citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"Oh, thank you! I just get so insecure sometimes." Total lie, but whatever flows right? They could pull off their masks later and show their ugly sides, which would probably fun too. But right now, for politeness's sake, Muffy had to keep things tame.
"What a shame about ugly ducklings! They're so cute but they hide behind the most terrible things. There's this farmer girl, Celia, in my town that is so adorable but wears the most terrible things! It's like she dresses for the time when women were sold with their dowries. But man, she is such a sweetheart. I guess I'm envious because she doesn't care how she looks. She just does her thing and I guess that makes her happy." Actually, Celia was getting pretty cozy with Jill's brother, Jack, which kind of her made her sad because that was Celia's first attempt at romance and it worked out well for her so far. It was so different for Muffy herself.
Shaking her head, she decided to get rid of the bad thoughts and smiled at Julius.
"I think there's a public map posted somewhere. Or we could just try every store! I'm sure we'd find success somewhere!"
Gorgeous Meets Gorgeous || Muffy & Julius
Julius giggled as well, not minding at all as he was carried away to a store. “Curling iron, hair ties, hair clips, dyes…” He listed off some random items.
“I used to flirt with a miner to get jewels for me and Mira,” he giggled, “He was a real sweet heart actually. And please, sister, you are attractive. Wonderful hair and gorgeous eyes. To die for~” He nodded to himself, as if to confirm what he said. “Oh, so many can be beautiful if they know what to do,” he gave a small sigh, “I met one girl who just had the cutest face, but she always had to wear such work clothes that didn’t compliment her at all.” He shook his head, “She was sweet, though. I wonder what happened to her. Or anyone back there.” He furrowed his brow and pouted, legs still walking.
It must have been easily forgotten since he pointed ahead, claiming to see a clothing shop. “Start somewhere, right? I don’t see any other store at the moment that could help us.”
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"He's doing okay!" Muffy kept her answer brief because Jill's brother was struggling just a bit. Well, 'just a bit' really meant that he let all of his spring crops die because he thought watering them every four days would be good enough. And all of the chickens died. It was kind of tragic because Muffy got to name one of them...
"Nice moments? With that guy?" She nodded towards Chase, her voice loud and incredulous. She hoped he heard that. He seemed like he had a stick up his ass and maybe if someone called him out on it, he could pull it out. Or maybe he'd just jam it up even further out of spite because he seemed like that type of asshole.
"I'm in room, uhhh...I forgot the room number but I can show it to you later! I actually just got here yesterday. My roommate, Julius, is a totall sweetheart. Unlike a certain roommate I just met!" Passive aggression is an immature thing.
But to see that scowl, man, it felt good.
Three's Company || Muffy Jill & Chase ||
Jill rolled her eyes at Chases’ sour mood. When wasn’t he like that? Goddess… the guy needed to loosen up a little. 
“Oh gosh Muffy that’s great! How’s my brother doing back home? Hanging on there?” She asked the blonde, worried about the fairings of her little brother, who had taken over her farm. Muffy’s comment to Chase made her laugh, and obliged to lead her to her side of the room. “Don’t mind Chase, he’s a bit of a grump buuuut he has his moments.” Jill grinned, hopping on her bed. “Seriously though, he can be nice sometimes!”
Sitting with Muffy on her bed, Jill beamed. “So what room are you stayin’ in? And how long have you been here, Goddess to think I should have seen you by now!” She wanted to ask so many questions, but waited for Muffy to answer a few first.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
Muffy briefly heard him go on about the color of his pins but she didn't really care. Her sweet Jill was right there in front of her! She returned the hug tightly before pulling away with a big happy smile.
"Griffin convinced me to try out for the show and I got in! I'm so glad that I have a friend here! And uh, Chase, huh? I didn't know you'd be rooming with a guy..." Well, Muffy was rooming with a guy as well but Julius had such a sunshine disposition to him. This Chase guy...well, he kind seemed like a drag. A moody drag that probably chain smokes in an alley while trying to look angsty and mysterious.
"Pleased to meet you." Her mood suddenly shifted as she took an overly formal tone as she grimaced a smile at Chase, who didn't seem too happy to meet her either. Hmph, his nose was already buried in a book. How rude.
"Oh please, don't let us disturb your reading. We'll just be on Jill's side of the room." Her tone was heavy with sarcasm as she grinned at him. She then turned towards Jill, beaming with excitement. "Show me your bed! Mine is so comfy!"
