cinnas-cookie-pals · 1 year
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This bonded Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip duo took a liking to the LEGO cookie castle display I set up the other day! These two have a tendency to be extremely territorial, so until I can bond them to a Dark Cacao I’ve decided to keep them in here for now.
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… They did not take a liking to the GingerBrave figurine in the castle however. Needless to say, I won’t be allowing other cookies around these two for a little while 😅
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 1 year
i am in fact alive, sorry for the long hiatus!! working on a squid ink cookie care guide atm :)
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 1 year
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I think he likes me
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 1 year
Cookie Care Guides are OPEN!
As I’ve noticed many other cookie care/cookie husbandry blogs are on hiatus, I’ve decided to open my own askbox for questions, concerns, advice, and most importantly– care guides! If you’ve ever wanted to know how to care for a specific type of Cookie, just let me know, and I’ll write up a guide covering the basics and must-knows regarding that Cookie!
Keep in mind, I always encourage doing your own research and finding out what works for you, as I don’t claim to know everything about cookies. I do have a decent amount of experience in this field, however, and want to do my best to educate others interested in this hobby :)
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
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My name is Cinna, and I look after the Saccharine Home for Lost Cookies, an organization of my own making dedicated to the care of abandoned, neglected or abused cookies. I’ll often blog here about new arrivals to the family, or experiences I have with my cookie friends! (This blog is inspired by the awesome works of @thecookiefoster and @cookiecareguides !)
My Masterlist:
Espresso Cookie Care Guide
(To Be Added!)
My Tags:
#cinnablabbles ~ for my own text posts, not including asks!
#asks and advice ~ for, well, my asks!
(To Be Expanded!)
I’ve been caring for Cookies for around four years now, and I’m dedicated to providing advice and information for Cookie caretakers of every level of experience! If ever you’re in need of help, don’t be shy to ask me for cookie care tips, or even cookie recommendations for those new to the hobby!
~ Cinna, out!
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Small update to this-- changing to only Kingdom cookies, as I am more familiar with them! Sorry for any inconvenience!
Cookie Care Guides are OPEN!
As I’ve noticed many other cookie care/cookie husbandry blogs are on hiatus, I’ve decided to open my own askbox for questions, concerns, advice, and most importantly– care guides! If you’ve ever wanted to know how to care for a specific type of Cookie, just let me know, and I’ll write up a guide covering the basics and must-knows regarding that Cookie!
Keep in mind, I always encourage doing your own research and finding out what works for you, as I don’t claim to know everything about cookies. I do have a decent amount of experience in this field, however, and want to do my best to educate others interested in this hobby :)
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
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Peek-a-boo! Thought I’d give you guys an update on how life at the foster home is going, ft. this tiny Strawberry rescue, the newest member of our family!
This little one is the smallest Strawberry I’ve ever seen! She was brought in last Saturday by a neighbor who found her walking around in the rain, but with a little time in the toaster oven— I’ve found it’s less stressful than regular ovens for Cookies— she was all crisped up again! I do think her size is due to possible malnourishment, so I’ve been making sure to give her nutrient-rich jellies until she gets a little bigger.
I provided her with a Wizard and a Gingerbrave to bond with if she felt comfortable (make sure to let Strawberry have her alone time!) but I was surprised to see her spending more time around my Licorice and Poison Mushroom! I checked in to make sure there wasn’t any funny business going on but they seem to genuinely like each other, and Strawberry seems more comfortable interacting with other cookies with them around. Just goes to show you how different each cookie’s personality can be, despite species!
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
So I have had a Caviar Cookie for a while now and he's done really well with most of my other cookies like my Candy Diver and Sorbet Shark, however I recently found a Black Pearl hiding around my backyard and so far she's been a bit alright but I CANNOT put her and Caviar in a room together or else they start brawling it out. Black Pearl is still slightly feral, and it's becoming difficult to keep the two apart. Any tips I could get for keeping my cookies from going apeshit? (Their fighting is also distressing Candy diver)
Oh boy, I've seen this situation all too many times (although in my case it was a Madeleine and Espresso ^^;)!
