I will forever and always be salty about Bellarke 
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4.06 // 6.01   ↳ requested by @traitorwhoyoulove
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When @the100writers make for a really confused and contradictory bunch:
Shauna Benson in 2015: Mount Weather was kind of like Nazi Germany.
Jason Rothenberg in 2020: When we made Clarke murder Bellamy, it’s because we wanted to make the audience see Clarke as a villain and relate to Mount Weather people.
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Some clexa shippers were happy just to see Lexa again, even if it wasn't really Lexa. Just the same way a Bellamy fan would have been excited if he appeared for Raven, even though it wouldn't actually be Bellamy.
Others of us are upset in part because of the queerbaiting JR has done throughout the entire show regarding Lexa and clexa but also because watching t100 and seeing clexa again brought up too many bad memories from 307. It's a unique pain to see a gay girl be killed by her overly controlling, religious father figure directly after sleeping with another girl, directly after realizing that love isn't weakness (the narrative decision to give that mindset to lexa specifically was also a concerning one).
And for some of us we already knew that they were soulmates, and for others this was a confirmation of that. There's a lot of mixed feelings around it.
Also to add onto my ask about the reaction of clexa shippers, most of us haven't watched since 307 and even fewer have watched past S3
CL shippers feelings about CL and Lxa are all valid.
They deserve to feel like JR did them dirty because he did. 
And I’m sorry but putting her in at the last minute does NOT make up for it and it also does not give them endgame. 
I don’t think of them as soulmates because, well, I think of Bellarke as soulmates. Unless I consider soulmates to be a thing that can happen with multiple people, not just “the one and only true love” which actually is what I do believe. So in that case they are. Even if not endgame. 
There should never be any doubt that they loved. 
And we should also consider the way they strung the CL community along for years afterwards. They killed Lxa and the flame about a half a dozen times. 
The CL crowing about L as endgame or true love or whatever, doesn’t seem to be about Lxa or CL to me. It’s about telling Bellarkers to go fuck themselves. It’s about declaring CL as winning the shipwars and Bellarke as nothing, which if y’all DID watch the rest of the show, you’d know is false, and JR screwed Bellarkers over just as much as he screwed CL’s over. L at least got a good death where there was resonance and emotion and she, like, got to be grieved and had a funeral and she got to come back, in reality, to save the day and even later, we got to see her and people talked about how important she was and how much she was beloved.
And Bellamy, the male lead just....
His death scene lasted like 30 seconds. No one grieved. He got no extended mortality although Sheidheda was just as mortally wounded and survived. They brought people who died (emori) back to life, but created rules about why Bellamy couldn’t. It was reinforced for FOUR YEARS that Clarke loved lexa, but never once said at all outloud with Bellamy, even though the narrative reinforced again and again that she loved him, needed him, he kept her sane, etc.
JR callously and thoughtlessly killed of Lxa for drama.
JR maliciously and vindictively killed of Bellamy and then erased him, with no drama. No deathbed confession, no ceremony, no funeral, no statement of “oh but I loved him,” although that would not have changed his story, instead he reinforced again and again that he was “just” her bestfriend, after YEARS of calling him her soulmate. That was a DIRECT choice to strike at the Bellarke fandom.
He felt sorry for what he did to you guys. He gave you an edited love confession in the COL, and then a whole scene in s4 where she told her mom she loved her. And pictures and memories and references. AND HE ERASED BELLAMY COMPLETELY. 
And if people are upset about social injustice of the Dead Lesbian trope, for righteous reasons, shouldn’t they also be upset about the discarding of a MOC lead as if he wasn’t even important enough to give a decent send off? 
Your CL fandom shouldn’t be having a party about endgame CL or whatever. Y’all should be just as mad at the manipulation and baiting of this end as we are.
You got a sparkly purple Lxa. Or rather, you got a sparkly purple magic god alien dressed up in a Lxa skin. JR had Gabriel SHOOT the flame, or he could have brought back ALL the commanders on that beach, since emori was brought back from the minddrive. He COULD have given CL a real endgame, but he didn’t. 
But CLs see sparkly purple Fake Lxa and they feel like they won.
NONE of us won. He screwed us all over.
Except for Memori fans. That was shipperific. They got a good ending. They even stuck Hope and Jordan and Octavia and Levitt together totally unearned.  Oh look, love WAS okay, for THEM. 
But not for Clarke. Not for Bellamy. And NOT for lxa. 
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You know what s7 of The 100 lacked?
Heart. It lacked heart.
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It's interesting how in season 3 the message was clear that humanity shouldn't go to a digital world where they feel no pain and the city of light was shut down, but now it's essentially back with transcendence and that's a happy ending
That’s what i’m saying.
the story just reversed in its tracks and made clarke the villain and bellamy irrelevant for no reason. 
they stopped telling their story.
it’s like they wanted to be done and they wanted to screw over the people who annoyed them on their way out the door.
