clairemation-art · 3 years
Reminder that I’ve moved operations to @clairemation. I’ll continue to cross-post dino-related stuff here for a while, though, so paleo fans can see it even if they’re not interested in the other content on that account.
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I’m soooo behind on everything but I indulged myself with a little comfort-zone ballpoint pen dinosaur doodling just to make sure my hand doesn’t completely atrophy. Still thinking about story details for my Dinosaur Princess comic, which is on deck for after I finish Mementos!
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clairemation-art · 4 years
Launching this soon on my main account!
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Starting soon! Post-TROS fancomic in ? parts.
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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Star Wars mini fancomic color version. Testing styles for a longer fancomic. Which is better, this version or the grayscale one (posted previously)?
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clairemation-art · 4 years
Hi followers! Please update your follows to the linked account, I’m trying to move everything to there. Thank you!
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With added grayscale. What do you guys think, this version or the raw ink version? Basically I’m looking for a workflow that will let me keep up a reasonable pace.
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clairemation-art · 4 years
Hey guys! Two things:
1). I promise dinosaurs are coming back. I’m working on a Star Wars fancomic right now but Dinosaur Princess is next in my docket.
2). I messed up when creating this account and posted all my stuff to a non-primary blog (this one). I can’t make comments from this blog, so I’m moving everything back to my primary (link below). Please update your bookmarks/follows! (I’ll be double posting for a while and posting more reminders).
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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Star Wars: TROS spoilers. An experiment in process as I gear up for something longer. What do people think, black and white or color?
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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Poe love tap.
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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“Beep beep whirr? [Why is Mistress Rey standing by herself with her hands in the air?]”
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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Kylo Ren hair theory.
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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Trying to get my head around this.
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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Rey and Kylo expression studies / brushpen practice. I’m building towards something with this.
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clairemation-art · 4 years
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clairemation-art · 5 years
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Added color. Struggled with it a lot and finally got tired of working on it. Dino princess carries on her human parents’ research.
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clairemation-art · 5 years
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Measuring up.
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clairemation-art · 5 years
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I heard this the moment I heard the line, and now you have to, too.
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clairemation-art · 5 years
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Dino princess (paleo princess maybe?) doodle with fluffy little siblings.
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clairemation-art · 5 years
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Another dino princess meeting doodle.
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