cishater · 3 years
Help a black trans girl eat this week!
Hey everyone, I had to make another post because donations have really slowed down & i’m still very much in need. I’m asking for aid so I can go grocery shopping this week. If anybody could help even with a dollar I would really appreciate it so much. With everything going on in the world right now I 100% understand if you can’t or don’t want to donate but I humbly ask that you boost the fuck outta this so that someone who can help me will see this! Thank you and PLEASE be safe out here!💜
Venmo: @miss-brie-nicole
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cishater · 3 years
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stop rbing this op is a terf
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cishater · 3 years
hi if u have tiktok listen to me
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theres an ad out right now that starts like that.
its for the new quiet place movie. it counts down from 15 and when it reaches 0 then ominous music blasts playing while a monster from the movie appears suddenly (jump scare), also with scary text it says 'not quiet enough.' after the jump scare
if you have bad anxiety or panic attacks or anything of the sort, scroll past it or maybe even just report it!
i saw it yesterday and i had a bad panic bc jumpscares usually trigger me !!
just scroll or report if you see this ad on your tiktok
[please reblog + boost]
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cishater · 3 years
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cishater · 3 years
A white person learning another language in the United States is a person looking to build a résumé.
A person of color learning English in the United States is a person looking to be treated like a human being.
It is not the same thing.
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cishater · 3 years
If you teach history or are interested in history, I highly recommend that you read this article. This is a great example of how the whitewashing of American history, regardless of the motivation, does a great disservice to a wide range of Americans.
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cishater · 3 years
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cishater · 3 years
Hate it when you're wearing "military-esque" clothing like camo pants or combat boots and some old vet asks you if you're from a military family like fuck off papa war crimes I'm appropriating your culture here.
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cishater · 3 years
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Pay them ppl man.
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cishater · 3 years
List of companies supporting or funding the military against Palestine to not spend money on?
That’s a great question! Here’s the answer:
Israeli Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are one of Israel’s biggest exports and all Israeli agricultural exporters are complicit in Israel’s violations of international law as they operate on stolen Palestinian land.
Caterpillar bulldozers are regularly used in the demolition of Palestinian homes and farms and in Israel’s massacres in Gaza.
Hewlett Packard helps run the ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement. For more information, see https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp.
Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. For more information, see: https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-puma
SodaStream home drinks machines are one of Israel’s best known exports.
Ahava cosmetics are another of Israel’s best known export companies.
Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israel Defense Forces.
*Taken from https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott  
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.
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cishater · 3 years
everyone's dysphoria is different but the second you start pushing your dysphoria onto other trans people because you don't like the way they're acting/enjoying their body you've made a fool of yourself
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cishater · 3 years
I also just updated my Carrd as of May the 13th, 2021, so please go look through that if you haven’t already.
In short: -Added some things to my “Stances” list. -Got rid of the weird alternating colors on my DNI/ATF list. -Reworded some stuff in my About. -Removed “transsexual” from the list of words I reclaim (mainly because I really just don’t use the word anymore). -Added some stuff to the “Before You Follow” section.
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cishater · 3 years
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Galaxy brain takes here you fucking jackass. Imagine throwing around the word “radfem” and labeling every person you don’t like as one like it doesn’t severely harm trans women to do that.
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cishater · 3 years
Also. I recently discovered “degenerate” is a VERY inappropriate term to use when you just mean “someone who is gross.”
Here’s why. Please read the threads.
I’ve changed my most recent post with the word in it to say something else (I don’t think I’ve used the word at any other point on here, but I’ll fix it if I have). I apologize for using the word, I had no idea the context behind it, and I will now completely remove it from my vocabulary.
I implore anyone who still uses the word to also drop it.
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cishater · 3 years
I hate my bio layout. I’m gonna fix that.
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cishater · 3 years
Tumblr Tips: blocking and REPORTING
So you’ve found a bad blog. A lot of people seem to not realize you can report for MORE than just harassment and/or NSFW content. So here’s what you can do when you want to prevent an unpleasant person from hurting more people in the future.
They’re a TERF/neonazi/otherwise violently bigoted person: report for “violent content/threat” or “hate speech” 
They’re a thinspo/pro-self harm account: report for “suicide/self harm concern” or “gore, mutilation, bestiality” if it’s graphic. Both will work.
They’re a pedophile: report for “harm to minors”
They’re a yandere/weirdly “pro gore” blog: report for “gore, mutilation, bestiality” or “suicide/self harm concern”
They’re harassing specific groups/sending suicide bait: report for “hate speech” or “violent content/threat”
This isn’t saying “report that one person you got into an argument with because they reblogged a picture of a skull once”, please use your critical thinking skills. All I’m saying is tumblr does tend to work faster with reports that AREN’T for harassment/porn. I’ve seen pedophile blogs get deleted within minutes of being reported for “harm to minors”. Keep the creeps off of tumblr, keep other people safe, and don’t spam report that will make it go slower.
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cishater · 3 years
Really hate how hyperfixation and infodump and other such words have had their meaning diluted by neurotypicals using them as if they mean "thing I like" and "talking about the thing I like" rather than their actual definitions, and now I'm starting to see tumblr posts with people saying shit like "Hyperfixation this, infodump that, just say you're obsessed with voltron and go" as if they're just some cringy tumblr fandom words weird people use instead of actually being terms adhd/autistic people use to describe their experiences
it's like the current use of gaslight or going back even further, trigger, it just keeps happening and online communities especially are so awful for it
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