he takes a deep breath. Only now does he realize how long he actually held his breath and didn't breathe, as if he'd forgotten how to breathe.
"Can I get you something? Water? A beer?" A beer? He's never seen her drink alcohol now that he thinks about it. He rubs his eyes nervously and would like to take back his unnecessary and stupid offer.
"Could you heat water for tea please? I would be very grateful." comes her voice from the bathroom. Tea. Tea? He doesn't even know if they have something like tea in the house.
"Uhm, y-yes. Yeah sure." he stutters to himself, searching the kitchen for something like a teapot. He didn't even know they had one and is all the more relieved to finally find it.
Triumphantly he holds the kettle up, fills it with water and puts it on the stove.
He leans against the kitchen counter and glances alternately at the bathroom door and the tea kettle, jiggling his leg nervously and biting his thumbnail.
After an awfully long time, the bathroom door finally opens and y/n emerges. For a brief moment, his heart skips a beat when he sees her, wrapped in one of his band shirts, his pajama pants hanging loosely on her hips. She has tied her hair in a bun so that her wet locks don't annoy her. Only the whistling of the tea kettle releases him from this unpleasant situation of speechlessness.
"Your tea water!" He explains a bit too late and hastily puts one of the dozen cups in front of her. She pulls a box of fruit tea out of her bag and hangs a sachet in the cup. After she fills the cup with water, spreads out the groceries on the counter and Eddie has taken a knife, she turns to him and gives him a reproachful look.
"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" She takes the knife from his hand. Actually, he wanted to help her peel the vegetables or cut the meat that she just put on the worktop. "Get out of my kitchen! I don't need any help."
"It's still my kitchen, sweetie," he laughs, shaking his head. She stands in front of him, chest popped out, chin up, eyebrows furrowed. If he didn't know that she is the most loving person in the world, he would almost feel threatened. But she is indeed the kindest, most polite and loving person in the entire world.
"Yeah, and that's your corpse I'll have to hide if you keep bugging me. So..." She raises her hands in defense and gestures in the direction of the living room, trying to motion him to sit on the sofa.
"You must be really out of your mind if you think I'm leaving you unsupervised in my kitchen with a lot of stuff to hurt yourself with." He puts special emphasis on the word "my" and stretches it out miserably. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks down at her pointedly.
"I swear to God, if you don't-" Still holding the knife she took from him moments earlier, she waves a pointing index finger in front of his nose.
"Ok, ok, I'll go and leave you to work in my kitchen. But at least let me watch you." He offers her before she can continue her threats and holds out his hand to seal the deal.
She looks at him incredulously for a brief moment before swinging the knife in her hand in an elegant, and for his taste a damn sexy, motion so that the blade is now pressed flat against her forearm and she can't stab him if she takes his hand to shake it.
"Deal." she explains, giving him her hand with which she is still holding the knife with her little finger and her ring finger and shaking it. How glad he is that she doesn't notice how his heart is sinking into his pants at this moment. Although her handling of the sharp tool worries him, he is just as fascinated and taken aback by it. As casual and effortless as she makes it look with, let's be honest, a weapon in hand, he can't help but admire her. Like having a master thief or assassin written straight out of a fantasy novel into the real world.
"And now..." she shoos him out of the kitchen, hands waving, and he tiptoes theatrically from her, only to stand on the other side of the counter. She spreads the ingredients out in front of her and when she sees him open his mouth to say something, she gives him her typical death stare. He closes his mouth and makes a gesture with his right hand as if locking his lips with a key and then throwing the key away. Without further ado, he follows her orders to leave her alone and sits in the chair, leaning his forearms on the counter for support and watching her more closely.
For the next few minutes he watches her as she peels the carrots and potatoes and cuts the vegetables into cubes along with the garlic, onions and meat. He notices a little something that has rolled in his direction. He takes it in his hand skeptically and turns it as he examines the whitish tuber.
"Shouldn't carrots be orange? And isn't that a bit small for a carrot?" He tilts his head and looks at her questioningly. As his words reached her mind, which had been busy with the recipe she had previously made up in her mind going over and over again, she froze.
Before she could let out a confused "What?!" he explains, "I mean, I accept every carrot as it is and even small carrots taste good, but...", he lifts the small tuber, which is not thicker than his little finger, "it's really puny. Is it all already ripe?"