Black Pearls can be quite easy to provoke even without cookies like Caviars, but luckily they're not as social as other cookies, which is why I'd recommend keeping the Black Pearl in a separate room to acclimate her into the new space safely. Make sure to provide plenty of water, but be careful not to leave anything fragile/easily breakable anywhere the water might be able to reach-- they can be a little destructive! I would also provide some bath toys for the main water source, especially boats, although make sure they aren't easily breakable! Even though Black Pearls aren't the most social Cookie out there, you'll still need to spend a little more time with them to get them used to you and to make up for the lack of seeing other Cookies. I've also found Squid Inks work very well with Black Pearls if she seems especially lonely!
If your Caviar still seems intent on finding a way into the other room, I find providing distractions works very nicely. I've taken to hiding some spare coins in various places around my cookie room for him to find!
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Any Espresso Cookie advice?
Indeed, thank you for asking!
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Espresso Cookie: Care Guide
Recommended For: Cookie caretakers at an intermediate level! If you're looking to get an Espresso friend, you should already know that you'll need an area for them to call home, quite a few books, and somewhere with plenty of privacy. Espressos are academia-focused, prideful, and largely self-reliant cookies that serve as excellent study buddies, for those of you in university or even high school! Keep in mind, they have been observed to not be as happy in households with lots of noise or children.
Basics: As I said above, Espresso Cookies are quite self-reliant, but this does not mean you can completely ignore them! I often compare them to cats in how they show their affection-- often they will ignore you, but this hardly means they don't like you, they simply prefer to appreciate your presence in silence. They are prone to forgetting their own needs in favor of extended periods of study, so it's often up to you to remind them to sleep or eat. They will need at least a few books to occupy themselves with-- they are prone to getting bored with them forever, so what I like to do sometimes is to print out research papers for them to read! My foster Espresso is occupying his time with sourcing Wikipedia entries, so cute!!
Gets Along Well With: Cream Puff Cookie, Latte Cookie, Almond Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Alchemist Cookie Gets Along Poorly With: Most Dark Enchantress-aligned cookies, Chili Pepper Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie, some Crunchy Chip Cookies, Madeleine Cookie (SEE NOTE!)
Regarding Madeleine Cookies: I'm sure you've seen the adorable viral pics of Madeleine Cookies and Espresso Cookies growing to like each other and becoming companions-- and this IS possible. However, THESE COOKIES SHOULD ONLY BE BONDED BY EXPERIENCED COOKIE CARETAKERS. I've seen so many beginners try and push these two together, only to have them end up hating each other and be extraordinarily disappointed. Under normal circumstances, Espressos and Madeleines clash quite a bit, and they should not be left alone and unsupervised as they will not get along well at first!
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Okay so I put him down and I decided to feed him some star jellies because I heard cookies eat star jellies and I decided to put him in my bucket hat and I when I came back I saw my dark Cacao sleeping because he got exhausted or something but I heard something in my purse so I'm grabbing whoever is in my purse
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And I'm scared what's in there because I don't want it to be a affogato or something worse I'm just hoping it's something else
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Oh boy, be super careful touching it! Some cookies get quite defensive when suddenly touched and they may try and attack you in a worst-case scenario! Move very slowly and I'd advise using an oven mitt if you have one.
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Hey there! I wanted to ask for care suggestions Dark Enchantress Cookies. Basically I had two originally but all of a sudden there is a whole group of 6 underneath my porch, not that my other cookies mind. However the Dark Enchantress Cookies are very wary and I want to take them to the vet without scaring them.
The group is a full grown one with some younger looking ones with one that looks almost like snow
Oh my goodness, so many! I’m surprised your other cookies don’t mind, though — I’ve noticed some seem to get tense or even aggravated when one is around, let alone six! Do you own any Pomegranate, Licorice, Poison Mushroom or Red Velvets by any chance? Sometimes Dark Enchantresses tend to gather around areas where these cookies call home. If you plan to keep them, it would be best to scope out a little area for each of them, as they can sometimes get a little bit territorial.
I would suggest not handling them (those horns are sharper than they look!) and attempting to lure them out with some jellies. You also may have better luck at night, as Dark Enchantresses often shy away from sunlight.
I have to say though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Dark Enchantress Cookie that looks like snow! It could be a variant I’ve not seen before, or I could just be tired LOL.
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Yo there, I see that you give advice on cookie care. First thing's first, the cookies I have are a Sparkling, Whipped Cream, Dark Choco, and Dark Cacao. The Sparkling and Whipped Cream I've had for a while and the Dark Choco and Dark Cacao wandered in and refused to leave.
