cityorthopeds · 4 years
The Biggest Enemies of Your Teeth - Carbonated Drinks
The fact that carbonated, sugary drinks are bad for teeth won’t be revelatory for most. Dental and orthodontic professionals have been railing against pop, energy drinks, and flavoured sodas almost since their invention. Cavities, tooth decay, plaque buildup, and discolouration are only some examples of the havoc they can wreak.
Regardless of its well-known effects, pop continues to be one of the most popular beverages in Canada. It’s really no wonder, as they’re included on every restaurant menu, seen on every fast food billboard, and marketed with flashy and appealing ad campaigns.
We’ve touched on the many problems of pop before, but it’s worth taking a deeper dive into exactly how bad carbonated drinks can be for your oral health and equipping you with the tools you need to keep your and your children’s pearly whites looking and feeling as healthy as possible. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a pop a day gets the orthodontist to stay!
The Effects of Sugar
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The sugar in pop, energy drinks, and sodas is a kind of “fermentable carbohydrate,” which is the ideal food for the mouth-dwelling, tooth-damaging bacteria that we all have. When the bacteria sit down to a sugary meal, they produce acids and enzymes that attack and degrade tooth enamel and proteins. This weakens and decays the teeth, leaving them open to attack from the myriad other foods and drinks that are out to get them. “Fermentable carbohydrates” come in food of all shapes and sizes, running the gamut from raisins to jam to muffins, but carbonated drinks really pack a tooth-damaging wallop.
You may be thinking that diet pop or sugar-free energy drinks could be a less harmful alternative, but that’s unfortunately not the case. Even without the sugar content, carbonated drinks contain acids of their own. Studies have shown that there is “no significant difference between the erosive potential of sugared and non-sugar soft drinks.”
The Effects of Acid
Acids are notorious for their corrosive properties, and carbonated drinks have acid in spades. In fact, some of the most popular brands have even been used to clean old coins. If they’re capable of that, imagine what they can do to your damage-prone teeth. Like stripping the grime from a penny, soft drinks wear away at the hard tissue of the teeth, weakening the enamel. As the damage continues, so does the severity. Eventually, the acids will expose the softer dentin or even the pulp of the tooth.
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As if that weren’t enough, these acids are a type of chelator, a chemical that traps calcium. Calcium is one of the building blocks of healthy teeth; it holds them in place and strengthens the jaw bone. Chelators steal calcium away from your teeth, like stealing the foundation from a house. This is a perfect storm of tooth destruction that can cause severe cavities, discolouration, or pain. In patients with the worst cases, tooth erosion can result in abscesses, damage to previous dental work like fillings, or even tooth loss. The bacterially-produced acid combined with the phosphoric acid from carbonated drinks barely gives your teeth a fighting chance!
Frequent sippers are at particular risk. Essentially, having a consistent pop intake subjects your teeth to an all-day acid bath, denying them to chance to let the pH levels inside the mouth return to normal levels.
The Effects of Carbonation
It is the carbonation of these drinks—their quintessential feature—that makes them so uniquely detrimental. The process of carbonizing a beverage ups its acid content. But that’s not the worst of it.
Picture pouring a pop into a glass. What happens? The carbon dioxide gas, being released for the first time and agitated by the movement, manifests as a bubbly froth that sits on top of the liquid. When you tip the glass into your mouth, the process repeats: the liquid converts to fizz and expands to fill the empty space. In so doing, it spreads the pop’s sugary acid around, where it lands on your gums, the surfaces of your teeth, and in between them. Simply put, it isn’t just the sugar or the acid or the carbonation that poses a threat to your oral health: it’s the terrifying trio. It’s almost like carbonated drinks were specially created to deal as much damage to your mouth as can be.
What You Can Do
We don’t need to tell you how important brushing and flossing are. (Twice a day, please.) But when you’re trying to get the sugar and acid off of your teeth, brushing may do more harm than good. When acid makes contact with your teeth, it temporarily softens the enamel. If you brush right after having a fizzy drink, you may be brushing that vital enamel right off of them. Make sure you wait at least 20 minutes before beginning your oral hygiene routine. If you must drink pop, energy drinks, or soda, the best way is through a straw. That way, the drink may not make contact with your teeth at all. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
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As all dentists would agree, the absolute best kind of drink for preserving mouth health is good, old-fashioned still water. Not only does tap water have a pH balance of 7 (totally neutral, compared to acidic sparkling drinks), it has a good fluoride content. Water with fluoride helps fight cavities and washes away the sugars that bacteria love to turn into destructive acids. If you stick to water, your teeth (as well as your dentist, pediatric specialist, or orthodontist) will thank you.