Three's Company || Muffy Jill & Chase ||
Jill had been so absorbed in her latest novel, she didn’t even hear when Muffy called out. What brought her back to reality was Chase asking who it was. Snapping her gaze from the lines of words in front of her to the doorway, Jill practically threw her book over her shoulder when she noticed it was Muffy. Scurrying over to the door, Jill ducked under Chase’s arms and hugged her.
“Muffyyyy!” The young woman squealed. “What are you doing here, oh Goddess!” Jill was grinning from ear to ear. “This is Chase, by the way. Chase, this is Muffy, I knew her from Forget-Me-Not Valley. Muffy, this is Chase, he’s my roommate!”
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"I, uh, could ask the same..." Muffy stared at Chase as she tried to figure out who he was. He seemed a little gruff. Eh, gruff moody men. She already had her fill of them when she lived in the city.
She thought this was Jill's room or maybe she was wrong...ah! Nope! Muffy peered over Chase's shoulder to see that Jill was resting on her bed. "Is Jill available? I just wanted to stop by to say hi to my best friend." Her tone immediately became cooler as she stared at him with a wary expression. He kind of seemed like an ass, but maybe she was just being hypersensitive to his greeting.
"Cute bobby pins, by the way. They bring out your eyes." If he was a calm natured guy, he'd just shrug that off.
Three's Company || Muffy Jill & Chase ||
Who the hell would be here… Chase thought to himself in annoyance. He had been once again reading a complex cooking book, looking for dishes that could actually be a challenge to him. Jill, who was also in the room, didn’t look like she was getting up to get the door anytime soon.
With a reluctant sigh, he got up from his bed. He placed the cookbook down on his bed and causally opened the door to a blonde woman. “Uh… who are you?” he said bluntly, not sure on how he should react to someone he doesn’t know.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"Oh! Whoops!" A giggle came from Muffy as she started to follow Lillian "So what type of breed is your horse? Honestly, I only know a few breeds like Appaloosa or Friesian. I wish I knew more about animals! I've only had a cat. Well, it was an outdoor cat that visited me sometimes so I don't know if that counts..." Her heel got caught in some mud as she entered the barn and she cursed slightly while she tried to keep her composure.
No, she would not give into being a priss. She could be a hard working woman as well! Muffy stood curiously behind Lillian and cocked her head, trying to figure out what they were doing.
"So, how exactly do you milk a cow?" It was embarrassing to ask this but she always saw people on tv do it different ways! Some by hand, some by weird little devices and then there was the big machinery that cows could use themselves! It all seemed so complicated for what is supposed to be simple farm life.
Loneliness || Lillian & Muffy
She felt embarrassed by how good this girl looked even if it were just her everyday wear. Why don’t I even look that good when I try… she thought to herself, fiddling with her bandana. 
“Well, I guess one day I’ll let you have a ride on Dash, he’s a great horse. Really gentle and kind. Great for beginners.” she grinned at the blond, letting out a small laugh when Muffy commented on winning bets.
Lillian shook her head. “I wouldn’t want you to spend so much effort on nails that are just going to go all gross again. Although I appreciate the offer.” She couldn’t help but laugh when the blond started walking in the opposite direction to the barn.
“I hate to tell you but the barn’s this way.” she laughed as she started walking in the direction of the barn.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
Three's Company || Muffy Jill & Chase ||
Finally, Muffy found Jill's room. She spent the whole day with Julius shopping for hair products but she needed some actual girl time. Well, Julius was pretty much a girl so what Muffy actually needed was Jill time. Gossip was going to be a big thing in this house and she knew Jill would be the only person that she could initially trust. Unless if somehow everyone was really cool and it turned out to be a big friendship fest.
But it was a house full of a lot of females. 
Usually, that meant a lot of drama but who knows? She could be proven wrong. Either way, Muffy just wanted to lay on Jill's bed and listen to her talk about farming stuff, her old life, animals and everything. Just like old times.  She also wanted to tease her about Takakura's eyebrows. For the sake of old times, of course.
Muffy raised her hand and knocked as she called out gently.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
Feeling giddy, she grabbed Julius's hand and pulled him from his chair. He was so much like a girl! She didn't feel self-conscious at all around him. She could fully be herself without having to worry about sounding dumb for being too feminine, since apparently that was a flaw.
"Come on, let's go! I want a new curling iron! Mine just shorted out this morning, hmph!" She continued to hold his hand without much thought as she pulled him away from the board walk.
"You know," she thought back to the whole mining thing "Maybe you and I could convince some buff guy to mine for us. We're both pretty attractive, right? Well, you are anyways." She faked some modesty because she knew her attractiveness but overconfidence, again, was a bad thing.
