Wanna RP: A PSA
Wanna RP together? Let’s do it.
Wanna jump into my inbox randomly? Do it.
Send me a starter? Do it.
Wanna plot? Do it. IMs are a thing now. Let’s go.
Wanna- Just do it.
My inbox and IMs are always open for whatever reason you can think of.
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I've been so inactive---
I'll try to get my stuff together, promise!! I haven't forgotten!! *points at the person to whom I owe a reply*
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“With eveeerything you’ve been through lately, of course you’re tired, ga ne." // wave wave hello!! thanks for the follow back! For buggy perhaps.
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A small groan escapes from gis mouth, almost pathetically as his face is buried between his arms and mountains of papers at both his sides, the desk a mess, much like his head, which was still sticking to his neck despite threatening to come rolling down into the floor at any moment now.
"Right? Right?! Owww... Ow...." He makes a few other noises, trying to garner some more sympathy, even if it was extremely unflashy behaviour, but if anyone was allowed to see such depressing display was no other than him. Even though.... well... he still had an image to uphold, he would have easily sprung back to life and played it off as just some mere small bump. A small bump ---- like the one atop his head from failing to meet a specific criteria for his new business partners.
A shudder makes his back stiffen some, his head lifting up from the desk to look at the other for a second, attempting seriousness.
"Ugh. I just wanna take a loooong nap and forget all about this-- paper bullshit... between them dARiNG to ruN me through the muD like that, the sudden deadlines, the exigencies, uh .... etcetera. I just miss being king of everything" a rant, poor Mister 3 was getting a rant out of this. "Even while being just in charge of the delivery service things were getting a bit hectic...... this is just...." Buggy's voice started losing momentum as he spoke until it finally happened, his head just rolled to the corner of the table.
"To hELL wiTH ALL oF ThiS!!!" Was his sudden outburst, with the little energies he had left his body jerked upwards, throwing the papers all over the place, angry about his current situation. "..... no wait, I need those...." Instant regret got his hands to float in hurry to pick them all back up, not wanting a beating.
"I do truly appreciate your company here, though... don't go, the distraction is highly needed"
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exhaustion … sentence starters
the exhausted
“I can’t sleep.”
“I can’t keep my eyes open.”
“Can you help me back to bed?”
“I’m okay. I’m not even that tired.”
“I don’t remember the last time I slept.”
“I can’t sleep, yet. There’s too much to do.” 
“I don’t want to sleep. I keep having nightmares.”
“I promise I’ll sleep in a bit, just let me finish this, first.”
“Can you help me lie down? I can’t move, I’m too tired.”
“I can’t even think straight anymore… maybe I need to sleep.”
“Of course I want to relax. But, we don’t all get what we want.”
“I’m so tired I can’t do anything, but I’m not tired enough to sleep…”
the concerned
“You keep yawning.”
“Go. Sleep. That’s not a request.”
“If you’re that tired, just take a nap.”
“You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were this tired?”
“Those are some bad bags under your eyes.”
“You don’t have to push so hard. It’s okay to rest.”
“You can barely keep your eyes open, go lie down.”
“I haven’t seen you sleeping in a long time, what’s up?”
“I just had to stop you from toppling over. You’re not okay.”
“With everything you’ve been through lately, of course you’re tired.”
“I heard you thrashing around last night. Nightmares? Is that why you’re so tired?”
“You know, you keep fretting over everyone else, but you won’t even take a second to relax, yourself.”
(doze) : one muse falls asleep on the other’s shoulder
(tuck) : one muse finds the other passed out onto the bed, and tucks them in
(collapsed) : one muse finds the other passed out on the floor from exhaustion
(carry) : one muse finds the other after they’ve fallen asleep on a chair / couch, and carries them to bed 
(cover) : one muse finds the other asleep somewhere other than bed and covers them with a blanket / their jacket
(assist) : one muse finds the other so tired they’re having trouble standing and helps them walk somewhere to lie down
(comfort) : one muse has been having nightmares and unable to sleep, so asks the other to cuddle with them to help them drift off
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Doctor? Well that got her interest, hadn't ever seen an animal-like being in such position... huh, then again, weren't other animal shaped beings parts of other pirate crews? Doing normal positions? It didn't help that the only being akin to an animal in her life was a common lion that liked belly rubs and food.