"See! And that's why I won't let you help in the kitchen." She takes the tuber from his hand.
"That's parsley root and not a carrot, dipshit"
She turns away from him again, peels and slices what he's now learned is parsley root, and he mouths a long, embarrassed "oh."
While he watches her as she roasts the meat, then puts it aside, roasts the vegetables and deglazes with broth, he rather unconsciously drums around on the worktop. He feels a little out of place. Although he enjoys watching her stick out the tip of her tongue when she's tense, her strands of hair fall in front of her face and how she tries to blow them away while she has her hands full or chews her lip when she's thinking, it was just as hard for him to not help her. But she has forbidden him and he sticks to the deal.
Only when the vegetables are finally boiling, and she leans against the kitchen counter with her cup of tea, looking at Eddie over the rim of the cup, he dares to speak to her.
"What exactly are you cooking there?" he carefully tries to find out. Y/n swallows the tea and feels the warmth spread through her body.
"Potato soup." she answers curtly and takes another sip.
Potato soup? He can't remember ever seeing her eat soup.
"Soup? I didn't know you liked soup."
"I don't like it either." she replies with a shrug and he furrows his eyebrows.
"But I had a recipe in mind and thought I'd give it a try."
"What person doesn't like soup?" Eddie laughs. It is completely incomprehensible to him. There's nothing better than a nice tomato soup with garlic bread or chicken soup when you're sick.
"If I want to consume hot liquid, I'll drink tea, coffee or hot cocoa but soup? What's the point of eating liquid food? Why can't you just fry or bake all the ingredients? I mean..." she gestures wildly with her hands and almost spills her tea in the process, so Eddie, just in case, takes the cup from her hand and sets it aside.
"Thanks. Why do you have to puree the ingredients beyond recognition? Does the chef want to hide the waste he uses for the soup instead of throwing it away? You know, I think that's the only reason soups exist. Because people can throw away their kitchen scraps and others don't notice what they're eating."
"You think soups are just some kind of garbage to put to good use?" Eddie tries to keep a straight face, but bursts out laughing faster than he would like.
"I'm a healthy person, I can chew. Then why should I drink my food? Explain to me! Food that I can't chew is a drink and not food and it doesn't fill you up or satisfy you." With that she closes the discussion and crosses her arms in front of her chest.
Laughing, Eddie, who has meanwhile gotten a beer from the fridge, slides onto the floor with his back pressed against the kitchen cupboard, y/n does the same. She presses her toes against his and seems to stare into the void, lost in thought. His laughter stops after a moment and he looks at her worried. The argument with her parents is standing in the room the whole time like a purple moose in a green tutu, but nobody has dared to talk about it so far. But now this moose had pushed itself right into their line of sight and there was no getting around it anymore.
"Would you like to talk about it?" he asks cautiously after the pressure of her foot against his has eased. It takes her a moment before she answers.
"It was about university and stuff." she finally begins. Her voice sounds fragile and hurt, unlike usual when she is full of self-confidence and power.
"And I said I'd like to take a year off after I graduate, travel, see the world, relax, find myself. And my dad made a silly joke that I was only going to school, why bother recovering from anything? I would have enough time after school to find myself." A fake and rather disparaging laugh escapes her lips.
"And then I told them everything. Well, I really mean everything. How burned out I feel, how many times I wish I could just disappear, to stop existing. How I look at myself in the mirror some days and the reflection doesn't bother me. It feels like my body isn't my body. I told them about my nightmares, my anxiety, everything, showed them my arms." Tears burn her eyes and blur her mind. She pulls her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around her legs. Lost in thought, she begins rubbing her arms, feeling every little bump she's caused over the past few years beneath her touch. At first it's just a tear that slides down her cheek, leaving a burning sensation. Only a little later, others follow, leaving a damp trail on her dry skin.
"My father didn't take me seriously. Nobody took me seriously." She lifts her eyes and looks at Eddie. "How can you as a parent be so cold and not care when your child tells you they want to fucking die?!" She exhales a long and shaky "Oh God" while accepting the handkerchief
Eddie hands her.
He moves away from his wall and now sits cross-legged in front of Y/n. With trembling hands she wipes the tears from her face, lays her head against the closet door she is leaning against and looks up.