Gorgeous Meets Gorgeous || Muffy & Julius
“Hearts are great,” he gave a small joyful sigh, “Romance is wonderful, I would love to create one from a moonstone.” His red eyes widen for a bit and his nostrils flared slightly before he said, “Again, we need a miner here.”
Julius completely agreed with Muffy. “I wouldn’t mine either. It’s actually horribly dark from what Owen told me. Not to mention carrying that hammer around to even break the rocks. Then you have all the gas.” He flipped his hair, “Ugh! No!”
However, her question completely diverted his mood as he smiled widely and nodded. “You read my mind!”
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
Muffy's eyes sparkled at the thought of a moonstone dress. Sure, it sounded a little gaudy but oh, what if she walked around in the moonlight? It would have been the most beautiful thing ever. If she had that dress, she'd twirl around in it forever and blind everyone a mile away. But it would be so worth it. 
"A hairpin sounds delightful! Do you think you could form a heart shape out of it? I'm a sucker for hearts. They're so cute. I used to be a bit of a hopeless romantic, so the symbol has really grown on me." She started to fluff her hair as she thought about the proposed hair accessory.
"I would mine but," She looked down at the ground, sad for the lack of moonstones "All of the dirt and dust is soooo bad for your complexion! I just couldn't handle it everyday. I don't know, maybe if I got desperate enough, I would mine." She fidgeted with a curl, trying to imagine what a mining hat would do to her the volume of her hair.
"Say, do you want to shop for hair products right now?" Her tone quickly got excited since she had someone to obsess over new curl treatments with.
Gorgeous Meets Gorgeous || Muffy & Julius
Julius gave a small pout, but easily waved it off. “Well, if you ever change your mind, give me a call. Her comment of her birthstone caused his delicate eye brows to raise as he said, “June, then. My, moonstones are gorgeous. Hm, I remember one woman telling me how she had commissioned someone in her own town to make them into a dress.” He shook his head, whispering, “Shame to say it was a bit too bright.”
He gave a sad sigh, shrugging. “Jewels on clothes can sometimes look horribly tacky. But they’re always divine as accessories I’ve come to learn. And in hair if you have the right kind. Such as yours.” He smiled and took a sip of his tea. “I must design something with moonstone for you…whenever a miner comes along and hands me gems.”
Julius set the tea down, “Oh, well hopefully one will sooner or later. I knew I should have brought some with me…Oh, but I’m being horribly chatty, tell me about you!”
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"Oh, this dress? This dress is just a knock around thing! I've had it for years!" Truth was that it had a weird looking stain on her butt though it blended it well enough that you couldn't see it from a distance. She was pretty sure that Jill's dog had pissed on this dress before too, but she washed it of course!
"Horses are really beautiful creatures. I actually never have been horse riding. I've been to horse races because, well, it's such a thriving atmosphere. I've won quite a few bets too." She winked at Lillian as she took ahold of her hand.
"Your nails aren't bad. They're trimmed short, but that's practical for your job. I can polish these babies and paint them a nice nude color. It's subtle but it goes a long way!" She let go of Lillian's hand and started to walk in the opposite direction of the barn.
"So, is this way to the barn? I have no idea!"
Loneliness || Lillian & Muffy
She took Muffy’s hand in hers and shook it. Lillian then finally stood up after letting go of the girl’s hand, brushing the dirt off her dress. She felt awkward from the girl’s compliments about her being a rancher, not really having thought much of her job. “It’s nothing really, I’ve only been a rancher for about 2 years, but it’s a great job.” she said modestly. Lillian didn’t think that people paid any attention to farmers like her, especially a girl like Muffy. 
She sighed in relief when Muffy told her she was lost herself, not feeling so bad about her terrible sense of direction. “If you want, I could try to help you finish your chores and then we can go shopping, swimming, out to eat, anything! I’m just dying to leave the house, oh my Goddess.” Muffy said to her, causing her to raise an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to help? What if you get that pretty red dress of yours dirty? I’d feel bad about that.” 
Lillian was still stunned by the girl’s beauty, and really wasn’t sure how to handle girls like her, in fact, she wasn’t sure how to handle girls in general. When she asked her about her hobbies, she grinned. “I guess maybe my job was a hobby at one point… as for hobbies now, the only thing I can think of at the moment is horse riding.”