The jury’s still out when it comes to plain sparkling water as an alternative to other soft drinks. Some say it’s harmless, others say it does a little damage. But two things are clear: sparkling water with sugar flavouring still isn’t great for keeping teeth healthy, but it’s still a much better option.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
Does Invisalign Work for Kids? 7 Truths About the Treatment
Invisalign Most people associate orthodontic treatment with the traditional metal braces that have been around for years. Some kids can be turned off to that idea especially older ones! Luckily, now more than ever patients seeking a healthy smile have options. Invisalign’s clear retainers offer a virtually invisible appearance on the outside while straightening your teeth on the inside, just like traditional braces. When your child opts to go through treatment with Invisalign, they benefit in ways that are not possible with any other kind of orthodontic treatment. Here are seven ways your child can benefit from Invisalign!
Easily Removable Trays
Unlike traditional braces, these ones can be taken off by you! Being able to remove the aligners makes it easy for your child to maintain their current oral hygiene routine, decreasing the chances of tooth decay and cavities. Removable aligners also make it easier for your dentist to perform routine check-ups and cleaning. Keep in mind, with great power comes great responsibility! Always be sure to place your aligners in their case when they aren’t in your mouth.
No Dietary Restrictions
Go ahead, bite into that apple! With Invisalign Edmonton, you can eat whatever you want. There are no brackets to worry about breaking or food getting stuck behind them, simply remove your aligners and dig in. Your child will love the freedom of enjoying their favorite snacks over the course of their treatment. Sticky, crunchy and sugary foods aren’t off the table for your little one. Just remind them to always brush their teeth!
Faster Treatment Time
Invisalign can straighten your smile up to 50% faster, this means less time waiting and more time smiling! The amount of time you will have to wear your retainers is unique for every patient given a number of different factors that could prolong or shorten treatment time. However, standard treatment time for Invisalign is between 18 and 24 weeks whereas traditional braces are about two years.
Breaks Bad Habits
If your child complains of a sore jaw, headaches or neck pains they could be suffering side effects of teeth grinding. Many parents are unaware of their child grinding their teeth as it is most common to happen while the child is asleep.
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Breaking this habit can be easy with Invisalign, the aligners give your child’s teeth an extra layer of protection and the realignment of their bite will also help prevent or stop the grinding altogether.
Improves Speech
Many people aren’t aware that the positioning of your teeth has a lot to do with your speech. The most common offenders when it comes to difficulties communicating include but aren’t limited to crooked teeth, Bad Bite and Crowding. With Invisalign, your child’s teeth will be placed in the ideal position for their mouth which will make daily tasks (like speaking) much easier.
Designed for Comfort
Invisalign clear aligners are made out of plastic and once they are fitted to your bite, they slide right over your teeth, pain-free! Your child will have a peace of mind knowing they are working towards their dream smile without any pain. Invisalign aligners won’t get between your child and doing what they love the most.
Invisible Aligners
Most people opt for Invisalign because of the invisible aligners, they allow your child to go through treatment discreetly and still get amazing results. It is not uncommon for kids to feel self-conscious while wearing braces, that’s why Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces. Your child will love how they look, the faster treatment time and the beautiful straight teeth smile in the end.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
How do I know if I need braces or Invisalign?
You’ve worried about your family’s oral health for so long, you’ve almost forgotten to take care of yourself! Though you take part in a daily oral hygiene routine, it’s been a while since you’ve gone to the orthodontist yourself. After taking your kids for their regular check-ups, you think, “Why not?” and book yourself an appointment.
You’ve worried so little about this for yourself you’re actually flabbergasted when the orthodontist says, “You could benefit from braces.”
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The orthodontist takes the time to explain it’s natural for adults to get braces to help with corrections that were overlooked years ago and because technology makes orthodontic treatments much more manageable. In the case of adults, one of the biggest questions isn’t whether or not to pursue orthodontic treatment but to choose braces or Invisalign.
