cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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Ehem--- apakah sulit buat menemukan tumblr ini? Tehee ^ ㅅ ^ )🎀 hmm--- padahal cluenya gampang loh mas. IXU. mexyou. aku×kamu. I. Me. Aku = cinta x U. You. Kamu = tristan cintaxtristan 💕 gampang kan? Tehee. Aku nggak mau ucapin banyak, karena kalau aku udah ngomong panjang--- kamu pasti bingung gimana buat ngebalesnya nanti 😤 iya, kan? Heu. Aku mau bilang, selamat tanggal 6 untuk yang pertama buat kita berdua, Mas. Maaf kalau aku masih belum cukup baik untuk menjadi sosok yang bisa kamu sayang. Maaf kalau aku kadang terlalu egois sampai kamu bingung mesti gimana buat mengimbangi keegoisan aku ㅠ ㅁ ㅠ )💧 Hmm--- jujur sejujurnya, aku masih ngerasa amazing sama kita berdua. Ketemu lewat menfess doang padahal, hehehe. Kita berdua mesti ngucapin makasih ke SOC kayaknya. Makasih banget udah menghampiri aku duluan--- makasih udah mau jadi sosok yang bahkan rela tidur telat demi mastiin aku udah bener bener tidur (biarpun biasanya kamu ketiduran duluan--- heu 😤). Makasih udah jadi seseorang yang bilang, "uuuu~~~ pacar aku pinter." atau "emang aku kira aku nggak khawatir?". Kalimat itu bikin aku ngerasa special 💕 Maaf aku masih belum bisa bikin akun 2D buat nemenin kamu disana. Maaf aku masih bersikap sok dewasa padahal aslinya cuma dedek dedek cupu, hing. Masih terlalu banyak maaf--- tapi aku nggak mau kebanyakan nyebut maaf, ah. Aku mau ucapin ini--- yang paling penting dari yang terpenting. "Aku mau mencintai kamu yang bahkan nggak mau mencintai diri sendiri." Serahkan cinta yang ada di diri kamu ke aku. Semuanya--- biarin aku yang jaga dan aku simpan baik-baik. Sebaliknya, aku juga bakal kasih hati aku ke kamu. Terserah mau kamu apain--- 😔 asal jangan dipake buat mencintai cewek lain sih, heu. Hmmm--- selama hati kamu ada di aku, aku bakal modif hati kamu dengan berbagai hal yang terbaik. Kayak mobil atau motor yang dimodif, aku bakal hias semuanya dengan hal yang namanya 'kasih sayang'. Hati kamu--- aku bakal jaga dan isi dengan kasih sayang. Sehingga di saat aku balikin hati itu ke kamu (entah kapan, aku nggak tahu), kamu udah bisa menggunakan hati yang udah aku modif dan merasakan gimana caranya mencintai orang lain dengan kasih sayang 💕 tapi aku harap, kamu bisa mencintai diri kamu sendiri dulu. Karena bagaimana cara kita mencintai orang lain itu bisa dilihat dari cara kita mencintai diri sendiri dulu. Selama hati kamu ada di aku, kamu boleh bersandar ke aku. Biarin aku yang ngasih tahu semuanya-- tentang apa yang harus kamu lakukan. tentang apa yang sebaiknya kamu ambil. selama kamu percaya sama aku, biarin aku jadi mata, kaki, otak, tangan, dan hati kamu. Kamu bisa percaya sama aku, kan? Tehee 💋 Mas--- kamu orang yang spesial. Ibaratnya martabak, kamu itu daging sapi + seafood + 5 telor. Harganya berapa tuh--- di kampus aku aja yang 4 telor sapi itu harganya 50 ribu ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ )🔥 Mas bukan berbeda. Mas itu spesial. Tolong bedain antara beda dengan spesial. Jangan menganggap rendah diri kamu-- aku sangat amat teramat mengagumi kamu banget. Bahkan lebih dari itu, aku 'sayang' kamu. Aku nggak tau apa alasan kamu nggak bisa mencintai diri kamu sendiri. Tapi nggak tau itu bukan berarti nggak mau tau, ya. Aku masih menanti sampe kapanpun hingga akhirnya mas tau dari mana mesti bicara dan ungkapin semuanya. Hingga harinya tiba, aku berusaha akan tetap bersama mas. Mas mau janji nggak sama aku? Ayo jadi orang yang lebih baik kedepannya, bersama-sama. Hal sekecil apapun itu nggak apa-apa, yang penting kita mesti jadi lebih baik dari kemarin atau