cisphobicagenda · 3 years
Might remake cause I wanna keep up with important queer topics on here again but I know this acct has opinions I don't agree with anymore + cringy shit on it that would probably be too much hassle to just go through & delete
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cisphobicagenda · 3 years
die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny die tranny
It's 8 in the fucking morning
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cisphobicagenda · 3 years
Might remake cause I wanna keep up with important queer topics on here again but I know this acct has opinions I don't agree with anymore + cringy shit on it that would probably be too much hassle to just go through & delete
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
Block @/lovesick-femme for putting this in the pan positivity tag
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
also skinny people: this guy with 0% body fat is a bear :)
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
i feel like tumblr would really benefit using tone indicators. a lot of people may use them, but i havent seen a lot of it! as a neurodivergent, it helps us understand the tone of what you're saying. sometimes it's hard to tell whether you're actually mad, or it's just lighthearted, or if you're being sarcastic!
here's a chart of tone indicators if you're interested in using them:
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also: please do not use any of these as a joke. do not put /srs if you are not being serious. these tone indicators are supposed to be helping neurodivergents and neurotypicals alike.
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
Ur allowed to hate men but the moment you start joking abt suicide & encouraging people struggling with that, even if it was a joke, to go through with it you're just straight up disgusting.
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
I'm really gonna need y'all, specifically cis white goyische folk, to use your brains for a fucking millisecond and understand that TERFs aren't LITERALLY saying that trans people don't bathe.
It's a fucking goddamned Nazi dogwhistle and it isn't even subtle.
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So to all the cis white goys who are like "apparently showering is a white supremacist concept now" please for the love of GOD stop being so fucking dense.
TERFs aren't LITERALLY referring to hygiene. They're implying that trans folks are so inhuman, so repulsive, that we should be treated as a totally different species from them, and that any association with trans people could "contaminate" the "purity" of cis folks.
It's horrifying. You should be horrified. And if you're not, I'm just gonna fucking assume you agree with them.
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
women who are suicidal don’t do it please you’re a valuable person in this world and i promise the moment will pass and it’ll end up alright in the end. men… have fun in hell i guess
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
i wanna see your among us OC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Name: Sir (yes that is actually his first name)
Age: Hnngg like 30 something I haven't decided yet
Pronouns: He/It
Gender: Fuck if I know. He doesn't either
Sexuality: Men
Height: 6'0
Extra info: He's just a little doctor man. He's just vibing & patching people up. It doesn't talk much tbh. That + the fact it looks spooky causes people to think he's the imposter but they never have the proof to actually eject him cause he's actually not. He's literally just sitting here don't be mean to him.
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
can we PLEASE get some body positivity for people who arent women. im begging
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
i wanna see your among us OC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Name: Sir (yes that is actually his first name)
Age: Hnngg like 30 something I haven't decided yet
Pronouns: He/It
Gender: Fuck if I know. He doesn't either
Sexuality: Men
Height: 6'0
Extra info: He's just a little doctor man. He's just vibing & patching people up. It doesn't talk much tbh. That + the fact it looks spooky causes people to think he's the imposter but they never have the proof to actually eject him cause he's actually not. He's literally just sitting here don't be mean to him.
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
Fuck discourse who wants to see my Among Us oc
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
Imagine genuinely calling someone a "mogai freak"
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
honestly like real talk like real actual ““discourse”“
the problem with trying to define who is and isn’t lgbt+ is like….that’s…not….really how it works…..
like we don’t have membership. there’s no test to take. no one has a roster of people with gay credentials. and even if there were, the people demanding this stuff aren’t part of any High Council with the power to banish people. if someone says they’re lgbt+ the traditional way of dealing with it is just…believing them and not bothering to comb through every action they’ve taken to prove anything. and labels are so deeply personal and the possibility of mislabeling yourself is always on the table, so it’s really just like. if you feel an affinity for the community then sure. you’re probably right, at the very least you’re questioning now. so what up enjoy your stay.
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
in other news, i know of some pretty big, well-known cryptoterfs who use she/they pronouns now. don’t trust somebody’s opinions on trans women just because they’re non-binary, or because they perform gender in a way you don’t expect transphobes to do soz
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cisphobicagenda · 4 years
Good morning I had a mini dream that a bunch of white people were upset that being called white didn't look/sound "exotic" enough so they started spelling it as "Wyite"
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