The jump from the little reindeer made her stop, not seeking to push him further away, even less now knowing he was a doctor as well, one she had never come across before.
"I would say I pay enough attention to bounties... aren't you and your crew famous?" She didn't find the situation all that odd considering that, they were constant wrecking havoc out there. "My name is Patches, I'm a doctor as well" no harm in letting him know, even less harm considering she had nothing better to do for the time being, and also? He didn't seem dangerous or ill intended.
"A friend...." She mumbled. "Is it alright if I accompany you?" Curiosity was far grater than evading getting into a mess.
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Chopper turned to look at the approaching woman, his eyes going from fearful to relieved as he understood this to be a harmless individual, not some kind of monster or powerful enemy he couldn't hope to defeat. Of course, the instant he heard her words, his expression turned to something more irritated, eyes narrowed and face frowning in disgust.
"The Straw Hats' doctor… not pet." He grumbled, clearly more annoyed than happy to make a new friend who made such a miscalculation. He could handle his pathetic bounty, but being called a pet was always so insulting. All the effort he put into averting crisis and the government somehow never even saw it happen.
"You know me though? Who are you? I've never seen you before!" Chopper jumped back to create a bit of distance, lifting his head to observe her attire and potential accessories. She didn't seem armed for combat. Blushing at his overly cautious behavior, he rubbed the back of his head somewhat bashfully. "Well, I'm not lost if that's what you're wondering. I'm just headed somewhere to meet my friend."
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The room itself was one even she wouldn't feel comfortable working at for longer periods of time, being just a replacement for her actual office-laboratory back at their main stay, of course it's not like she couldn't be left without anything to work with when traveling out there, even if it wasn't as comfortable or complete-- or convenient, or spacious, or empty of most of her normal samples.... in essence, it was a place holder and sadly, this time, it was all she could do for the two of them. Then again, she doubted her captain would be too pleased to have the other roaming around their main base.
His sudden run made her stare at him curious and then an-- insult? followed, looking extremely offended and frustrated, angry, and for a second there Patches tried to not talk back as the poor poor victim of this colorful hell stumbled through his rage to get his point across. Don't pull too hard.... the clown barely voiced out, not wanting to interrupt yet also not wanting to see this middle aged man lose all of his hair in one second.
"Huh?" was the noise that escaped her as Law finally pointed out the source of his sudden outburst, then again, it could have happened at any given moment considering how much he had been holding back internally. "The lights?" her head tilted back to look at the poor light above their heads, which seemed to threaten to leave them in the dark between short blinks generously spaced out. "I think it's... not that bad" she had seen wors--- oooohhhhh it was because of the plant. Right. "Is that so...?" she gave that up, she wasn't going to argue against this one, not when his breath seemed to get a bit too short. The least Patches wanted was to be the cause of death of this guy, and all because an algae!! Now wouldn't that be weirdly funny?
So he was easily irritable, kind of a weirdo, short of breath and balding, oh this poor man...
"You have a point? That's why you are here, doctor Law" her brow relaxed as he threw that at her, it made sense, why was he frustrated? "Obviously if someone had written about it before I wouldn't have tried to contact you, wouldn't I--- fift---" her words cut off as the Heart's captain threw that age estimate at her, unsure if to feel flattered or annoyed, how did she even look fifteen!? Was he blind? Was it that?
"I'm thirty two, I would advise you get glasses for your tired old man eyes, Trafalgar" was her reply to it, calm as can be even if she still felt internally amused at his hold on the tank where the plant floated, uninterested in their yapping. "Take a seat before you colapse from your outburst, it can't be good for your heart, I can also go get you a drink too if you want, we got soda... though I'm unsure if sugar would be good for you" the clown doctor tried to be accommodating for the other, both in good faith and attempting to poke at his short patience for his late outburst.