What Are Traditional Braces?
Traditional metal braces are metal wires connected to brackets that are adhered to your teeth. Your orthodontist will use tightening procedures with this wire to help guide your teeth into their appropriate shape and location.
What Is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a newer treatment option that offers greater flexibility in your treatment. The aligners are made of clear, plastic trays. For most of the day, you will wear these aligners much like you would a mouth guard—though aligners are virtually invisible and fit snugly over your teeth. Approximately every week, you’ll switch to a new aligner. Gradually, your teeth will shift into their proper place.
How Are the Options Similar?
Whether you decide to go with braces or Invisalign teen Edmonton, you will be working with your orthodontist to correct any problems with the shape of your jaw or the orientation of your teeth. Both treatment options will take time and will gradually adjust your teeth over time.
Both are relatively painless procedures and will require regular check-ups with your orthodontist to ensure treatment is going smoothly; though, in the case of Invisalign, you’re likely to need fewer visits that are further apart.
How Are They Different?
When choosing between traditional braces or Invisalign, the most prominent difference is that braces are permanent fixtures in your mouth, and Invisalign is not. Since Invisalign consists of removable trays that only need to be in the mouth for approximately 22 hours a day, you can actually remove them to eat, which means you don’t need to change your diet. Traditional braces, being mounted to your teeth, will require special care when it comes to foods, as well as proper maintenance.
The trade-offs to the ease of Invisalign is that it is often more expensive than traditional braces. Invisalign tech is also more delicate than metal braces, which means it’s not appropriate for all treatments. Metal braces also often require less time for treatment.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
Advantages of Opting for Invisalign for Your Child’s Orthodontic Treatment
Kids don’t need a mouthful of traditional metallic braces anymore to correct crooked teeth, or a bad bite. Though this may be the first thing your mind goes to when you notice your child could use orthodontic treatment, you now have many options for how you approach treating the issue, one option in particular your child may actually prefer.
Braces work just as well as they always have, but when it comes to young children, Invisalign certainly has its’ benefits. Some are cosmetic; Invisalign is clear, subtle, and perfectly molded to the teeth when being worn. It’s very likely that no one will be able to detect your child is in the middle of orthodontic treatment – even the kids at school most likely won’t notice! This is great for children, as the thought of having to adopt a mouth of metal over the course of two years often has little appeal.
There are other benefits, too – let’s take a look at all of them below!
Fixing Their Teeth Early Can Keep Them Healthy
Good overall health can, in part, be dependent on your teeth. Choosing to fix your child’s bite early in life is the best way to effectively clear any build up of plaque or bacteria that may be hard to reach, due to misalignment creating tight, hidden spaces. Theses spaces are great places for harmful bacteria to build up – and we know that kids aren’t always the best for remembering their oral care routine.
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When your child has braces, keeping the teeth clean and healthy can pose even more of a challenge. Braces require plenty of maintenance, and it’s very easy for a child to fall behind in doing their part to take care of them, and always keep the entire area clean and bacteria free.
Luckily, Invisalign is completely removable. This makes keeping the teeth clean throughout treatment almost too easy. While eliminating the gaps, spaces and straightening the teeth, your child will also be keeping every area clean along the way! Once they’re done brushing and flossing, they can simply pop them right back in.
On the flip side of things, sometimes certain issues can occur if crooked teeth are left untreated. Misaligned teeth don’t necessarily equal poor oral health, but your child may be at a higher risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral infections if the problem is not closely monitored.
Invisalign cost Edmonton will ensure the teeth are being correctly moved, and the convenience of being able to remove it whenever needed will help to maintain your child’s oral health long term!
They Won’t Have to Stop their Sports and Activities
As important as it is for our children to have healthy teeth, we want them to be able to remain active, too!
While wearing braces often requires having extra protection over the teeth, even when it comes to low or no impact sports, this will be completely unnecessary when your child is sporting Invisalign aligners.
This means there’s nothing stopping them from remaining competitive on the field, and pursuing all the sports and competition their heart desires!
There Will Be No Diet Restrictions
Having to tell your child to say goodbye to gummy candy, popcorn, and anything with an extra salty or sweet crunch is never an easy task.
