claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
“… since usually? If we had played it safe, neither of us would be trapped in here, possibly forever. Or I guess this could also be a destined thing. Maybe we didn’t have a choice in that,” he mused, looking up in the ceiling as he thought before looking back at her. “Oh uh… very sad. Super sad.” He raised an eyebrow a little unsure. “I don’t know… I think the stabbing thing might give you away? We definitely can feel pain here. Friends? We’re friends?” He blinked at her. “Words… are not always my friends. I still haven’t figured out my way around so that’s… that’s probably it honestly.”
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“Are you trying to suggest that you’re not happy you met me, Ali? I’m hurt,” she replied with a narrowed gaze, though a small smile was soon pulling onto her lips. “Much better,” she cooed, using her free hand to ruffle his hair a bit. She’d never had a very good sense in keeping her hands to herself. “They’ll be dead before they know what’s happening, babe. You think I’d be an amateur about it?” She shook her head, lowering the knife, though raising it again as he went on. “You don’t think we’re friends?” With a quiet hum, she nodded. “I could be your guide, if you want.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
It had been exactly a week since Rory had contact with the outside world, she assumed her mind had been playing tricks while she made her first couple attempts to escape the house during the beginning of the week. It didn’t take her long to realize she wasn’t going anywhere for a while – maybe forever. She’d constantly sit herself in the library attempting to keep her mind occupied from the negative thoughts. Brown doe eyes skim the pages of a book but then peer up to notice the other enter, “ – Hello.”
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Again, Clara was finding herself in the library, despite not being much of a reader. It wasn’t as if she had an endless list of things to do, and, well, no one seemed to want to play games with her. She was looking for a friend. The pretty blonde seemed fitting enough, raising an eyebrow at her voice and sending a welcoming smile. “Hello,” she said, tilting her head down. “Doing anything interesting? I’m looking for a new friend.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
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       “ papa I know you’re going to be upset  cause I was always your little girl but you should know by now I’m not a baby.” amelia sang loudly in the kitchen as she mixed cake batter, her hips moving to the song playing in her head. before she was stuck in the house the young women was a music teacher, singing in run down clubs on the weekends. she loved to sing now even more so since it gave her a way to connect to her old life. she closed her eyes, using the spoon she was mixing with as a microphone and belted out the rest of the lyrics.  “papa don’t preach I’m in trouble deep papa don’t preach, I’ve been losing sleep but I made up my mind, I’m keeping my- oh gosh!” amelia dropped her spoon looking in horror at the person who caught her putting on her own personal rock show. her pale cheeks turned bright red, looking away in embarrassment. “could we pretend that you didn’t just see that?” 
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The girl’s voice, along with her movements, only caused Clara to burst into laughter, unable to help her amusement over the sight. “Sorry! I’m not laughing at you, just..” She shook her head, “that was very adorable. I can’t say I’ve ever heard the song, but that little-” She imitated the little hip movement the girl was doing, grinning all the while. “... very cute, but we can keep it between us.” With that, and a wink, she moved closer. “Is that cake for something special?”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
Ray sat in the corner of the room, stabbing the pocketknife he found laying about into the wall and scratching it as deeply as possible. There were several other scratches on the wall dating back to the late 60′s. Some caused by his very own nails and the others by sharp objects he found lying around. It was great therapy, he found. He hated the old fashioned wallpaper that coated the walls but generally the house itself. After hearing a sound of footsteps nearby, he looked up and smiled. “Oh, hello there.” he continued scratching the walls. “Isn’t this wallpaper the most awful thing you’ve ever seen in your life?”
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“The most awful thing might be a stretch?” Not by anyone’s surprise, Clara’s interest had been pulled in by the knife he was holding, easing her way towards him as she analyzing both the sharp object and the wall. “My grandmother had some pretty terrible walls in her house, worthy of nightmares, but it really makes you wonder... what we find beautiful now, will people find disgusting in fifty or so years, or did we all, as humans, get better taste?”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
“How to get the stains out of the curtains? What book I should read next? That kind of thing.” Sylvie knew she sounded boring, but that’s all she really knew about herself. The tone of Clara’s voice was a little unsettling, but she decided against questioning anymore about something she didn’t want to know. Shivering slightly, Sylvie nodded, though looking down at her feet again. “Pasta… probably? I can make ramen, but that doesn’t really count does it?”