My current situation is that my Dark Cacao left for longer than usual and returned with another cookie. I assume that the little guy is a Pure Vanilla, due to the signature blue and yellow eyes. I've been trying to check if the shivering little guy is not injured or sick but my Dark Cacao will not let me near him.
Hello there! First things first, Pure Vanillas do possess some of the strongest healing magic observed among Cookies, so he may have already healed any sustained injuries, but that is not to say they are invincible. If Dark Cacao still won’t let you near him, try to observe body language from as close as he’ll let you get, i.e. is there any jam on him? Does he walk with a limp? Is he covering anywhere on his body? If you see any immediate injuries, you will need to get closer in order to apply some frosting. Move slowly and carefully in order to not spook them, and have the frosting and anything else in your hands visible.
If there are no visible injuries, set down a blanket and some jellies as close as Dark Cacao will let you get. If it’s cold outside, a heating pad on the lowest setting also might be comforting! Most likely Dark Cacao is being protective and has Pure Vanilla’s best interests in mind, as he saw your home as a safe place to bring a troubled friend :)
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Cookie Care Guides are OPEN!
As I’ve noticed many other cookie care/cookie husbandry blogs are on hiatus, I’ve decided to open my own askbox for questions, concerns, advice, and most importantly-- care guides! If you’ve ever wanted to know how to care for a specific type of Cookie, just let me know, and I’ll write up a guide covering the basics and must-knows regarding that Cookie!
Keep in mind, I always encourage doing your own research and finding out what works for you, as I don’t claim to know everything about cookies. I do have a decent amount of experience in this field, however, and want to do my best to educate others interested in this hobby :)
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Hello there, I am a dark Cacao Cookie owner well when I first got him he seems a bit mad and idk how to calm him down and he even tried to attack me
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Hello! First of all, I would suggest you put him down as Dark Cacaos are naturally quite skittish! In my experience, it takes around six to eight weeks for Dark Cacao Cookies to learn to tolerate handling (however this will shorten depending on how much time you spend with him!)
I would also suggest you set up a temporary 'home' for him to get used to the space. If you have any Pure Vanillas, Crunchy Chips, or Caramel Arrows, introducing them could help ease the move-in process! Furthermore, if you have any Affogatos and you've noticed them spending time together, it would be best to separate them as there have been several cases of Affogatos encouraging violence or distrust around their owners or other cookies.
And my final piece of advice is: let him come to you! Although they are often solitary at first, Dark Cacaos are extremely loyal cookies. If you give him time, he will most likely approach you when he is comfortable doing so!
Good luck anon!
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
I’m sure MOST of you know this already but being around strangers - especially strangers with flash cameras - for long periods of time can stress Dark Cacaos out! Worst case scenario, he might even try to shatter one of the cameras!
DC owners, please keep this in mind and make sure your Dark Cacaos are always in stress-free environments!
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
Absolutely they do, if you find the right types! I’ve had quite a few friends house both before. Just make sure not to start off with an aggressive type like a Dragon or an Affogato. I’d recommend Strawberries and Gingerbraves if you’re new to the hobby!
i wanna adopt a cookie,,,,, do u think they get along well with clowns
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cinnas-cookie-pals · 2 years
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Spot the Cookie :)
This little baby is our newest arrival here! When I got a call about a wilting Herb I knew I had to drive over right away - even if it was quite literally three in the morning. Especially around my parts, where we’re having a bit of a heat wave, Herb Cookies can be very fragile.
Luckily, as soon as I gave him some water and plants to take care of, he perked right up! For new owners especially, PLEASE keep in mind that Herb Cookies require quite a few live plants to take care of in order to flourish! Like this bunch here that I picked up, I usually find it best to use a mix of wild herbs and flowers for variety.
And for those concerned Herb specialists out there, /yes, I did give him seeds to grow on his own./ As he was still wilting when we got home, I deemed it best to first give him some mature plant life to let him perk back up. This little buddy hadn’t seen real plants in quite some time! His previous caretakers were giving him plastic plants to take care of, I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, /please give Herb Cookies seeds and real plants to look after!/ They require no maintenance as Herbs will care for the plants themselves.
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