Due to Invisalign being removable, they won’t have to change their diet at all. While you may still want to tone it down, as the teeth need to be very clean as not to stain or tarnish the aligners, your child won’t need to take a multiple year hiatus from their favourite foods.
Invisalign Won’t Stop Your Child From Smiling
It’s unfortunate, but true – some children will stop smiling or showing their teeth when they have braces, due to being self conscious about the way they look. Some children worry about how their peers will perceive them, or being potentially made fun of for the metal brackets. While this may not even be a reality, children will still worry about it.
Naturally, as a parent, you want to make sure your child feels confident and good about themselves. As a parent, you may also want to see to it that their school pictures have a nice smile in them for fond memories later!
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The clear, natural appearance of Invisalign will ensure your child never feels afraid to smile, and is never too embarrassed to do so! When no one can even tell your child is in the middle of orthodontic treatment, their confidence won’t take a hit at all.
They Could Experience Less Discomfort with Invisalign
Especially in the early stages, braces can cause a great deal of discomfort that is particularly difficult for children to deal with. The metal brackets are known to rub areas of the mouth and cause soreness, even creating cuts and sores along the gums. Invisalign may irritate just a little bit, but not to the extent that braces can. If it does irritate, the problem areas on the clear aligner can be easily shaved down by your child’s orthodontist.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
3 Tips To Find The Right Affordable Orthodontist
You want the best dental care for your family. That’s not really up for debate, though the discussion of cost is. How can you ensure you receive the best orthodontic care on a budget, without sacrificing quality? Too often, it feels like to find an orthodontist Edmonton who fits your budget, you have to sacrifice the quality you want for your family. And when it comes to the medical world, discounts often equate to inexperience and poor service—not something you want in a dentist.
The good news is you don’t have to find “Discount Dave’s Orthodontics and Deals” just to provide your family with orthodontic care. You can get an affordable orthodontist who will provide your family with quality care—without breaking your bank.
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When you’re on the lookout for an affordable orthodontist, here are three tips you should consider.
1. Determine Your Budget
You’ve probably heard this one all over the place, but there’s a reason it’s a good trope. If you don’t know your budget, you can’t start a conversation. How much money can you reasonably save a month for orthodontic treatment? Do you have coverage, and if so, how much and for what? Without good data, you’re just guessing, and that’s a perfect way to end up with a subservice orthodontist—especially when you can afford a better one.
Prepared with a budget, you’ll be ready to compare orthodontists.
2. Find an Office You Like First
That’s right, don’t look around for the best price first. The services you receive are more important than cost when it comes to orthodontic care. If the orthodontist you want for your family usually comes with a high price tag—talk to the office anyway. The office may be able to help make treatment more affordable for your family.
Even if it doesn’t end up working out with your top choice, odds are you won’t have to go too far down your list (if down at all!) to find an office that can support you. How, you ask?
3. Look for Payment Plan Options
When you’re looking around for an affordable orthodontist, seek out financial information. You may be able to find information about payment plan options, 0% financing, as well as affordable treatment options. At the place where your health coverage stops, a good orthodontics office can usually step in to help you cover the gap.
No one is going to claim orthodontics is cheap. But you don’t have to scrimp to make sure your family is healthy and gets effective treatment.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
Braces & Invisalign for Teens - How Do They Work?
You’ve been expecting the call for a while now, and after your teenager’s most recent check-up, it is official—it’s time for braces. Your teenager is taking it fairly well, which is great, but that leaves all the worrying to you.
Book an Appointment
Braces can be expensive and you’re worried you might not be able to afford them. How much do orthodontic braces cost for teenagers, anyways? As your kid heads out to see friends that evening, you retire to the office and fire up the computer. It’s time for some research.
The bad news is the amount braces cost for teenagers can be expensive, but the good news is you don’t have to go it alone. Your orthodontist’s office is concerned about the welfare and health of your entire family and will not let money get in the way of you being able to improve your family’s oral health.
If you find yourself in this situation, here’s everything you need to know about what braces cost for teenagers—and how your family is going to afford them.
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The Importance of Braces
For some, the cost of braces can feel prohibitive. Despite the options available, families sometimes choose to postpone treatment—but when it comes to your family’s oral health, waiting is not a good option.
