ckxeun-blog · 6 years
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Despite her gentler personality, Eun’s presence was one that was hardly ever ignored. If it wasn’t her looks that caught the other’s eye, surely the swift way she moved her body when she danced would. This was what came easiest to her, swaying her body to the beat and melody, an entrancing act. This is what she was known for, a fact she hardly minded.
 After all this was what she loved---and of course, how could she not relish in the applause given to her? It meant all that she put into her performance was well received. She smiles as she finishes her dance, steps away to fetch a drink. “Isn’t it strange, how even in the midst of darkness and heartache, some things can still feel so wonderful? ” A quiet musing, one she doesn’t expect much of a reply to.
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ckxeun-blog · 6 years
-softly whispers- if anyone would like to plot you should IM me or like this !!
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ckxeun-blog · 6 years
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Hello, lovelies !! I’m Gabbi, I’m the mun behind the lovely Jung Eun. Eun is a dancer for the court and was a personal favorite of the king. She’s bright and kind but feels trapped by her circumstances at times. [CLICK HERE] to learn more about her !! And feel free to hmu for plotting. :)
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