circuitmane · 2 months
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Raised: $797
Trying to raise money to move in the future so I can finally have my own room and more space for our things and just a better all place to be.
I will finally dub the rest of Lovestruck Derpy if I get enough donations to help with the move!
Anything that reaches the recording stage will be made eventually, but the edit and video goals will become a focus to get it done ASAP and then reaching 100% will get it released as soon as it can be.
Costs this should help cover:
-Application Fee $100 Funded!
-Deposit $500
-Rent for extra apartment for the moving month $1800
-Movers ??? (Need to calculate)
-Moving our storage stuff (Not as urgent, can wait for another time)
-Any fees for wear and tear on the old apartment (Unclear what sort of BS they'll end up charging us for)
-Making our income look better (They want to see x2.5 the rent income from applicants)
-Getting a new bed (we only have 1 bed right now)
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To Donate:
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jitterbugjive
Paypal donate link is found on Lovestruck-Derpy's blog page on browser.
Another way to track the current goal:
If you can't donate, a reblog for signal boosting would be appreciated!
I will have more fundraiser goals on my mod blog @jitterbugjive later
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 30: Draw a pony reaching the end of the line
Well, we did it. made it all the way through another Artist Training ground. Honestly I learned quite a bit and hopefully I can keep it going and continue to improve.
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 24: Draw a pony stumbling upon a secret
So this is my makeup art for a missed day. I'm going to call this alter ego... Honey Crystal!
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 29: Draw a pony feeling nostalgic
I like to go back to my old books and games from when I was a child when I feel nostalgic. I bet our older princess would do the same
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 29: Draw a pony rising to the occasion
No one knew how much square dancing had honed Applejack's DDR skills, but here we are
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 27: Draw a pony feeling drained 
I feel for the Mayor right now. Also I feel like i need that cup of coffee
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 26: Draw a pony clearing their mind
Can the mind of a Pinkie Pie truly ever sleep?
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 25: Draw a pony rotten to the core.
Yeah, it's a silly joke but I decided to run with it.
And yes I did miss a day. Unfortunately yesterday I was not feeling well and work meetings and such kept me busy too so ended up not having any time. Have to make up for it later
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 23: Draw a pony making up for lost time
I imagine Time Turner would not let lateness stand, and rocket packs are fun
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 22: Draw a pony finding the light at the end of the tunnel
This was an in-joke kind of thing, but it's also kind of funny out of context too
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 21: Draw a pony following their dreams
I bet Derpy would be going wild if she ever became a muffin tester.
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 20: Draw a pony delaying the inevitable.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if some were holding out hope that rental stores would come back suddenly
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 19: Draw a pony finding peace with themselves
I always like to imagine Diamond Tiara finding peace with herself as she got older and more mature.
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 18: Draw a pony taking the heat 
I haven't been in a dry sauna in forever. Honestly I kinda want to now
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 17: Draw a pony scared out of their wits
I wanted to celebrate the Nintendo Direct a little bit with the announcement of a new Mario & Luigi, and I also found it funny how the comic had a ponified version of the two brothers.
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 16: Draw a pony as another species
It's Twilight Bnuny!
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circuitmane · 3 months
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Day 15: Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, etc
Honestly I love JRPG's, but wow so many have the same story beats you have to wonder how long until it's all the same
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