claraaskilled · 6 years
Let’s have a talk.
Now, I want to read some manga. Is there anyway someone can point me in the right direction on how to get into otakumole? Like the creators blogs, raffmangas blog or email? I’ll be polite, idk if that’s how you can go about getting an account anyways? Or does someone want to like, lend me there account? You can dm, FaceTime me, call me. We can be best friends honestly if you are willing to be a true player. I’ll love you forever and send you cards and gifts for your birthday. This is not a joke or a test I’m being like, A1 steak sauce right now. Please let me know anything thx guys :).
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claraaskilled · 6 years
So I work at a dine-in Pizza Hut as a waitress.
So I am a waitress who gets horribly unpaid to deal with people who will do and say anything for free pizza. I get put down constantly only to be told “You chose this job so deal with it.” ( A customer told me this after he overheard me joking with a coworker about not getting a tip on a $80 dine-in order.) Now I am an exceptional waitress. I always give the customer everything, my customers always get their food in 15-20 minutes and anything after I discount. I do anything I can and I take pride in my job but, when I have a middle aged white man talking down on me, I can't help but laugh out loud in their face. Majority is, old white men are in my area are retired vets and they have never worked a job like this in their lives. Not saying their career was a walk in the park, but they can't talk me down based on zero experience. 
I had a woman today come in and seat herself and her 4 year old daughter without me seating her. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine considering theres a big sign that clearly says “WE WILL SEAT YOU.” When people come in and find their own seat, me being the only waitress working either morning or night shift, its hard to keep up with who I've taken care of and who I haven't. Especially when sometimes I don't even realize they are there because, they sat themselves. A delivery driver had brought in some sugar cookies and after getting the woman her drinks I decided to bring her daughter a cookie as well. So I go over to her table, give her daughter the cookie and explain we have extra and the woman immediately says, “I do not want to watch the race, you need to change the channel to cartoons or something I want to watch right now.” I just looked at her and smiled and complied. I had an old couple who came in to watch the race so I asked them politely if I could change the channel and they said yes, they were about to leave anyways. So I am surfing the channels trying to find a cartoon and the woman says, “Forget it, you're taking too long, just put the Simpsons on.” I looked over and said “Are you sure? Is it really okay?” I looked over to her daughter who is 4 and back to her and she scoffed and said, “Yes.” So I left it on the Simpsons even though like, a 4 year old watching the Simpsons? I took her order, and soon she got her food. 
About 15 minutes later I come back and she asks for a box and her check so I bring that stuff to her, asked if she wanted a to go drink and got that for her and left her be. Another family came in, three adults and 4 kids. I sat them at a back table and the father looks at the TV and says, “Ma’am can you please change the channel to the football game? if you don't have that channel can you at least put something else on, I don't want my kids to watch this show.” The kids were maybe around ages 3, 6 and 10. So I said “Absolutely!” So I go get the remote, put football on and as I'm walking back to the front to get their drinks the woman with her 4 year old daughter stops me abruptly. “How can you change the channel like that?! I am priority and I was here first! you need to change the channel back or shut this TV off because I am not watching this.” I was totally caught off guard and just stared at her for a minute because I thought she was leaving so I just changed the channel without asking. I apologized for changing the channel and politely explained that since we are a NFL sponsor we are supposed to have football on during the weekends because a lot of people come to dine in to watch the games. I also explained how I thought she was leaving soon and how it was wrong of me to assume without asking. she proceeded to say, “Well yeah it was wrong of you. Just let me leave, I can't believe this.” As I walked away I could hear her go over to my other customers and say, “I hope you guys enjoy your football game. Even though I was here first, I have to put my dog down and you have absolutely ruined my day.” My other customers were baffled and the one man shouted back, “Who lets their child watch the Simpsons anyways.” So she then got her stuff and came up to the front to cash out and my CSR asked if everything was great and she looked at me and said “No, everything was not okay. You know what, Let me talk to your manager right now. Actually, I want the general manager too.” I almost laughed out loud so I walked away and I listened as she complained to my manager about me and how I changed the channel. She then said, “You need to train your employees about how to properly take care of customers. Im having a bad day, I have to put my dog down today. I deserve better service than this!” Of course, my manager expressed how sorry she was and then gave the woman her meal for free because white people love free pizza. 
She left and then about 3 hours later called back and asked to speak to my manager again. She apologized for the way she acted but, I was not having it. I just laughed. Please do not treat your waitresses like this. Don't be this woman. 
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