cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
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See this is why you should never have New Year resoultions in the first place. I always end up wanting to change them too. People aren’t so bad if you take it one step at the time. What do you enjoy doing?
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I don’t do them normally to be honest, I’ve always found them to be lame for the most part. I feel most people make them just to say they did with no real intention to follow through. I think I have a low tolerance for dumb people. Honestly it’s been so long but horse back riding oddly enough.
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cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
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cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
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You know I’m starting to think I like being a hermit with how often I end up sticking to myself and just going to work then home. Is it to late to start a new years resolution? I need to actually reach out more and such but at the same time I tend to hate people. 
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cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
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Peaky Blinders S02E04
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cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
A Night To Forget. | Cilanu
It had been another uneventful day, not that Keanu minded. With the uncertainty surrounding his home life, it was almost a comfort to know exactly what clients wanted and needed from him, instead of guessing around like he was doing more often in his personal life — especially when it came to the most important relationship in it, the one that had been his constant for so long. He was backing out of the building, fishing around in his coat pockets for the keys he’d need when he got home, when a familiar accented voice greeted him. He looked up as his new acquaintance from the trip approached him: Cillian, who owned a place called Peaky Blinders. He felt slightly guilty he hadn’t made it out there yet, but after trading texts, it seemed like the other didn’t mind so much either, especially if he was willing to take him around town elsewhere.
“Evening, Cillian,” He offered with a friendly nod of acknowledgment back. Considering the invitation, Keanu wondered just what this town could harbor that was so hidden that he might not have at least passed by, even if he was a hermit. He figured it might do to find out, if only to have something new to tell Winona. Maybe she’d warm back up about things again if he could just make her laugh and ease whatever worries she had. “Yeah, I could do with a tour, I guess. You can say I’ve been putting it off a bit.” Lapsing into quiet, he then continued after a short moment, making an attempt at humor. “I figure if I survived that helicopter ride, I’ll probably survive this.”
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Cillian was a quiet man but he wasn't one that longed for days with nothing happening, part of him had gotten used to constant prison fights or nightmares. He had to admit he was curious about this new fella in town, he seemed so into himself except when he was around that woman that managed the grocery store, Winona, that's her name. That was probably the only time he actually saw a hint of life in those eyes of his. Life had gotten a hold of them all once they got back from that get away, Cillian started to take more shifts not to mention still harassing Tom to get his arse in gear and move into town already. Finger lifting to run along the bridge of his nose as he nodded to the male as soon as he was turned around and done with locking up his store, which he still meant to go in and place that order one day.
Giving a small smile in his direction before he was reaching into back pocket and pulled out his case for his cigarettes. Flicking it open he plucked one out and placed it between his lips before holding it out towards the other male, unsure if he partook in the habit or not, "Aye? How long have you been here? Granted it took me a long time to get around to seeing everything and that was only because a lass forced me." He stated doing his best to hide the bitter tone that wanted to drip off saying lass. Laughing some at his comment he pressed his lips together as if he was thinking about it, "Well I'll do my best to make sure you survive this tour might be a little more crazy than a helicopter ride."
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cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
Do you want kids one day?
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cillixnmxrphy · 3 years
What was the last thing to make you cry?
A woman leaving without word after she claimed to love me, last time I’ll allow that to happen. 
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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those ocean eyes ♡
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
A Night To Forget. | Cilanu
Cillian wasn’t really sure that this new friend of his would truly enjoy a little ‘illegal’ activities, but he was getting rather bored of talking to his guard mates or the people who worked under him at Peaky’s. Frankly he wanted someone like Keanu he was like him in some ways, didn’t need to constantly fill silence with constant blabbering, like Tom. Tom hated silence and he was the only one that Cillian didn’t hate for it, looking at his watch for a moment before he pushed the now empty whiskey glass back towards the bartender and set down a tip before he was slipping on his suit jacket and heading out. He intended to met up with Keanu at his shop as he closed up and take him to Blinders, maybe get him to come out a shell to a degree.  He walked down the street hands in his pockets as the cold wind touched his face, finger dragging down over the bridge of his nose. Finally stopping in front of the store front just as the male was exiting the building, he inclined his head ever so slightly towards the male, “Evenin’ Mr. Reeves. Hope you’re still up for a little adventure out on the town tonight to see some places that you may not have seen before.” 
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
there’s nothing more satisfying than the sound of hitting someone solid in the fucking jaw.
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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No fighting!