Braces definitely help your teenager have a straight, beautiful smile, but the benefits are far from purely cosmetic. Braces help create the space your child’s mouth needs for adult teeth by ensuring teeth grow the way they’re supposed to. Not doing so can cause many problems down the line, from crooked teeth and jaw pain to pockets prone to the development of plaque (leading to a whole host of other problems).
It’s not wise to delay braces; the longer one waits, the more work the braces will have to do to correct problems. This can end up costing even more.
Dentists Have Financing Options
Rather than wait, talk to your orthodontist. Orthodontics offices often have financing options that make expensive treatments affordable and accessible to all patients.
Some offer direct billing, 0% financing, low monthly payments—on top of all-around affordable treatments. By reaching out to staff, you can begin the conversation to determine how best to approach your teenager’s health and find a payment plan option that fits your budget.
What Do Braces Cost for Teenagers?
The cost of your teenager’s orthodontic treatment will vary, depending on individual needs and the necessary treatment plan. But you can rest assured the orthodontist will discuss all possible options, the cost of each, and the best fit for your family’s needs and budget.
The cost of braces is usually between $4,000 and $10,000 but it may depend on the type of braces you select, the condition of teeth, and the patient’s age. There are many options available, and your orthodontist will explain all of them; there is absolutely an option that will work for your family, both financially and medically.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
A Clear Look at the Invisalign Braces Pros and Cons
Braces have been used for a much longer period of time as the traditional treatment for a crooked smile; therefore, braces have a larger quantity of cases with positive outcomes under their belt. Did you know that orthodontic braces were invented in the early 1800’s?.You can customize the look of your braces periodically – this is especially beneficial for younger children and teenagers, who may want to personalize and have fun with their elastics while they endure the straightening process.If you’re not looking to comply with aligners wear schedule required by Edmonton Invisalign Dentists and are just looking to get something in and forget about it, braces may be a better alternative for you!
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
What Can You Tell Me About Preventative Dentistry?
When it comes to preventative dentistry everyone benefits, especially your child. Having them seen by a dental professional will ensure you’re taking all the required steps for their adult teeth to come in strong and healthy. Children with healthy teeth chew faster, speak in clear sentences and smile even bigger! Here are five reasons why pediatric dentist near me is important for your child’s development.Preventive dentistry is dental care that helps maintain good oral health. It's a combination of regular dental check-ups along with developing good habits like brushing and flossing. Taking care of your teeth starts early in childhood and extends throughout the course of your life.The goal of preventive dentistry is to prevent any pathology, cavities, infections, etc. from ever happening to any patient. It is achieved by placing.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
What are the advantages of Invisalign for children?
Most people associate orthodontic treatment with the traditional metal braces that have been around for years. Some kids can be turned off to that idea especially older ones! Luckily, now more than ever patients seeking a healthy smile have options. Invisalign’s clear retainers offer a virtually invisible appearance on the outside while straightening your teeth on the inside, just like traditional braces. When your child opts to go through Invisalign treatment, they benefit in ways that are not possible with any other kind of orthodontic treatment. Here are seven ways your child can benefit from Invisalign!
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
Benefits Of Preventative Dentistry For Kids
The pediatric dentist of cityorthopeds Pediatric Dentistry offer preventative dental services. Call today to learn more or request an appointment for your child.The Keys to Success. It's important for children to grow understanding the importance of oral health! We strive to give every child a positive dental experience.
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The Value of Preventative Dentistry for Children
Pediatric Preventative Dental Care professional cleanings performed by a hygienist or dental assistant are important to your child or children's dental health.Preventative pediatric dentistry aims to keep your child's teeth free from plaque buildup, gum disease and tooth decay before any serious treatments are needed. By preventing problems from ever happening, you are protecting your child in a way that has positive effects throughout his or her whole body.
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cityorthopeds · 4 years
Kids Dental Care | Teeth Treatment
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City Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry is a dual specialty practice that provides the services of both a Pediatric Dentist who specializes in the treatment of children and an Orthodontist near me who specializes in the alignment of teeth and jaws. We’re committed to creating a practice that engages, comforts, and educates patients during their oral care journey. Helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile is our passion. Since we have both pediatric dentist and invisalign Edmonton in one place, you can have both services provided in one location.
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