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Clara stared blankly for a moment, looking almost... disappointed, in the girl, but eventually, she was shaking her head. “While options aren’t limited in this place, they can still be far more interesting than that. If you’re going to spend the rest of... forever in this place, you might want to take on some more interesting hobbies.” She let out a quiet hum, shifting away again. “It could count. Boil water... put the pasta in... after that is where things get tricky, I think. You can do the pasta part, I’ll figure out something to do with... this, huh?” She waved the knife around again, smiling as she shifted away.
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
Rubbing his head still, Alistair looked up at Clara with a little bit of a sinking feeling. She scared him, but it didn’t stop him from firing back with a joking comment this time. “I can’t have a pet? I swear I’ll take really good care of him.” As long as he didn’t feel threatened, he was alright with banter at least. “I’m not losing my mind… or not any more than I already had back home. Besides, if the bugs are stuck in here too? Maybe they could use a friend.”
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“You were chasing the bug... to have it as a pet?” Clara enjoyed darker things, but being a bug chaser wasn’t really on that list... just strange, she decided, but it did leave her a little more curious about him than before. “Bug friend... okay.” Though... that did bring the question to other living things. She suddenly wished that maybe a cat or dog would wonder into the house. “You think they’re as confused as us about the fact that they can’t die after being repeatedly stepped on and crushed to death? A much sadder fate than we have, I’m positive.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
“You’re boring,” he commented in return, rolling his eyes at the answer to her own question. It wasn’t true, and he’s told her otherwise before, but it wasn’t like this was the first time he’s contradicted himself. “This was me switching it up,” he said impatiently. “Though I wouldn’t be against a nice scone…” he trailed off as he considered it. “Maybe next time. And how exactly is one sweet to a house? I’d love some insight.”
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“If only I was. Maybe then I’d stop running out of things to do.” She sighed dramatically, at that, rolling her eyes, though playfully, as she looked over at him. “How long have you been switching it up?” She couldn’t help but sigh at his impatience, followed by a giggle at what he picked. “A scone? That’s what you’re craving?” Squinting judgmentally all the while, she couldn’t help but think it was obvious. “Cleaning, compliments, nudity... I’m sure those work pretty well. I haven’t wanted anything badly enough... yet.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
“January 3, 1970.” Ray answered with a nod and pressed his lips together as his eyes studied the knife in the blonde’s hand. His eyes averted, taking a seat on top of the table and looking over to her. “I woke up and to my dismay, I was still alive. The bath water around me was crimson but I still had a pulse.” he explained as his eyes wandered over to the knife again then to scars on his wrists. “It’s impossible. You will only end up disappointed.” he spoke solemnly. The sandy haired male rose both eyebrows and nodded, “Yeah, aging stops and it’s as though time also stands still but that isn’t the case. No.” he let out a airy chuckle. “Oh and you shouldn’t. You wouldn’t want anyone else around worrying about you. Surely you’ve made friends here who wouldn’t like to see you go.” Ray beamed. “You – like it here?” he questioned.