"Now breathe in, breath out, and calm down about the lights" and said that, the orange lady reached for the light switch to turn it off, leaving them in the dark, only source of light barely pushing through the hallway and past the doorframe in pink and blue hues. "There. Better?"
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✚✚✚ @circus-and-shenanigans // continued
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Law followed the little clown throughout the sinuous insides of the big top, through the narrow alleys between seats, one heeled foot fitting at a time. He held Kikoku higher against his shoulder, almost as if a parent would carry a toddler in a crowded space for fear of losing them. It was the dirt floor he minded, to spare his sword the dishonour of meeting with some gluttonous child's half-licked, sticky-as-glue lolly. Law grimaced at the vision of paper wraps and unpopped kernels of corn sprawled under his feet. How had he allowed himself to get caught up in this mess, again?
Oh, yes. The funny (as in 'peculiar' rather than 'amusing') clown girl had lassoed him in with the promise not of entertainment, but of medicine.
She had said she was a doctor, a claim that earned her a studious gaze bundled up in doubt. This orange thing was a doctor? For all his brilliance, Law did lack the necessary amount of self-awareness to recognise that most civilians, too, would doubt him a doctor when he sported a loose shirt buttoned up with haste over his jeans and black polish over his fingernails so casually. Both he and the clown were as far removed from the semblance of a textbook doctor, with their one white coat and two rows of white teeth arranged into a reassuring smile as could be. All things considered, it was discerning of a circus to harbour a medical team, only not right next to the menagerie, he hoped, for a nomadic, strenuous lifestyle offered plenty of opportunities for injury. And the jolly roger lulling in the wind above the tarpaulin had not escaped Law's atttentive watch. Pirates required medical assistance more than the average person.
❝ Listen, Raggedy Ann...! ❞ he started, an edge of warning to his voice, her jab at his aquatic lifestyle returned in kind as he manoeuvred the space towards the reserved compound of doors and platforms the audience had no idea lay within and underneath the circus. ❝ I'll have you know submarines are lots of fun. ❞
What the hell did she know of his literary soirées? Of the crew's monthly talent shows? Of the most exciting, free-for-all race to the loo after every Tuesday's taco dinner? Why, she was but a simpleton, all too excited to watch some other idiot in oversized shoes juggle up some balls and deem it as entertainment. If there was a literal embodiment of the panem et circenses phrase, here it was.
❝ I am not a man to be toyed with. I did not come here, to the very depths of Satan's rectum, to discuss the concept of merriment over tea with a child. Where is the chlorophyte? ❞
She had said, and not just in passing, to be in possession of a rare species of algae Law had read about in his studies. Although, admittedly, phycology was a field of pharmaceutical interest he generally buried under other priorities. The species was said to be at least a hundred times more efficient than other maritime eukaryotes in boosting immunity and serving as an anticancerous agent, nothing short of a miracle if proven true. If he could get this alga into his laboratory and multiply it so he got enough specimens to sample from... Only the hypothesis of an unprecedented scientific breakthrough could have made him enter the circus tent.
Trafalgar Law hissed, catlike when the faux flower hit him with a surprise drizzle. Though hygienic, he would rather take his shower the conventional way. Just like he would like to keep his feet not stepped on by stupid miniature velocipedes! ❝ I really, really hate the circus! I'll take my clowns in the form of Ruggero Leoncavallo, thank you.❞
His eyes were daggers directed at this Doctor Patches character, but then the gold in them melted and glinted with mischief. Kikoku made another move on his shoulder, ready to lose her sheath. ❝ There is no fucking chance a clown can trick me. ❞
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Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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Ask my muse about their love life!
Anonymous or not, ask my muse difficult, funny, fluffy, or smutty questions about their love life! Pry into their darkest secrets! Find out who their crush is! Bombard them with questions~
Winner finds out who my muses crush is!
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Chopper turned around frantically, sensing another follower stalking his moves nearby. "Who's there? I don't want any trouble!" He was never prepared to gain new followers, expecting this to be another bounty hunter or candy thief.