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#He didn’t stick the landing. #He floated himself.
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this makes my blood boil the person next to Clarke in the last picture is supposed to be Bellamy. It is so obvious it’s like Jason is rubbing it in our faces.
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Talking to you, everyday, even though you didn’t answer, it kept me sane.
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To those still watching The 100 and providing updates in the tags for the rest of us who just can’t stomach what the show has become, but self-torturously need to know how this whole garbage train implodes for the sake of closure - thank you. That’s a damn public service.
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-don’t worry imma be here-
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I’m having GOT flashbacks of “what was the point?” What was the point of all the laid down plot of the mains’ journeys? What we were supposed to take away aside from JR is a petty a-hole?
I honestly can’t tell you until I get to the end of the show and see how it’s all tied up or left hanging.
It’s not looking good right now, but I can’t tell you what the point is until I see the end. 
After it’s over I’ll be able to go back over and see how it failed or succeeded in its aims. Right now it looks to me as if they were going in one direction until the end of season 6 then scrapped the Bellamy, Clarke and Bellarke main character, hero’s journey, the head and the heart, together, Monty’s “be the good guys, live a good life,” and love is not a weakness it’s a strength.
If they did it to spite Bob, who needed time off, so screwed over his character they made a huge mistake, because it doesn’t reflect on BOB. Bob’s an actor, he does his job with the characters the show runner makes. Ruining the character by brainwashing him is a TERRIBLE story. It just tossed out THE HEART OF THE STORY. Bellamy was canonically THE HEART, and they cut out the heart so the rest of the story is without that beating heart keeping it going. 
Huh. Jackson is keeping Emori alive by pumping her heart (not sure that’s how that works medically but that’s what they’re saying on the show) to keep her blood circulating. Right now, The Heart, Bellamy, is dead, while The Head, Clarke, is stumbling around, basically non functional, on life support herself.
That feels like a metaphor but I don’t know where they’re going with it. 
If they don’t find a way to connect Clarke back to the Heart, Bellamy, they will have not only ruined Bellamy’s character but also Clarke, and the backbone of the story which will not be able to stand on its own. 
This is the most asinine ending I’ve ever seen. By his own definition, Bellamy is the heart and the relationship between Clarke and Bellamy is the backbone of the story and The 100. He killed the heart and ripped out the backbone.
I still care about Emori’s story and Madi’s story (wtf!!!) and how Murphy and Raven and Octavia and Clarke will manage to stop fucking Cadogan who is just goddamn stupid. 
It feels like they’re flailing trying to find an ending that pulls it all together without the main point of the story.
So Cadogan is a JR insert? He loves his daughter (Clarke) and hates his son (Bellamy) and sacrifices one, while pursuing the other into the destruction of his entire universe? 
Anyway. I’ll be doing more analysis next week after we see how he attempts to rescue this mess. 
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Clarke was a role model for me to some extent. I saw parts of myself in her and I trusted her (/the show) to show me what it meant to be a good person “the good guy” and I felt like she and Bellamy were well on their way to finally achieving that (WHILE ALSO showing us what it would mean to live a good life -as per Monty’s wishes) and the show just threw that out of the window? Without blinking? Without giving it any thought at all to what that would mean for fans? What am I supposed to think now?
And while it may be a bit dramatic to look for a role model in a tv-show -I will admit to that- I feel betrayed by the show. By ruining one of my favorite characters for me.
What I want to know now is what went down between Jason and Eliza. Clarke, our hero, had been completely sidelined this season. She's got no agency, no influence on the situation and she'd been devolving since the moment she attacked Russell in Sanctum.
And to add insult to injury, Eliza had been given some horrible, cruel or plainly badly written scenes to act. What had transpired that they started treating her like this?
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Dozens of NYC Subway riders, fresh off a Robyn concert, singing “Dancing On My Own” while waiting for the E train. (Video by Triszh Hermogenes) 
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You know what hurts the most about all of this? I thought Clarke staying behind was gonna be a good thing.. I thought they were gonna, literally, kiss and make up
Never in a million years did I imagine this would be the end of Bellarke. They really took one of Bellarkes most beautiful moments: "when the head stops telling the heart to beat, it's over" -and tainted it forever
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#yall ain’t slick
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Echo: I’m not switching sides
Bellamy: aight but you’re making a mistake and will probs die
Clarke: I’m not switching sides
Bellamy, tears in his eyes: please baby-
Clarke: no
Bellamy, voice rising in desperation: bUT YOU HAVE TO
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I'm watching Bellarke's story (the really long 3 hour season one to six one) and it's so amazing because just with their scenes we can completely understand the story. They're the center of the whole thing 💛
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