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The exact date had caused Clara to raise a brow, not having expected such a detailed response, but also not at all complaining about it. His later details only caused a strange light to actually flicker in her gaze, though she was certain she was meant to look... a lot less enthused by it, she couldn’t help herself. “I don’t know if disappointed is the right word... maybe... awkward,” she settled with, particularly because Clara had no intentions of hurting herself... or anyone else, but she liked to make it sound otherwise, at the very least. “Do you have anymore fun stories for me, grandpa?” Her words were teasing, as she moved closer to him. “I have made a few friends, I guess.” With an all too casual shrug, she hummed in agreement. “You don’t have to worry about too much around this place. It’s much nicer than my apartment was, anyway.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
“You wanna help me try next time? I wouldn’t be opposed. Could be hot,” he said with a shrug and a smirk, tilting his head to the side as he considered the thought. It was difficult to be afraid of anything when seemingly nothing bad could happen to you - nothing besides being trapped in a large house with no end in sight. “Really,” he confirmed with a sad nod. “It is sad, because you are one of the prettier ones here, and much less boring too,” he mused. “What exactly am I missing out on?” The question was out of curiosity more than anything; he didn’t actually believe he was missing out on anything at all. He was interested in hearing if she thought otherwise, however. “Oh, the usual,” he said casually, another shrug rolling off of his shoulders. He stepped closer to her as she dragged the side of the blade against her finger, a faint smirk still on his face. “Depends on how you do it, obviously, but if it’s in such a way that blood would be involved… you can bet there’d be lots of it. Learned that the hard way and blood stains so easily,” he said, annoyed at the thought. 
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“Have you fantasized about hot girls murdering you before? Because it’s really starting to sound like it, dad,” she teased, “but maybe I will help you try. Maybe I won’t. The uncertainty makes it even hotter, don’t you think?” Clara had never been one to fear much. She liked power in everything. It stemmed from high school and... eventually, clearly, got a little out of control. “One of the prettier ones?” That was what had bothered her the most, squinting at him in annoyance. “You take that back, or you will be finding out just how sharp this blade really is.” Her threat seemed weak, all things considered - they were already discussing her killing him. “What are you missing out on?” She echoed his question as she pushed herself onto the counter, rolling her eyes, rather dramatically. “I’d tell you, but you’re my dad, so it’d be terribly strange to get into intimate details with you,” she joked, taking far too much enjoyment out of the fact that he was, technically, much older than her. Still, she looked over at him as she lifted the knife to her lips, sliding her tongue against the back, a smirk pulling onto her lips as she reached the sharp point. “... oh, good,” she finally said, “even better. You can remember our fun times together for... the rest of eternity, I suppose.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
Being here a week, BB had tried everything to comunicate with the outside world. Texting, phone calls, email, twitter, tumblr, discord, steam, youtube comments, facebook, everything. By this point, BB was going insane.
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BB screamed, getting off of her bed and running into the hallway. She kept running, unaware of how ridiculous her actions looked at this moment. When she reached the end of the hallway, she gripped the flower vase on the end table and smashed it into the wall. Then, she turned around to continue running down the hallway when she slips on the water in the vase and falls on her back.
Luckily, she didn’t fall on any of the glass, but her meltdown was interrupted. She sighed and groaned before she noticed someone standing above her.
“S-sorry,” she apologized.
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Maybe it was rude of Clara to be so judgmental. She’d never had a breakdown when she realized she was stuck. Merely she began to question everyone and eventually accept her fate. Maybe she was a little disappointed that she was missing out on death and destruction that happened outside of the walls, which might be the thing she missed the most, strangely enough, but she’d made a list of pros and cons, and this certainly seemed the most ideal. “You alright, honey?” She still looked... rather squinty eyed, as she held a hand out to help the other up. “Word of advice, making a mess of the house isn’t going to help. The ghosts won’t to be fond of you, and then sleep? Impossible.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
“Uh… it’s safer?” came the suggestion, though it was still a bit hesitant, Clara someone who always put him on edge almost immediately, though he somehow had too much faith in people to have realized it was on purpose yet. “… uh… somehow I’m not sure that’s a good idea? It might end up in people being really mad at you.” His eyes were still uncomfortably shifting to the knife she was holding. Her kneeling by him and questioning him only served to make Alistair even more nervous looking. “I was… the couch,” he commented, gesturing to it vaguely. “I think it’s a slightly different color than it was last week. Or… or I’m in the wrong room. Maybe….”