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She had been following. Silently. Carefully. A cute little creature had come across her path and who could resist the urge to follow it? Well, she should have, getting lost at a place like this didn't exactly call for following random creatures.... except something irked her.
It seemed like she still had a long way to go when it came to being sneaky, but that was alright. Poking her head out from between the bushes the clown doctor stared at him for a few uncomfortable seconds, able to properly see him and identify him.
"....... it's you" she said, matter-of-factly, barely expressing surprise. "The Strawhats' pet!" It's what the wanted posters seemed to imply at least. If he was here... then his crew probably rounded the area as well. "Did you get lost?" As if she wasn't lost as well. "To.... Nn... mnN. Tonny.... no- uh... Ch- Chopper! Chopper" after the struggle of remembering his name she stepped closer, getting a better look at him.
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It hadn't been all that long since she finally got to meet the famously known Surgeon of Death and Patches already felt like she had a good enough grasp on the man's personality-- a bit insipid, joyless, overly serious, nitpicker. Then again first impressions weren't everything and she was open to add and take out more adjectives over his name, one that she felt would remain was 'amusing', there was nothing more entertaining for the clown than a person that took everything way too seriously for their own good, and this tired-looking captain seemed to fit the bill.
His words always sharp, knowing to bite and not to delay their timing, his tense posture and seeking to go straight to the point. Law was on the opposite end of being comfortable here, and she couldn't blame him, being in another pirate's territory, on his own and surrounded by things that did not bring him even a small hint of joy would probably get her tense as well, she has been through it, but it's a risk worth taking when something can be achieved out of it, like knowledge. As long as he behaved and kept that sword sheathed he would be just another guest, receiving the kind of kindness she would expect from other crews when she approaches with no ill intentions, all in the name of becoming better help for her people.
Submarines being fun...... she had never actually seen one in person, but she could just guess how dark it probably was inside one, maybe stuffy too? Being used now to something less claustrophobic she wondered how that kind of home could be made more amusing and less like a prison under water. Either way she wasn't about to jump him with such questions when he seemed more focused about the main reason for this whole scene, the algae. Hopefully at another time?
His words make her raise an eyebrow for a second as she thinks about the name he just dropped, wasn't that just a man? Not an actual clown? Almost slipping to call that one a pretender, but then again, weren't many of her crewmates also that kind of person? Still, she did have a bit to say in that regard, feeling that this captain, despite his age, seemed to not be informed about clowns in general.
"I feel like murderous pierrots are not to be trusted, same with mimes, mimes are always up to something, but then again.... harlequins tend to be pretty deceiving as well" An observation on her side, at the end of the day all of them were born to perform, well.... almost all of them. Performing aside, a life of crime seemed to be a correct tendency from her perspective, and in her mind? Justified knowing the circumstances.
His last words, though, were taken as a challenge as she just kept quiet about it, eyeing the weapon he carried so lovingly, that glint on his eyes making the ginger feel that amusement rush up her stomach. A dare? A warning? The tone he probably intended flew over her head as she just kept her mind on her own messy tracks, just wanting to navigate the interaction to where the interests of both of them intersected.
"Say I don't happen to have the specimen I told you about--" she started speaking as she continued leading the way, a door at the back of the narrow hallway, barely lit with colourful lights hanging from the walls, full of stacked boxes with props and clothes on their sides, a long rack with costumes squeezed between long glittery curtains. "That I just wanted to divert your attention from something far worse..." A pause, for slightly dramatic effect, while her gloved hand grasped the knob of the door in front of them. "Or I just wanted to waste your precious time. I feel like that could be considered a trick, albeit a boring one" turning to take one look at him Patches gave him a slow nod. "Of course... that's not the case"
Once the door opened she made sure to keep it that way for him once she walked inside, the space a tiny room barely neater than the main circus tent itself, but for the use she gave it, it was just perfect enough. A single light on the ceiling was more than enough to illuminate it all, a couple of chairs and a table, brightly colored, pressed against the back wall, a couple of shelves with random and messily placed books and other trinkets on the left, a few bags with what seemed to be yarn on the opposite end. On top of the table a transparent box filled with water, the plant itself resting in it, behind it equipment she would use to investigate majorly plants as well as other elements that could fit in tubes.
