cinemaandbooks · 2 years
russian propaganda is crazy.
you call your relatives in russia to tell that you are hiding in bombshells because russia is bombing you,and they tell you it is your country out of nowhere started to bomb yourself.
you tell your russian relatives that russian soldiers are searching your house and threatening to kill you and they are like "no no you understood it wrong we cam to save you from mythological ukr nazis"
yeah this is what is it to be a Ukrainian.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
leave it to russians to tell everyone that Ukraine should apologize for killing 2 people in Poland.
russians are crazy. zero feel of guilt,zero understanding that they are terrorists and aggressor.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
Yeah russian,tell me,how many people died in the last 9 years on donbas BECAUSE it is occupied by russia? Tell me what do russians do there in the first place and why there were russian tanks and soldiers in my friend's school, why on Ukrainian land 9 years ago russian bandits took power and were killing Ukrainian activists? Why NO ONE were dying before ruskie came?
Poland was bombed by Russia 2 people dead
and what do you want me to do?
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
Europe wanted to play "Czechoslovakia 1938" card with Ukraine,by just giving it to russia, but suddenly Ukraine refused to be a fucking victim and bate to calm down someone's appetite, and now Europe is struggling because everything went not according to their plan.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
it’s not depression, it’s
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
Watch NATO ignoring russia attack on Poland. Like seriously I would be surprised if they actually do something
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
and Europeans just watch us die and suffer,while whining that they can't have normal peaceful life because of *not russia ofc*
europe: *afraid of another world war*
also Europe: instead of putting russia in its place from the very beginning cowardly waits till the situation gets to the inevitable point of mass escalation
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
European leaders are fucking cowards and russia knows it and use it. russian propagandists on TV literally laugh at Europe, threats to invade it,threats to occupy Latvia, call germany nazi, and Europe just *do nothing*. Russians know they can get away with invading irs neighbors because always "concerned" Europe really doesn't give a damn
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
europe: *afraid of another world war*
also Europe: instead of putting russia in its place from the very beginning cowardly waits till the situation gets to the inevitable point of mass escalation
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
pov your country is 9th month in war which it didn't start, attacked by terrorist neighbor, and while trying to survive you also have to listen to whole world telling you that you should just give up,on your people,on your land,forget every death by russian missiles and you know have peaceful treaty, hold hand and run thru fields with russians who still have blood of your people on their hands 😉
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
I am heartbreakingly in awe of the strength of the Ukrainian people.
Some things that really stuck out to me from the coverage I've watched so far:
Ukrainian officials requested that a no fly zone be placed over Ukrainian territory and Russia has not just been bombing military targets, they have been bombing areas in cities filled with civilians - they have shelled multiple Ukrainian nurseries, kindergartens and an orphanage, killing numerous children
Ukraine's UN ambassador told his Russian counterpart that "there's no purgatory for war criminals, they go straight to hell"
A Ukrainian soldier went onto a bridge during battle to detonate a bomb on it knowing he would die in the process
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian president has refused offers to evacuate him and is insisting on staying above ground in the capitol (Kyiv) which is currently being bombed and invaded by Russian troops. Russia claims that they are willing to have peace-talks if Ukraine surrenders - Zelenskyy (rightfully, in my opinion) has refused
It is estimated that 100,000 Ukrainians have fled across the border to neighbouring countries so far. Polish citizens have been offering to drive them where they need to go and also offering them places to stay. Women and children have had to leave male loved ones behind at the border as Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 have been barred from leaving the country in order that they may be conscripted into the Ukrainian army
Russian soldiers on a warship told Ukrainian soldiers stationed on a Ukrainian island (Snake Island) that they were about to invade the island and told the soldiers there to surrender and you could hear the Ukrainian soldiers over the radio saying "so this is it" because they knew they were going to die and then they told the Russian warship to go fuck themselves
There is a video of a Ukrainian woman going up to Russian soldiers and telling them they are cursed and offering them sunflower seeds (the national flower of Ukraine) to put in their pockets so that when they die on Ukrainian soil at least sunflowers will grow
I am so sorry to every Ukrainian for what you are going through. Putin is a despicable man. I am deeply impressed and humbled by the strength your people are showing - I don't know that I could ever be that brave.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
Nato member country is hit and 2 people are killed.
We all know nato will be just "concerned " and it won't go any further.
But I want you to know that russian propagandists already joking about it and russian official media already say that there were none russian missiles and call it all polish provocation.
Russia never apologize. Russia never admit they fucked up. Russia is a fucking terrorist that need to be put down for once.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
lucerys is his mama's boy, so in his most intimidating moments he speaks high Valyrian to his uncle
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
Western world don't want to or refuse to believe in horrible atrocities of russians in Ukriane, as yet it's true. Whatever barbaric things you'd learned from ww2 are now happening on occupied territory of Ukraine, and happening because neo-nazi-Russians- came there.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
People (twitter) freaking out about shipping Rhaenyra/Alicent and Aemond/Luke is really funny to me
Like guys…it’s not real.
Also, get with the gay.
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
"you should differentiate the character from actor" says a person who doesn't differentiate a character form actor and see a problem or implication when there was none
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cinemaandbooks · 2 years
so according to hotd fandom you can't ship two fictional medieval like characters because it would be gross for actors but also actors themselves (Emily) can't ship their own characters because it's queerbaiting? you all need to touch some grass
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