circuitdc · 6 months
I've never seen this interview. This was a bit sad to hear him say that but it was kinda true.
Roland: “I’ve got no friends…”
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circuitdc · 6 months
I did the same thing on my island. I used photoshop to scale down the cover to the size the game uses for patterns and just transcribed it by eye to get it as close to the the image as possible.
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I also attempted to turn a whole room into a mockup of the library from Head over Heels. Which, eh. . . It was an attempt, but it was fun to try and recreate.
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Has anybody else been playing Animal Crossing? Do you have any Tears for Fears “memorabilia” in your house? Here is a small snippet of my room! Will try to work my way through all of Tears for Fears discography! :)
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circuitdc · 6 months
Oh Jesus what???
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
I find it combination kinda funny kinda sad
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circuitdc · 6 months
I've never seen this! I had no idea they were walking on a treadmill. That's hilarious.
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circuitdc · 6 months
I've been conditioned to look at someone who takes off on their birthday as lazy too. Before I broke out of that thinking because, well, if nobody else is going to celebrate your birthday, shouldn't we owe that to ourselves? I don't understand how you can take pride that I don't celebrate my birthday. Like, without that day, I wouldn't be here, slaving away to a company that doesn't care I was born, but still demands I owe them that part of my life. A single day. Calm down. Company isn't going to burn down without me there for a day.
My coworkers are giving me shit because im off on my birthday. “Oh i never take off for my birthday your generation is so entitled and lazy” ok great for you. If that means my generation is entitled and lazy for taking off 1 day for their birthday then you must be really out of touch with society. Stupid boomer
Posted by admin Rodney.
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circuitdc · 6 months
Wtf these are hilarious!!
If you find any Tears for Fears in your 8 beat gag magazines, could you please share?
Of course! I actually did find them when scanning through and posted them on twitter. There also might be more moments of them appearing that I may have glanced over, but will definitely be available to read once I scan everything!! :3
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circuitdc · 6 months
I frequent my library often and have to say this guy is an absolute fuck nugget. He don't know how good he has. He refuses shit that is basically free to him that taxes pay for. What more does he want?
When librarians are trying to help you, maybe listen?
So we get a call one day from a guy looking for a book that only our library has. I explain to him that our computer says it’s currently available (the “our computer” phrase will become important later) and I can put it on hold for him so it can get sent to his local library, as long as he has his number on him. He refuses, claims his library told him that couldn’t happen, since his library is in a different system. I tell him that isn’t true (literally illegal for a library to refuse to do that in our state, it’s just a longer process to send a book between libraries in different systems), and I ask which library it is so I can explain what the process is between our systems. He refuses to tell me, so I can’t explain, nor can I go through the process of putting the book on hold over the phone. 
He insists on coming in, even though we are apparently “so far away” from his location, so I say sure, explain how he can take out books in our library with a different system’s card. That’s that.
He comes in the next day, looking for it. I check the shelves for him because he refuses to look in our collection himself (fiction book, so as long as you know the alphabet, you can orient yourself in our clearly labelled collection). It isn’t there–this happens. Sometimes books are stolen or misplaced. I explain this to him, he understands, but then says he still wants the book. Uh, great. It still isn’t there. He said I said it was there the day before. I explain that it was listed on the computer, but I cannot physically confirm if books are in our collection because of the size of our library, unless if there are no or very few patrons in the library (we are supposed to have someone manning the desk at all times, unless if there is a legit emergency. I was able to look at that time because there was someone else on desk). 
So he got mad again because he drove so far away to get here, and insisted on checking himself and when I said of course he could, he immediately backed down because god forbid he do something. I offered to order a new copy of the book, and he got angrier, demanding I explain who is going to send us books. I explain that we have a supplier, which he doesn’t believe (where does he think library books come from?). He then gets snotty and says I probably wouldn’t be able to find it anyways. I say okay, then I won’t order it, and again, he changes his tune and asks if I can take his info down for when we do get a new copy (although getting his phone number was a struggle, one wonders how he was expecting us to contact him otherwise).  
Final kicker is that… So, when he came in, we were sorting seeds at the desk for our seed library. So final kicker is that he grumbles a comment as he is going that we’re gardening instead of doing our jobs. 
In conclusion… Yeah, sorry you were inconvenienced or whatever, but we did give you options that would have circumvented all of this, so I really do not feel bad. Also the book is $10 used on Amazon, so buy your own book, dude. 
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circuitdc · 6 months
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had to get this out of my head, hope it helps someone!
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circuitdc · 6 months
you are enough
your breath your blood your heart your brain
you are enough
can you feel it see it hear it taste it smell it?
your body, it's enough
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circuitdc · 6 months
You celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I celebrate "Head Over Heels" Day.
We are not the same.
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circuitdc · 6 months
Hey, I found your swapdoodle post! If you're still looking for friends my friend code is 0533 7394 0341! 😀
Hello. I don't know when this was sent to me or what the original post was about but judging by how old Swapnote is it was a very long time. Please forgive me for not seeing this asked, I would have definitely replied back. Anyway, I hope you are well and have a good day/night wherever you are! Take care!
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circuitdc · 6 months
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Guys guys, commissions are open!!
Please DM me if you need any more information!
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circuitdc · 8 months
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These fucking guys
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circuitdc · 1 year
Wait! Is this why that one codec call, where Raiden is telling Emma that it's his real hair, is a thing??? A reference to this madlads insane scrapped ideas???
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help me
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circuitdc · 1 year
Hey I got one of those!
Having internet friends is an experience. Did you eat today? I can’t believe your sister hasn’t apologized yet, what a bitch. Drink a glass of water right now. Want to see a cat picture? I love you. I know you better than your parents. I don’t know your name. I’m having a rough day, can you talk to me about your favorite videogame? I love you. Good morning means good night means good afternoon means go to sleep. Here’s a doodle I made in class. I’m stealing your clothes as we speak, they’re so pretty. I love you. I love your pet. What does your hair look like? I’d love to see that weird leaf. I love you. I’m making you your favorite food. Thank you for holding my secrets for me. I love you. We’re having a coffe date. I love you. I’m giving you a screen-sized hug. I love you. I love you. I love you.
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circuitdc · 1 year
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Ok so…who’s willing to recreate this amazing album cover with me? (if we get the chance of meeting each other irl, of course). Obviously I can’t be Roland (because of the hair), but definitely I can copy Curt’s style ☀️🌙💨⛈️🌻
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circuitdc · 1 year
I've been asked if I had a socials before and frankly, I'd rather stay as far away from social media as possible and concentrate on my own little world.
people always ask if you have an instagram or snapchat but they never ask if you have an online journal where you broadcast every thought you have. it’s because they want you for your sexy body but not your beautiful mind. and that’s fucked up. they should want both.
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