"I would say I got lucky coming across it, but there was a problem... none of the books I ever laid hands on ever had any proper information on what a good use of this would be, well, more like-- multiple answers, nothing concrete and no extraction guides. I imagined someone with your years of experience might know more" he was here after all. Oh, right. "I'm also not a child" a hint of annoyance seemed to mix with her neutral tone, recalling it now that she addressed his possible age. Typical old people behaviour, thinking everyone else was just a kid compared to them.
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✚✚✚ @circus-and-shenanigans // continued
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Law followed the little clown throughout the sinuous insides of the big top, through the narrow alleys between seats, one heeled foot fitting at a time. He held Kikoku higher against his shoulder, almost as if a parent would carry a toddler in a crowded space for fear of losing them. It was the dirt floor he minded, to spare his sword the dishonour of meeting with some gluttonous child's half-licked, sticky-as-glue lolly. Law grimaced at the vision of paper wraps and unpopped kernels of corn sprawled under his feet. How had he allowed himself to get caught up in this mess, again?
Oh, yes. The funny (as in 'peculiar' rather than 'amusing') clown girl had lassoed him in with the promise not of entertainment, but of medicine.
She had said she was a doctor, a claim that earned her a studious gaze bundled up in doubt. This orange thing was a doctor? For all his brilliance, Law did lack the necessary amount of self-awareness to recognise that most civilians, too, would doubt him a doctor when he sported a loose shirt buttoned up with haste over his jeans and black polish over his fingernails so casually. Both he and the clown were as far removed from the semblance of a textbook doctor, with their one white coat and two rows of white teeth arranged into a reassuring smile as could be. All things considered, it was discerning of a circus to harbour a medical team, only not right next to the menagerie, he hoped, for a nomadic, strenuous lifestyle offered plenty of opportunities for injury. And the jolly roger lulling in the wind above the tarpaulin had not escaped Law's atttentive watch. Pirates required medical assistance more than the average person.
❝ Listen, Raggedy Ann...! ❞ he started, an edge of warning to his voice, her jab at his aquatic lifestyle returned in kind as he manoeuvred the space towards the reserved compound of doors and platforms the audience had no idea lay within and underneath the circus. ❝ I'll have you know submarines are lots of fun. ❞
What the hell did she know of his literary soirées? Of the crew's monthly talent shows? Of the most exciting, free-for-all race to the loo after every Tuesday's taco dinner? Why, she was but a simpleton, all too excited to watch some other idiot in oversized shoes juggle up some balls and deem it as entertainment. If there was a literal embodiment of the panem et circenses phrase, here it was.
❝ I am not a man to be toyed with. I did not come here, to the very depths of Satan's rectum, to discuss the concept of merriment over tea with a child. Where is the chlorophyte? ❞
She had said, and not just in passing, to be in possession of a rare species of algae Law had read about in his studies. Although, admittedly, phycology was a field of pharmaceutical interest he generally buried under other priorities. The species was said to be at least a hundred times more efficient than other maritime eukaryotes in boosting immunity and serving as an anticancerous agent, nothing short of a miracle if proven true. If he could get this alga into his laboratory and multiply it so he got enough specimens to sample from... Only the hypothesis of an unprecedented scientific breakthrough could have made him enter the circus tent.