"My mother said I was possessed by the devil and needed to be taken to an exorcist." She snorts and shakes her head, still incredulous at her devout mother's reaction. Religion is a concept that Y/n could never understand, but at least now she saw something bad in religion.
"Yeah, of course. Everyone knows that the devil is a straight A student and spends his free time at charity events and collecting donations for the homeless." He looks at her mock blankly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. When Y/n lowers her gaze again and looks into Eddie's dark brown eyes, she can't stop laughing and Eddie's lips stretch into a wide grin. Mostly because he's proud of himself for making her laugh and glad to see her laugh.
"Don't listen to your parents, really. They're idiots in case you haven't noticed yet."
He strokes her arm in a soothing manner and gives her a confident smile.
"You know I'm always there for you. And it won't be long until you graduate and you can finally get out of this fucking hellhole and explore the world. But don't forget to send me postcards from where you are." His hand has moved to hers and gives her a gentle squeeze.
"I swear to you, you will conquer the world and if everyone knew you like I do, the world would be your oyster. You are such a wonderful person who deserves something so much better than that. And I would give anything I have to make you feel like that every day. You're the most important thing in my life and nothing hurts more than seeing you like that, Y/n." He wipes a last tear from her cheek with his thumb and carefully memorizes her facial features, her puffy eyes, her quivering lips. He tilts his head and a dreamy smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
"You are the most beautiful, funniest, smartest, most selfless, kindest and most wonderful girl in the world and I am the luckiest guy to have you in my life." His smile grows into a laugh, he looks into his lap and shakes his head as if trying to get rid of a thought. "And by God, even if you drive me crazy sometimes..." he looks at her again and his gaze almost pierces her, with a shake of his head he banishes the curls that have fallen in his face. "...every day I can't see you laugh is a day wasted. It's the most beautiful sound in this fucking world. And I'm so, so crazy about you that sometimes it physically hurts."
A laugh escapes her too. But before she can answer him, thank him for the kind words and tell him how crazy about him she is, they hear a suspicious and dangerous crackle. The water boils and bubbles out of the stovetop.
They both jump up. Y/n jumps to the pot, yanks the lid up while Eddie grabs the hot pot with oven mitts and pulls it off the stove. She pierces the vegetables with a fork and nods meaningfully.
"And?" asks Eddie.
"Yup, the vegetables are done." she replies, putting down the fork and turning off the stove.
"Would you like me to help you?"
Y/n takes a deep breath, just smiles exaggeratedly wide and points to where Eddie was sitting while she was making the soup. She wipes the remains of the tears from her face one last time and takes a deep breath. In search of something to puree, she opens all the cupboards, but to no avail.
"Where the hell..." she mutters to herself as Eddie stretches out and leans over the kitchen counter and watches her.
"Are you looking for something specific?"
"Yes, I'm looking -" she falters and freezes in position. Eddie frowns and looks at her confused for a moment.
"Shit. What's that called?" She gestures with her hands and makes a noise, leading Eddie to the assumption she might mean a hand blender.
"Do you mean a hand blender?"
"Yes! Yes, exactly that!" When she'd realized it, she widens her eyes and snaps her fingers in his direction. How could such a simple word escape her?
"Do you have something like that?" she finally asks, following Eddie's index finger with her gaze. There is a hand blender on top of the cupboard. And to Y/n's disappointment, that blender is out of her reach. But that has never stopped her from trying anything.
First she tries to get to the kitchen appliance by stretching. Without success. Then she climbs onto the narrow kitchen counter, kneels down and stretches, but that too is without success. She's only missing two or three centimeters.
She can hear Eddie stifling a giggle as she tries to grab that blender without his help. But after a few moments she has to admit to herself that she can't do it alone. She sighs in defeat and wants to slide off the kitchen counter onto the floor, turn to Eddie and politely ask him to help her. What she doesn't realize is that Eddie is already behind her. He seems to have recognized her intention before her and now puts his hands on her waist to help her carefully on the ground. The touch startles her at first. But his hands feel so warm and soft through the fabric of her shirt that she curses the butterflies in her stomach that suddenly appear. An unfamiliar, but nice-to-the-touch goosebumps crawls over her body as she stands so close in front of him. As she turns to face him, his hands remain on her waist. It feels like he's never done anything else, like his hands just belong there. And as his words about how crazy he was for her echo through her head, she feels the heat rush into her cheeks.