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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Not on the maps?  Huh.  Maybe a newer business then, Keanu reasoned, or something smaller, maybe too small to have been much affected by the year.  He didn’t give it much thought; not that he wasn’t politely curious, but he wasn’t nosy, and he often found it easiest to take people at their word and let things lie.  If he needed to know, then he’d know.  If he wasn’t meant to, then he never would.  In all his years, it had grown clearer that minding his own business had been one of the most important first lessons he’d learned in life.  “Will do,”  He agreed, then nodded himself.  “I do all kinds of things, custom too.  Just let me know.”  He left off, wondering if he should ask more.  A minute or two passed before he finally did.  “Your accent — that’s … Irish, right? Or English? Is that home?”
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Cillian enjoyed the quiet that seemed to flow between them it didn’t feel forced or awkward at least not to him, he wasn’t sure about the other male. He didn’t really know him well enough to know rather or not he liked silence to be filled, hand moved up to rub his thumb along his lips he had a urge for a smoke so he knew what he would be doing the moment that this thing landed. Nodding his head as the other male talked about the custom work that he did and he already started to think about ideas that he could do to send to them. Frames didn’t seem to be the right thing maybe he’d go with boxes of some sort, “Will do.” He replied before he was once more looking out the window at everything that they were passing by underneath of them, then he was looking back at the male at his question nodding his head, “Ay, It’s Irish born and raised there for a good chunk of my life.”
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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Keanu gave a short little chuckle, nodding slightly though not knowing whether or not the other man saw it.  They both seemed to be trying to balance looking towards the direction they were speaking — the helicopter was loud — and appreciating the view.  His stomach dropped as they took off, but it was admittedly a thrill as the ground got further and further away, revealing a beautiful mountainside.  Nothing like he could have ever seen if he’d stayed inside.  The only thing he wished was that Winona were here to see it too, though maybe they’d go again at some other point during the trip.  “Yeah?  I’ll look around for you then,”  He agreed, wondering what he was getting himself into.  It sounded like a bar or something, but he felt awkward asking at this point, so he figured he would Google it and find out later.  “I’m a bit of a freelancer, I guess,”  He answered, giving a friendly shrug.  “I’m an engraver.  I do stuff here and there, for stores and clients …  Stamps, frames, rings.  It’s not really that interesting, but I like working with my hands, always have.”
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The male’s head tilted to the side some as he watched the mountain sides come into view and his lip twitched into a bit of a smile. For him there was no one around that he wanted to take up to see a view like this, tried two relationships and each one ended with the other leaving him. He chewed on his tongue a bit before he was looking back at the other males and gave a low chuckle, “Ay might be easier if we meet up and I take ye’ It’s not really on the maps.” He stated with a small shrug of his shoulders before he was looking a head as one of the guides in the front spoke about where they were over then nodded his head, “I’ll have to come check out your place then. I need to get some gifts for my brothers back at home.” 
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
‘I’m sorry, Ada. That… The arrest was so all the neighbours would see, and word would go around.’
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cillixnmxrphy · 4 years
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The silence didn’t feel that awkward — or maybe Keanu was so used to feeling awkward, it didn’t even register anymore.  Or maybe he didn’t care.  At any rate, whatever it was, the other man didn’t seem to either, and it was more than welcome.  His eyes traveled out the window, bracing himself for whenever the flight might start, his hands buckling himself in.  He was here now; at least there’d be a witness if he fell out or …  Well, he’d rather not think about all that now.  “You and me both,”  He agreed, nodding to himself too.  “I don’t know why I decided to come out today … go big or go home, I guess.  This’ll definitely get us both some air, at least.”  He huffed out a chuckle, letting it get comfortably quiet again.  After a moment he spoke up.  “Do you run a small business back in town?  That’s why we’re all here, right?  Hard year for it, I heard.”
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Cillian preferred the silence at times, he felt some talked to much in fear of silence maybe they didn’t like what they heard in their own heads. If it was up to him though he would cut small talk out of most conversations, looking out the window as he buckled himself into place then back at the male, “Well you picked one hell of a go big.” He laughed finger moving up to drag it along the bridge of his nose then back down into his lap, “Ay though you make many more of those jokes I may just find myself free falling.” He joked giving the other a smile before letting the silence fell between his eyes looking back at the window before the heads up was giving about getting ready for take off. Looking back at the male at his question he looked him up and down for a moment unsure he could really tell him about his business before he gave a nod, “Ay’, a small place called Peaky Blinders not many know about it, so thankfully my business wasn’t hurt to much this year.”
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