hari ini. Aku mau jadi seseorang yang lebih baik--- buat mas. Tapi mas pasti nggak suka kalau aku bilang "aku mau ngelakuin ini demi kamu". Nggak, aku nggak akan bilang begitu kok. Aku mau bilang, "aku mau jadi seseorang yang lebih baik buat kita." Kita. Boleh 'kan aku pakai pengungkapan itu buat mengekspresikan kamu dan aku? Tehee. Masku. Tristanku. Sayangku. Gantengku. Tukang ngambekku. Tristan Santosoku. Aku sayang kamu. Ayo, kita lewatin waktu barengan lagi buat menemui tanggal 6 di bulan-bulan lainnya. Ayo, bikin memori yang selalu bisa kita kenang dan kita simpan baik-baik di album kenangan kita. Ayo, jadi seseorang yang lebih baik ke depannya. Ayo, saling menjaga satu sama lain. Dedek emesh, Cinta 💕
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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51. I can ask him a dumb question without feeling dumb. (me- everytime ㅜ ㅅ ㅜ) 52. I can be myself when I’m with him. 53. I can spend crazy times with him because he adds the spice to my life. 54. I can tell him anything and he won’t be shocked. 55. I enjoy being with him. 56. I know he will be one of the most successful men in the world someday because no one deserves it more than him. 57. I like his name. Tristan Santoso. 58. I love how he calls me “sayangku, cintaku, keboku”. 59. I love that he demands respect, but isn’t controlling. 60. The way he makes my heart race when he says something sweet. 61. The fact that there are endless reasons I can give to answer why I love him. 62. The irritating fact that he is right 90% of the time. 63. The way he forgives me straight away when I do or say something that makes him angry or upset. 64. When I say something cute he tells me I’m adorable. 65. The way he talks. 66. Whenever I say he’s cute, he says, “I’m not, I’m cool and handsome.” 67. The way that he knows how to not take life too seriously and live for the moment. 68. The way he pretends he’s going to do what I suggest. 69. His love for me is a natural anti-depressant. 70. He never gives up on me, and that’s what keeps me going. 71. When we argue about who loves who most. (in the end, i lost.) 72. He always finds me beautiful, even when I look like a clown. 73. He knows the subtle way of wiping my tears and bringing smiles to my face. 74. His loyalty to me and everyone or everything that matters to him. 75. His compassion for everyone around him. 76. His selflessness. 77. His strength. 78. His kindness. 79. The way he always try to help others. 80. His confidence. 81. How much him and I share in common together about everything. 82. His intelligence. 83. The amazing new experiences that I’ve shared for the first time with him and only him. 84. The way he make me feel about myself. 85. How he always tell me and show me everyday how much he love me. 86. The way he always encourage and believe in me. 87. His faithfulness. 88. The sweet gifts he given to me. 89. The fact that he know how to be a real man. 90. The heart-touching things he written for me. 91. The fact that I learn new amazing things about him everyday. 92. The love he always shown me. 93. The way he always say awesome things about me to other people. 94. How he always bring out the best in me. 95. The way he always inspire me. 96. His incredible big heart. 97. The amazing way he always seem to be able to read my mind. 98. The extraordinary amazing things that always happen to us that never happen to anyone else. 99. Every little single detail about him that makes him who really is and the fact that he is the best husband, best-friend, partner in crime, big-brother in the whole world. 100. And, Iloveyousofreakingmuch.