"Do you need help?" he asks with a teasing grin. The triumph is written all over his face and doesn't help much against the storm of butterflies in her stomach. She swallows the lump that has formed in her throat and nods cautiously.
He pushes her aside a little bit, now climbs onto the work surface himself and stretches to effortlessly get the hand blender from the cupboard. As he stretches, she catches a glimpse of his stomach and back as his shirt rises, and it's only when he bounces back to the ground that she realizes she's forgotten to breathe.
"Here miss-I-don't-need-help-I-can-do-everything-by-myself." How she would love to kiss that smug grin off his lips. Their faces are only millimeters apart, they can feel each other's breath on their cheeks and both want a kiss, a kiss that is long overdue. Y/n's breathing is shaky as Eddie leans forward, his gaze lost in her y/e/c irises, he sets the blender aside and leans one hand on the counter while his other hand gently wanders backs at her waist.
She can feel his breath on her lips and would bet her life that he could hear her heartbeat. But before his lips can rest on hers and move together in a silent rhythm as if they belong to each other, the phone rings.
Eddie draws in a sharp breath through his slightly parted lips, tilts his head back in annoyance and lets out a frustrated noise.
It rings a second time as he picks up the phone and answers with a rather passive-aggressive "yes."
"Hey Eddie, sorry for calling you so late. But I think I left my homework in the hellfire room." When Eddie hears Dustin's voice on the other end, he closes his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose. He exhales calmly to banish his displeasure.
"Are you fucking serious, Henderson?" he just replies and throws Y/n a look over his shoulder. She is now busy pureeing the vegetables and refining them with cream and spices.
"Fine, I'll pick you up right away and we'll get your stuff." He interrupts Dustin as he starts mumbling something.
"Thanks Eddie, really, you're my savior!" If only he knew how badly Eddie would want to kill him right now.
"I'll be at your house, Henderson, give me ten minutes. Wait for me outside." Y/n hears who Eddie was on the phone with and turns to him. She pointed to the phone, then to the pot of soup, which was far too full for them to finish alone, even with Wayne's help. Eddie takes a deep breath and before Dustin can hang up, he says, "Hey, Henderson? Have you eaten yet? Y/n made... y/n made soup. She asked if you'd like something to eat, too." And as much as he hoped for a "No thanks," he was disappointed when the actual response was "Of course, thanks. Never thought she's a soup person"
Instead of answering Dustin's question, Eddie hangs up and looks at Y/n, knitting his brows and making a whining sound.
"I'll kill this little curly haired idiot someday." he explains as he pulls Y/n into a tight hug and buries his face in her hair.
She can't help but giggle and rub his back.
"If you like, I can stay tonight. My parents think I'm the devil anyway." She winks at him as he moves away from her, brushing some of his dark curls off his face. His eyes light up and bore into hers.
"You don't know how much I love that idea" He gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before he slips into his shoes and, heart beating loudly, sets off to get Dustin and drive him back to school.
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cielie-is-hungry · 2 years
Eddie Munson x y/n - potatosoup and pouring rain - my potatoesoup recipe
So here is my first recipe.
First of all: I'm not a chef or anything like that. However, I love to cook since I was a kid and I like to try things, aka I throw things in the pot that I think will taste good together and I'm rarely disappointed.
Second: I hate soups. So it is quite surprising to post a recipe for a soup here. But I swear to God, I think I'm in love.
While I wrote "Potatosoup and pouring rain" I had a recipe for potato soup in mind. And what do we do when we are depressed and sick? Right! We stand in the kitchen for hours trying out what our heads are brewing. Ok, am I the only one? Well, at least let me tell you about this potato soup.
I would be really happy about your feedback!
And now: here is the recipe from "Potatosoup and pouring rain"
What you need (for about 2 people)
2-3 pork neck steaks (or 2-3 smoked tofu for those who want to avoid meat)
3 mealy potatoes
3 waxy potatoes
2 large carrots
1 really small parsley root
Vegetable broth (I used powder, 1.5 heaped teaspoons, for about 300ml)
oil for frying
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
cream (later to refine the soup)
A pot (obviously)
cooking spoon
cutting board
Ok, then let's get started.
