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Rape has become endemic in South Africa, so a medical technician named Sonette Ehlers developed a product that immediately gathered national attention there. Ehlers had never forgotten a rape victim telling her forlornly, “If only I had teeth down there.”
Some time afterward, a man came into the hospital where Ehlers works in excruciating pain because his penis was stuck in his pants zipper.
Ehlers merged those images and came up with a product she called Rapex. It resembles a tube, with barbs inside. The woman inserts it like a tampon, with an applicator, and any man who tries to rape the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have the Rapex removed.
When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, “A medieval device for a medieval deed.” 
- Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof
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It’s just like:
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I don’t get these posts that go like “part of me wants to be a hot girl at the bar and the other part of me wants to read and sip tea in a bookstore”
like you can wear red lipstick and a leather jacket and sip tea and dance in the rain and go to the gym and curl up in bed and get turnt the fuck up and go to church
you can literally have it all sis
the world is yours
This is the most inspiring thing I have ever read
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"In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines …”
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Cafebrería el Péndulo - Polanco, Mexico City  Calle Alejandro Dumas 81 - Miguel Hidalgo Website: Libreria el Péndulo (online store - Spanish)  Spending an afternoon in one of my favorite areas of Mexico City, and also in one of my favorite settings. I always enjoyed being surrounded by books and this library/cafe certainly offers this and more. El Pendulo is located within walking distance of Metro Polanco and surrounded by various restaurants, boutiques and a small park for someone looking for a fun day with company or quiet day for themselves.  The cafe offer a large selection of books in Spanish but also caters to English readers with a small section in the store for some of the more popular releases. The area also offers food/coffee from the local shop and provides a great setting to enjoy a meal while also being emerged in books.  Beautiful environment and helpful staff! If only I lived closer! Definitely worth a visit after a long walk through the gorgeous area of Polanco. 
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When someone says they don't like your favorite book
On the outside
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On the inside
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The best part of Books and Brews is that they have named all of their beers and food after famous books. I had The Merchant of V&T (Volume 2) which was a Cherry Chocolate Milk Stout, and it was delicious. Originally, I was going to have a Charlie and the Chocolate Stout but the waiter recommended I trade up to a different book (he was right). My husband had Nancy Brew and the Hoppy Boys. Some of the other options were Flowers for Ale-gernon, Cream and Punishment, and the Three Hopsketeers. Clever, clever.
from Cool Bookish Places: Books & Brews
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These Black History Month ads are both adorable and incredibly moving 
For many kids, imagining what it’s like to be one of your heroes is a common inspirational tool. One photo series is allowing them to do just that.
Desmond Tutu, Lena Horne, Stuart Scott and more
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i love being tight with teachers because you get to hear them talk shit about other teachers its so funny they all act like highschoolers except they get paid 
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when your teacher wishes you good luck before an exam
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there’s always that one girl who’s really into taylor swift
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harper lee: *shows up at your door fifty years after she published a book* AND ANOTHER THING
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White feminists:
When you discuss the wage gap, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Only white women make $0.77 to a man’s dollar.
Black women make about $0.68 to a man’s dollar.
Latina women make about $0.58 to a man’s dollar.
Intersectionality matters.
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Forever torn between “this edition is cheaper” and “this edition is so pretty I might cry”
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50 Shades of Attempting to Pass Abuse Off as Romance
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Here’s the rule about telling someone about something wrong with their appearance:
If a person can fix it in 5 minutes or less, tell them
If they can’t…
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