Trafalgar Law hissed, catlike when the faux flower hit him with a surprise drizzle. Though hygienic, he would rather take his shower the conventional way. Just like he would like to keep his feet not stepped on by stupid miniature velocipedes! ❝ I really, really hate the circus! I'll take my clowns in the form of Ruggero Leoncavallo, thank you.❞
His eyes were daggers directed at this Doctor Patches character, but then the gold in them melted and glinted with mischief. Kikoku made another move on his shoulder, ready to lose her sheath. ❝ There is no fucking chance a clown can trick me. ❞
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He looks around the tent with a scowl very much his own, very much everlasting and hard to smear away. The whole place gave him the heebie-jeebies, perhaps not as a true fear, for it took more than some garish colours and odd-looking specimens to have Law even consider the notion of fear, but there was a lingering anxiety in there, creeping into his heart of hearts. The annoying flashing lights. The smell of oil that has been heated time and again to have some corn popped. It was messy in all senses, so contrary to him and everything he held dear. ❝ You know, I've always hated the circus. ❞ / also hi!
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It was overly noisy, as it tended to be wherever they went, noisy and crowded and full of vibrancy, kids tended to love it, clowns loved it even more, but there were many others that didn't understand the charm, then there were others thay understood what the jolly roger atop the main tent meant and stayed away despite offering some entering shows and snacks.
She wasn't here for that, though, she was never there for performing despite her nature, it was because going along with this specific group allowed her to indulge in one of her little research trips and she felt oh so lucky that it seemed to show results. Patches had managed to catch him at last. After many attempts trying to find his ship-- submarine and failing she was able to locate him in the area, for one reason or the other the stars seemed to align.
"Is that so? Mn... I guess submarines are pretty dull on the inside then" She says back, glancing upwards trying to get a mental image, guiding him between the public's seats and towards the stage so they could get behind the curtain, moving between practicing performers and loud others that seem to easily recognise the Hearts captain. Some mumbles follow after they walk past them, some concerned, others curious, but no one really intervenes as their doctor accompanies him.
Just as they are finishing the walk to somewhere less crowded, one of the crew clowns accidentally squirts water at Law from an oversized flower over their chest, missing their main target of their practical joke.
"Sorry! Wrong person--!" They try to hold back their laugh, finding way too amusing, others that saw it though, didn't bother holding back, chuckling, tooting horns and passing by on tiny bicycles. They all seemed pretty lively, maybe because the main gig of their captain was working out oretty well for them all.
"Trafalgar-" The ginger calls for him, slightly waving with her hand towards her, hoping he doesn't lose sight of her now that they were backstage. "Don't worry, this isn't an elaborate trap" It couldn't be elaborate, she still felt she had to say it, even if it made it all more suspicious. "I just don't want them to bother us"
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Her reactions didn't feel like she could be a possible danger, not for now at least (gotta make sure to always keep even if a small hint of doubt), or maybe he just got a bit too distracted by her hair, a dual tone like that was uncommon-- then again, why lie to ourselves? It was that exact tone of deep red that had made his train of thought get thrown off.
How irritating.
Something as curiosly flashy destroyed by an unfortunate thing like that one.
The girl's words easily made the captain to focus back on the scene, smirking proudly as she mentioned hearing about her. With a scoff he inflated his chest, closed with eyes with a huge grin getting his ego show.
"Of course you have! I'm grandiose like that! My name can be heard all over the blues, all of them!" He chuckles a bit to himself, looking at the girl once more. "I'm the greatest to have ever greated, flashiest of them all, genius jester, ex-warlord of the sea: Captain Buggy!!" There he was, smiling all proud, hoping those would click in her head, already waiting for words of praise *oh please let me join your crew!! Ohhh you are so cool, captain Buggyyy! Such a strong guy!!!* Or something like that.... then her attention on the map made the silly scenario evaporate.
"Huh? This?" He slides the paper slightly closer to her view before quickly pulling it back. AHA. SO shE WAS TRying to get dibs on it?! Was it that?! "It's a treasure map! My treasure map! I'm not sharing" he huffs through his nose, squinting a bit her way. "I still haven't figured out the coordinates since they have faded away buuuuuuu---....." His voice lowered, remembering he probably shouldn't share that with her. "And.... who are you, kid?"
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Starter for @circus-and-shenanigans
Directed at: Buggy; Canon Divergent
Uta was, as she had found, someone who held quite the conflict when it came to her opinions on pirates. It was rather difficult to not hold such mixed feelings towards them, all things considered — she had certainly regained her respect back for a select few crews, but as for the rest… to say the very least, she was skeptical at best.