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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1. He has taught me the meaning of love.(yes, you did many times.) 2. For the compliments he gives me. 3. He always makes me feel like a princess. (well- tehee) 4. Every time he talks to me my heart skips a beat. 5. He always says what I need to hear. (my guardianㅡ p.s : but you’re not a lonely guardian) 6. He bothering me just to say I miss you, and how I am. 7. He can read my innermost thoughts. (tapi kamu tetep cowo nggak terpeka ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ) 8. He can tell when something is wrong with me. (exactly.) 9. He can’t be mad at me for a long time. (HE HE HE!) 10. He makes the best of everything. 11. He gives me that special feeling that no one can give me. 12. He has reachable goals in life. 13. He has ‘fantastic’ humor. 14. He is always happy to see me. 15. He is always interesting, even when we’re not saying anything. 16. He is simply irresistible. 17. He knows all my secrets and knows to keep them safe. 18. He knows how to bring a smile to my face. 19, He likes to do things that make me happy. 20. He likes to try new things. 21. He listens to me. 22. He loves me even with all my faults. 23. He makes fun of me just to be a tease. (AKU. BUKAN. ANAK. KECIL!) 24, He makes me a better person. 25. He makes me feel like the most special girl in the world. 26. He makes the cutest facial expressions. 27. He makes me smile like the sun. 28. He never intimidates me. 29. He patiently listens to all my stories, about the things that happened to me through the day. (omg yes, this so-you!) 30. He respects me. 31. He shares his life with me. (and you trust me enough to keep them as secret.) 32. He tells me what is right when I am wrong. 33. He understands me. 34. He’s passionate. 35. He’s always honest to me. (well….. not always, exactly. hehe) 36. He’s so good looking. 37. He’s the one I can always count on. 38. He’s too hot to handle. 39. His charm and charisma. 40. His excellent people skills. 41. His eyes, his nose, his lips. 42. His patience with me even when I push it to the limit sometimes. 43. His warm smile just makes my heart melt. 44. How he always can make me laugh or smile even at times when I don’t want to. 45. How he can get me out of a bad mood. 46. How he is always concerned about me and my well-being. 47. How he is always understanding with me even when I don’t deserve it. 48. How he says the cutest things over and over and never gets old. 49. How we both get along so well. 50. How we stay up too late talking about nothing.
ㅡ next page !
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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“You know my darkest secrets and my happiest moments, you see me more often at my worst than at my best. You might not realize this but you and me just click. You are my strength and my weakness, my joy and my headache but I am so thankful. And glad that every morning I wake up and think about you and every night I dream about you.”
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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I choose you. And i’ll choose you, over and over, and over.
Without pause, without doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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“I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with---
The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head.
I want to be that kind of friend---
The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body. I want to know where to touch you, I want to know how to touch you. I want to know convince you to design a smile just for me.
Yes, I do want to be your friend---
I want to be your best friend in the entire world.”
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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“I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past. So, as long as we still have enough time to be together, then let’s treasure our every moments. every seconds. and every breaths that we spend together. iloveyou, always. I love you so much I could worship you. kanashiit ☆ ”
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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“to me, you are a true angel amongst earth’s surface. the man of men. the king of kings. i find myself questioning my love often. is it at all possible, to love someone as I do you? is it at all possible, to fall in love, everyday? and it feel like the first time .. everytime? but then you enter my presence, and as the butterflies return to my stomach, my question recieves it’s answer. i may not be able to show you how much I love you, simply because nothing that consists on today’s earth is capable of showing such great adoration.”
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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“I love how calm and patient you are with me … no one else has ever given me that privilege.”
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cintaxtristan-blog · 7 years
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I love you because it’s you.
no matter how many question you asking to me why i love you and blablabla--- that’s my only one answer. I love you because i don’t need reason to love you. eventhough we are going to separate … i would like to answer if someone ask me
“did you still love him that much?” “still and will always stay like that. forever.”
you have special place on my heart that anyone can’t replaced. your lame jokes, your ‘awkward’ words, your romantic words, how you treat me, how you show me that you love that much, and your wise and sweet words when i feels like my world falling apart (this one is my favorite things about you!)
i still love you and always will eventhough sometimes you treated me like a crap and make me dissapointed many times, but i still love you. no one gonna change my feelings towards you. it’s still there.
i love you, when you still stand there when no one beside me when my annoying and devil side of me start to appear.
i love you ㅡ because you’re the one who told me to not give up on my dreams and eventually you became my reason i still reach my dreams now, you’re included on my list dreams. you never know about this one, right?
i have nothing to say ㅡ it’s because you that make me falling in love all over again.
My words cannot even begin to describe just how much i love you. i mean, even if i got the chance and the courage to tell you what you have done for me, what you mean to me, i still don’t think you’d understand just why you’re amazing in my eyes.
And, you get me far more than anyone else i’ve ever met. you don’t even need to try. It just sort of clicks and flows, and i feel so confident around you. i’ve never had that with anyone. your presence eases my nerves, makes me grin immediately and enables me to talk to you like i’ve never been able to talk to anyone as soon as i’ve met them. you know the right things to say and do.
remember that day when i was lost? you saved me that day. i was lost, and you found me. you included me; you made me feel a little better. i was down but you brought me up.
for the one who loving me. for being my knight in shining armor. for being you, i love you just the way you are.
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