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“Since when was safer the better option? If either of us had played it safe, we wouldn’t have met. How sad would that be?” She frowned, tilting her head to the side in questioning before letting out another quiet laugh. “They wouldn’t know... unless you told on me. You wouldn’t tell on me, would you? That wouldn’t be very nice of you, and I thought we were friends.” She clicked her tongue, letting out a quiet laugh at his gaze focused on the knife in her hand. “You were the couch?” She echoed his words with amusement. “I think you’re in the wrong room. Unless the house has started to make a few redecorations... let’s be honest, it needs it.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
You weren’t the one for me But deep down I wanted you to be
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
Sitting at the far end of the table, a book in her hand, she was planning on ignoring the blonde. She’d keep to her side and vise versa. But her hopes had diminished as the other spoke up. With a quiet sigh, Lennon placed the book down on the table and gave the other girl her attention. Albeit, with a bored expression. When it seemed the she was done speaking, Lennon raised her brows finally and spoke, “do you just always casually carry a knife around?” 
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The reaction from the other had caused Clara to narrow her gaze, peering over at her before wondering if it was worth responding. The boredom from the girl wasn’t of much interest to her, but finally, she let out a quiet hum. “Not always. What if I fell? A terribly pathetic fate that would be, and I’d like to go out in much more dramatic terms. I’d suggest carrying one around yourself, but that look of yours is unapproachable enough as is. Cute, though.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
The touch made Sylvie’s head shoot up a bit, a nervous laugh falling from her lips. “I wouldn’t really… know. It’s not something I ask about usually.” She seemed almost apologetic for not knowing the answer, despite also being aware that it would have been too weird for her to have ever asked anyone about. “Oh! That’s why you have the knife?” Sylvie seemed relieved by that piece of information, perking up at least when the conversation moved to something less intimidating for her. “I… I’ll be honest, I’m not much of a cook, but I can try?”
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“Why not? What do you normally think about around this place?” She tilted her head to the side, frowning a bit and, very reluctantly, taking a step back. “... sure. That’s why I have the knife.” Though, the quick wink that followed made that assurance all too questionable. Then, she was leaning down again. “Oh, I’m not, either,” she whispered, taking a slow step back. “... but we can figure something out, right? A pasta seems... simple enough.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
‘‘So, you are telling me there’s literally no way to get out of this shithole?’‘ He asked with furrowed brows to the person in front of him. Chris was still confused. He had only been in the house for 24 hours and still didn’t comprehend how he was now stuck in the house forever. ‘‘No, that can’t be true. Are you sure you’ve tried everything?’‘ He asked, getting visibly impatient and choosing to believe the other person was just being incompetent instead of acknowledging the supernatural. ‘‘Look, I’ll get myself out of this damn house one way or another, while you keep chilling around like you’re in a goddamn resort, you just wait’‘
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It was the same confusion Clara had seen since she got stuck. She hadn’t quite experienced it herself - she was definitely a little too accepting of the fact. Maybe that said something about the life she lived outside of the house, however. “... it is kind of like a resort. Why would you want to leave so soon? You don’t have to work or pay for anything. It’s rather lovely. The ghosts can be a little touchy feel-y, but, hey, after seeing the same faces for so long? I’m not going to complain.” She smiled at the newcomer, tilting her head to the side. “It is always nice to see a new pretty face, however. I might like it a little more if you looked a little less... annoyed.” She pouted, then, falling back onto the couch. “If you find a way to get out, though, please let me know? Just to kill my curiosity.”
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claraswensons-blog ¡ 7 years
Open Starter
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Shiloh had discovered the library a while ago but it always gave him a strange feeling. Today though, he was determined to explore. It was odd to find modern books on the shelves, though he figured that must work the same way the pantry did. He chuckled as his own book he’d written sat there in the mystery section. Hearing a noise behind him he shouted and spun around, accidentally throwing the book in his hand in the general direction of the sound.
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“Boo.” Clara threw her arms out, wiggling her fingers as he yelled in reaction to her appearance. She wasn’t sure why she was in the library - it definitely wasn’t a place of hang out for her, but seeing the same walls and rooms every day, it was nice to switch it up every now and then. She hadn’t even been intending to scare him, surprisingly, so suddenly she was fumbling with her bag, pulling her camera out with a raised brow. “Can we do that again?” She tilted her head to the side, smiling a bit. “Definitely with the book throwing.”
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