ckrl · 7 months
im a mature person but also an incredibly late bloomer so i feel like this is my one relationship im going to forget all my emotional intelligence and be jealous and stupidly overattached already in cus i didnt get that as a teenager. i know what the correct course of action is and i am acknowledging and ignoring it because this isnt like a real relationship its a made up far away one so whatever happens doesnt really matter cus theres no future here anyway so i may as well just get hurt so i have material for art in future
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ckrl · 7 months
i think what is probably not being understood right now by the party concerned is that if i get mixed signals ill just dip. which is the healthier thing to do than cling on forever when its longterm but im quick to retreat and protect myself and im halfway there cus what the fuck. its not even been 48 hours
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ckrl · 7 months
i need to make more friends or get back in touch with old ones i cant be feeling terrible because i have one person i connect with and speak to and that person i already knew is selfish but . man i cant do this again why does nobody ever think im a person with feelings
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ckrl · 7 months
dont you think its fucked up i think its fucked up. well whatever
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ckrl · 7 months
the hell am i meant to think right now
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ckrl · 7 months
something very uniquely bad about seeing someone you just slept with and are seeing post about how despite having an obsessive personality they are not actually missing you after all and arent actually sure if they even like you on their public account
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