Step 1:
Of course you have to get all the ingredients in the first step, otherwise cooking could be difficult.
Step 2:
In the next step we peel the potatoes, carrots, parsley root, onions and garlic. Take the steaks out of the packaging and rinse them thoroughly, then dry them well. The meat has to be really, really dry! Otherwise it won't cook properly.
Step 3:
Now grab your sword, dagger, lightsaber, or other sharp cutting tool (don't hurt yourself, darling! Bloodstains are hard to clean.)
You cut the meat into small cubes (bite-sized, after all it is a soup, you rarely eat it with a knife and fork to cut something.)
Cut the mealy potatoes, half of the waxy potatoes and one carrot into large pieces. You don't have to win a beauty contest with them, the little things are pureed later, so it's what's on the inside that counts, as always.
Cut the other half of the carrots and waxy potatoes into small cubes, no larger than 1cm (you won't puree them)
Quarter the onions (don't cry honey, they're not worth it), leave the garlic as it is, you can crush it with the flat side of your cutting tool.
The parsley root is also cut in half only once. We don't need much, it tastes very intense. If you're not sure, leave them out and use just a few parsley leaves later to serve.
Step 4:
It's getting hot in here! Literally. Now put the pot on the stove and heat it. It should get really really hot. Then add the oil or butter (depending on what you prefer to use for frying). You can also (if you have it and want it) use the rind of smoked pork belly, which gives it a special flavor. But that is not mandatory. Then fry the meat cubes until they are evenly browned. Don't worry if there is a 'brown' layer at the bottom of the pot when frying. Those are wonderful flavors (as long as the layer doesn't burn and turn black) and that's exactly the flavors we want!
As soon as the meat is seared, take it out of the pot with a spoon (leave as much of the fat leftover from searing in the pot as possible)
Now you can add a dash of oil or butter and sauté the onions and garlic until the color has also taken on. That goes in a bowl too (not with the meat!) and you leave as much fat in the pot as possible again.
You repeat the whole thing with the small waxy potatoes and the diced carrots, as soon as they are nicely browned you can put them in the bowl with the meat.
By now you should have a nice brown layer full of roasting flavors at the bottom of the pot. Perfect! We want exactly these flavors!
Step 5:
Now put the remaining potatoes, carrots and the small piece of parsley root in the pot and fill it with water until the vegetables are just covered. You can always add water later if the soup is too thick. When the water is bubbling slightly, you can try to gently stir the sediment with a wooden spoon. You'll quickly notice if everything has come off the bottom of your pot, don't worry. I use instant broth powder. I don't know if that's a German thing or if it's worldwide. If you don't have something like that, you can also pour about 300 ml of vegetable broth over the vegetables and fill the rest with water. If you use powder then about 1.5 heaped teaspoons should be ok. You better use a little less seasoning, you can always spice it up later. You can also add the onions and garlic while cooking to give the soup an even more intense onion-garlic flavor. But it's enough if you only add them at the end.
Now everything is boiled up. If the water is boiling, feel free to turn the heat down to medium, but it must always be simmering. Now you have about 20 minutes. During this time you can, for example, do the dishes, practice handstands, make plans for world domination, or read my fanfiction "Potatosoup and pouring rain". ;)
Step 6:
The potatoes and carrots should now be soft by now. You can try a piece. If it's still hard, let it simmer for a few more minutes. If you didn't add the onions at the beginning, do it now. When the vegetables are cooked soft, you take the pot off the stove.
When the pot is off the stove, we take the hand blender and puree everything until you can no longer tell what it was.
Now you can refine the soup. If it's too thick you can add a little more water, broth or cream, you can season the soup a bit (as you may have noticed I don't use pepper, I hate pepper so now is the time to use it). If you like the soup, add the meat and the fried carrots and potatoes and boil everything together one last time.
Et voilà!
Cielie's potato soup is ready to be served. Baguette is perfect for dipping.
If you are vegetarian or vegan: you can replace the meat with smoked tofu!
If you cook the recipe, let me know and tell me how you liked the soup! Comments, ideas and feedback is always welcome!
Bon appétit !
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