citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
Bombing pagers used only by terrorists is not a war crime. Terrorists have day jobs as doctors, scientists, and businessmen. They use these jobs to imbed themselves in the civilian population to use that civilian population as a human shield. This was an ingenious move by Mossad to target ONLY the terrorists with minimal collateral damage. If any OTHER country had carried out a similar operation they would be CELEBRATED for the sheer MIRACLE that so few civilians were harmed.
Everyone crying big crocodile tears over the pagers can shove it up their jew hating asses. They're just mad jews fight back now
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
wait because i'm curious: why are the terrorist stans called "tankies"? because tankie just sounds super cool so shouldn't they be called something more outright like terror-fans?
The term tankie has seen several shifts in its connotation over the years. Originally, it was a pejorative label for communists who supported the Soviet Union’s interventions in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Yet, its contemporary application is much broader. Today, the term refers not only to pro-Soviet hardliners but also to those who back China’s policies on matters such as the Uyghur genocide and the Hong Kong protests.  A recent study by Petterson portrays tankies as: “regard[ing] past and current socialist systems as legitimate attempts at creating communism, and thus have not distanced themselves from Stalin, China etc.”
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
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Yariv Mozer, the director of We Will Dance Again, a documentary film about the #Nova festival, said that he had to agree with the #BBC to not describe H@mas as a terrorist organization if he wanted it to air, according to an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday. The film, which is set to broadcast on the BBC on Thursday, contains unseen footage of the H@mas massacre at the festival on October 7. It was commissioned by BBC Storyville. “It was a price I was willing to pay so that the British public will be able to see these atrocities and decide if this is a terrorist organization or not,” Mozer said. This comes amid claims of anti-Israel bias in the BBC since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war, including a scandal caused last week by British Lawyer Trevor Asserson’s report that the BBC breached its own editorial guidelines for news coverage more than 1,500 times since the beginning of the war. Additionally, the BBC refuses to call H@mas a terrorist organization. The BBC calls H@mas a proscribed terrorist organisation, but has been reluctant to go further for fear it could be seen to be taking sides in the conflict. In a statement after meeting the Board of Deputies of British Jews in October the BBC said it “does not  … use the word terrorist without attributing it, nor do we ban words”.
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
One of those retellings of Batman as a fairy tale things but instead of a fairy tale it’s Talmud
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
One of those retellings of Batman as a fairy tale things but instead of a fairy tale it’s Talmud
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
weird question for my Jewish followers
just asking bc the epigenetics of the Jewish people are fucked, and it’d be interesting to see if this effects people way deeper than normal.
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
kosher keepers: is it okay to mix dairy and poultry, or dairy and fish, because they're not from the same kind of animal? I see this debated a lot and it's interesting to me. yes, no, is it more complicated than that?
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citrus-on-jumblr · 9 hours
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citrus-on-jumblr · 11 hours
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Jewish artifacts stolen by Nazis, on display at The Jewish Museum of Greece in Athens.
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citrus-on-jumblr · 11 hours
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citrus-on-jumblr · 12 hours
"השתיקה של ארגוני הנשים בעולם בכל הקשור ל-7 באוקטובר היא פוליטית, וזו הסיבה שהיא כל כך מקוממת ומכאיבה. יותר מכך - היא מביכה. היא מביישת את הפמיניזם, את האקדמיה ואת המערב כולו. כי כשנשים בוחרות להתעלם משחיטה של נשים, מאונס, מהתעללות בזקנות, צעירות ופעוטות, כשארגונים נאורים בוחרים להפוך מחיקה של נשים לאקט שצריך לבחון בהקשר רחב יותר, פוליטי - המסר הוא שבכל זאת, ולמרות הכל, יש נשים ויש נשים. שאולי אפילו יש נשים שזה מגיע להן. הכל תלוי, כמובן, "בקונטקסט הרחב יותר"."
-רתם איזק, זו סתם חבורת נשים בעמדת כוח שהפנו גב להיסטוריה. (מקור)
"The silence of women's organizations around the world regarding October 7th is political, and that is why it is so outrageous and painful. More than that - it is embarrassing. It puts feminism, academia and the entire west to shame. Because when women choose to ignore the slaughter of women, rape, the abuse of old women, young women and toddlers, when enlightened organizations choose to turn the erasure of women into an act that needs to be examined in a broader, political context - the message is that after all, and in spite of everything, there are women and there are women. Maybe there are even women who deserve it. Everything depends, of course, on "the wider context"."
-Rotem Izak, it's just a bunch of powerful women who turned their backs on history.
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citrus-on-jumblr · 13 hours
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Kindergartners celebrate Shabbat at a Jewish School in Istanbul, 2010. c/o New Jersey Jewish News
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citrus-on-jumblr · 13 hours
every day i ask the internet “are we going to be normal about jews today?” and every day a comically large anvil falls on my head
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citrus-on-jumblr · 13 hours
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citrus-on-jumblr · 19 hours
It makes me so uncomfortable to see people post blatantly anti-Jewish content and then turn right around and stan Jewish historical figures. Like, do they hate us or love us?
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citrus-on-jumblr · 20 hours
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This shit is actually comical. If you are Israeli please start going around touching random objects so that these people due to their own moral code cannot use it anymore.
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