clanfarore · 3 years
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clanfarore · 9 years
Farore - 33836 - thank you :)
Giveaway - Gala edition!
Hello hello! Are you all having a good Gala? I actually had some time to grind this holiday, so I got lots of nice, icy things, with plenty to share.♥
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That’s one of each of the skins/accents from the MP that are not found in chests, one of each of the chests, one each of the festival apparel and a familiar.:)
Rules are the same as always. Reblog once with your FR username and ID # to enter - likes makes me feel loved but don’t count as an entry. You can enter multiple names/IDs in one reblog, so long as they’re only entered ONCE - if they show up in another post I’ll ignore both entries. (So enter your friends if you like, but make sure no one else is entering them as well!) You don’t have to be following me to enter.:) Giveaway ends sometime Sunday, January 31, before rollover - I’ll update this post when it’s done so be sure to check back here.
Good luck, and have a great rest of the weekend!:)
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clanfarore · 9 years
Fire flight friends?
Hey-o --- I’m looking for flight discount priced skins/accents.  Mainly ~  Accent: Summer Heat, Simply a Flame, and Lava Eater
Message me on flight rising please if you have one I can buy. 
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clanfarore · 9 years
Farore #33836
Weekend Giveaway - Carnivale Edition!
Hello hello! Busy times this week - gearing up to help run some panels at Pi-Con in Windsor Locks, CT tomorrow! I’ve still had time to grind, though, which means the usual holiday giveaway.;)
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That’s one each of of the chests, one each of the skins/accents that can’t be found in chests, one each of the apparel, and the familiar.:)
Rules are the same as always. Reblog once with your FR username and ID # to enter - likes makes me feel loved but don’t count as an entry. You can enter multiple names/IDs in one reblog, so long as they’re only entered ONCE - if they show up in another post I’ll ignore both entries. (So enter your friends if you like, but make sure no one else is entering them as well!) You don’t have to be following me to enter.:) Giveaway ends sometime Sunday, August 2, 2015, before rollover; I’ll update this post when it’s done so be sure to check back here.
Good luck, and have a great weekend!:)
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clanfarore · 9 years
Festive Favors..
I’m really tired and I don’t think I can stay up to do coli more..
I currently have 76 sprockets and one of each of the favors already, so all of these would be extra --- 
Should I get: 
1 of the mecanojets (the leg apparel) and save the 11 sprockets for next year 
1 soldier, 1 crown [1 extra sprocket]
1 soldier, 1 emblem [1 extra sprocket]
2 soldiers [6 extra sprockets]
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clanfarore · 9 years
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Hatchlings! Who wants to buy one or both? (: 
I’m trying to sell all these dragons on page 5 of my lair. 
I haven’t done an auction before and haven’t set anything up.. but throwing it out there. 
edit: maybe telling you that you should message me on flight rising would be a good idea, haha. Farore 33836 
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clanfarore · 9 years
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Hatchlings! Who wants to buy one or both? (: 
I’m trying to sell all these dragons on page 5 of my lair. 
I haven’t done an auction before and haven’t set anything up.. but throwing it out there. 
edit: maybe telling you that you should message me on flight rising would be a good idea, haha. Farore 33836 
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clanfarore · 9 years
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While my babes are being hosted I could finally hatch this 5 egg nest. 
See captions for sex and colors. All are for sale. Will be exalted in 5 days if no one is interested. All are iri / shim / basic. 
contact Farore 33836 
dragon ids -- scrying lab
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clanfarore · 9 years
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Seeking a light nest for these two dergs!!!!
No boon, will tip and provide with some food. (: 
Have open wind nests if needed! 
message me on fr ! 
Got one, thanks!
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clanfarore · 9 years
Farore 33836  holllllaaaaaa please
Help-me-out Giveaway? Now just a giveaway! (ignore the link above)
Here’s what you have to do:
Reblog this post with your FR username and ID.
Here are the giveaway prizes:
Fire Sprite
Coatl Scroll or Wildclaw Scroll
This will end on July 6 at 12:00 server time.
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clanfarore · 9 years
daaaang finally something new! 
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clanfarore · 10 years
Farore #33836 :)
Hello hello! Is everyone having a good Circus? Isn’t the stuff for this year neat? And also super hard to get? Lol, I had to buy a lot of my festival goodies this time, but I still have some to share!;)
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That’s one each of the apparel, one of of the skins/accents that can’t be found in chests,...
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clanfarore · 10 years
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Look at these two BEAUTIFUL snappers that hatched today.
Send a CR for ~15k if you're interested. more/less is appreciated/fine. 
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clanfarore · 10 years
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So this just happened when I opened 2 iron treasure chests!  
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clanfarore · 10 years
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PSA: Swipp is trading some items for a black and blue flair scarf! 
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clanfarore · 10 years
Whoops I didn't even see this - sorry! I still haven't decided yet, but it's down to Keeva, Niall, or Mawsitsit. (AND FYEAH GEOLOGY)  DECISIONS.
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Alright, so I bought an Okapi in the marketplace because I was like, oh yeah, it’ll be cheapest and I see it and buy! Turns out I overpaid by about 30k. Oh well. I figure I should use is.  These are my best options in my lair and I’m having difficulty deciding. 
My front runners are any of the gold ones (2nd row), the green guardian (3rd row), and the pink guardian (4th row). 
The obsidian/gold imp and skydancer are both gembond right now and look pretty fly already. I think the gold guardian looks sort of badass with her blood legs. The green guardian has belly now, but the okapi looks cool. The pink guardian is one of my oldest dragons and I always thought his tomato tert was great but none of the genes worked well; I think Okapi looks good. (The pink snapper is in there with his funny black okapi because his name is Snubbull and I laughed). 
Quick link to my lair if you feel like comparing! 
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clanfarore · 10 years
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All are iri/shim/basic, all are adults -  Fire/Purple/Emerald  Tangerine/Purple/Emerald Fire/Lavender/Leaf 
Asking around 15k for each. +/-  If you're Nature flight and want them for dominance send me a CR for 9k. 
edit: Farore 33836
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