Safe to say, however, entering a particular food establishment, she certainly didn’t quite expect to see someone that she could recognize.. even if only due to descriptions she had heard from her adoptive father. It was a pirate, of course. But, a pirate that she had been told of a handful of times, and truthfully? She almost could have giggled with the mere realization of how accurate the stories had been, when it came to his appearance.
Uta was hesitant in her approach. Hesitant in acting in something that was akin to tackling her past history, in some sense; mingling with pirates. Ultimately, she found herself moving forward in a swift motion, taking a seat at a chair only a few away from him. The singer didn’t quite speak just yet, merely finding herself eyeing the other with that same curiosity slipping into her very expression. To speak up, or to not.. that was truly the question on her mind, with Uta not quite realizing the staring she was doing.
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A hand over a tattered piece of yellowed out paper, his eyes well pinned to the dark lines that made multiple shapes aside from an obvious outline of some stray island god knows where, except he knew, kind of, he was still figuring it out. The other hand held a wooden cup half full with beer that had been left to a second thought as he wrecked his brain over this one, because he KNEW where this place was, he definitely did! His memory just needed a tiny bit of jogging is all! There was no treasure map that could resist him, SCRATCH THAT, there was no thing leading to a treasure that could resist him.
With a light grumble, eyebrows furrowing in frustration, Buggy took a sip of his drink, unaware of the girl that had entered the establishment, not bothering to glance her way when she sat down just a few chairs away from him, none of that bothered him, it wasn't just about how much focus he had on the map itself, but how much used he was to the presence of random people coming and going around him, as long as they kept their dirty hands away from his map the clown saw no issue with others sitting too close..... ah, wait, that could troublesome too--
There was an odd feeling over him. A weighty weight. A something that was making the side of his face itchy, the hand holding the cup floating to scratch his ear as his eyes turned on that direction, taking the first glance at the girl that had just arrived. With the way her stare felt so intense of course he would had felt this observed, what was up with that? Did she know him--? HAH. Of course she did. He had fans all over the world.......! Or maybe.... an enemy? Was she here to take him down? Was this some set-up?
As nervousness clung to him, Buggy decided to speak up first.
"Hey kid, something on my face?" He asked with a slightly annoyed tone, still giving her a chance for a cordial answer on her part. And then it hit him. It better not be about his nose.
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Starter for @circus-and-shenanigans
Directed at: Buggy; Canon Divergent
Uta was, as she had found, someone who held quite the conflict when it came to her opinions on pirates. It was rather difficult to not hold such mixed feelings towards them, all things considered — she had certainly regained her respect back for a select few crews, but as for the rest… to say the very least, she was skeptical at best.
Safe to say, however, entering a particular food establishment, she certainly didn’t quite expect to see someone that she could recognize.. even if only due to descriptions she had heard from her adoptive father. It was a pirate, of course. But, a pirate that she had been told of a handful of times, and truthfully? She almost could have giggled with the mere realization of how accurate the stories had been, when it came to his appearance.
Uta was hesitant in her approach. Hesitant in acting in something that was akin to tackling her past history, in some sense; mingling with pirates. Ultimately, she found herself moving forward in a swift motion, taking a seat at a chair only a few away from him. The singer didn’t quite speak just yet, merely finding herself eyeing the other with that same curiosity slipping into her very expression. To speak up, or to not.. that was truly the question on her mind, with Uta not quite realizing the staring she was doing.
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Anonymously send me asks as a tabloid journalist
Try to uncover my muse’s wildest secrets. (So what if they’re fake?)
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Eᴠᴇɴ Mᴏʀᴇ Iɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ Qᴜᴏᴛᴇs Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ!
Send in ✏️ and I’ll use this (improved) incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses! (please remember to specify how many muses/which muses for multimuses!)
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My baby…my baby…you’re my baby…
Buggy buggy buggy buggies brainrot so here’s my last sketches
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Penguin and some penguins 🎂🎉
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