civilplantgineer · 5 months
It's been a week since you were Home—a week in the desert feels far too long, going between two ships that needed more intensive help with their plants with seemingly endless dunes in between. But now all of that has finally been settled, the plants are healthy again, and now you lead your thoma to its stall, head swiveling as you keep an eye out for a mess of dark hair that's usually waiting to greet you as soon as you dismount. ❝ Don't get all worked up, he's around here somewhere, ❞ Brad says from over the partition, but you barely hear him while you take the tackle off your thoma. It isn't like Mickey to not be near the stables when you have an ETA. Did the radio message not go through ?
Something collides with his back, and it turns out to be Mickey once Vash regains his footing and swivels around. He's grinning like an idiot, holding the mangled remains of a radio and half waving it in his direction. "Look! I figured out where all the parts go!"
He half drapes over Vash's shoulder as he starts pointing bits out, ignoring Brad's attempts to kick him out of the stall long enough for Vash to finish setting his tomas up for the night and keeps chattering away.
Well, explains why there'd been no response to his radio message at least–Mickey had taken the thing apart, apparently.
"And this knob–"
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civilplantgineer · 6 months
picks him up, throws him over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and runs off
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"I don't think this is what they meant about kidnapped brides–"
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civilplantgineer · 6 months
knives said i'm ignoring you and it's not true !! 😭
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"Well, do you want the truth or me being nice?" He's mostly teasing, at least. Mickey leans in, propping his chin on his shoulder to press a kiss against his cheek.
"You have been busy though."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"Well, obviously. I gotta make sure they learn optimal annoyance strategies then load 'em up on sugar before sending 'em home right?"
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"What, you're my personal birth control now?" It's a difficult subject anyway; it hasn't even come up. She doesn't even know if she can.
"...You'd at least be around a little if so, right? Every kid needs a weird but cool uncle."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"Why do you think I'm trying to give it away?" A huff. "Yeah I get you. I'll be traveling myself soon. Gonna have to stop adopting strays I guess."
A dramatic flop across her lap.
"No kids though, seriously. I'm a terrible babysitter."
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"Having siblings means sometimes wanting to kill each other, it's fine." Not that it actually goes through. "Mick, you always have cats. And I've unfortunately been traveling too much lately to take care of one..."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"Are you suggesting I'd kill you? So rude. What kind of sibling are you?" The worst, obviously. "Let me be gay in peace. Also, you in the market for a cat? Picked one up recently."
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"I have help, thank you. You're here anyway, he doesn't need to be here." The yanking barely phases her now. "Last I checked you don't actually want me dead, so, no help needed."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"Wow, rude." He reaches, yanking her hair gently. "Maybe I should ask you to blink twice if you need help."
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"Don't you think that's a little... I dunno. Odd? I— No, I'm good. Next time I see him I'm asking Vash to blink twice if he needs help."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"Wanna see my newest one? I got one of him asleep–"
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"Yes, I have. Even if I didn't want to I still would have, you can't keep a picture of him to yourself long enough to say no."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"Not like he deserves to be. 'Sides, he's cute. Have you seen his face?"
@civilplantgineer replied to your post “"Y'know I love you but there is no accounting for...”:
"I'm sensing some hostility here babe."
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​"You're questioning my taste while you're with the most wanted person in human history."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
@kindgun replied to your post:
" don't say it like that ! "
"Like what?"
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
@halcyon--mind replied to your post:
"You're a terrible influence."
"It's 'cause he loves me. It's fine, no one got hurt except the gnome statue."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
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"I may or may not have confirmed that Vash will commit a crime if I promise to kiss him afterwards."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
because my friends muses need therapy. will they get it? absolutely not. 
“  yeah i’m pissed off but i’d rather not talk about it.  that’s why you’re the one i came to.  ”
“  i’m not looking for a friend.  i’m looking for someone just as angry as i am.  ”
“  i’m not good at caring about people’s shit on purpose.  ”
“  i’m not gonna ask if ‘you’re okay’ cause that’s fuckin’ annoying.  you wanna get the hell out of here and do something?  ”  
 “  i don’t wanna talk about it. you got a beer?  ”  
“  upset?  why would i be upset?  ”
“  so you wanna go find something to break?  ”  
“  hey you want me to kill that guy for you?  ”
“  i just need to get this shit done.  and i trust you to help me do that.  ”  
“  you’re hot.  and i’m bored.  ”  
“  can we just have some meaningless sex we can both pretend didn’t happen tomorrow morning?  ”
“  i can think of at least a dozen people that need killing.  or a light beating.  will that cheer you up?  ”
“  i’ve a got job and i think you’d be the perfect fit.  so you in?  ”
“  yeah i don’t do the whole crying thing.  give me something to stab and i’ll be good in a day or two.  ”
“  i banged it out and now i feel great.  next question.  ”
“  if i think about it,  i get angry.  and i don’t know where that anger stops.  so i’d rather not start at all.  ”
“  if you’re gonna stay here you can’t be sober so either take the fruity beer or the shitty wine or let me be vibe in peace.  ”
“  how much insect essence do you think are in every square inch of chocolate? like just how many cockroach guts have i consumed with my hershey’s? ” 
“  you should’ve seen the look on their face.  it’s been so long since i’ve made someone that fuckin’ angry it was great.  ” 
“  i have this neighbor who keeps playing driver’s license at 10 a.m. every morning and i’m starting to question if it’s a sixteen year old getting over a breakup or a 36 year old trying to reclaim their childhood. at this point the mystery is the only thing keeping me going.  ”
“  do i trust you?  absolutely not.  next question.  ”
“  if i don’t get a nap in the next hour i’ll probably murder someone.  ”
“  you’re getting that look in your eyes like you’re about to ask me what’s wrong so i’m gonna save us both the awkwardness of finding an excuse to leave and just go now.  ”
“  i’m here to raid your fridge cause my date went really bad and all i’ve had is lukewarm water and breadsticks.  ”
“  i’m making a fake tinder profile to see how gullible guys are, wanna help?  ”   
“  hey i got something for you look!  ”   *holds up middle finger* 
“  why are you really here?  ”
“  i’m not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is going on.  ”
“  you can’t solve every problem with your fists.  ”  
“  i’m not here to talk about me.  what the hell is going on with you?  ”
“  you think i don’t notice but i do.  i can tell something’s wrong.  ”   
“  i can see beneath your smile.  ”
“  why won’t you just tell me the truth?  ”
“  what are you hiding? and don’t you dare try to lie to me. ”
“  what the hell did you do?  ”
“  so are we gonna talk about it or are we gonna pretend nothing’s wrong here?  ”
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
"Hey, there's no actual research on how fast a Plant can metabolize alcohol, right?"
Mickey materialized a notebook from a pocket and then a pen, leaning forward with interest. "Not yet but if you want to co-publish a paper on it I think we can get one done by the end of the month."
A pause. "Do you have a baseline to work with? We'll need a control as well."
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
i have some drafts to reply to but also what if i held this scrunkly idiot at the dash and shook him for attention
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
been thinkin about band au all day
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civilplantgineer · 9 months
oh yeah it's sinday so i guess your headcanon for the day is that mickey likes hickeys
on his partner, on himself doesn't matter he will give and he will receive
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