As for the manicure part, Lillian wasn’t so sure. She looked down at her short and plain nails, slightly cringing. “I don’t think there’s much you can do for my nails.” she laughed, holding up one of her hands.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"Nice to meet you, Lillian! I'm Muffy," She stuck her hand out to shake ehrs" You're a rancher? That's such hard work! But wow! I wish I could do something like that. My friend Jill is a very hard worker. As much as I love animals, I would be so bad at it. I'm just so clumsy with that type of thing." Every time that Muffy tried to help Jill out with her farm, things would always get out of hand. She couldn't even socialize with her dog properly. It always peed on her.
"I'm actually kind of lost too. I don't know what to really do with myself here. I wanted to come to relax, but it's too much free time. If you want, I could try to help you finish your chores and then we can go shopping, swimming, out to eat, anything! I'm just dying to leave the house, oh my Goddess." And alas, her desperation didn't take long to get out. She wanted to hang out with a girl so bad and this one seemed so effing sweet.
They could make daisy chains for all she cared. Actually, that sounded kind of fun. "Do you have any hobbies? I don't really myself except that I like painting nails? Ooh, I could give you a manicure!"
Loneliness || Lillian & Muffy
Lillian was about to give up and go back to the house when she heard a very chipper ‘hello.’ Her head slowly looked up to see a rather beautiful blond haired girl standing not too far in front of her. “Hi!” she said simply, giving her a beaming smile. I guess maybe I’m not alone after all! she thought happily to herself.
“How come a cute little thing like yourself is sitting in the dirt all by her lonesome?” she heard the girl say as she approached her, causing an embarrassed blush to spread across her cheeks. “I, uh,” she started. “I was on my way to do my usual chores like feeding the animals but I was so tired I kinda got lost.”
Lillian let out a small laugh when she realised how stupid she sounded. What a great first impression, a girl who gets lost on her way to the barn… she moaned at herself, realising that all the impressions she’d made so far really weren’t that great.
“Oh, I’m Lillian.” she smiled, realising she hadn’t introduced herself yet.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
Muffy felt cooped up. It was true that she only spent one day in her room in total, but she just wasn't leaving the house enough! She had been here for a couple of days already but things just weren't flowing smoothly yet. She heard that Jill, her dear old friend, was here but she hadn't even seen her! Even though Julius was proving to be a splendid roommate, it was important that they didn't overcrowd each other. Honestly, both of them seemed to have strong personalities so it was important that she gave him privacy when he needed it.
So Muffy ventured outside and aimlessly wandered around the house. That was boring until she heard a murmur come from the field she was walking by. She turned to see a very cute dirty blond-haired girl was sitting with her legs crossed with a sad pout on her face. Ohhh, the poor baby. Okay, so she wasn't a baby but the girl seemed so sweet and precious and Muffy just wanted to eat her up. Actually, Muffy pretty much wanted to eat up every girl she saw here. But here was her chance to actually make a new female friend!
"Hello!" Muffy chirped loudly as she approached the young woman. She bent slightly with her head leaning forward, looking down at her with great curosity.
"How come a cute little thing like yourself is sitting in the dirt all by her lonesome?" 
Loneliness || Open
It was another early morning and Lillian really wasn’t in the mood to do anything. She dragged her feet across the floor to the closet, grabbing out her farm dress and vest. Slowly slipping out of her night clothes and into her dress, Lillian began to walk over to her boots, slipping her feet into them and leaving the room a couple minutes later.
Lillian seemed to loiter down the stairs, trying to slide her bandana on her head. It took her at least another 5 minutes to actually make it out the door of the house. Today sucks. Life sucks. I don’t even know if I want to be here anymore… she thought to herself as she sleepily attempted to find the barn.
After around ten minutes of wandering around the grounds, she realised she was lost again. Just like day one… she thought to herself disappointedly. Lillian sat down on the ground near what looked like a crop field, crossing her legs and folding her arms over her chest in frustration. “This place sucks, I have no one to talk to and all I do is farm…” she muttered under her breath.   
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"Colored dyes? Hmm, the boldest I've ever been is platinum blonde." She twirled one of her curls as she imagined herself with different colored hair. Blue? Maybe if it was a light shade. Purple always looked so iffy on her. Pink was maybe too girly. She was a little too old to constantly wear pink, so having it as a hair color was out of the option. Colored hair in general seemed too young for her. She sighed as she gave it more thought.
"I don't think colored dyes would suit me honestly." She gave a sad smile before continuing "But make up, I know all sorts of make up tips! I used to work in a department store as a make up girl! I used to get the greatest discounts." But alas, she had to quit because her boss kept sexually harassing her. That was only the actual time she had an experience with that but it still gave her shudders.
"And accessories! Oh, my birth stone is moonstone!" She beamed at Julius as admiration grew inside of her. This man was an artist!
Gorgeous Meets Gorgeous || Muffy & Julius
Julius sat next to her, setting the tea on the table as he listened. “Your face is perfect for those curls~ I tried them when I was younger,” He gave a slight pout, but his mood did not falter. He nodded along with her, agreeing with a, “Of course!” here and there.
“I bet your curls would look fabulous in colored dyes. Oh, and me and you have to share make up details.” The man was ecstatic. The last woman he met was some witch, but here was someone with class! He took a small sip of tea before he realized something.
“Oh, how rude. I’m Julius, by the way~” He smiled. “I came here from an island a bit aways away. I made accessories.” He set the cup down. “I bet sapphire would look great on you! Or amethyst!”
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
"Who? Me?" Muffy was surprised to be approached by someone so soon. She blinked for a minute, trying to comprehend what was going on. She was kind of angsting a bit so she got lost in deep thought. But wow, what a pretty man! And he dressed so well too! It might have seemed a little strange and flamboyant to other people, but wow, those people could go eat dirt because Muffy loved it! A blush seeped across her face as she realized he complimented her hair.
"Oh, I don't do much, really..." What a big fat lie. Muffy had a whole suitcase of hair products dedicated to her hair. She just felt foolish trying to explain it to someone who didn't get into their hair as much as she did. Then again, by the looks of his hair, he looked like he knew a few things about hair.
"So, I don't wash it every day to keep the natural oils in longer. I have all of these hair treatments I leave in overnight, some for five minutes and others for an hour. It all varies. I also leave my hair in curlers overnight. I hardly use curling irons because it's damaging but sometimes a girl's gotta curl in a rush, you know? And you should see my new conditioner! It's so expensive and has to be custom order but oh my Goddess, so worth it." Muffy didn't realize how fast she was talking until she finished, out of breath. Oh no, she probably scared him off with all this crazy hair talk. She blushed once more, out of embarrassment.
Gorgeous Meets Gorgeous || Muffy & Julius
Julius had been watching the outside for a few minutes now, herb tea in his hand. Goddess, the back yard had absolutely nothing, but a few crops it seemed. He sighed, looking back at his tea. Oh, if only there was some way to freshen it up…
He gave another dramatic sigh and looked back out. His eyes drifted however and soon fell upon a blonde woman.
Whose hair was absolutely gorgeous oh Goddess.
Tea in hand, the man excited the house and headed towards her, saying, “You! Yes, you! How did you get your hair like that?”
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
insert title here || Open ||
It was hot. Well, Muffy was really hot anyways. Her legs were sticking to the plastic chairs on the boardwalk. She hadn't really moved in yet but she wasn't worried. Unpacking could always be done the next day, or the day after! She was just delighted to go on a vacation for once. As embarrassing as it was to admit, this was her first little getaway. Normally, she'd be too dedicated to helping out Griffin at the Blue Bar but he insisted that she'd take this opportunity since it was too good to pass up. Griffin was always under the impression that she was looking to get famous or something, which really wasn't a concern of hers. Honestly, she just wanted to go to a nice beach but the sand wasn't as silky smooth as she expected it to be. Oh well, a vacation was going to be a vacation and she was going to love it, no matter what.
Though, looking out at the sunset, Muffy grew a little sad as she remembered that her previous boyfriend was actually planning on taking her to a small island. It wasn't going to be anything fancy but it sounded really nice. Of course, her taste in men continued to be terrible and this guy was obviously not a winner. She never met his family, but she didn't think much of it until about a year into dating. It was exciting since this was one of the longest relationships she's had in the last five years. However, it became apparent that he was hiding her from the rest of his family when they happened to run into his sister at a restaurant. From the expression on her face, it looked like she had never even heard of Muffy.
That was when Muffy decided to take a break from dating. She didn't like being treated like the dumb girlfriend who tagged along without a question. She hated that men thought she wouldn't be able to have an intelligent conversation. At first she thought it was the ridiculous 'dumb blonde' stereotype, so she tried dying her hair brunette. And then she got rid of her contacts and replaced them with glasses. She even dressed pretty overly conservatively for awhile.  But no, that did nothing. All it did was introduce her to even more sexist assholes (some of them were zealous religion nuts) that still treated like a bimbo.
So, even though people were looking for love on this dumb reality show, all Muffy wanted was free food, entertainment and a nice hotel room.
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citygirl-muffy-blog · 11 years
I would love to visit a small island, honestly. It just seems so nice and isolated. How relaxing it must be~
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